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A passion for art & storytelling lives here
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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A quote from the latest chapter of Fading Darkness!
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
A reminder for myself.
June Prompts 🌼
Word prompts to use for doodling or writing
garden hose
fruit stand
block party
ice cream
night walks
flower crown
cocktail umbrellas
playing cards
neon sign
birch tree
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
Fanfic Q&A - Writer’s Edition 
For this ask game, learn more about the writer who reblogged this. Choose a number and send an ask. Remember, be polite!
What led you to start writing fan fiction? 
Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or not?
What experiences/influences have shaped your writings the most?
What themes/concepts in the canon do you most enjoy exploring in your fan works? 
What aspect of writing have you most improved over time? How did you improve this? What are you trying to improve on now? 
What is your writing process like? Describe it.
How do you balance the demands of writing with other responsibilities? 
How do you view canon works? Do you like to abide by them closely, or loosely? Why? 
Do you like getting requested writing ideas, or do you prefer to brainstorm your own? 
Do you enjoy sharing WIPs or snippets? Why or why not? 
What attracted you to the fandom(s)/media you write in? 
Do you prefer writing in silence or to music?
What are some must-read fanfics in your fandoms? Why do you admire these, and how have they impacted your works?
What aspects of your creative process do you enjoy most? Which are most challenging?
What programs/tools do you use while writing?
What's the worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? Why was this terrible advice?
What’s the best writing advice anyone ever gave you? Why was this good advice?
Are there any themes or tropes that you enjoy writing? Any themes or tropes you hate writing?
How has your experience as a fanfic reader impacted your experience as a fanfic writer?
What’s your favorite work you’ve ever written?
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
Bound By Heart
Demon! Nightmare x Angel! Fredbear
"Prince Nightmare. It's time." The male said, bowing to the dark furred male gently. "You must take to the throne with your bride."
"I'm not marrying her." The prince hissed, not looking at the servant addressing him. "You know the one I love is no devil, nor female."
"Prince Nightmare, you must give up your fantasies... There is no way for you two to marry during war—" He was cut off.
"There is and I will have it happen!" Nightmare growled, baring his teeth harshly as his claws scratched the frame of his bed.
"I-I'll give you time, your highness.... But please, you must step up to your duties. Your kingdom depends on you."
»»————-  ————-««
"Fredbear... Darling, give up your sights on that filthy man. He doesn't love you. He wants to control you, please see that." The gentle voice of the golden angel's mother came as she brushed her fingers through her son's fur.
"I don't believe you. I can't..." Fredbear said softly, his ears down. "I love him, mama. I can't just give up on him..."
"We're doing this to protect you." The female replied, sighing softly.
"By forcing them to leave their home and declaring war against them over one suggestion?" Fredbear retorted, ears flat.
"They didn't want you to love each other. They wanted him to control you through manipulation." Fredbear's mother sighed, taking Fredbear's brush and running it through his fur. "This is for your own good, Fredbear."
»»————-  ————-««
Nightmare was sat up in a tree, wings covering him as he curled his tail around the branch. He was at the border between the two kingdoms, the tree he sat in making him hard to see against the sooty colored, dark grey bark of the tree and the sky behind him that led back to his kingdom. He was waiting for his old friend, the wait making him a bit worried considering how their kingdoms were still at war. However, he was doing his best to keep himself hidden for the case of an angel soldier coming past the border.
Fredbear was walking towards the border holding a basket of treats, something that his old friend would like very much. He had to randomly carry holy water when he went up because of this so called war. He felt bad for the demons because they where only suggesting something which really got the angels nerves but yet again he had no saying in this so he just had to meet his old friendnin secret now. He passed through the trees as looked at the neon lines that separated the land. He sat down and waited, thinking it was a bad idea to yell out Nightmare's name.
Nightmare came down once he saw Fredbear, landing with a soft thud as he wasn't too graceful when it came to landing from landing when he was already so close to the ground. Folding his half feathered wings he came over, sitting in front of Fredbear.
"Hello again, Fredbear." He said, his voice rather monotone though he bore a soft smile on his face. He looked more mature than the last time they had met; More prominent horns and in a suit that was made for the devil royal family.
"Hey Nightmare" Nothing much had changed of Fredbear accept for his bigger wings and his size abit. He seemed very childish still and very upbeat and bright as he gave a big smile. He puts the basket in between them for both of them to able to grabbed a cherry muffin and a frizzy soda from the human world "Seems like your horns grew bigger" He chuckled abit "You kinda look like a goat from the MakMak world" He joked trying to build conversation between them. He seemed very relaxed as his wings had fold in.
"Yes... I have been compared to a goat before. I personally don't see it.." He replied, taking a bite of the muffin Fredbear had brought for him afterwards. He slowly moved his tail behind him, the tip brushing against the only non-dead grass that he had known ever since the two had been separated. "The only resemblance I see is my horns."
Fredbear kinda seemed interested in the horns "May i touch them? They seem very heavy to carry on your head" He said as he took a sip from the fizz soda "Do they feel heavy on your head?" He asked, curious.
"I guess.. No one's ever asked. Then again almost everyone I see daily have horns themselves." Nightmare responded, bowing his head to Fredbear so he could touch his horns. "I've never really noticed their weight. They don't feel heavy to me. I've had them my entire life, so I suppose my muscles and horns grew at the same pace so I could support them on my head without any issues."
