The Moth Prince's Grimoire
196 posts
My main got too much about memes so now I'm putting my witchy stuff here! Expect pop culture paganism, spells,and anything witchcraft/paganism related. This blog is mostly a reference for myself but please enjoy yourself!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Draconic Witchcraft Masterpost
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Updated June 2016
This is a master list of articles about draconic witchcraft. As always use what works for you and discard the rest. I will be adding to it over time, as I write and find more that I like. I’ll reblog it as I make additions to the original.
My Articles:
Addressing a Dragon
Dangers of Draconic Witchcraft
Dragon Evocation
Dragon Offerings
Astral Projection 101
Other Sources:
Astral and Communication Stuffs
Calling A Dragon Companion
Dragon Oil Basic Tips (an ask) Bonding With A Dragon Spirit
Calling a Dragon
Sylvaetria’s Dragon Masterpost
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Housewarming Magic
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For when you’ve moved into a new living situation or are ready for a new start <3
Room cleansing
To absorb negative energy from a room
Summer house cleansing
Herbal wall/floor wash + witchy cleaners
Home cleansing tips
Home cleansing brew
Thoroughly clearing spaces
Crystals to cleanse the home
Cleansing your space without smoke
Cleansing your space: a how-to guide
Energy cleansing
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
Warding + Protection:
A crash course on warding
To ward the home
Threshold magic 101
House claiming and warding
Protect my home spell
Home protection steam spell
Simple home protection jar spell
“Little lurkers” home protection spell
Room/home protection
Check out the sigils below!
“For a magical and happy home”
“This space is full of life, light, and bright energy”
“I have a clean living space”
“No fighting in this home”
“My home is safe”
“This home is safe for all”
“This home is a safe and healthy environment”
“My house is protected from unwanted influences”
“My home is protected”
Witchin’ it up:
Happy home spell jar
Home sweet home spell jar
House to home spell
Doing the dishes the witchy way
Homemade laundry detergent recipe
Laundry magic
Pleasing household spirits
When a bad guest leaves
Building a magical home
Odds and ends:
The witch’s moving checklist
Magic, and power, in homemaking
The history and creation of witch bottles
Cottage witch tips
Hearth witch tips
The basics of kitchen and cottage witchcraft
You may also like:
Bedridden witch: garden / stale energy / kitchen edition
Spells for job seekers
Travel witchery
Links updated August, 2020 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
There is no Universal Substitute.
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Not rosemary, not clear quartz, nothing. This is such a harmful mindset and I’m going to explain why.
Why do we use ingredients at all?
A spell, at its most basic and general sense, is combining intent with mundane action in order to affect something bigger than the sum of its parts. On a sliding scale between mundane action, where everything is a really measurable cause and affect (like working for a paycheck) and a wish where no other action is taken, witchcraft and spellwork falls kind of in the middle. When we do a spell for money, we’re doing something with the intent to cause real change, but it’s not something we can directly observe working. Having the action here be very measured and deliberate is a big part of what distinguishes it from an elaborate wish, or just putting stuff in a jar because it’s pretty.
So we have our recipe! And in these recipes, every ingredient has a specific purpose and role to play. A spell is made by the precise aligning of our energy with the energy of what we’re doing.
So, do spell ingredients matter?
Yes. They didn’t just get their associations from nowhere, they’ve been supported by various cultures and traditions for generations, and I like to have faith that our Ancestors stuck with it because something about it worked. Our personal associations can also play an influential factor, but we could argue that’s because our personal energy from it is overpowering any conflicting energies/contributing more than the ingredient itself. It still plays an important role in the spell, but the way it might be working is notably different.
Magic is like cooking.
Every ingredient plays a specific role in forming the spell, just like every ingredient has a reason for being in a recipe. Just like in a kitchen, different ingredients can be used for different things, depending on what you’re making. I might use half a lemon to bring out the flavor of my sauce, squeeze a few teaspoons into my meringue cookie recipe to make it more acidic so that the texture is right, then use the rest to make lemonade. All of those have entirely different functions in the recipe, and would each require a different type of substitution. It’s the classic cartoon gag of getting your salt and your sugar mixed up because they’re both white powder or putting tomatoes in a fruit salad.
Can you swap out salt for any seasoning in the kitchen? Swap out strawberries for any fruit and pie crust for any dough? Of course you can’t, at least not for everything you’ll ever make. Because every ingredient has a specific function and if the ingredient you’re swapping can’t fill the hole you’re making, then it’s just putting tomatoes in a fruit salad. 
