thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
The war was finally over. There were so many dead. The smell of dead and burning flesh lingered with the ashen battlefield. She has won with the little hope people had, we stood together and defeated the queen. Now we were free, finally at rest.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
The twins
We grabbed our brother’s hands and we held each other as the wolf circled us.
“Don’t touch them,” our sister begged the wolf but she just growled as she pounced.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
    He drags me out of my fetal position. I didn’t want to move but he didn’t seem to care as he dragged me down the corridor. I stand my ground and walk beside him, not wanting to get dragged to the queen. 
    “Better me than you,” I mutter under my breath as he throws me to my knees. 
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
baby Fox
Beaten tortured abused. All by someone, who used to care for me. The mother of my favorite twins. I was chained to the floor with a shock collar around my neck going off every five seconds. I wanted to get out of here. If I stay here any longer I might get a headache.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Something was off but I didn’t say anything, just walked carefully through the rocks. She stumbled against the rock, her face struching up as she pressed her hand against her stomach. I trail back and just look at her.
“You okay?” I ask, reaching for her.
She shakes her head. “Something is wrong. It feels wrong.” Her brows knit together as she squirms.
I grasp my hand with hers. I knew what was happening. It was the same thing that happened to Eva. She was going to have her baby.
She curls into me and I rub her back.
“How long do you think you have before she comes?” I whisper.
Hope looks up at me and her eyes go wide before looking down at her stomach. “No,” she breathed. “She can’t come now.” Yet she believed me as she groaned and buried her face in my chest. “Why now? We have things to do. I can’t do this now.” Tears ran down my chest and I cupped her head closer to me. “I am scared, Raven.”
“It will be okay,” I whisper. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Hey everyone, okay back there,” Anya calls over her shoulder.
Hope nods and starts walking again probably ignoring the pain she was in but I don’t say anything just follow her
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
No one knows but I’m James, one of the wolves in Mara’s pack and I am better off dead. I was the one killed by the head alpha of the queen’s and I couldn’t be happier. I wanted to die ever since I was born. Called it suicidal but I think I was do anything for my alpha and she needed me to die even though. I died for my alpha and even though we were separated we will be together again.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
She straps a muzzle around my face and I drop my head. It was no use to fight her on this. She was my queen and I was her pet, her alpha. I was nothing compared to her. I was silence into submission.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
I swung an arm around my big brother as we made our way back to the forest.
“Yeah that doesn’t explain anything,” he laughs.
He was talking about the conversation we were having earlier about being apart of the queen wild wolf pack. My brother didn't think I could do it and I had told him I was stronger than him.
“You can’t just face that fact,” I said with a smile and I got smacked on the shoulder.
“No you can’t face the fact,” he paused and looked to the side.
I freeze next to him and curl my hand into a fist. I could smell him from a mile away but he was so close I could almost touch him.
He was the queen’s head alpha, one of the most feared and dangerous people on the queen’s court. Even though my brother and I want to be a part of her pack no one wants to be her alpha. It isn’t that hard of a job but once wolves become alpha they are tied to the queen like her little hound dog.
My brother moved so he was slightly in front of me and this I hated. As much I needed my brother's protection I would rather not have it.
“Well if it isn’t the little wolf?” The head alpha chirped.
“And if it isn’t the backstabbing bitch,” I chirped back.
He growls and bends low beginning to attack but I was on him before him could think about anything. My jaws snapped around his neck and his screams were silence as his head fell to the ground with a thump.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
The hunted
I stood at attention watching the alphas fight. Jack stood over Mara at least by a foot but she still had him on the ground but all he does is laugh as Mara helps him up.
Alpha stops laughing as his attention focuses on the treeline. A single man steps out of the trees and every muscle in my body tenses. It wasn’t the man but the person who followed the man. Queen Lilith of the Lands, the most powerful woman in the world.
“Bow for the queen,” the man boomed but I didn’t.
I looked over at my alphas and they didn’t either so I stood my ground. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground kneeling for the queen.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Guards unlaced her gloves, careful not to brush her skin. She dropped her arms just as they pulled the gloves over her fingers. She knew what she had to do but she didn’t move. She didn’t direct her powers towards me; she just stood there.
