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AN ENCOUNTER WITH PROPHET INNO EL ANGELOS 1 ON 1 LIVE AT WOGFM Prophet Inno El Angelos The Lionman-Apostle Ephraim Mishkan Storms Johannesburg South Africa!!!!!!! with The Prophetic Revival, Healing and Deliverance  THEME!!!!! 4 Days Of Glory!!!!!!!! Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance.  WHAT TO EXPECT!  The lame walk, the Dumb speak, Deaf hear, Dead receive Life, HIV, Cancer, Spinal injuries, Migraine, Cancer, Diabetic, Sugar,Hernia will bow, at the mention of the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Short Limb will Grow Many more Miracle, Signs and wonders to Expect all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Come and Get your Job, Marriage, Miracle Babies, Business and more  Day!!!!  16 to 19 Of November  Venue: Life Lane Medical Center Hall 37 Dutchsess Street, Windsor East!!!!!! Cresta Randburg!!!!.  South Africa!!.  Host: Word Of Grace and Fire Ministries International  call/whataspp to book  for 1 on 1 with Prophet Inno El Angelos local and international Guests  +27848180155  Time:  Friday and Sunday 5PM Saturday 10AM and 5PM  Admission is Freeeeee  Will you Be There?!!!!!?  Tell someone, to tell someone , to tell someone, who will also tell someone,  God will do nothing but to speak to his servants the Prophets, come for your word and your story will change.  We would also like to extend an invitation to all who want saw seeds and partner with this work. All our partner will have the privilege to see the man of God on 1 on 1 and get direction for life and Guidance, deliverance. Prophetic word, prayer for individuals, family and business. Partners Package.  First : There Will be prophetic Impartation and Implantation of Spiritual Gifts especially for Prophetic Anointing to Ministers and those called into Ministry. Secondly; We want all our Partners and donors to benefit from this event for their efforts and contribution. All our Partners will receive prophetic Prayer sent to them over their lives, family and or business.  3rd And more And more, check our poster, blog and Facebook page for more. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUrjLJFfZh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2aa4l253boka
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AN ENCOUNTER WITH PROPHET INNO EL ANGELOS 1 ON 1 LIVE AT WOGFM Prophet Inno El Angelos The Lionman-Apostle Ephraim Mishkan Storms Johannesburg South Africa!!!!!!! with The Prophetic Revival, Healing and Deliverance  THEME!!!!! 4 Days Of Glory!!!!!!!! Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance.  WHAT TO EXPECT!  The lame walk, the Dumb speak, Deaf hear, Dead receive Life, HIV, Cancer, Spinal injuries, Migraine, Cancer, Diabetic, Sugar,Hernia will bow, at the mention of the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Short Limb will Grow Many more Miracle, Signs and wonders to Expect all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Come and Get your Job, Marriage, Miracle Babies, Business and more  Day!!!!  16 to 19 Of November  Venue: Life Lane Medical Center Hall 37 Dutchsess Street, Windsor East!!!!!! Cresta Randburg!!!!.  South Africa!!.  Host: Word Of Grace and Fire Ministries International  For 1 on 1 Sessions with Prophet Inno El Angelos local guests (LG) and international Guests (IG) Call or Whatsapp +27848180155 for info and bookings. Time:  Friday and Sunday 5PM Saturday 10AM and 5PM  Admission is Freeeeee  Will you Be There?!!!!!?  Tell someone, to tell someone , to tell someone, who also tell someone,  God will do nothing but to speak to his servants the Prophets, come for your word and your story will change.  See you there God bless you!!!!!!!. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKBYTMHL5y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17mvhdxg7vbk3
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1 on 1 Encounter with Prophet Inno El Angelos, the Lion-man and Prophet ...
