themainmeerkat · 3 years
my nephew, who is like 11 or 12, is playing “5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel”, which is exactly what it says on the tin, and I have never been more terrified of the youth of today
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themainmeerkat · 4 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
*schlorp* OHOHOHO *shklump* AHAHAHA
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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This is so wholesome
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
Erika Vikman is a queen
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
*kuuntelee cicciolinaa repeatilla hyvin katkerana*
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
kitchen nightmares is such a funny show cus these ppl are like we NEED gordon ramsay to save our business and hes like the issue is the foods bad and theyre like how fucking dare you come into my house and insult me you’re an idiot and you don’t know anything and i’m going to kill you
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
peruskoulu ja lukio: tiettyjen oppiaineiden ja kurssien oppitunnit on aina samassa luokassa. luokkien infrastruktuuri ja välineistö on räätälöity spesifin aineen erityistarpeisiin ja vaatimuksiin.
yliopisto: kurssin x luento oli viime viikolla siivouskopissa, tällä viikolla vessassa. kurssilla on 43 osallistujaa? tough shit, saatte salin jossa on 11 istumapaikkaa. samaan tilaan on buukattu ristiin oikeuslääketieteen seminaari ja varhaiskasvatuksen luento. puolet luennosta kuluu siihen että äänentoisto saadaan toimimaan. projektori räjähtää kesken powerpoint-esityksen. homeitiöillä on ikuinen opinto-oikeus.
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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Joulu on yhteinen kokemus
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
finish this sentence: im gonna f
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
me: *never studies*
me: what the FUCK srsly like who the fuck is making these exams we never even went over this its like they makin us fail on PURPOSE the school system is so fucked up smh......
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themainmeerkat · 5 years
me: oh ™ god i have so much to do
also me: [wanders the house in a black turtleneck and silk underwear, drinking merlot and listening to hozier whilst weighing the pros and cons of becoming a feral woman of the woods]
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