He blinked a bit, having an admiration for the golden angel bear. Especially when it came to personality. The positive tone he had despite the violence between their people was impressive to him.
Fredbear felt his horns but made sure he didn't touch anywhere that will make Nightmare uncomfortable. He seemed amazed as he then thought of a random question "Do you wash your own horns?" He said as he stopped touching his horns. "And if you do, do you wash them on a daily basis?" He asked while smiling.
"I keep them as clean as I can. I wash them several times a day. I don't like my fur and horns being dirty." Nightmare said in response, one ear flicking to the side. He had a soft smile in response, shifting his wings slightly. "I guess I can say that I like whens things are neat and well-kept." He continued, allowing Fredbear to touch his horns without much issue. Unless it was the tips, since for some reason those were sensitive to touch.. and that what Fredbear end up accidently touching. He really didn't think much of it as he softly felt the tip. He smiled as it gave off a nice little glare "Is there anywhere I shouldn't touch?"
Nightmare flinched at the touch, raising his hand to tell Fredbear to stop. "That.. Please don't touch the tips of my horns. They're sensitive." He said, lifting his head back up and meeting Fredbear's gaze. He moved his hands to his lap, glancing past Fredbear and at the angel palace in the distance. "Have your parents calmed down at all? Or are they still holding their grudge about my parents' proposal that we marry? For whatever reason they had..." He asked, his voice lowered at that last sentence.
"Well, they're mad. They really didn't like the marrying thing. Whatever they say about it, I was kinda wanting to marriage thing to happen" He blushed abit as he blushed a neon white "And, well, you going to hate me for this but.. I kinda did something to your muffin.." He blushed more.
"O-Oh... You did? Wait you did what?—" He seemed a bit worried about that last part. He seemed worried, his ears down as he had a look that said he had a fear that his friend was trying to give him something that would harm him. He curled his tail around his knees, meeting Fredbear's gaze. "What did you do?" He asked, a bit of fear of betrayal in his head.
"I put a love potion in your muffin, it not harmful" He kept blushing, sure he love potioning his friend but he wanted to make sure. The Love potion didn't force the victim to fall in love. It just made them deeply love there crush or lover "Just relax, i'm not going to hurt you" He promised Nightmare as he gave a smile as he then got the other muffin from the basket and ate it. He seemed to be getting alittle close to Nightmare.
Nightmare stayed silent, not really understanding just why Fredbear was doing it. He didn't know what to think. "Does it.. take any time to take effect?" He asked, having a bit of a blush on his face since he was assuming now that Fredbear wanted him to love him.
"Well, it takes full effect when you feel warm inside" He seemed to get really close to Nightmare "There's no side effects and no you will be conscious so you see everything that happens while your under the potion" He smiled as he was close enough to Nightmare to kiss him as he was sitting on his legs infront of Nightmare. Lust filled his eyes abit as he really wanted to do this. From when they turned 7 he alway liked him, he always help him and comfort him while he was down. Him being away from him but a random feeling in his heart he could only tell as love, he always sat it his room and draw couple pictures of Nightmare and barely slept. Now that he has Nightmare now, he wanted him, and his heart needed him~
Nightmare was in a wild mix of emotions, though a feeling of desire and lust was slowly building up inside him. His heart was beating quite quickly, and he was blushing a lot. He was a little 'shy' since he could tell by the way Fredbear was acting that he had desires. Alongside the look in the angel's eyes. The kind of desires that would only infuriate the angel bear's parents more.
Fredbear put his hand on Nightmare cheek as he went in for a kiss, he didn't care about anything else as all he focused on was making Nightmare his own. Maybe his lover for life, he then kissed Nightmare making the love potion effects stronger "Mmm~"
Nightmare's initial reaction was to instantly try to pull back. He hadn't been very open about the small crush he had on Fredbear, and he felt it was too sudden for Fredbear to be doing something like this, however after a few seconds he just allowed it, that feeling of lust rising up again. It wouldn't take much else for it to get too overwhelming to try and deny, avoid and run away from.
As Fredbear kissed him he then stopped "Oh dear! I went to far! I knew i did!" He seemed embarrassed as he didn't really mean to kiss him. He just wanted to get closer to him "I didn't mean to suddenly kiss you without your consent!" He seemed really embarrassed as he teared up abit.
Nightmare's gaze went to the ground for a moment, and truly before he could stop himself he pulled Fredbear up against him and met his lips to Fredbear in a rather passionate kiss, which would likely catch him off guard.
Fredbear was shocked at first. He though he messed up but slowly just relaxed and kissed back. This was his lover for life and he knew it. He kept kissing back slowly.
Nightmare found it difficult to hold back at that point, which is how after a few minutes he would be on top of Fredbear, his wings draped over the both of them as he met Fredbear's gaze with such lust that it was probably clear what his mind was going to.
Fredbear then broke the kiss as he then looked up at Nightmare "Nightmare? what are you" It then snap to him, what Nightmare was about do as he become hardly flustered. Was he going to mate with him?
"Shhh~" Nightmare cooed into his ear, tone like silk and smooth, eerily gentle. "I won't hurt you.."