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#healing, #restoration, #Prophetic, #deliverance, #Marraige, #Business_growth, #Spiritual_leadership, #Discipleship, #community_organisation
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Don't worry when you are going through tough times. David met Goliath as a Giant. The great the Giants in your life, the Greater they will fall. The greater the change, the Greater the blessing coming upon you. This time, you are rising to your highest potential in destiny. Those Giants they are falling for your sake, in the name if Jesus Christ. Be blessed. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoEU7gUlYUc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d4fxws2u4c37
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Tuesday   April 24 2018 Commanding your day THEME  : HEART OF GRATITUDE WILL DELIVER YOU FROM TROUBLES. On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest, Isaiah 62v6 One thing what made King David win all or most of the challenges that he faced, was a heart of gratitude.  What he did when he committed any sin or faced with storms of life, was to remember what God has done for him before. The bible say we overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our TESTIMONIES. That is what made David a champion and a man after GODS heart. He understood the deep love of God. That God is the same yesterday, today and forever.   He remembered from what God has delivered him from and where he was and he knew that God can deliver him again from this new battle.  Here this.  Psalms 66:12 you let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance. The children of Is Israel they understood this very well, they got to the point that no matter how much hardship we faced, God had a better plan. The plan was to give them an expected end. God had a better plan for sister and brother. His plan is to give you and expected end, do look at the challenge, he will take you out and bring you to his promise. If in that challenge you can only remember what God has already done for you before. Show him how powerful he is, and what he did, he can do again. If he has healed you before, he can HEAL you again.If he has delivered you before, he can deliver you again. So do go around complaining about big your problem is, tell people how big your God said, tell them what he did before, as you do that, you challenging God to move in that problem, you are activating the power of God, Hallelujah. Psa 77:1 — Psa 77:3 I cried to God with my voice, even to God with my voice; and he gave ear to me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my (Finish on Facebook)
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Monday   April 23 2018 Commanding your day THEME  : BETTER FACTS THAN YOUR FEELINGS “For The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  Hebrews 4:12,  One thing you absolutely must do to successfully develop your faith in God’s love is give His WORD priority over your feelings. You have to make a decision that you’re going to believe God’s WORD even when your emotions contradict it. You must determine in advance that God’s WORD is true, and the way you feel about it doesn’t count. When circumstances in life are a mess or someone has hurt you and you start feeling like God doesn’t love you, don’t give in to that and start talking unbelief. Don’t indulge in a session of self-pity and say, “Well, I just don’t feel very loved right now. Things are so hard. I feel like if God loved me, He’d do something to help me.…”  No brother, No Sister, you take authority over your emotions and get right back in faith and stand on The WORD of God. You say, “I’m not moved by how I feel and I’m not moved by these circumstances around me. The WORD says God loves me and I believe He does and it is so. The WORD says He’ll never leave nor forsake me (Hen: 13v5-6), so I believe He is right in here with me, helping me with this mess, and together we’ll get it straightened out.” praise God. This is one of the most difficult challenge for people to do, because most folks equate  with feelings. They think if they don’t "feel" love, they don’t have any. They think if they feel rejected and unwanted, then they are what a lie from the pit of hell. Listen here the devil will mess with your feelings up because they aren’t spiritual, they’re a part of your soul. Just like the devil will put symptoms on your body so you’ll believe and receive sickness, he’ll also put emotional symptoms on you that make you feel unloved. If you believe those symptoms, you’ll be stuck in that condition. (All on FB)
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Friday   April 20 2018 Commanding your day THEME  : GOD'S MERCY IS MORE THAN YOUR SINS AND SACRIFICE. “Be merciful and gracious to me, O LORD, for to You do I cry all the day.…For You, O LORD, are good, and ready to forgive [our trespasses, sending them away, letting them  go completely and forever]; and You are abundant in mercy and lovingkindness to all those who call upon You.” Psalm86:3, 5, The Amplified Version. The Bible describes King David, the man who wrote these verses, as a man after God’s own heart. I believe that’s one of the highest compliments a person could receive. Yet there are many things in David’s life we wouldn’t want to copy. He made some major mistakes. If you read about his life in the Bible, you’ll find he sinned against God in some flagrant and foolish ways that you sometimes have not done yet. Obviously, those things weren’t what qualified him for that great commendation. What did qualify him, however, was the way he acted afterward. This does not suggest you do wrong, you sin rather it is here to help US investigate the life of David and then yourself, compare. What is it that you have done wrong and you feel unqualified, sinful, quality, and dirty. Listen here, Every time David sinned, he did the same thing. He wholeheartedly repented and threw himself on the mercy of God. We can see him in the Psalms at those times,  reminding The LORD of His kindness, of His tenderheartedness and His willingness to forgive. David knew, like almost no other man in the Bible, the true heart of God. He understood that God desired mercy and not sacrifice (Matthew 9:13). And even in his darkest hours when he had most miserably failed the God he loved, he never lost sight of God’s nature. he always focused on God, knowing that he was not looking for perfect people but to perfect people.. That is what made David a man after God’s own heart. Certainly at times there were unavoidable consequences of his sins. Things were set in motion that could not be stopped. READ MORE ON OUR Facebook PAGE.