In the same vein, rosemary can’t fill the role of every herb in every spell, nor can clear quartz with any crystal, rose with any flower, etc. They may work for many things, but…
It’s a harmful mindset for magic. 
Whenever we say something is a universal substitute, it means we never have to think about the role any ingredient plays in anything ever again. Instead of our ingredients being “something to create healing energy” and “something to augment and focus that energy” we stagnate with “crystal” and “herb,” and the original intent of those ingredients was never “crystal + herb = results.” The materials were picked for a reason. There’s no reason to look into why or how things work, which means there’s no way for us to look critically at our spells for ways to improve. If the ingredients and the ways we use them don’t matter, then there’s no way for them to work against us, and any failure must be because we didn’t “believe” hard enough or “couldn’t raise enough energy.” That sounds like a great way to feel horrible about yourself for no reason. 
There’s also probably something to say about how all of the “universal” ingredients are things that are already everywhere and easily accessible in the white upper middle class new age scene. Nobody ever talks about the magical potency of “ethnic” foods, even their staple ingredients. Certainly not in a way where they’re supposedly universal for everyone. 
What if I can’t find a substitute, then?
You probably can, it just might take more sweat than you intended. If you’re REALLY in a jam, restriction breeds creativity. Going back to the lemon example: if I don’t have lemons for my meringue cookies, I can also use cream of tartar. It’s a white powder that’s nothing like lemons and I never want to try cream-of-tartarnade, but it perfectly fits the bill for what this recipe needs. I actually prefer it. Explore and get creative. As long as you’re focusing on the FUNCTION of the ingredient in the spell, it won’t lead you wrong. 
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Come Hell or Highwater Spell 🌊
a spell to prepare you for difficult times ahead, and give you the power to rise. 
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🌊  gather: a jar, twine, high tide sea water, honeysuckle, lavender, lime peel, black salt, wax, and a self representative object.
🌊  prepare and dry the herbs, in the oven or naturally
🌊  charge with personal energy, and add the representative object  
🌊  ring the jar’s lid with black salt and seal thoroughly with wax, bind bottleneck with twine, secure with a strong knot. 
🌊  go to the beach when the water is at high tide, hold the bottle in the water as it comes in, letting the waves wash over it. while doing this, chant:
“come hell or high water i rise with the tide this time and after the sea will be on my side.”
🌊  do not litter the bottle in the water, take it back with you, keep in case you need to perform the ritual again. 
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Antisemitism in Witchy Spaces
I decided to start writing down every time I saw/experienced something in hopes that it will help shed light on some specific stuff Jewitches go through. My hope is that people will see antisemitism as a community-wide issue and not the fault of just a few individuals. We all play a part in making it better.
Facebook Witch Group: post is made by a user with a profile picture of a clear nazi swastika. After being notified, admin declares the user is allowed to stay because the group is a “judgement free zone.”
Facebook Witch Group: Jewitch witches were assumed white by default and pitted against other groups, as if Jewish people are leveraging their identity to “play up” their own oppression and undermine others. Many openly Jewish witches are harassed out of the group.
A witchy discord group implements a rule that outlaws all mention of all closed practices (including Judaism) “to protect from appropriation,” even if the person has legitimate claim to the practice. When I pointed out this basically forced me into hiding, admin says, “you can be Jewish. Just not here.”
A user identified themselves as a Kabbalist. Later in the discussion, they were surprised to learn Kabbalah was Jewish in origin, admitted they didn’t know a single Jewish person in real life, and argued that Kabbalah couldn’t be that bad because Arianna Grande also used it. (”Are you saying she’s wrong too??”)
Another user is called out for appropriating Kabbalah and proceeds to sling antisemitic jokes until they are banned.
Just. So many more people appropriating Kabbalah and just becoming really nasty towards any Jewish person that expresses discomfort. (Including one person that even gave themselves a Hebrew username)
A group of users too big to argue with talking about how amaaaazing working with Lilith is. A few Jewish folks respectfully ask them to be mindful of her origins. They’re not given attention. (Or what attention they are given is only to debate her origin.)
Discord server has rooms for every major subcategory of Paganism and one room for “Abrahamic.” Christian witches completely dominate the conversation.
I mention on my blog that I am a proud Jewish person. One of the comments shortly after is “go be Jewish in Israel.”
A Nazi sympathizer joins a Discord group, reveals themselves, is banned, and proceeds to try and join again over and over again through different accounts.
