theliterarygroup · 7 years
I long for the nights where your warm breath touches my ears with your chin on my shoulder, hearing your soft, melodic voice. “Born in the winter, this beautiful you,” as you started singing those sweet words that fills my heart and soul with contempt that anybody else cannot do, but you. Your arms around me is a prison I never wanted to escape; it was your embrace I felt that nothing else mattered but you. We stared at each other for about half a minute, like we normally do and I wonder how everyday you don’t forget to tell me how you’d never get tired of this face until were 80. It is funny when I tell you that I feel the same way too and you won’t believe me. Those cheesy jokes we tell over and over again gets older and older, but still, we laugh at them. Those look in your eyes makes me feel safe and special like the same way I look at you. Those small, brown eyes that felt like home. And those perfectly imperfect lips, oh, I love them. Your voice, your face, your hair, your arms, you. And tonight, I miss you.
where are you #1 (csr)
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theliterarygroup · 7 years
Maybe this is why I don’t have a lover yet: I let love find me like a gem hidden underneath until someone finds me willing for him to keep. I avoid uncertainties, and maybe because I am afraid to get hurt. The superficial image of loving like kissing and holding hands seem boring to me, leaving my will to have someone frozen and unraveled. Definitions of its modernity has not tainted my preconception of what true love is. Yes, I know I am as as much as beautiful like a sparkly little gem, but I wait for someone who looks into me much deeper than that.
1311:031617 (via ciieael)
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theliterarygroup · 7 years
There is a thread pulling the end of my tongue that holds me from breathing sentences into life. I have been comfortable with silence; a part of me that most people do not understand. But to tell you the truth, intricate fragments of thoughts are dawdling on the insides of my veins, only to be pieced down as they reach my fingertips until their movements bleed paragraphs. And this is how I can escape. My hands softly print down the characters, trying to save myself from choking from the piling words my lips cannot speak.
i write more than i speak // 1735:241017  (via castaromana)
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theliterarygroup · 7 years
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When someone is trying to win your heart, it will always end in one way or another: whether you’ll accept the hand of someone who’s trying to walk with you or keep in distance as you walk the opposite path. It sounds simple but the problem is, when you turn down a guy, he’ll get hurt.  His heart will be torn into pieces as he thought he’d be loved back by the girl who means the world to him. He’ll go out of work earlier just to meet you to have lunch and have dinner with you even though he have midterm exams in the evening. Remember, you are cities away from each other, dear. He’d spend the night with you even though you don’t talk that much; he tells you that your presence is enough to keep him from missing you throughout the days you’re not together.
But then, deep inside your heart, you know that you cannot reciprocate his love. You appreciate his efforts and all the good laughs you had together. But still, you can’t feel what you suppose to feel. You cannot look at him straight into his eyes and feel the warmth of his existence. He can’t make you feel special through his words and actions–you feel guilty and bothered instead. And then you think, why? Why can’t you give back something that you suppose to give? 
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theliterarygroup · 8 years
She was the stars.no, the moon. The sky... She was everything in it. She is the universe, each particle.. I bathe in.her madness, her grace. Her beauty leaves me amazed, in awe.I find myself in an abyss. Stuck in the winding maze, that is within us all. For I found myself within her, causing my sweet affliction. My demise, caused by her love, a drug.attributes to my addiction. Yet to her, I will always be a shadow, just another blank face that's shallow. For she does not see, and may never shall, the truth, that forever we could be...
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theliterarygroup · 8 years
This is so good!
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
Hi there little bird. Do not fear leaving the comforts of your nest but fear living without seeing the colors of dawn and feeling the rush of air beneath wings. There is more to life than self preservation. Take risks. Take flight.
So fly and fly, Kim M. (via spatteredink)
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
Five words for first line, Seven for the second line, Five words for the last.
Three lines that it takes, For every stanza it makes, Nothing more nor less.
So very little, The words that has to settle, To make a fine work.
So it may has guessed, Words that have describe best, That makes work of art.
Haiku is the name, Of a small poem that can tame, Big thoughts need to say.
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
15 Things I’ve Learned in 2015
1. There are certain things that are not within your control. Accept, adapt and act. Instead of thinking about the what ifs and could haves, go ahead and tell yourself “What now?”
