Fang's Blog
12K posts
Hey there, name's Fang. Right-hand man to Max and leader of my own Flock. I'm a winged kid, but don't call me a freak. I'm an Avian American. ((Indie MR RP Blog. Rarely NSFW. Mun and Muse of age. FC: Dylan O'Brien))
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thelivingshadow · 3 years ago
golden eagle having a relaxing time
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
Behold, a raven saying “Hello”.
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
This account is on an indefinite hiatus for now. It’s very likely I’ll only keep fang as an archive blog for now but I’d like to thank everyone along the way who helped shape this bird dork into who he is. Fang and my writing ability have improved so much over the past five or six years that I’ve been doing this and as much as I love it, it’s time to recognize that the muse I once had isn’t there anymore. Thank you again to everyone I’ve met along the way, I wouldn’t be who I am without y'all.
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
guys i think i’m the spider king
@thelivingshadow, upon being covered by HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF SPIDERS (via mayflydecember)
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
I’m just a little bit late guys… I’m just the transfer elf from the South Pole
@thelivingshadow, very much not an elf (via m0rdecaw)
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
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Young Link (Soprano), Wind Waker Link (Alto), Adult Link (Tenor), and Twilight Princess Link (Bass) wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with their, er, rousing rendition of a Christmas classic.
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thelivingshadow · 8 years ago
This account is on an indefinite hiatus for now. It's very likely I'll only keep fang as an archive blog for now but I'd like to thank everyone along the way who helped shape this bird dork into who he is. Fang and my writing ability have improved so much over the past five or six years that I've been doing this and as much as I love it, it's time to recognize that the muse I once had isn't there anymore. Thank you again to everyone I've met along the way, I wouldn't be who I am without y'all.
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
Red vs. Blue starters (Volume 2)
I am not your mother, so don’t come tattling to me every time one of you does something that the other one doesn’t like. 
I’m telling you, he’s crazy. He keeps threatening me, and talking in a scary voice.
Is this gonna be one of those things where I have to turn my head and cough?
Aren’t you here to join our squad?
I think you need to come up with a new plan. Preferably one that involves me keeping the same quantity of blood that I have right now.
I don’t have a gun, I am a pacifist.
There is no way this bluff is gonna work.
You’re surrendering! You don’t get anything except humiliation and ridicule!
I would just like to let everyone know, that I suck.
Water? We ran outta water six months ago.
I only drink the blood of my enemies. And occasionally a strawberry Yoohoo.
Oh man, that is a burn. Dude, you just got burned. Burned, dude, burned.
Sorry man, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re really unpopular, and if I’m gonna make any progress around here at all I can’t really be directly associated with you. I’m sure you understand.
All I hear is that voice, you know, telling us to kill all our friends before they have a chance to kill us.
Help, the jeep is kidnapping me!
How ‘bout we just don’t take any more prisoners, since we seem to suck at it.
Oops. It broke itself.
What a way to go. Killed by my own mechanical creations. I’m sure there’s a philosophical lesson to be learned from all this.
I know that you said a lot of things that you didn’t mean. People say crazy stuff when they’re faced with their own mortality.
What? You can’t fight a machine gun!
What in the hell is going on at this base?
What? You’re not just gonna leave me out here in the middle of nowhere… by myself?
What’s going on? Are they there? Did they leave? Hey, somebody tell me what’s happening!
Listen, ___, you’re not fooling anybody with that innocent victim routine.
Your soul is a cavern of lies!
You have such excellent motor skills.
Buenos dias, cockbites. Guess who’s back.
There’s a very fine line between not listening, and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.
Are we going on a trip? I love trips! Can we play I Spy? And the License Plate Game?
I ain’t got all day. I gotta gut this fish.
Oh I see. You have no idea what I should do or how I should do it, but whatever I do I should do it fast.
Hey, the box is there for a reason. I like thinking inside of it. I feel safe in there.
Do you have any food? I love to eat all the food.
So after I clipped my toenails, I was gonna apply the ointment as recommended, but I don’t know - it just smelled really funny. So, I decided to taste it, just to make sure it was safe.