Nightmare was already in the correct position, searching for the permission he so desperately wanted from Fredbear. It was hard for Nightmare to hold back on his desires, but for the sake of not making Fredbear avoid him, he was waiting for the other's consent.
Fredbear gave him the looked meaning he gave him consent "Be gentle with me please" He seemed wildly flustered.
Nightmare went for Fredbear's neck with his tongue, licking him gently as he proceeded to enter the angel, his force much more gentle than he had originally hoped for, but listening to Fredbear's request. He had to adjust himself for a few moments, soon the carefully thrust into him, his attention fully on their special moment.
Cute moans came out of the angel as he felt more loved. His wings covered around them abit, he held on to Nightmare as every time he was thrust into his wings twitched.
Nightmare had some difficulty with being as gentle as Fredbear was likely hoping for, but he was trying to keep his promise to take it easy for Fredbear. He didn't moan as frequently, but he still did enjoy it enough that he was occasionally moaning at the pleasure of finally being able to express his true feelings for the angel.
"Fuck~ Fuck~" He kept moaning as he felt really warm inside as Nightmare kept thrust "M-more~" He gave him permission to go fast or harder.  As he then kissed Nightmare again.
Nightmare picked up his pace, going much harder on Fredbear, which would likely cause minor pain. He huffed softly, continuing to lick Fredbear's neck, leaving tender kisses every now and then. "I-I'm close.." He said with a bit of shakiness, his body still tensing up as he was close to releasing in the other.
"S-s-same..~" He kept moaning and moaning feeling Nightmare inside of him. He feels like he forgotten something but doesn't bother as he stuck his tongue out in pleasure.
Nightmare kept going, shaking a bit until he finally released, moaning as he did so, his body requiring a few seconds before he exited Fredbear. He was panting, getting off Fredbear and sitting down next to him.
"I.. never thought we'd be able to do something like that." He said, wrapping his wings around himself, fluffing up the feathered half.
Fredbear gave a loud moan as he was seeded in. As Nightmare pulled out he then remember that random though. It was that me was a fertile male meaning he could get pregnant. He instantly got up and started panicking. "I- God- I just remembered something!"
"What? What's wrong? What did you remember?" Nightmare asked, his eyes showing concern. He looked around, noticing a change in the energy around them. "I think we need to part ways soon, Fredbear. I think there's a patrol coming close. I'm going to have to cross the border soon." He then said, urging the angel to hurry and leave as soon as he could.
"Alright, but listen real quick. I just remember that I'm a fertile male, which means there a good chance i could get pregnant from this!" He said as he was kinda in a panic.
"I'm sorry.." Nightmare said, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I wish I could stay.. but I can't risk being captured. It would only make things worse." He then said, looking back towards the border.
"In the human world... when their moon is full, meet me back here. We can talk about this then. I love you..." He told him, giving him a mournful look as he took off, flying through the border, back towards his home with a feeling of guilt. In the thick smoke of the sky in the devil's kingdom, it would only be around twenty seconds before the angel would lose sight of him. Nightmare just hoped that Fredbear would be safe until he could see him again.
As Nightmare left he gave a sigh, he didn't know what he will do now. If his parents figured out he was pregnant with a demon baby, who knows what will they do. He cried abit as he then cleared his face, he had to accept this and hide this fact. He kept repeating what Nightmare said in his head so he wouldn't forget.
"Prince Fredbear. You must return to the palace. There's been a sighting of a devil troop near the southern border." Came the voice of an angel soldier, whom landed next to Fredbear. "We can't have them doing anything to harm you."
Nightmare carefully flew back through his bedroom window, landing and looking back out at the faint glow of the neon border line, sighing in the process. "I'm sorry.." He whispered, feeling guilty for having to leave Fredbear in his state of fear of the outcome of their decision.
Fredbear sighed "Yeah i know" He followed the angel guard back to his palace. He seemed sad and passed right by his parents. Going to his room and laying on his bed. He looked at his window as he had his mind on Nightmare and only him. He blushed as he had a feather that fell off him during their intercourse.
Nightmare whistled, calling his trusted phoenix to him. The bird landed on his shoulder, waiting for a command. Quickly writing a note for Fredbear. It read 'Send someone you trust to the human world and get three pregnancy tests. In two weeks, use them and if all of them are  positive then we'll have to discuss what we're going to do.'
Once that was done, he gave his phoenix, Pele, the command "Find a dove and  have it carry the note to the angel palace. Have it taken to Fredbear."
He then released Pele, hoping the message made it to Fredbear before anyone else saw it.
Fredbear still laid there on his bed as a random dove carried a note to him. He read it and looked abit surprised. He then looked around and then saw his pet mouse. He picked his mouse up and whispered in his cat ear what he wanted him to do. Unlike  other mouse he was smart a knew what to do. Fredbear then teleported him to the human world, nervous, yet happy to have Nightmare's love.
»»————-  ————-««
The war got more tense, and more violent causing defense to be tough. It was only nine months later that their defense became too low because of the lack of troops. It was only this time that anything can cross the boarder. A dove came to Nightmare window with a note, it read:
Please meet me at the golden lake please!'