I’m checking my blog activity and see a nazi witchy blog had gone through my blogged and liked a ton of stuff so I’d be sure to see their username (they did this to other notable tumblr blogs as well.) Looking at their bio revealed their agenda of proving Nazis “weren’t all bad,” and their dash included an open invite to a holocaust denial discord server.
A tumblr thread gets big of a bunch of witches arguing to cancel the word Sabbat because of supposed antisemitic origins. Jewish people chime in to insist that we really don’t give a shit about Wiccans using the word Sabbat, and not to speak over Jewish people and declare what we’re offended by. Tumblr arguments ensue.
I get “called out” for baking challah. That’s not antisemitism but it made me laugh really hard. (It’s okay for goyim to bake bread, obviously. Just don’t be weird about it.)
“High magic” and ceremonial practitioners ignoring or brushing off their tradition’s origin in blatant appropriation.
A user shares a magical chant to a group for everyone to use. The chant is in Hebrew. It includes a name of Gd. They didn’t realize that was a part of it.
Another discord group asserts in the rules that members of closed cultures may be openly themselves and discuss their craft, but not in an educational way. A mod practices exclusively Hermetic Kabbalah. I don’t have the strength to get into it. (Thankfully we had an actually decent discussion but it still made me feel kinda shitty.) 
Everyone is free to reblog. Jewish witches, please feel free to add your own experiences! 
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Hi! You gave some awsome advice on tarot cards. Do you have anything on pendulums, Im getting one and havent a clue how to use it...
As with the tarot tips, I will do my best! (I’m glad you enjoyed the tarot one!) 
*disclaimer: this is based on how I use my pendulum (IDK why but I feel this is necessary) 
What is a pendulum?
Honestly, literally anything. At least, anything that’s dangling on a string  or chain and is slightly heavy on one end so it will swing. I’ve seen people use needle and thread. I personally have used my apple charger (though it was tough as shit cos its so stiff), and my car keys (also hard to use because they were so bulky. do not recommend). So yeah, anything. I started off with necklaces. You’ll see a lot of witches who have fancy gems on chains (I’m guilty of such) but they aren’t necessary. 
What can you use a pendulum for?
The easiest way to use a pendulum is for yes/ no questions, or when you have two options and need to decide between the two. However, you can create a pendulum board like the one below. I’ve also just sat there and held the pendulum and said “Hey, swing when I get to the right letter” and started spelling, though that’s long and tedious. Pendulums can also be used to help you find objects. One of my favorite ‘games’ with my deities is to try and sense their energy and guess where they are before having my pendulum swing to where they are in the room. You can use a similar method to find lost objects. 
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How to hold a pendulum
to use a pendulum, hold it in your hand with the heavy side pointing down. It’s best to anchor your elbow and keep your hand as steady as possible. From there it’ll swing when its ready to respond. 
Programing a Pendulum
Each pendulum varies in how it gives responses. The first thing you want to do is ‘program’ it. For me, this looks like holding my pendulum as described above and asking it to show me yes. It’ll then swing, either back and forth or side to side. Then ask it to stop, and once it’s still, have it show you no. Again, this is typically either front/back or side to side. “maybe” or “I don’t know” is either a diagonal swing or a circle. Of course, if you’re using a pendulum board like above, the movements will be different. It’s a good idea to ‘program’ your pendulum and remember what each movement means. What’s ‘yes’ for me is actually ‘no’ for my friend and her pendulum. 
What to communicate with?
Same thing you would talk to using other divination methods. I use my pendulum to talk to my Deities when I need a quick answer, my spirit guide, my spirit companion, my thoughtforms. I’ve also used it to talk to my tarot cards, my crystals, etc. Like if I’m unsure if I should read a card in reverse, or if my cards are uncomfortable with a particular question, I’ll use my pendulum to find out. It’s faster than asking the cards. You can talk to any spirit, or tap into your higher unconscious (I’ve used a pendulum to decide what to eat for dinner before). I’ve used pendulums to figure out the names of spirits hanging around my favorite shop before. Generally, you can communicate with anything that gives off energy. Just be careful. Pendulums are like any other form of divination, you’re communicating with a spirit that might not be giving you an honest answer. 