“Move,” the guard barked but still she didn’t move.
She didn’t even look at me. Her eyes were casted downward but still I saw the tears stream down her face. She took a deep breath and then a step forward but froze again. Like a switch clicked in her brain she charges towards me with her hand outstretched. Every instinct told me to fight back but if I did she would get hurt so I just let her hand fall on my face.
I didn’t scream as the hand burned my flesh. She doesn’t pull away, she just lets the poison leak deeper in my skin. I didn't move, I couldn't move. I crash into her, my legs finally giving up. She catches me trying her best not to brush my skin but I couldn’t feel anything if she does. Her touch could kill someone that is why she wears the gloves and now I was going to die.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Baby assassin
I stumble through the ashen battlefield, my crutch groaning on my weight. My blade dragged on my ground, also giving up. I know I shouldn’t be here but I couldn’t just sit in the cave and let my family win the war alone.
“What are you doing?” I jump at the voice as they approach behind me, taking my blade.
The little vampire came around me with my blade resting on her shoulders. Her mask was splattered with blood and dirt but she didn’t seem to mind as she just stared at me.
“Answer my question, little one.” Her voice was thick with her Russian accent.
“I am going to help, wolfy.”
“She doesn’t need help.” She reaches for me but I duck away. “Freckles please. You will only get hurt.” She looks away and mutters something in Russian. “I have to go promise me you will go home.”
I don’t say anything as she sprints away. I stumble after her not knowing what had her startled so much.
A man held a fox in his arms and another had a blade at her throat. I knew it was one of Wolfy's friends but I didn’t know why they had her. This somehow got Wolfy to stop moving and the little vampire to freeze.
“Who are you?” Someone cooed from behind me running their blade across my chin.
Wolfy turns to see who was talking, her eyes land on me, and all color drains from her face. Then she looks back at the figure behind me and shakes her head.
“Don’t,” she breathed.
“Don’t what?” The figure hisses behind me.
“Don’t hurt him.”
“You don’t want me to hurt this little fellow but all those kids you just killed on spot, little wolf. Why is he so important?” The blade cuts across my cheeks and a finger pressed against the wound.
She moves closer to me but the figure drags me back so she stops. The figure held me close, squeezing my ribs.
“I can’t breathe,” I hiss, coughing. The wolf’s eyes flicked to mine and her mouth dropped open, her eyes wided.
The cough racked across my body and the figure struggles to keep a hold on me as I crash to my knees. I pressed my sleeve to my mouth and when I pulled it away there was blood lining the white fabric.
Wolfy ignored everyone and crashed to her knees next to me, rubbing circles on my back.
“It is okay,” she whispers against me. I grab for her hand and she grips it as I watch the front of her shirt was coated with blood. “Close your eyes.” I squeezed my eyes shut but I could still feel the dripping of her blood on my hand.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Daddy assassin
They grabbed the little fox holding her against the ground. A blade was held against her neck but she was so small it didn’t look that way.
“If you move she dies,” the Element roared and Wolfy freezes.
Fear lanced her eyes but I didn't know what was so important about this fox. I guess she could be one of the ones that stayed overnight at my house but I couldn’t remember.
“That could get the basard to stop moving for once in her life,” the girl in red spat, coming behind her with her throwing stars in hand.
“I stand still when hunting, don't forget,” the wolf spat.
A blade gets held at her throat but she just laughs before her face goes emotionless as someone in a hood sneaks behind her.
“And you don’t forget who is on our side,” the girl hisses. “You are so naive so don’t you dare think you are better than us.”
The wolf hung her head and I took a step back. I never seen her just stop fighting. She just stood there admitting defeat from her enemy. I couldn’t move just look at the submitted wolf. I see why her mother thought her worthless.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Mommy Assassin
I swung the blade around my wrist trying just to focus on the queen’s little pets. My husband stood at my side but there were five of them and even we couldn’t take on five skilled assassins.