The note ended there as there was a wet substance at the end of the page.
»»————-  ————-««
Nightmare read through the note rather fast, moving back a bit before going past two soldiers, pushing one out of the way, yelling "Move!" And taking off towards the lake. He knew that he'd probably have at least one soldier sent after him, but he didn't care. At least if it was another devil that found the two of them they wouldn't be angry. If anything they'd be happy. It could be a reason to stop  the war. Nonetheless, Nightmare was going as fast as he could.
Fredbear could be seen at the lake. He was laying on his sighed as he softly rubbed his 9 month pregnant belly. He panted hardly as he was in labor. Painful throb went threw him every second. He breathed in and out waiting for Nightmare to appear. He didn't want to have his baby by himself. So he did his best and kept breathing in and out and wait for his Nightmare to arrive "Y-your so determined to come o *He grunts as he said outside* to see me and your father.." He seemed to cry as this was very very painful.
Nightmare took only a few minutes to arrive, landing and quickly moving over to Fredbear. "It's okay.. I'm here now." He said, holding Fredbear up against him, gently moving Fredbear's legs apart to aid the birth. "This makes it easier for the baby to pass through." He explained, his knowledge on birth and labor few, but his wish to try and help Fredbear great.
Fredbear grunts in pain as he started to push "Oooh god it hurts!" The tip of the baby head was coming out. Fredbear was in a large amounts of pain. He shifted as he cried, he cried not because of the pain, not because of the possibility of the guard finding them. It was that how thier child was going to be treated being half angel and half demon. He gave a yell of pain as he kept pushing.
Nightmare squeezed Fredbear's hand, reminding him to breathe in between pushing. He also kept his eye out for any soldier or guard that may find the two. He would fight to the death if he had to. It may have been a small crush when they were young, but this was now, and he wasn't going to let any harm come to Fredbear.
He kept pushing as the baby head came out. He gave a gasp of breath as he felt the baby's head come out.
»»————-  ————-««
Nightmare used his feathers to dry off the baby, afterwards placing it on Fredbear's chest, smiling at him. "They're here..." He said, holding Fredbear close. "Our family is finally together."
Fredbear cried in joy as he softly rubbed there baby back "Welcome to the world little one" Fredbear common smile came right out his face. He softly picked up the baby in his hands "Do you wish to hold him, Nightmare?"
Nightmare was about to respond until he heard approaching wings and he looked up. Instantly he growled a bit and spread his wings over Fredbear and their baby. Angel guards.
Nightmare's instincts were telling him to just drive them off, but he knew that being violent would only cause more hostility, so all he did was make it very clear that he would defend Fredbear if he had to. For now.
His ears were back, wings spread out to where Fredbear and their baby were completely covered.
"I'm not letting them hurt you." He said firmly, glaring at the guards as they landed.
The Angels held there spears towards nightmare. As this was going on, the baby let out a cry. The Angel hostility went down as the looked at the child, they seemed curious and mildly confused as the looked at the child "We must.. report this.." The Angels then flew off towards the angel castle. They where going to tell the Angel King and Queen about the angel-devil baby that was just born.
Nightmare remained there, his hold firm but not painful. He curled his tail around Fredbear, nuzzling his cheek. "We can't flee. There'd only be troops sent out after us. We have to stay here... Maybe a child will make your parents swallow their pride and accept that they can't choose who you marry or love." He said, sighing as he tried to direct the baby towards Fredbear's chest so it could try to nurse. "I... Don't know if you're going to be able to feed the baby with milk... But you can try." He then said, looking at the small child on his lover's chest.
Fredbear tried to feed the baby as the baby suckles off of something below Fredbear chest "Maybe.. But it a possibly..." Fredbear held the baby close to him "I just hope they don't take him away from me.." He started cry abit as he feared of what the future had for them. His wings almost curled around himself as he laid there, scared.
Nightmare wiped the tears from Fredbear's eyes, making him look at him. "I won't let them take him. Even if it means one of your own has to get hurt in the process. They have to realize that it isn't their choice." He promised, pressing his chest up against Fredbear's cheek to allow his extra fluffy fur to be up against him and hopefully calm him.
Fredbear smiled happily as you reassured him. He felt more confident as the baby opened his eyes. His eyes looked like Nightmares, the baby babbled as it looked at it parents "He has such beautiful eyes.." As Fredbear said that, the baby babbled happily as it little non-fully grown wings moved abit.
Nightmare tickled the little belly, smiling softly as he did so. "A perfect mix of our looks.." He said, resting his head on Fredbear's.
He was also keeping aware of any signs of incoming troops of either race, determined to keep his little family safe.
"... Nightmare, we should.. run away to the human world..." He says as he held their child closer "I don't wish to wait and see what will happen now..." He started crying again "If it's ok with you...."
"I don't think that's a good idea.. We wouldn't be safe there either. It actually could end up being more dangerous for us.. Especially me and the baby. Most humans have a poor view on demons. And.. I don't want to think about what some would try to do to an angel like you. I don't trust them..." Nightmare replied, watching figures in the distance getting ever closer. "Besides... I think it's too late to run without us being followed." The demon bear gestured to the incoming figures in the sky.
"I know, but i have a spell that can costume us as human...." He said "If we do it now they won't know it's us..."