How does it work?
this is probably important. As with spirit boards, the pendulum is channeling your energy to move. That, or the energy of the spirit. It depends on how strong the spirit is, or what you’re communicating with. If you want, you can light a candle to use as an energy source. (or some other methods of providing energy that exist. I prefer candles) 
Other Tips and Such
As I said earlier, pendulums can be anything really. You don’t need a fancy one with a crystal for the weighted end. I’m a huge fan of just pulling off my necklace in the middle of the store and getting a quick and dirty answer. However, if you want a crystal one, there are several on etsy, and many metaphysical shops have them. Take your time though, research stones, find one that goes with your energy and personality. Take time to find a pendulum you bond with. I wasn’t able to make anything move until I bonded with my amethyst pendulum. This won’t be the case for everyone.
Pendulums benefit from charging/ cleansing just like tarot cards or other forms of divination. Just make sure you’re doing so in a way that’s safe for the materials. Don’t cleanse with water if the chain could rust, or the crystal is water soluble. Don’t pass it through smoke if its on a ribbon or yarn, as it might catch fire. Make sure you take care of your friend! 
Ummmm…I think that’s all. I’ll probably remember a ton of stuff as soon as I hit publish.. 
If anyone wants to add anything please do! I try to be thorough but I’m only human. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
smudging is a native traditional ceremony and is not equivalent to smoke cleansing!!!!
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Ok, so I get a lot of shit for calling low level spells weaker or low level, so here's a guide to actually crafting powerful spells.
What you need to know right off the bat is that you're layering powers on each other, and if you draw on more powers, you generally get better results. Now, there is some level of balance to this, as doing too much can muddle the intent of your spell, but the "too much" threshold is going to be something you learn to use intuition to find for yourself.
So, let's begin! Here are components of your spells to layer on top of each other
The most basic, your ingredients: what are the correspondences of your oils, waters, herbs, candles, and stones?
The time you do it: what day are you doing it? What phase is the moon in? Where are the planets? What day of the week are you doing it?
Location: Are you doing it in the woods? Near a river? Can the light of the moon touch you? What cardinal direction are you facing?
Visualization: While I don't believe intent alone is the driving force behind all magical works, that doesn't mean mental pursuits during your spell work are worthless. Visualization can be an incredibly powerful layer in your spells. What does the magic you're controlling look like? What is it doing?
Who you call on: Will you petition deities, spirits, ancestors, or fae for power? How will you do this?
Symbols: What shapes are your stones? Did you use runes or alchemical symbols? Did you make a sigil? How are your symbols incorporated into the spell?
Energy: Where are you getting the power for the spell? Yourself? The earth? A charged crystal? The spirits you petitioned?
Repetition: How many times has this spell or ritual been done before? An old spell has a lot of power behind it due to the sheer amount of times it has been used. Additionally, how many times do you perform an action or speak an incantation in the spell?
Incantation: what are you saying? Are you speaking to an entity or the earth itself? What language is the incantation in? Is the language related to who or what you're petitioning or is it just the language it was first written in?
Numbers: How many ingredients are you using? How many times will you perform an action? How many crystals/flowers/spoonfuls/candles/etc will you use? Numbers have correspondences.
Colors: Colors have correspondences too. What color is your candle? Your ink?
Tools: What tools are you using? How have those tools been powered or charmed? What have you used them for previously? How old are they? What energies power them?
Traditions: What traditions are you using? Where did the correspondences you use come from? If you're mixing traditions, do those traditions mix well? I do some amount of brauchery, and it doesn't play well with other traditions.
Order: What order do you do things in your spell? Which way do you stir? Do you petition spirits before the spell or during it?
And finally: intent and will. Yes, I'm not a fan of this stuff because tumblr sees it as the end all, be all. However, your intent will guide the way the spell goes, and your willpower is going to get you through anything tricky. YOU have to have the power and knowledge to make the spell work. If you're in a place that is specifically yours (like your house) you have sovereignty and your willpower will decide whether or not entities in the area respect that sovereignty. I could talk for a long time on this but I won't because this passage isn't the whole point of the post
To conclude:
Hopefully this illustrates why a cup of tea isn't the greatest spell when it only includes ingredients and maybe some intent. I know I probably didn't get every component you can add to a spell, but hopefully I got most of it.
Hope this helps someone out there!
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Shoutout to disabled witches who can’t go for walks in nature because it’s inaccessible.
Shoutout to disabled witches who can’t ingest the food they make as offerings.
Shoutout to disabled witches who can’t garden and buy their herbs
Shoutout to disabled witches who can’t speak spells.
Shoutout to disabled witches who are on bedrest and can’t practice.
Shoutout to disabled witches who can’t make their own tools.
Shoutout to the witches in wheelchairs, with crutches, with walkers, canes, feeding tubes, central lines, ports, nonverbal, in the hospital, in bed, blind witches, Deaf witches, HoH witches, Shoutout to disabled witches.