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Blessed are you today. As you look into the Lord, the heaven's will open for you. What is your cry, seek first the kingdom and the rest is yours. Fix your eyes to Jehovah where your help comes from. I trust you had a blessed night, up next word of life. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 @WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Thursday   April 19  2018 Commanding your day THEME  : THE GOD OF GOOD NEWS. “Bless The LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless The LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life fromdestruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm103:1-5 “Something good is going to happen to you!” That’s what Oral Roberts used to say every week on his television broadcast. It was filled with faith when he said it, too, because that man had confidence in the love and the goodness of God. When we hear ministers says good things will happen to you, it can be true but maybe not entirely true, you don't have to wait to see good things happening, you have to be the one making good things happening to other folks who aren't born again. If you are in the category waiting for good things to happen, but you filled with the Holy Ghost, something is not right.  On the other hand, these things aren’t rewards for our good behavior. They’re the benefits of God’s love made available to us when we’re born again. But we receive them by faith. And faith comes by hearing The WORD of God.  Some people have heard The WORD and developed their faith to receive one benefit of God but not another. So if you have seen people who were faithful to fasting and prayer and giving and soul winning, yet they died poor, yet they died because of sickness, trust me they have never heard the word of God on Healing and prosperity, if they did, they were misinformed. That's why you need to dig into The WORD and build your faith in the benefits of God’s love. If you cont. (on Facebook)
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Wednesday  April 18  2018 Commanding your day THEME  : LET THE GLORY FALL THROUGH PRAISE. “The trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking The LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised The LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the  house of The LORD; so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of The LORD had filled the house of God.” 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 What a wonderful meeting we see described in these verses! It was the kind of meeting we all want today. The presence of The LORD was in such powerful manifestation that all the musicians and singers were working together as one. The glory of God was so thick, the priests couldn’t even stand up to minister. They kept falling out on the floor! Right in the midst of it, with the Spirit of God resting on  everyone there, the people spoke out and delivered The  WORD of The LORD. They preached a message straight from the heart of God.  They said, “God is good and His mercy endures forever!” If you translate more fully the Hebrew word for mercy there, you’ll find it means “love and compassion.” So what these people were actually saying was this: “God is good and He loves us forever!” You might not think that’s such a stupendous revelation because they were faced with challenges all around about them but God does. Again and again in the Old Testament when He manifested Himself in that kind of awesome power and glory, that’s the message He gave. “God is good and His love endures forever!” If we can but stop a bit looking at the challange and start looking at God, and begin to praise and worship him, singing his goodness, we can also see the same, kind of manifestations. What did I say that? Because the bible assures us that God is the same yesterDay, today and forever he never change. If he don't change that means as (read all on our Facebook)
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOST. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Monday April 16  2018 Commanding your day THEME  : PAY THE PRICE OF HUMILITY. “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matthew 5:23-26 When you find yourself at odds with another person, don’t waste a minute. Go to them and get things straight. Do whatever it takes to preserve the bond of peace between you  (Ephesians 4:3). If they won’t admit they’re wrong and say you’re to blame for the whole problem, don’t argue. Agree with them. Be spiritually big enough to take responsibility for the whole situation. Humble yourself and say, “I am at fault and I want to make it right. I love you and more than anything else I want us to be in harmony with one another again.” Most of the time, that other person will jump up and say, “No, no, no…it was my fault, too. I was wrong! Forgive me!” Then for the next few minutes, you’ll have a marvelous time arguing over who gets to take the blame and you’ll end up loving each other more than ever. Even if that doesn’t happen, you’ll be better off because the Bible is very clear about what happens to us when we hang onto offense and strife. We pay a high price. We end up in a prison of torment that affects not only our lives but the lives of those around us. I’ll just be blunt about it. Christians who insist on staying in strife are like diseased cells in the Body of Christ. They mess up the cells that are connected to them. Take a group of Christians who love each other and are having a great time, add one person who’s mad at a couple of (more on Facebook) Join My Father Apostle Johnson Suleman in Pretoria.
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOSY. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Friday April 13  2018 Commanding your day THEME  : OPEN YOUR HEART ALWAYS “And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, and besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him…. While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further? As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.” Mark 5:22-24, 35-36 There is never a moment in our lives when God isn’t longing to do for us all that we need Him to do. But it is our faith that opens the door for Him to do it. Faith is our connection to the love and power of God. Fear, which is the opposite of faith, breaks that connection. Jesus could be standing right by our side, about to work miraculously to heal, deliver or bless us in some much-needed way. But if at that moment we yield to fear, we virtually shut our hearts in His face. That’s why Jesus said to Jairus when he received news of his daughter’s death, “Don’t fear! Just keep believing!” If you don’t understand how spiritual things operate, you might think that was a harsh thing for Jesus to say at that moment. To your natural mind, it might seem He should have been more  understanding, that it would have been more loving for Him to sympathize with Jairus and say, “I know it must be terrible , hard, tough to hear that your daughter is dead. You probably can’t help being frightened and upset. But that’s OK. I’ll go and raise her up anyway.” You see, but  No, Jesus couldn’t do that! He understood the way spiritual things work. He knew that Jairus’faith was the crucial  connection. It was his faith that would open the door for the resurrection power of God (more on Facebook) My Father is in town may 1-2. Don't miss.