"I'm taking you back to the devil palace. As us devils only ever suggested a marriage, the subjects of the kingdom shouldn't be hostile towards you. We'll hide you there... I'll go to your parents myself. All I ask of you is to write down your feelings towards me and explain our new family. It may be a dangerous risk but we belong with our people and families, not among humans." Nightmare said, getting up and carefully picking Fredbear up, keeping their son between them. "Hold him and onto me tightly." He instructed, looking in the direction of the castle of hell. "I'll fly us there myself. You're in no condition to fly just after birth."
"Alright, just make sure to stay safe my love" He said as he held on to Nightmare and held to his baby tighter so he wouldn't slip from hid grip "I don't wish for are child to not see his father."
Nightmare nodded, taking off and carrying Fredbear and their child back to his kingdom, gaining several confused looks by devils who saw him with Fredbear, the son of the ones that forced them out of their original home.
He took him to the palace, landing and taking a defensive posture upon seeing his mother and father enter the room. Neither seemed angry, more so surprised.
"Prince Fredbear? What are you doing here? Isn't it dangerous for you to be away from your castle?" His father began, only to have Nightmare's mother wave at his face to silence his questions.
"It is quite a surprise to see you, yes... But that doesn't mean we can't treat you well. Nightmare, let him down, dear." She said, looking Nightmare in the eyes.
Nightmare frowned, though kept himself from growling. "He's not in a condition to be moving around on his own." He responded to his mother, gently moving one of Fredbear's arms to show the child he held.
He looked abit scared as Nightmares mother looked at his child . He didn't think of much harm to come to him or his baby. He was just intimidated by there presents. He relaxed as the baby looked at his papa's parents and babbled happily.
Nightmare moved Fredbear to the throne he was set to inherit upon marriage, setting him down and giving him a tender kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back. I promise." He said, rubbing his son's head afterwards. "They'll protect you." He continued, even though the baby wouldn't be able to understand him yet.
He then turned and left before his parents were able to ask him what he meant with his statement.
After he was gone, the devil bear's mother moved over to Fredbear, kneeling down to get at the baby's level. "You two did love each other..." She said quietly, offering a finger to her grandchild.
"Yeah, it was kinda love a first sight.." Fredbear softly sigh as he baby happily player with his Grandma finger, babbling happily "At this moment i just want my child to have a normal life" He said as he offered for Devilbear's grandma to holding the baby.
Nightmare was by then landing in the castle Fredbear grew up in, having small cuts all over him from crashing through a window. He made eye contact with both of Fredbear's parents, standing tall and eyes narrowed. "You cannot control your son's life forever." He said firmly, ears back. "It's not your choice who he loves. He loves me, we have a child. Get over your pride. Your son is acting more mature than you."
Back with Fredbear Nightmare's mother accepted the invitation to hold the baby, holding him gently and being sure to stay close to Fredbear to help him keep his peace of mind. "He's so beautiful..." She whispered, smiling softly with wet eyes from how happy she was.
The baby babbled as it suckled on his own thumb "Haven't thought of a name for him"
The grandma bear gently tickled her grandson's little belly, smiling as she listened to his golden colored father. "That's something that should be discussed with Nightmare. When he comes back from wherever he went, of course.." She said, her tail swaying as her husband came over to watch.
The baby kept babbling happily as he was tickled. Fredbear looked abit upset. He hopes the Nightmare stays ok. Fredbear slowly started to fall asleep, him giving birth really took much out of him and him trying to stay awake.
"We won't be upset if you rest, dear." Morana, Nightmare's mother, said while looking at the half-asleep angel prince. "Birth takes a toll on the body. Rest will be good for you." She continued, setting the little baby on Fredbear's chest so he could feel comforted that his baby was close.
Fredbear smiled as the baby was suckling on his own thumb. The baby then started babbling upset as it was not in his grandma hands anymore. Sure the baby liked to be with his father but, Morana tickled him. He like that very much so he started crying. The baby cries weren't that loud just a medium volume cry as he cried to be in his grandma hands again.
Morana laid her hand against the baby's back, hoping that he'd fall asleep so Fredbear could rest and not be woken up by the upset child. "He's got the same spot that Nightmare had when he was young... A spot that he loved to be tickled on." She said quietly, looking at her husband.
"Dear, fetch one of Nightmare's old plushies. Maybe that could be a comfort for the little one." She instructed, receiving a nod from the baby's Paternal grandfather, Mabuz.
The baby calm down as it felt his grandma hands. The baby knew it wasn't a tickle but he felt relaxed. The baby have softly as happy babbles as he looked at Morana. A little baby smile came cross the baby face as it gave a happy giggle.
Morana stayed with Fredbear and the baby while Mabuz got a plushie, rubbing the small bear's back gently. She was hoping that he'd fall asleep, though if not she hoped the plushie would keep him calm so his dad could sleep.
Speaking of which, Mabuz came back with a small, grey bunny plushie that was less soft due to time and use than if it were new, but it was still something that the baby could cling onto for comfort.
Morana took the plushie and set it near the baby, watching to see the reaction her grandson would give to one of his father's old plushies.