No matter how you practice, you are valid, you are still a witch.
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Sun Oil
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🌞 to borrow the essence of the Sun. Can be used according to the associations of the Sun (energy, luck, happiness, warmth, luck, etc.)
• ingredients:
-saffron (wealth, warmth)
-bay leaf (cleansing, wards negativity)
-lemon and/or orange zest (energy, cleansing)
-lemon and/or orange seed (attract the Sun's energy)
-red pepper flakes (energy, heat)
-citrine (sunshine, joy, luck)
-red carnelian (Sun energy, physicality)
-glitter (optional; sunshine)
-petals of any yellow, orange, or red flower (optional)
• sunflower oil is best for this but you can use any oil you like!
• leave to charge in sunlight for a day
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
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Just in case anyone was confused
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Grounding With Other Elements
Sit in a body of water, a natural one or a bath. Feel where the water touches your skin. Find the line at the surface, where it touches you. Go around your whole body. Feel weightless.
Drink a glass of water, slowly and steadily. Feel it travel down your throat and into the rest of your body. Finish the glass.
Listen to the rain, the waves, the babbling brook. Feel the sound. Let it vibrate through you until your vibrations match.
Feel the wind on your face. Let the spread-out pieces of you be picked up by the wind, and pushed back to you. Let the wind carry the unnecessary stresses away. 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.
Take a word, sound, or phrase. Repeat it or sing it, find that pitch and speed that feels right.
Feel the heat from a fire, let it warm your bones.
You are a candle flame. Sit or stand tall. Let the excess energy burn up and out the top of your head like smoke. Flicker as needed.
Turn off the lights, light a candle. Watch its light flicker on the walls. Melt into the room.
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Bedridden witch: Elements edition
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Little ways to connect to the elements while you’re bedridden or stuck inside.
Keep jars of dirt from special places.
Grow cacti or succulents.
Make a mini sand garden.
Hang macrame with crystals or stones.
Keep a bouquet of flowers.
Hang herbs from your walls/ceiling.
Get a little plant starter kit, keep seedlings by your window.
Keep some books on plants and geology around.
Watch nature documentaries.
Keep pebbles and crystals under your pillow.
Make a miniature garden/landscape using fake or real plants!
Reach down and feel the energy of the earth below you. Sometimes this is easier on the floor.
Burn candles that smell like the earth/forest/your favorite place.
Drink herbal tea.
Get a mini waterfall or fountain.
Keep plants that grow in water.
Get a water essential oil diffuser.
Make a spray from infused water.
Open windows when it rains.
Set up a bird fountain outside.
Fully savor your next glass of water.
Keep blues and sea green colors around.
Watch videos or documentaries on aquatic/marine life.
Watch the raindrops or condensation on your window.
Keep a bowl of water around. 
Listen to water/rain ambiance.
Burn candles that smell like the ocean or the rain.
Use a washcloth to wipe down your face/body.
Keep jars of water from your favorite places.
Open your window.
Use room spray/mist.
Burn candles that smell like the wind.
Hang wind chimes.
Listen to air/wind ambiance.
Get a small fan for some air flow.
Burn incense and watch the smoke move through the air.
Use your breath.
Hang feathers in your room.
Hang scarves and cloths around your room, watch the breeze sway them around.
Get some air plants.
Use an app that lets you see the sky/night sky.
Watch the clouds from your window.
Meditate, allow your senses to explore the air around you.
Burn candles/incense.
Hang red or orange curtains.
Get a Himalayan salt lamp.
Use a wax melter.
Get an electric candle.
Use a heating pad or electric blanket.
Listen to fire ambiance. 
Use the heat of your body.
Watch gifs/videos of fire.
Keep a lighter nearby when you need a little flame. 
Place a little tealight in a fireproof vessel near your bed.
Feel the warmth and strength of the sun.
Build up energy with your hands, imagine it’s fire.
Drink tea with warming spices (cinnamon, cloves, etc.)
Click here for my other posts in this series!
Thanks to @healing-water-witch for giving me the idea and contributing!
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
video from u/Ponycat123
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Working with Air
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I love working with the element air, it’s my personal favorite out of all the elements for a few different reasons that I won’t get into (I could make pages upon pages on why I love the wind but that isn’t what this is about) This post is about how to work more closely with the wind. Enjoy dearies!
Here are a few ideas on how to work with the element Air:
Conjure up the wind by singing a sweet melody from the heart (like your all time favorite songs), whistle, or use a singing bowl. 
