thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“d?” sherry whispered, her eyes widening as she recognized the form in front of her, gulping and looking down as she saw the side of his face. “yes. you can tell them you found nothing or that some rogue robbed you.” she said quietly. “i’m not going to shoot you, d. that’s stupid.”
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"do you honestly think that negan is gonna accept that answer? do you think he is going to believe that some rogue over powered me and took my shit?" he rolled his eyes, his teeth clenched. "you should. put me out of my goddamn misery."
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“no!” raven practically squeaked out as she turned to face dwight, sighing and biting down on her lip as she let go of her sister so that she could leave. to her relief, the girl was gone as quick as she’d come. “don’t tell him. please. spanish is our first language. i can’t speak for my sisters, but it’s much easier for me.”
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he rolled his eyes. "calm down. i'm not a rat— i don't report every conversation not had with him directly to him. you are free to do what you want or say what you want, so long as you don't threaten his life or mine in anyway." truth be told he didn't care what anyone did at the sanctuary anymore. he had lost all his desire to do much of anything.
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“a light, maybe.” mark replied as he walked over to dwight, a cigarette between his fingers. 
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dwight tossed the lighter towards the younger male. "all yours." he brought his cigarette towards his lips and took a long, much needed drag from the filter.
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. our unconscious, however, can process eleven million.” jaxon commented, simply, as if it was a fact everyone knew when it was indeed something that only he remembered. “yes, i can read this fast.” he nodded his head, glancing up from his book and forcing out a smile. “to be exact? 20,000 words per minute.”
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dwight stood there for a minute trying to make sense of whatever was just said. it was far too much information for his brain to digest at once. "what kind of freak of nature are you? no wonder you're here with king arthur and his minions."
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“¿qué estás haciendo? sé que esta vida no es genial, pero sacrificé mi propia dignidad sólo para mantener a lola ya ti con vida. estoy tratando de evitar que te maten o termines en la cerca con los muertos. ¿es eso lo que quieres? ¿convertirse en uno de ellos? porque no puedo perderte, hermana.” raven spoke quickly to her youngest sister, her hands on the girl’s shoulders as she spoke, not realizing that there were eyes on the pair.
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a cigarette clung to the bottom of his lip as he stood outside the sanctuary, watching both ladies as they went back and forth. he couldn't understand a single word that was being said— but that was the point being around a group of people who knew nothing but english. as he pulled the bud from his lips he stepped forward. "there a problem ladies?"
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
tina’s eyes widened sadly and she had to look away, unable to meet his eyes. unable to look at him. guilt pounded through her veins like fire and she tried not to cry. “but without me, i was… i was the liability…” she paused, “i thought without me, you two could actually escape. be safe or something…”
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"there was no living without you tina, don't you get that? your sister was a wreck when she lost you. we were running out of supplies and we were running out of time. every corner that we turned there was someone or something waiting for us there. we made the ultimate choice to go back, and for running i had to pay the consequences." he came forward and put hi shand on her face, lifting her chin so that she could look at him. she was like his little sister, the only remaining part of his former self that still existed. "promise me that you won't go back there. don't let him get a hold of you again."
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
though amber had become friends with dwight – or something similar, at least – she still found it hard not to flinch when she heard the harshness of his voice. she took a quick step back, her blonde hair swinging off her shoulders as she did so. “i… i was just coming to ask how you were.” amber said quietly. despite often being the one everyone took care of – the youngest of negan’s wife, the baby of them – amber had always been inclined towards taking care of people. 
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"i'm wonderful." he snapped the lighter shut and tossed it onto the table he had been sitting at, moving to stand up so that he could offer the chair to her in case she wanted to sit down. he imagined she was tired from walking around in those ridiculus heels all day. "why would you think i was anything other than okay? i'm living the dream here, princess." there was a hint of hostility in his voice, not at her, but at his situation in general. he hated being forced to serve under negan, but it was all that he had right now so he had to make the most of it. "what about you? how are you doin', darlin'?"
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“dwight?” a risk, of course, just to step into the light like this, but dwight was her brother, even if not by blood. someone who she knew would’ve done anything for her – who risked everything to get her medicine out with her when they had run. when she saw him though, tina’s blood ran cold. “what– what happened to you?” she whispered, her voice betraying her sadness at the sight of him. “negan found you?”
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tina was the last person that dwight thought he would ever see again. the last time he had saw her she had died, and both him and sherry had went back to the sanctuary. tina was the last glimpse of hope that both him and sherry had at making it outside those walls, and after she was gone they knew there was nothing left for either of them but misery. turning his head away from her he nodded his head stiffly. "after you died...we went back. we had no other choice. he was everywhere and he was always gonna find us."
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
fear flowed through tina’s small body. she had no idea what being back alive meant for her. she had next to no medicine on her person, but luckily enough to get her through a day or two. still, she would have to find more and quick. she just hoped that people who needed it were dead already. that it would be left behind because it wasn’t a commonly needed medicine in the apocalypse. she swallowed hard and stopped dead when she saw someone else in front of her. “i-i… please don’t hurt me.” she whispered, terrified it’d be a savior.
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dwight spent more time outside the sanctuary than he did inside anymore. after sherry...the showdown with rick and his people— dwight was trying to distance himself as much as he possibly could. he didn't want to be caught on the wrong side of the fence anymore. he knew that negan's number was up soon, and he was tired of suffering because of his alliegence to him. he was out on a solo supply run on his own request, searching for food or medication that he could take back with him. he come to a stop when he saw the silhouette of a young girl, the familiar voice chiling him to the bone. "t-tine?"
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
there wasn't a single light on in the room, only what illuminated from the cigarette lighter he had burning in his hand. dwight had completely shut himself off from everyone at the sanctuary, taking a much needed step back from negan's side. after sherry had escaped and been presumed dead, there wasn't much left for him to fight for. his thumb went in and out through the small flame of his lighter, the burning of his own flesh no longer having any real affect on him. he had already been burnt beyond recognition on one side of his face, nothing else could really compare. "...what do you want?" he spoke coldly to whomever it was that walked into the room.
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
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Requested by anon.
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
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‘You afraid to put down the gun, bitch?’
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
Rev Theory - Justice
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
“s-step back.” sherry said, her voice shaky as she held up a gun; empty. she’d run out of bullets a while ago. “i don’t know if i can trust you.” she frowned, her brows furrowed  as her shaking hands held the gun. “i.. don’t want to hurt you. i don’t want trouble. what’s in the bag?”
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he hadn't expected anyone else to be around. the entire time he had wondered the woods on his own there was nothing but the sound of his own footsteps, the rest was silent. the familiar voice caught his attention, though, a voice he thought he would never hear again. "i think that if you're gonna point that thing at me you need to actually pull the trigger." he slung the bag off his shoulder and tossed it at her feet. "couple cans of beans and a bag of stale cheetos. is that what you want?" as much as dwight loved sherry for the sacrifices she had made for him, he couldn't help but feel betrayed by her. they had vowed that for better or for worse that they would tough any situation out together, and the minute things got too hard she took the easy way out— the way that cost him half his face and his dignity.
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thelostscvior-blog · 7 years
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