The baby softly grabbed it, the baby started to put it in his mouth. Being curious as he is he thought it was food. The baby seemed calm as it had the plush it mouth. He suckles abit on it as he falls asleep slowly. The baby mind slowly going into his first sleep.
Nightmare came back to the palace, having a difficult time landing at first. He came up to Fredbear, kneeling down beside him. "Your parents wish to see you tomorrow." He said with a smile, hinting at good news. He had a cut on his cheek that was bleeding a little bit, but that was from the broken window of the angel's castle. "We may want to leave the little one here, just until everything's sorted out between our kingdoms." He offered the tired angel a wink. "I'm sure you'll enjoy what they have to say."
"I may" Fredbear said tiredly. He softly held the baby "Nightmare.. I wanted to ask.. Do you have name for our child...?" He felt numb but better abit rested. For a moment he smiled, smiled thinking that the war was just near over. And maybe.. Nightmare and him can get married, but only right now. He could just imagine.
"Perhaps.. Eijaz? It means miracle. For our little baby is a miracle." Nightmare suggested, tail swaying behind him. He leaned in to give Fredbear a kiss, leaving a tender touch on the male's cheek with a smile. "What do you think?"
"I think that's a great name.. Our little miracle , Eijaz.." Fredbear smiled happily as lil Eijaz gave a sneeze, from suckling on the plush he was given. Fredbear offered for Nightmare to hold him "Do you wish to hold him, my love?" He smiled as since he loved him, Nightmare wouldn't mind be called lover.. right?
Nightmare smiled, taking Eijaz gently, holding him and rubbing his back gently. He used his wings to carefully cover the little baby, having the slight worry of him getting cold due to not being able to control his own body temperature. He didn't have much experience with children, but it was just what he thought of while holding Eijaz.
Eijaz babbled happily as he was held by his father. Fredbear went back to sleep. He was really tired and him giving birth took alot out of him.
Nightmare glanced around, seeking a servant not performing a task to request formula from.
He knew that there was a formula commonly used for young devils somewhere in the palace's kitchen, but he didn't want to go too far from Fredbear. Since Fredbear was a bit weaker due to the exhaustion from giving birth Nightmare was feeling extremely overprotective and didn't want to leave Fredbear alone for long. As he glanced around Nightmare was rubbing Eijaz's ears, which were soft and fluffy since Eijaz was a newborn.
Eijaz gave cute giggles as he suckles his thumb. His personality was like Fredbear as he had a little smile and always had a bright feeling. Fredbear sleep softly as he felt relaxed, he softly smiled in his sleep.
Nightmare looked to his mother and gestured for her to hold Eijaz, letting her take him as he then returned to Fredbear. He carefully picked the angel up, looking at his parents and quietly requested that Morana come with him to his room and that Mabuz have his crib from when he was a baby taken to his room and set up for Eijaz. He wanted Fredbear to be close to Eijaz for the angel's peace of mind, so he thought that this would be the best way for him to do so.
He moved fast down the hallways, wanting to put his lover down as soon as possible to lower the chance of waking him up. Luckily, Nightmare made it to his room, as he entered and gently laid Fredbear down on his bed. Afterwards, he covered his sleeping lover up and looked to his mother, nodding to her and taking Eijaz, and his plushie, back before sitting on the other side of the bed and holding his newborn son while Fredbear would rest.
Eijaz gave light babbles as he kept suckling on his plush, of course some fluff got into his mouth causing him to cough abit. He then cries as Fredbear laid in the bed still passed out, his wings covered himself like a cocoon
Nightmare rubbed Eijaz's ears a little bit, then the cub's belly, afterwards tickling him with one finger. He wasn't very experienced with children, let alone newborns, so he wasn't sure how he would be able to calm Eijaz down. 'Maybe he's hungry..' Nightmare thought, silently wondering how he'd feed Eijaz.
Eijaz then calmed down, as he softly grabbed his father hand. It seemed like he took possession of whatever pleased him as he babbles happily while softly suckling on it.
Nightmare looked over at Fredbear, giving a soft sigh and standing up again. He left the room quietly, heading down to the kitchen and scanning through what the palace had to offer for a newborn, stopping once he found the formula he was looking for. With his free and arm Nightmare carefully prepared the formula as he soon gently nudged Eijaz's mouth to try and get him to latch onto and suckle on the bottle he had gotten instead of his hand.
Eijaz didn't suckle on it because it looked unfamiliar to him. He gave a uneasy groan as he moved his head away.
"Eijaz, dear, you need to drink from the bottle.." Nightmare said quietly, trying to nudge Eijaz again; See if he could tempt the baby into latching onto the bottle, or in some way get him to drink from it. With a few nudges, he then suckles off the bottle. He got use to it when he tasted the milk that was kind of the same as his father's.
Nightmare smiled when Eijaz took the bottle, carrying him back to his room and sitting down next to his lover.
Meanwhile in the background a few of the servants of the palace were quietly setting up the crib that Nightmare slept in when he was a baby in one corner.
Eijaz drank it all, for a little guy he sure was hungry as he still suckles off the bottle after it was finished.
Nightmare's mind lingered on the thought of if he should wake Fredbear up so he could let Eijaz nurse; Not wanting Fredbear to be exhausted but not wanting to deny Eijaz the chance to nurse and get the benefits of his father's milk that weren't as easily provided with a supplement formula. After a few minutes he decided to take the risk and wake Fredbear up briefly to get him to try to nurse Eijaz.