Go to a park or trail and walk around for as much as you would like and just feel the wind wrap around you. If leaves/flowers happen to fall upon you, collect them. NOTE: Make sure you do your research if you collect. Never pull or cut leaves/flowers unless you know what you are doing. Also, make sure you don’t collect anything that is harmful to your health. 
Go to a park/field/backyard and practice yoga. Allow the wind to help form your body while the earth keeps you steady. Stretch, relax, breathe.
On a windy day go outside and just sit there. Close your eyes and feel the air. Breathe in and out deeply, let it fill your soul. 
Burn a loose incense containing herbs that relate to air. (ex. lavender, lemongrass, pine, star anise, sage, etc) Meditate and connect to the element as the fragrance fills the room. You can burn an oil using essential oils for the same purpose. NOTE: Be careful burning anything; use a fireproof bowl, make sure it won’t fall, make sure the room is well ventilated, and most importantly, make sure you do your research. Do not burn herbs/oils that are harmful to your/others/and pets health. 
Make a sigil that means “I am protected by the winds.” or something along the lines (Personally I am not a sigil maker but I see others make damn cool ones so I’m adding it, haha) Wear it on you wherever you’d like while you are out and about so your always protected.  
Make a special air altar underneath a window, preferably facing East. Fill it with feathers, incenses, athame, a music player, your favorite books, colors of yellow and pale blues, whatever you’d like! 
Paint, dance, read, draw, sing, play an instrument, etc, Be creative. 
Learn. Do research. Gain as much knowledge about subjects you love.
Talk to the wind, communicate with it. Tell the air your problems, the joys you have felt, the pain you endured. No matter what, always your message is heard. 
Research fairies. Most fairies are related to element of air but there are some that live within the other elements. Find the fairy folk who live in the clouds, in the winds, and fly with the birds; work with them if you would like. NOTE: Be careful with working with fairies as you would with any spirit. There are so many different kinds of posts on how to communicate with them so I will list sources. (This is a very small list of sources regarding fairies but ones that I found informative.)  
On Fae and Spirit Work, source.
Faerie Sight, source.
Fae Tip #1: Offerings, source.
On the Fae, source.
Water  Earth Fire
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
6 Alternative Altar Inspirations for Witches that are Bored of Altar Tables
No matter what path you follow as in witchcraft are, chances are you have some sort of sacred space. If you are a witch whose practice is part of your religious beliefs, this might be a place to communicate with your deities. If you work with spirits, this could be a place where honor your ancestors. Non-religious witches like myself often use altars as a space where they can connect with their magical and spiritual sides. Even though we all share this desire to have a place all our own dedicated to our craft. 
That doesn’t mean we all need the same type of space. Whether you are a new witch who can’t show off your craft publicly (we’ve all been there) or just a witch who isn’t really into the more standard altar table setup, there are plenty of options for customizing and creating an altar space that meets your needs.
Window Altars
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One easy way to create an altar is to take up a windowsill. Depending on the arrangement of the room you’re using, your personal preference, and the space available, the size of this type of altar varies. 
This generally small altar space can be good for witches in the broom closet and green witches who like to keep their altars populated with plant friends. Because it is literally a window to the outside, these altars are also great places for charging things like crystals, spells, and water under the light of the moon. 
Good for altars that are heavily planted (hello, sunlight!)
Generally discreet
Keeps your altar space contained (for all us witches that do not know when to quit)
Garden Altars
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While pretty much any altar can include plants, there is something else to say for an altar that is almost completely plants. If you have some space indoors, why not design a witch’s garden that doubles as an altar space?
A small tray planted with succulents with offering bowls and candle dishes set into the soil and crystals scattered around can be a unique, and even moveable altar! You could also use potted plants so that you can change the arrangement or plants out whenever you need a refresh.
Deeply connected to nature and the earth
Pluck herbs for spells right off your altar
Generally pretty moveable
Bath Altars
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If you love bath magic as much as I do, you’re a water witch, or your bathroom is one of your most sacred places (self-care anyone?), a bath altar could be the perfect thing to give your craft a physical home.
We’ve all seen those pictures of wooden tray tables for baths surrounded by eucalyptus and candles. Add a statue of your deity (or a symbol of something important to your craft), some crystals (check how your crystals are affected by water and humidity first!), and some jars of your favorite things to mix into bath spells, and your bath altar is set.
