thelivingandundead · 1 year
Supernatural Musings; There’s Something about Mary
I want to address me not liking how Mary was written in 12x12.
I thought about it and I think it’s because I wanted her to be the mother the boys lost in season 1. And the kicker is she’s not. And I’m not sure she ever was.
You see, 12x12 Mary is pretty much a female version of her boys. Particularly Dean. She’s badass, *loves deeply I believe yet has no idea how to express that love, so is emotionally unavailable. *It’s harder to tell with her because her boys bounce their feelings off each other quite a bit so you get more of a sense of what’s going on in their heads than with Mary.
And she’s just “not a mom”. And I think part of it is because she’s out of practice and part of it is that her time spent being a mom was so short-lived. And was to two very young children who needed her and were very dependent on her given their respective ages. 
But now she has two grown-up boys that don’t really need her and that she doesn’t need to parent. The last of which might not have been a problem for a mom that had parenting in her bones but Mary doesn’t. You know what is in her bones? Hunting.
I think that I expected Mary to be Mrs. Butters but she isn’t. And it makes perfect sense. There’s also a reason she didn’t want to raise her children in the life. She probably knew how that screwed her up and she didn’t want her children to turn into her. So much for that.
So the problem isn’t that she’s badly written, it’s that I misinterpreted her character severely.
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thelivingandundead · 1 year
Since I mentioned in my last post, I have complex feelings about Mary Winchester.
She's technically the reason her husband and sons had their fates. But at the same time did she even possess the free will to decline that deal? She was young and lost so much so quick, even if she had free will, I can't blame her for making it. She didn't know the full consequences to it.
Also, she's by no means the best parent but I feel as if people discredit her too much. She definitely tried especially before she died. She wasn't what Dean and John painted her to be. She was a person with flaws. She wasn't always in the right and made bad decisions, because she's human.
It's pretty unfair to assume that after being dead for so long that she'd be able to jump back into the world and be able to be the parent Sam and Dean needed. John was there and couldn't do it.
They were strangers when she came back, they weren't her babies anymore. She couldn't make up for that lost time, grow those bonds she would've had she remained alive. I'm sure it was easier to try and form a bond with Dean over Sam because she got more time with Dean. But even those attempts, she couldn't be what she was painted to be. She couldn't live up to the perfect woman that people wanted her to be.
I'm not a huge fan of Mary, but I do give her grace with her circumstances. She wanted out of the life and to live a normal life but she didn't get that. She was killed trying to protect Sam, and then when she was resting well in Heaven, she was brought back to life. Not for herself but for Dean...
People like to put her on the same level as John for parenting but she didn't have the opportunity to raise her boys. She wasn't granted that. She got a second chance but at that point she was just trying to adjust to a life she didn't understand. It's incomparable situations.
I don't know, I just feel like Mary is hated a little too much for terrible circumstances. But I understand she's a woman and well, this fandom does not like women...
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thelivingandundead · 1 year
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
Thinking about how Mary performed femininity to please John and Dean performed masculinity to please John, about how Mary tried to ignore the itch to hunt and Dean had to smother the urge to nest, about how Mary was everything John wanted Dean to be and Dean was everything John believed Mary was, about how this man who was so important to both of them never really knew either of them at all.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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BTS of The Winchesters ❤
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
Making a new poll with a bit more thought out (and hopefully less spelling errors) options and a longer timeline for speculating.
So, what wild theories are you expecting for the finale? (Not what are you hoping for, we know what were all hoping for, but what seems the most plausible to you?)
Reblog and weigh in so we can get as many theories and ideas as possible.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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This is so fucking SCARY. A crime museum mocking a victim of domestic violence by joking about torture devices used on “lying witches” in the Middle Ages. I hate the human race and it’s lack of humanity, intelligence, and empathy.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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we are with you amber heard <3
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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now y'all wanna say sorry? after you shredded this woman to pieces. made fun of her talking about being r*ped. made fun of how she acted through the trial. made fun of her appearance. sent her dts. actively sided with her abuser and called him the victim. made fun of her for the same things he was praised for and called "funny" or "savage". after calling her a liar. making countless posts just to make fun of her looks, reactions, the way she recounted stories. a sorry ain't cutting it. there was so much evidence and y'all still sided with her abuser and called him the victim. not to mention all the stuff you did to people who even dared to say they believe amber. y'all conveniently decided to ignore the case where JD was proven guilty on 12 counts of domestic abuse and focused on this one bcs it gave you your perfect "men get abused too" story, even tho you don't actually gaf about male victims. stop acting like you actually give a shit when you don't. if you did you wouldn't have acted the way you did.
also don't even try to pull the "i was manipulated" card bcs that's bs. you were not manipulated by the media or a man who doesn't know of your existence. you are just a misogynist who found the perfect story to hate on a woman and love her abuser w/o being judged for it by everyone else.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
In ten years time, when we look back on the Depp v Heard trial and see what a horrible monster he truly is and how horribly Amber was treated; so many people will say “We’re all to blame.” No bitch! Not all of us fell for his bullshit.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
Depp Defender Logic
Amber’s admittance to hitting Johnny in an audio recording means she’s clearly guilty! Case closed! Oh, but Johnny’s admittance to headbutting Amber in an audio recording doesn’t necessarily mean anything, and neither do the texts he and his personal assistant sent to Amber apologizing for him kicking her. 