"Love... I know you're tired, but Eijaz is still hungry and I already gave him a bottle. I think you need to let him nurse." He said, gently nudging his lover to wake him up.
Fredbear woke up as a soft sigh came out of him. He yawns as he reaches his hands out for Eijaz. He wasn't mad just abit woosey as he just woke up "It alright... Just hand him here" Fredbear said as his cute smile appeared back on his face.
Nightmare smiled, gently giving Eijaz to Fredbear and having a calm look in his eyes. "When you feel ready, your parents want to speak with you. Along with my family... Perhaps we could bring Eijaz along; Let them see the grandson they now have." He swayed the tip of his tail. "It would be nice.."
"Sure.., just give me a few hours of rest..." He said as Eijaz kept feeding off of Fredbear. Fredbear seemed to be drifting off to sleep.
Nightmare nodded, silently agreeing. He got up, leaving the room to allow Fredbear to sleep uninterrupted; Unless by Eijaz. He went to speak with his parents; Discuss the request for them to accompany him and his lover to the angel palace, and the possibility of ending the war. Along with backup plans if Fredbear's parents attempted a betrayal towards the family their son had passed his genes down with.
»»————-  ————-««
Around six hours later Nightmare was again nudging Fredbear, this time more formally dressed and holding some clothing that would fit the golden male. It was a more pale white & gold version of the traditional clothing of a newly wed devil; Seemingly sewn and made during the time Fredbear had been asleep. "Wake up, love. They would like to meet us there soon and I wanted to be sure that these clothes fit you. Since your current ones still need to be clensed of the fluids and such from Eijaz's birth." His voice was soft and caring, hinting at how he didn't want to wake up the sleeping angel but didn't want them to disappoint the angel's parents either.
Fredbear softly yawned, the cute smile on his face "Alright" He yawned loudly as he was back to his energetic self. But of course he wasn't moving the fastly as he slowly sat up with Eijaz in his arms. Eijaz was asleep as Fredbear seemed to held him close "Heh.. seems like he having his first dream" He said as Eijaz seemed to babble in his sleep.
Nightmare smiled, setting down the clothes he had for Fredbear. "These were sewn for you while you were resting. I hope they fit.." He said, looking at their little boy as he was having his first dream of his young life. He smiled softly at the sight, wondering if this was what their parents felt like when the two of them were still small cubs like Eijaz.
"They will fit" He said as then Eijaz started crying, he was still asleep. Looks like his dream turned into a nightmare instantly.
Nightmare gently took Eijaz and rubbed his back, trying to gently wake him up to try and calm him down. He turned his gaze away from Fredbear so he could change, focusing on helping their child before they'd depart for the angel kingdom.
Eijaz kept crying as Fredbear then hummed something, it was way to soothing. It was enough to sooth Nightmare and Eijaz as Eijaz cries went away. Fredbear continued to sing not knowing that Eijaz was asleep.
Nightmare smiled, glancing back at Fredbear. "You have a beautiful singing voice, love." He said, nuzzling Eijaz gently with his nose, careful with his horns. He shifted his wings a bit, after a moment stretching one outwards before folding it again. "I have an itching urge to fly. It's been too long since I've been able to fly around for more than a few minutes."
"Well, if you want to I don't mind watching Eijaz until your back" He said smiling as he sat up, his eyes still looked tired but his face and body said otherwise.
"I believe the flight to the angel palace should be enough to satisfy the urge to stretch my wings and fly. And if not I can always fly around while you and my parents talk to your parents." Nightmare insisted, nuzzling Fredbear gently. "Whenever you're ready we can head out. My parents are prepared for us to depart."
Fredbear got up and stretched his wings. He felt air pass through them, they went back to resting position as he slowly got up.
Nightmare stood up, swaying his tail slowly as the tip brushed against the ground. He took Eijaz and left the room, going and standing beside Morana to wait.
Morana gave Eijaz a few of his seemingly favorite thing; Tickles. It was gentle and quick, though it was still something from the small male's grandmother.
Eijaz chuckled as he was tickled, Fredbear then came with the clothes that Nightmare gave him. He looked beautiful in them.
Nightmare's smile grew when he saw Fredbear. "You look amazing, my love." He said, Morana agreeing with a nod.
"I'm glad that it fits you. I was afraid is was too loose." She said, stretching her dark grey wings.
Fredbear smiled more seeing her stretch her wings made him do the same without him thinking.
Nightmare came and gave Fredbear a kiss, smiling happily. "Are you ready, my love?" He asked, Morana and looking excited to potentially see the end of the war. Mabuz seemed more numb to everything, seeming a bit suspicious about the request for all of them to be there. The years of war had taken a toll on his ability to trust Fredbear's parents.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Fredbear softly smiled as the knew the end of the war, was coming to a close at this moment. Probably they're about to make history, either bad or good. He kissed Nightmare back as he smiled.
"Then, let's go. I believe they'll make you happy." Nightmare said, taking Fredbear's hand and hopping up into the air, half dragging his lover with him. He was beginning the flight to Fredbear's home palace, being followed by his mother and father. Nightmare held Eijaz close to his body to be sure he didn't drop him, all while Eijaz clung onto his chest fur.