The perfect place to combine witchcraft and self-care
Perfect for witches that incoroporate the water element in their craft a lot
Magic really does belong in every room in the house
Travel Altars
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If you tend to practice on a whim rather than waiting to be in a specific place or if you need to be able to stash your altar quickly, a travel altar is perfect. These altars can be fit into matchboxes, Altoids tins, jewelry boxes, and even hollowed out books! If you can carry it with you and find supplies small enough to fit, anything goes. (I’ve even seen locket altars!)
Some witches will create multiple travel altars for different purposes or focuses, but don’t feel like you need to collect them if that’s not your thing.
Small and discreet, it’s hard to make a mess with these
Very customizable (and easy to have multiples of!)
Perfect for witches in the broom closet
Virtual Altars
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Tech witches, I haven’t forgotten you. If you’ve been following me for a bit, then you might know that I threw out the idea a while ago about a altar lockscreen/wallpaper for your phone/tablet/etc. Now that I’ve talked to some tech witches, I know this is actually a pretty sound idea! 
Whether you commision an artist or design one yourself, a lock screen wallpaper for an electronic device (you could even go as big as a laptop with a touch screen!) could make the perfect altar for a tech witch. Even if you decide not to use it as a wallpaper, designing an image that serves as an altar and opening it in GIMP or Photoshop where you can create additional layers for placing other virtual elements could be useful.
Travel friendly
Can be synced across devices, so your altar is always with you
Easy to change and “redecorate” throughout the year
Paper Altars
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(This incredible paper altar was created by Stella Witchcraft! Please click here to check out their full post and their blog!)
Similar to a virtual altar, a paper altar is a portable, customizable altar. Many witches choose to include paper altar setups in their grimoires, but there’s nothing stopping you from making larger paper altars with poster paper that can be rolled up and stored away.
If paper altars are attractive to you, don’t be deterred if you aren’t an artist! Minimalism in paper altars is perfectly fine. You can always outline your altar with symbols or even words alone. If you’re happy with it, it is perfect. You don’t have to meet any requirements for aesthetic or any other witch’s expectations.
There you have it! Of course, there are so many more types of altars, and even table altars can be created to fit your own personal needs. If you’re attracted to more than one of these, why not try combining the elements that call to you to make something entirely your own? The possibilities are endless.
Looking for more? Check these out: 6 More Alternative Altars for Bored Witches
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them0thprincegrim0ire · 4 years ago
Willow’s Masterpost of Witchcraft Information and Masterposts!!!
All of these links will direct you to posts I made and worked hard on for the witchcraft community! Many of these are for beginners or people still finding their footing in magic. I hope this is of some use for someone out there!
Updated as of: 4/9/2020
Posts for Beginners Finding Their Way
🔮 Willow’s Beginner Guide: Where to Begin? - a guide on how to start witchcraft and step into the world of using magic
🔮 What is Visualization and How Do I Do It? - a guide for new witches struggling to visualize when doing spell work or energy work and how to help strengthen visualization skills
🔮 “What is My Path and How Do I Find it?” - an explanation of Paths in witchcraft and how to help find your own path at the start of your witchcraft journey 
🔮 Advice to Beginners (ask) - my personal advice to beginners and how they should start researching
Tools, Correspondences, Associations
🔮 Air Witchcraft: Tools and Associations - a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in air magic
🔮 Cosmic Witchcraft: Tools and Associations - a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in cosmic magic
🔮 Earth Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in earth magic
🔮 Fire Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in fire magic
🔮 Storm Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in storm magic
🔮 Water Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in water magic
🔮 Fog in Witchcraft - a masterpost about the histories, modern use, associations and spell work using fog
🔮 Love Magick Masterpost - the ultimate masterpost about love magic, tips and correspondences, types of love magic and much more (intended for mature adult audiences due to topics discussed)
🔮 Pokemon Offerings Masterpost - a simple masterpost for offerings, altar pieces, associations and pop culture tips for witches new to pop culture magic who wish to incorporate pokemon into it
🔮 House Hunting Crystals - a list of crystals and their associations that may be helpful when moving or looking for a new home
🔮 Crystals for Artsy Witches - a list of crystals and their associations that may be helpful to witches looking for inspiration, creativity and getting over artist’s and/or writer’s block
🔮 Crystals for Overcoming Fears - a list of crystals to help oneself face and overcome their fears
🔮 Insect (and Non-Insect) Correspondences - a list of insects and other critters and their correspondences for spell work
🔮 Carnivorous Plant Correspondences - a list of carnivorous plants and their correspondences for spell work
🔮 Unconventional and Affordable Ingredients for Spells - a long list for spell ingredients and their correspondences for witches on a tight budget as well as some budgeting tips