One of the worst things Amber did was cut off Johnny’s finger. This is definitely what happened despite the fact that Johnny said in multiple private conversations with close friends, doctors, and Amber herself that he cut his own finger off. His exact phrasing doesn’t matter because he clearly meant that she cut it off. Another piece of evidence that Amber’s lying is her accidentally admitting to using a bruise kit instead of a color correcting kit on the stand. There is absolutely no ambiguity in this phrasing and it’s completely unfeasible that she would have momentarily forgotten the exact name for a bruise covering kit and accidentally said ‘bruise kit’ before remembering that means something else already and immediately correcting herself.
She’s also called him cruel and horrible things like a fat old man and a baby. This is why she deserved to be called a ‘gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market’, a ‘waste of a cum guzzler’, a ‘50 cent stripper’ a ‘worthless hooker’, a ‘filthy whore’, and much more in verified texts sent by Johnny where he also said he would ‘smack the ugly cunt around’ ‘drown [and] burn her’ and ‘fuck her burnt corpse’.
All of Amber’s witnesses that testified to seeing bruises or witnessing Johnny hurting Amber must be getting paid by her. Johnny’s witnesses, on the other hand, are way more credible- the fact that they’re all on Johnny’s payroll doesn’t mean anything. Whitney Henriquez’s testimony doesn’t mean anything, because of course she’d defend her own sister!! Christie Dembrowski’s testimony, however, clearly shows what a good soul Johnny is. 
Also, Amber and her witnesses were clearly lying because there were minor discrepancies in the details between their testimonies. The 80+ times Johnny lied on the stand, backtracked from previous testimonies, and tried to deny having said documented incriminating phrases doesn’t mean anything because he was probably just confused because he’s a poor traumatized little boy.
Dr. Dawn Hughes, the board certified psychologist who’s been treating Amber for years, is lying on the stand about everything because she looks mean and ugly. Instead, we should listen to Shannon Curry, the young and beautiful psychologist who diagnosed Amber with two personality disorders within a day of meeting her and claimed that real PTSD victims are unable to function in day-to-day life.
Camille Vasquez is such an icon for ripping Amber Heard to shreds, mocking her SA story, claiming that Johnny was the reason she got her role on Aquaman, trying to argue that Amber posted a video at Coachella with friends to send a message to Johnny, and using medical records that describe Heard as a ‘well nourished male’. Ben Rottenborn and Elaine Bredehoft, on the other hand, are terrible and unprepared lawyers who made mean spirited reaches in their cross-examinations.
Amber smiling a few times in court proves that she’s guilty and that she’s revelling in all of this. It’s honestly disgusting. Also, she’s way too emotional in her testimony. Also, she’s not emotional enough, which makes her look ingenuine. Anyway, isn’t it so funny and cute how Johnny kept smiling and smirking and making little quips during his testimony?
Clearly Amber’s guilty here since she was arrested for domestic violence in the past, even though her charges were dropped immediately after and the ex in question has come out saying it was a misunderstanding based in homophobia and misogyny. Meanwhile, all of Johnny’s exes have supported him, proving his innocence- except for Ellen Barkin, who is old, jealous, bitter, irrelevant, and clinging to the past. Oh, did you say something about Johnny Depp’s public image as the ‘bad boy of Hollywood’ who repeatedly abused drugs, trashed hotel rooms, and got in trouble with the police for being aggressive all the way back in the 90’s? I conveniently don’t recall any of that. All I know is that he visits kids in hospitals sometimes.
Also, he’s the good guy in the assault case he’ll go to court for next month, because he was just defending a homeless black woman from being called racial slurs. This behavior is very in character for Johnny, who has defended racism, dressed up in racist costumes multiple times, used plenty of racial slurs (or at the very least, offensive and derogatory terms) himself and once joked that he ‘shot a few ne****s in a club on Sunset Boulevard’.
Amber is a terrible actress and she’s putting on the performance of a lifetime to convince everyone of her innocence. Johnny Depp is an amazingly talented actor and you can just tell that he’s innocent and genuine by the way he’s behaving.
Amber is dragging this out when Johnny just wants to move on with his life. It’s her fault that he sued her repeatedly for an article that never directly mentioned him, thrusting them both into the public eye with overwhelmingly negative attention surrounding her and overwhelmingly positive attention surrounding him.
Seven un-sequestered jurors found Amber guilty of defaming Johnny Depp in her statement ‘I spoke up about sexual violence and faced our culture’s wrath’. This is a more accurate conclusion than the three other judges who found her allegations of Depp’s abuse to be substantially true.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
johnny depp and his legal team brought up how AH ‘failed to donate the $7M settlement to charity as promised’ as a way to attack her credibility.  nevermind that AH had to pay shit tons of money in legal fees to defend from depp’s attacks in the US and UK.  but now unsealed court documents show that depp and AH never signed a prenup before their marriage, entitling her to ½ of depp’s earnings from a POTC movie filmed in 2015 (probably around $33M). AH declined, and said she didn’t want the money.  
ultimately, in the divorce, against advice of her attorneys, she settled for far less than she was entitled to, and then donated sizable portions of that to charity
and if you’ll remember, depp LITERALLY didn’t want to pay her this much lower figure!!! he tried to argue that he should be able to donate it directly to charity, rather than giving to AH to do with as she saw fit.
imagine defending depp. imagine. disgusting.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
I won't let anyone forget that
Johnny Depp IS a wife beater
Declared by 3 judges in the UK
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
At this point if you still believe that Johnny Depp is the victim after one of his own supporters paid so much money to unseal documents that end up condemning him then I don't know what to tell you other than go fuck yourself.
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
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shes so fine
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thelivingandundead · 2 years
the fact that johnny depp took amber heard to court for defamation because she wrote a op-ed about her experiences with abuse (without even mentioning johnny by name) just screams guilty to me. this on top of all the evidence amber has against him. why do people support him?
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