Fredbear flapped his wings as he followed Nightmare, he wasn't as fast as Nightmare but a decent speed. He smiled as he knew this war was all going to be over and he will live happy with Nightmare and Eijaz. Maybe get married, he started imagining things but kept focused to fly.
Nightmare kept his quite frankly excited pace until the angel palace came into view. The angels that weren't guards nor residents of the castle seemed in a bit of shock seeing Nightmare and his parents with Fredbear without being attacked. Nightmare was actually able to see the window he broke through the day before. He still had a few cuts from it.
Fredbear landed in afterwards but made sure to not step on any glass, his smile loosened abit as he was now about to confront his parents. Heck, he was extremely nervous but tried to keep his happy expression as he started the conversation with "Hi mama, hi dad"
"Welcome home, darling." His mother said, looking to her husband.
"We're disappointed that you lied to us about where you were going, but that cannot be changed now."
There were a few guards holding their weapons towards Nightmare and his parents, though they received a stern look from Fredbear's father.
"We thought of it last night, dear. That it might be time for you to take to the throne. We can no longer hold you back from whom you want to marry." His mother continued, looking to Nightmare. "All we want is for him to take care of you."
Fredbear took a look around as he just softly smiled, he now knowing he can now marry Nightmare and live happily with him "Thank you mama" He gave a bright smile as he wished right now that Nightmare would get on his knees and propose. Which, with a huge smile, Nightmare did.
»»————-  ————-««
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
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Molten Freddy x Intersex Lefty
Lefty is treated as a princess by his parents despite identifying as male due to their wishes for a daughter. Molten Freddy is a gay prince, whom his parents are trying to force to marry a princess; Which leads to him being in an arranged marriage with Lefty, whom, like him, is invalidated by his family. Their relationship grows, and after marriage they stand up to their parents and assert their identities as the new rulers of the two kingdoms.
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
Introduction <3
Hello and welcome! My name is Ava, also known as Spooky, or LittleHareOfHell.
I'm an aspiring writer and artist from the United States whom has a passion for art, animals, and storytelling.
I'm a fan of the Five Nights At Freddy's series, and a lot of my works revolves around the fandom.
Sprinkled in with these fanfictions, however, are indeed some completely original works that I am collaborating on with friends.
I'm most active during the evenings, so don't be afraid to say hello to me.
My main projects are Fading Darkness, Rise Of Hope, and Fate Of The Alpha.
I try to update my stories weekly, so stay tuned for more of my work!
You can find me elsewhere on;
Discord - Papa Bear#8745
Amino - @LittleHareOfHell
Wattpad - @BudgieBird001
DeviantArt - @LittleHareOfHell
Instagram - @LittleHareOfHell
Twitter - @Ava1Mother
YouTube - @LittleHareOfHell
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon! - Ava, May 21st, 2023
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thelittlehareofhell · 2 years ago
1. I really started when I first learned how to read and write. I started taking it seriously a year ago as I became an aspiring author.
2. I can’t remember exactly, but I can tell you about the first one I’ve made that’s been a hit among my #wattpad followers. Fading Darkness; An omegaverse fanfiction, Nightmare x Fredbear from Five Nights At Freddy’s. I am actually collaborating on this story with a writing partner.
3. Drama, romance, fanfiction, fantasy, mystery, angst, fluff.
4. Romance, fantasy, angst.
5. New to the whole “trope” term, but my favorite sort of romance stories start out with an obsessed muse and an oblivious muse.
6. Adventure!
7. Wendell White.
8. Nelson Howell.
9. Yes, many times. Mainly with Wendell, as I tend to forget about him then obsess about him over and over again.
10. “Fate Of The Alpha”. A fantasy world with fantastic characters and a wild world for me to explore and admire.
11. Yes, I have. >//~//<
12. Huffed, “Flicked an ear”.
13. I haven’t had any really stick with me yet.
14. ‘Kinky scenes’.
15. Update stories weekly.
16. Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube.
17. Fading Darkness is actually under a rewrite, the original story being under an hour long in reading time.
18. "Today's the day, my love~ Our life together shall start today. You may not realize it, but we're meant for each other.. We're going to bring on a new generation... I know you'll come to realize soon." - Nightmare, Fading Darkness - Prologue
19. “I'll be with you, every step of the way."
20. Try your best, have fun, and go at your own pace! ^^🖤
Writer's Ask Game
When did you start writing?
What was the first story you've ever written?
What genres have you written for so far?
What is your favourite genre to write for?
What is your favourite trope to write for?
What topic would you love to explore in your writing?
Who is the OC that is most like you?
Which OC is nothing like you?
Have you ever brought an OC back from the dead?
In which of your stories would you like to live?
Have you ever written fanfiction about your own work?
Do you have a word/phrase that you overuse in your writing?
What feedback did you receive for your writing that stuck with you?
What is something that you feel weird/uncomfortable writing about?
What is your current writing habit?
Where do you find inspiration to write?
Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
Show us a piece of dialogue you really like.
Show us the line you want readers to remember from your story.
Do you have one piece of advice for your fellow writers?
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