We were not getting out of this alive. The Elements stood with their choice weapons drawn and kept looking around at each other like they were commuting with each other. The one in blue stepped forward and in one blink he had me on the ground. Two others pinned my husband, my knees buckled, and I crashed to the ground. I was going to die like this.
I look to the sky not wanting to see the blade sinking into my heart and there she was flying through the sky with her teeth bared and eyes red with her mask gleaming. She looked like her sister but somehow she was her. She lands on the blue assassin's back and digs her teeth into his shoulder.
He yelps out but she swung him back and jumped from assassin to assassin tearing at their shoulders. Each fell to the ground, blood leaking down their bodysuits. They wouldn’t die but we could get out of here before they could think about getting up.
“Let’s go,” she breathed, helping me to my feet. “Kisa is that way. She needs your help.” She nods to the side before sprinting away.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
The boyfriend
I hung off the cliff. The only thing that kept me was my boyfriend who was the person also holding me off this cliff.
Tears brushed his eyes but his duties always came first, always to the death. That is what they always said to do. Whatever they did they did to the death, Always. That word was the worst, always. No one could always do everything. Always was almost as bad as him but the word was engraved in his mind.
“Just get it over with, my love. Your duty comes first.”
“It can’t,” he voice breaks and he throws me into his arms. “You can’t die today, my love.”
I rest my hands on his fluffy shoulders and kiss him but push him away. His face falls as I walk away.
“I need to get ou-,” I turned to face him as I walked away and didn’t see my little night appear with her blade in her hand. Her blade cut right into my stomach. I look at her and her face was cold and emotionless. I had to smile. “Thank you, little night,” I whisper as my body crashes into hers.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
“Hi,” I grunt, pushing the wolf to the ground. “I am Dillion.” She gets back up and swings at me but I grunt and swing my sword. “And you have something I want.”
“Stop grunting,” she hisses, coming to stand again.
I push her back down. “They stop going so hard on me.” I groan as she fist collides with my face and I fall to the ground.
“I have trained you not to show emotion so don’t show emotion.” She lands on me but she doesn’t swing, just sits on my chest like a dog needing attention.
“You don’t know what that means.” I push her off of me and she goes flying before she lands in a heep on the other side of the room.
“Emotionless,” she barks. “You don’t think I know what that means. BS, Dillion. I know exactly what emotionlessness is. My mother made sure of that.”
“Yeah and you are making sure I have the same quality.”
“That is not true,” she screamed before coming to rest a hand on my shoulder.
“No, you are a controlling basard. You are just like your mother. You're awful, awful.” I swing at her and she ducks everytime trying not to get hit. I finally leap on her and hit her until there was blood leaking everywhere on her face.
She didn’t pull away. She just let me destroy her face with my fist. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks.
“You,” I sob. “You- I lost-.” My fists fall and my body crashes into hers. She sits up and wraps me in her arms.
“I love you. You’re okay. We’ll find her okay. You’re safe with me,” she whispers in my ear, rocking back and forth like I was a kid again.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
Baby mamma
I live in the mind numbing mansion of the queen. I’m one of thirteen people to live here and she has all of us tied around her pinkie. She tells us what to do and who to hang out with no matter what. My sister, one of the deathly Elements, is practically banned from seeing me and I myself could never leave this house, ever. No one is coming to save me nor do I need saved what I need is my queen to love me for who I am and not to take my baby when he finally comes.
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thelonekillerwolf · 2 years
The monster
I watch her tear out this heart and his body crashes to the ground. She turns and even from here I could see her blood red eyes. She crawls into his chest like snuggling with him could change everything but no she killed him. Her cry was almost childish and needy. She was a monster.
“Mommy,” she cried, crawling to me.
“You monster,” I cried back. “What have you done?” I was too stunted to move.
She was my daughter. I should go to her but I couldn’t move.
She stood there, blood covering the surface of her skin. She wasn’t my little girl anymore but I didn’t know if she was ever mine. She stood too tall and defiant. She was the monster I set her up to be and I didn’t want her to just give up like this. I gave her so many opportunities to become my daughter and she just was killing every part of it.
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