Well old buddy, it looks like this is the end for us. Since we’re gonna die anyway, there’s only one thing left for us to do.
I don’t seem to have any memory of you. My name is ___. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I take orders from you.
I got half a mind to kill you, and the other half agrees.
I don’t know, it looks like some kinda alien artifact. Do the aliens have, like, a home base or something here?
Don’t try to move too much, you’ve been through quite the ordeal.
I do not like to dream. I try not to think while I’m sleeping.
I think you’re kind of obsessed with being my best friend.
Don’t tell me they cancelled the holiday party again. Those cheap bastards.
Come back to me! I made you a muffin!
How about this time we try something that doesn’t involve me being shot at or run over.
Look we can’t just sabotage their equipment, that’s rude.
Hello? Who’s there? Please help me! I’m scared of myself!
You wanna braid each other’s hair?
Shut up you idiot, we’re not here to fight. We’re here to negotiate.
Are we gonna have a sleepover? Because that would be sweet.
Did you just shoot yourself in the foot?
I think this is what they call the calm before the storm.
Oops! Sorry about that big explosion!
I think it would be ironic, if everyone was made of iron.
I just had a really weird feeling that I’m never gonna see this place again.
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
This blog is on semi-hiatus and replies won’t be too regular until I get back to college. Thank you all for your patience and sticking with Fang for the past few months.
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
❝Llamas with Hats❞ Sentence Meme
“There’s a dead human in our house.”
“[name], what did you do?”
“Me? I, uh, I didn’t do this!”
“Why did you kill this person, [name]?”
“I do not kill people, that is - That is my least favorite thing to do.”
“Well, this guy walked in. So I went up to him. And I, uh, I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.”
“That kills people!”
“Yeah, I’m in the wrong here. I suck.”
“What happened to his hands? Why are they missing?”
“I kind of, uh, cooked them up. And ate them.”
“I was hungry, and well, y’know, when you crave hands, that’s - “
“I was hungry for hands! Give me a break.”
“My stomach was making the rumblies. That only hands would satisfy.”
“What is wrong with you, [name]?”
“Well, I kill people and I eat hands, that’s two things.”
“You sunk an entire cruise ship!”
“I watched you fire a harpoon into the captain’s face!”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!”
“That, uh, that must’ve been horrifying to watch.”
“And then you started making out with the ice sculptures!”
“Why is the lifeboat all red and sticky?”
“Well, they were, uh, taking all the crescent rolls.”
“I will not apologize for art.”
“Whoa, you won the prize. I didn’t even notice that.”
“I have a problem. I have a serious problem.”
“You are just terrible today!”
“Shhh. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of forgiveness.”
“That’s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.”
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
Uncertain Feelings-Edition {Sentence Starters}
"Just curious, what do you think of me?"
"I think I’d miss you, even if we’d never met."
"I wouldn't mind being alone with you."
"What the hell did you do to me? Why do you make me feel silly?"
"Why do I like you? What's wrong with me?"
"You confuse the hell out of me, so why do I like it?"
"I want to stand closer to you. Do you mind?"
"I don’t know if I like you or love you, want you or need you."
"Why does my heart go faster when you look at me? Why?!"
"I want you, but I don't. I hate you, but I- don't."
"Somehow, I don't think I want you to leave."
"I shouldn't love you! How do I stop?"
"There's something I kinda want to tell you, but I don't know how."
"You make me want to be a better man. But, why?"
"For some reason, being near you makes me happy."
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
"How many times are you going to do that, exactly?"
Glancing up from behind the wing he was trying to clean, Fang flashed a quick smirk and shrugged. “Hey an avian’s got to do what an avian’s got to do. Besides at least I don’t shed in the summer.”
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
“I’m sorry! tell them I’m sorry!”
“I’ll see what I can do. I don’t blame you though, we all have to do our jobs. I just wish you weren’t so good at yours.”
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thelivingshadow · 9 years ago
“i guess i just wanna know if you’re happy.”
“As happy as I can be without you around. But I get it you know? You have to have your own space sometimes.”
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