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOSY. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Thursday April 12  2018 Commanding your day THEME  : KICK AWAY DOUBT. “At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on your feet.’And he leaped up and began to walk.” Acts 14:8-10, There is absolutely nothing in The WORD of God, particularly in the New Testament, that could make you doubt God’s Power. There isn’t one incident recorded there where Jesus refused to give someone what they asked of Him. When the leper said to Him, “If you are willing you can make me whole,” Jesus didn’t hesitate for a moment. He said, “I am willing. Be thou made whole.” When blind Bartimaeus said, “I want to receive my sight,” Jesus said immediately, “Go your way. Your faith has made you whole.” Why, then, do we so often doubt God’s power and His  willingness to meet our needs? Usually it’s because we’ve heard stories about people who asked God for something they  needed and didn’t receive it. We’ve heard about Sister So and so who seemed to be supersaints, the sweetest woman in the church, who asked God to heal her…and she died. Assuming that’s all there is to the story, we think, Well, if God won’t answer her prayer, He certainly won’t answer mine because I’m not half as good as she was right?, wrong. If you’re ever tempted to think that way, first remember that God doesn’t answer your prayers because you’re good. He answers them because He is good. Secondly, don’t assume that just because some dear saint died, God didn’t send healing. I guarantee, He did. He sent healing at the same time He sent the new birth, 2,000 years ago when Jesus went to  Calvary. The problem wasn’t in God’s sending, it was in that  saint’s receiving. It’s none of our business what that problem  was. But we know there was a problem because Jesus healed all who ever asked Him—and the Bible says He never (Finish on Facebook.
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@WORDOFLIFE DAILY DEVOTION, INTIMACY WITH THE HOLY GHOSY. With THE LIONMAN (apostle E Mishkan) Wednesday April 11 2018 Commanding your day THEME  : KEEP THE DEVIL ON THE RUN. Since, therefore, [these His] children share in flesh and blood [in the physical nature of human beings], He [Himself] in a similar manner partook of the same [nature], that by [going through] death He might bring to nought and make of no effect him who had the power of death— that is, the devil—and also that He might deliver and completely set free all those who through the [haunting] fear of death were held in bondage throughout the whole course of their lives.” Hebrews 2:14-15, Once you know who you are and what God has done for you through Christ, you will not be afraid of the devil. You won’t worry about sickness. You  won’t worry about lack. You won’t be afraid that the devil is going to ring your doorbell someday and bring some kind of calamity you can’t handle. Your confidence in the power of God that’s dwelling in you will cast out that kind of fear.  Notice, I said cast it out…not cover it up. You won’t have to just pretend you’re not afraid. You won’t have to suppress it so that instead of thinking about it in the daytime, you have nightmares all night.  No, you’ll just resist and it will flee from you! “Well, I just don’t know if I’m powerful enough to do that,” you might say. Are you born again? Do you have the Greater One in you? If your answer is yes, then you have all the power you need because “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). It’s not hard to be confident when you know you’re greater than your adversary. It doesn’t take tremendous courage to oppose someone who is clearly weaker than you. Jesus brought datan to naught and made him of no effect so we wouldn’t have to be afraid of him anymore! Actually, the devil already knows that. He’s just bluffing in the hope that you don’t know it. So call his bluff. Resist him. He’ll run because whether you know it or not, he’s the one who is afraid…of you!   His strategy is to keep you in the dark, (ignorant so he can defeat you) before God created the world
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Join us as we put a fight on GODS blessings over our lives that the thought he won, sorry devil, Jesus just rose from the grave. Hahaha. We are super imposing the will of God over the power of the enemy. We are reinforcing the will of God over every darkness powers. We will not stop or rest till heaven opens. To learn more follow us on face book, as we will be posting some interesting prayers points there if God gives us time, or simple stay connected to our insta account. Watch your life changing, send us your prayer request which are handled with extreme privacy. Either by email or inbox our Facebook or insta. We don't have babies to handle people's prayer request, handled by the prophet and the prophetess, so you can relax and ask what you want God to do for you. As you send in your prayers, remember to pray for us as well, so God can show us the plan of devil over your life and we can stop him. Very important to partner with us in prayer as we pray for you. Shalom, we will be watching our inboxes and responding accordingly. Shalom.
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