themalcolmwise · 2 years
paisley stares at the man who she thought she was going to be with for the rest of their lives not that long ago–a few years, give or take, until part of her, for some reason, just thought that it wasn’t going to work, that she was always meant to be alone, something she has been used to for years after she left windsor and had a life of her own, until laurel came, and had become paisley’s life. but at the same time, she is a part of malcolm too. whether she liked it or not, she’ll always be reminded of him through her eyes. “a drink is a drink, malcolm.” she gives him a shrug, her expression so neutral as she takes a sip of her drink. “thought you were still on shift?”
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It still hurt a little when he saw her, even though it had been years now since they broke up. Maybe it was because he still didn’t really know why they did. Maybe it was because, in his vision, she was still the woman he would retire with one day. He tried not to let his feelings get in the way of their ability to co-parent, but it was hard. “I guess,” he shrugged, lifting his own up and taking a sip. He shook his head at her question. “H got in early and there were no more routines in so I was able to get out a little early for once,” Malc leaned against the bar a little. “I heard it was pretty rough down in ER today... You good?”
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themalcolmwise · 2 years
“yeah, unless you hate yourself on that level. i would support you in getting that poison cocktail.” a mischievous grin formed on the woman’s features as she takes a sip of her drink. “well… you can say that. this part of town can definitely know you’re a newcomer… and they also know how to give you a warm welcome.” she responds, remembering exactly what had happened here during her first night.
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“Yeah, luckily I don’t think I’m quite at that level of self hatred yet,” he chuckled before thanking and paying the bartender for his beer. “Oh shit, you just moved here, huh?” Malc rose his eyebrows a little - it was hard enough only having lived here a few years with everything going on at the moment, let alone just arriving to town. “How come you’re not running for the next town over yet?” He asked, unable to contain his curiosity. 
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themalcolmwise · 2 years
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hye-jin figured she deserved a good glass of cheap beer after working overtime at spirits. as soon as she got into the place, she had already noticed a group of people who seemed to be selling something to those who already had a couple of drinks. good tactic, she thought. she sighs, then headed straight to the bar area and was greeted by the bartender who recognized her. one could tell she had been here a couple of times before, as she seemed to memorize the menu like the back of her hand.
“bad choice. those guys hate making that shitty cocktail you’re about to order. they might even put poison with it if you do.” she whispered to the next person, then looked towards the bartender who didn’t hear her. “tastes awful too. the only thing good in that menu is… their mojito.” the suggestion slipped out of her mouth, then offered a friendly smile to the bartender to just returned with her beer.
x @chwenotchoi​
Malcolm was browsing the cocktail menu, which honestly made him laugh a little because this did not seem like the place to have such a menu. He’d obviously paused on the martini for too long, the woman next to him chiming in to save him. “Oh,” he laughed. “Yeah, nah, I think if you order a cocktail in a place like this you got what’s coming for you,” he smiled as he closed the menu, sliding it back between the coasters before ordering “just a beer please.” After the bartender went off to pull the pint, he turned back to her. “So what? You’ve tried everything on the menu then? If you know the only good thing is the mojito?”
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themalcolmwise · 2 years
open to: everyone! @nightreststarters​ location: any bar
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twelve-hour shifts at the hospital felt like forever for paisley, and she was just relieved that it was already over, given the amount of emergencies they had to respond to for the past couple of weeks now. not that she didn’t like what she does, of course, she loved it with her soul, it was the reason she left home, yet it could be a little bit tiring at times. she then decided to head to the bar, relax for a little before coming back home, to her daughter. the doctor’s thoughts were immediately interrupted by someone close by has been staring at her. she simply couldn’t put her finger on what vibe the other has been emanating. “if being subtle is the game, you surely are failing at that.” she just simply said, as she takes a swig of her drink.  
It was a set in stone routine for Malcolm to finish his shift and then go for a drink at Deadlights. It wasn’t necessarily that he needed the alcohol, but that going straight home from the hospital always felt like there was no break - no time for him. He had clocked Pais coming in, her order going through his mind before she even spoke it to the bartender. Honestly, he didn’t even realise he was staring at her until she said something. “Oh, no, just er-- figured Queen’s or Spirits would be more up your speed,” he remarked, glancing around the beat up dive bar.
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themalcolmwise · 2 years
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JESSE WILLIAMS as Jackson Avery in GREYS ANATOMY → 19x05 “When I Get to the Border” dir. Jesse Williams
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themalcolmwise · 2 years
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[ jesse williams, cis male, he/him ] - was that MALCOLM WISE i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the THIRTY NINE year old who has been in nightrest for THREE AND A HALF YEARS and works as a SURGEON has a reputation of being INCLUSIVE, but also SENSITIVE. they reside in ASHMORE & people in town usually associate them with TIRED EYES, BLACK COFFEE AND A CONSTANT AIRPOD IN ONE EAR. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next.
 bullet intro below !
Malcolm had an unconventional start to life considering he ended up going to medical school. His Mom and Dad were both addicts, and while they made sure he was alive in his infant years, from about age 10 he really just raised himself.
He was determined to be more than his parents were, not because they were addicts, he understood that addiction was a disease, not something to be ashamed of, but better in the sense that they did nothing to help themselves. Nothing to help him. 
So, he took every free class he could while he was in school, and took every extra curricular possible. But, even with all that, he didn’t get into school for three years after graduating.
In those three years, he had to somehow feed himself, and in his first year of adulthood, he lost both parents to overdoses pretty much back to back, so he then had to figure a way to have a roof over his head.
He worked around the late night diners in New York because they were quiet enough he could study between customers. He was going to school - every year he’d apply until they accepted him. Everything has its time - that was what he used to tell himself.
But, late night diners don’t cover bills in NYC, and it was in one he met Nicola for the first time. They grew quite close, quite quickly, and Malc ended up using her connections to make some less-than-legal money. Of course, he stayed an arms-length away from everything though, sure not to let it mess with his aspirations.
Eventually, everything paid off, and he got a full ride into Columbia. But, he still needed to live so he maintained his connections with Nicola, and overtime they became incredibly close, so much so that when she took her revenge and needed somewhere to lay low and obviously heal up from her almost life threatening injuries, he took her in and took care of her.
Malc, obviously, was determined to graduate top of his med class, and that was exactly what happened. But, there were no placements available in NYC, so he was forced to move up to Boston.
He lived in the city for a while but it was expensive, and junior doctors are not paid well despite the hours they do, so he moved a little way out, to Nightrest.
After a couple years, he was asked to go to Salem Hospital to do a residency program and it was there he met Paisley. They quickly hit it off, and sooner rather than later ended up hooking up and then just kind of stayed together.
They both climbed the hospital ranks quickly, him in the surgery team, her in ER. He thought everything was going fine, until one day she broke up with him, and he’s still not entirely sure why. 
Then she was pregnant, and throughout the 9 months he questioned whether it was his, until she was born and immediately he knew it was. But, she wasn’t enough to save their relationship.
He’s tried over the last 3 years to piece together why she left, but every time he brings it up, she avoids the questions and moves the conversation on, or just leaves. He’ll be amicable with her though - for their child.
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