2. Don’t allow your sadness and bitterness suck out the joy of a good day. These sunny days should be cherished because you never know when the rainy season is back.
3. You are a catalyst of change. You are never insignificant. I once read a proverb that says a hurricane begins with a baby’s breath. Of course that wasn’t factual but it’s worth noting what you do may affect people around you. So for a bringer of change, be a good one. 
4. Work hard. Really, really hard. But the thing is, work for the things you actually care and feel passionate about. You’d be surprised by how much more motivation you’d actually get.
5. Talent is overrated. Go sing in the shower. Doodle on your notes. Go dance with the music. You don’t have to be good at the things that make you feel good. 
6. Don’t ever forget what it was being a child. Go and act silly. Laugh to your heart’s content. Don’t let this cruel world kill the child in your for that child continues to make wishes and dreams.
7. It’s never easy opening up to people. So when someone does open up to you, don’t push them away. They’ve been dying to have someone to listen to them and blocking them out will leave them to their own devices and we human beings tend to be blinded by our own emotions.
8. Think before you speak. The wrong things you say cannot be crumpled and dumped to the bin. This goes the same for what you write. Make sure that the things you write are the things you could actually say in person.
9. Make somebody happy once in a while. Do some favors for them. You never know when you’d need friends who’d be willing to do the same. So be the friend you need.
10. You have the right to feel sad. Don’t be fooled by people’s convention of who should be or shouldn’t be sad. You own your feelings. But then again, don’t allow your emotions rule you over.
11. Everybody is facing their own problems. You have no right to judge someone’s pain if you haven’t gone through with it yourself. Be the good friend you’ve always wanted to have.
12. Your past is what makes you who you are today but it does not dictate who you shall be. You are the rising sun and you are yet to reach the peak of your shining rays.
13. Sometimes it’s a good day to be alone, to be comfortable in your own skin. Validation from other people is okay, but sometimes you don’t really need it. You just have to be you. It is okay to just be.
14. There will always be days that you wish you could chuck out from your memories but what has been has gone. You don’t have to dwell on it, you just have to learn from it.
15. Don’t think that next year will be the same. Trust me, things change and 2016 might as well turn out to be a whole lot different. 2016 is a blank page without mistakes in it yet, make the most of it.
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
They say that on average, you make 3000 thoughts a day. But the funny thing is that mine are all about you, us, the could have beens and what ifs.
but hey, they’re just thoughts, Kim M. (via spatteredink)
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
Don’t kill the child in you. The one that looks forward to long rides and new places. The one that frolicks under the sun without a care in the world. The one that loved to run and feel blood pumping through his veins. The one that continues to dream of the impossible and the world is a better place. We were all children once, yet it is hard to keep that child within us. Don’t let society take that from you. That child might as well change the world.
The Child in You, Kim M. (via spatteredink)
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
you were nothing but alcohol stings and unlit cigarettes flickering lights and cracked pavements you stood by the dark reeking of trouble but you were also temptation incarnate and the sirens i keep hearing were nothing but white noise
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
my days tick off in a dull humming ulterior lackluster to a vibrant summer we spend so much time waiting for another day an undialed phone call a long ago voice that used to be home yet waiting  can come to an end if we do away with the what ifs and maybes and take off, live, and just be
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
Sometimes I ask myself, “What do you want to be?” And all these shallow thoughts knocks me over like, “I want to be pretty. I want to be appreciated and be happy. All I want is my efforts be recognized by the one I love.” I cannot think of anything right now. If happiness is what life is about, I’ll start dropping off my future and live to be as shallow as I am.
Tell me what your dreams are made of (via castaromana)
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
Your dreams are my dreams now. Look at me. I may not understand you by now, but I promise to stay with you forever. I’m here because you’ve been through far more than you should. I am here because you simply need someone. Worry as much as you want, if that keeps you stronger. But I am telling you, I won’t let your worries happen to you.
Faded youth (via castaromana)
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theliterarygroup · 9 years
you were self dosed pathogens in an epidemic of my choosing they tell me you were wrong; that it’ll get me killed but darling, i got a death wish
Kim M. (via spatteredink)
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