🔮 Nebula Correspondences - a list of nebulas and their correspondences for cosmic witchcraft and spell work
🔮 Autumn Leaf Magic - a list of correspondences and suggestions for using leaves and autumn for witchcraft and magic
🔮 Bubbles In Magick - a masterpost about incorporating bubbles into spell work and their correspondences
🔮 Soups and Broths in Magick - a masterpost of correspondences and uses of soups and broths in magic, also my very first post
🔮 Witch Tips: Peacock Feathers - a little post about the correspondences and uses of peacock feathers in magic
Urban Witchcraft and Indoor Magic
🔮 Stuck in the City: Forest Witch Edition - a masterpost of altar ideas, spells, correspondences and tips for witches who are stuck in urban environments or spoonie witches unable to travel to be forest witches 
🔮 Stuck in the City: Landlocked Sea Witches -  a masterpost of altar ideas, spells, correspondences and tips for witches who are stuck in urban environments, landlocked witches or spoonie witches unable to travel to be ocean witches
🔮 Witch Tips for City Witches - a list of tips and advice for witches who live in cities or urban areas without access to nature or rural spaces
🔮 Sigil Baths - a small information post about sigil baths and working them into your magical routine
🔮 Stimmy Witch Tips - a list of tips for people who stim for numerous reasons and how to incorporate it into your craft
🔮 Witchy Sleep Over Ideas - a fun list of things to do with other witches when hanging out or during sleepovers
🔮 Artsy Witch Tips and Ideas - a masterpost style list of suggestions, tips and ideas for witches who want to incorporate art and art supplies into their craft
Spell Casting, Spells and Cursing
🔮 Substitutions, Reworking and Personalizing Spells - a long guide on how to adjust spells to work  better for you or how to change ingredients for spells for ones you prefer or have available. 
🔮 Intent and Spell Writing - a guide to writing spells and how to work intent into them
🔮 Object Cursing - a masterpost and informational post about cursing objects and how to maintain them and even remove curses from specific objects
🔮 Advice on Cursing (ask) - an ask reply with advice on cursing, cleansing afterwards, preparation and some suggested ingredients
Mysticism, Spirit Work and Divination
🔮 Guide to Crystal Throwing and Crystal Divination - a guide on how to use crystal throwing for divination purposes and general associations and meanings behind crystals that can be used
🔮 Guide to Colormancy - a masterpost style guide to using colormancy for divination, suggested methods/tools and correspondences of colors 
🔮 “Get to Know Your Deck” Tarot Spread - a tarot spread for beginners to help them get to know their tarot cards better and how to improve working with them
🔮 Questions for Tarot Reading - a little guide to help those new to tarot to help better ask questions to their own cards and to other readers to get the best and most helpful answers they can
🔮 Divination Tips for Beginners - a list of tips and advice for those who are new and starting any type of divination
🔮 Guide for Cleansing Tarot and Oracle Cards - a simple guide for cleansing and taking care of cards you use in divination
🔮 Spirit House Rules - a guide on how to write and maintain rules for spirits you are working with for your own personal protection and comfort
🔮 Crystals for Divination - a list for crystals commonly used in divination and psychic practices
Dream Work and Dream Interpretations
🔮 Dream Journals and Dream Work - an advice guide on how to use dream journals and how to incorporate them into witchcraft
🔮 Lucid Dreaming Masterpost - a masterpost about lucid dreaming, how to lucid dream and how to use it in witchcraft and magic
🔮 Nightmare Prevention Masterpost - a masterpost going over a list of herbs, crystals, tips for preventing and handling the aftermath and more for those who suffer from nightmares
🔮 Dream Work Masterpost - a large masterpost of correspondences and ingredients specified for Dream Work
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Snakes in Dreams - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature snakes
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Mermaids and Mermen - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature mermaids and/or mermen
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Vampires - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature vampires 
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Teeth - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature teeth
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Planets - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature the planets of our solar system
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Sea - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature the sea and ocean
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Amusement Parks - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature amusement parks, carnivals and rides 
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Tornadoes - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature tornadoes and their destruction
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Weather - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature different types of weather
***all of these posts are from my personal Grimoire and are all from my personal blog over the years. Please do not repost these on this platform or others without my permission. These posts are from years of work and research and a lot of love and effort were put into them
Like what I post? Want to support me or buy me a delicious coffee? Feel free to check out my Ko-Fi Page!
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