thelifeatbyuh-blog · 5 years
General Post to any Freshmen ALWAYS expect BYU-H Housing to Screw you OVER!
Super “Secret”, that no one literally told me. IF you are have above 30 credits and are leaving for Summer, the chances of you getting on campus housing for Fall the following year are SLIM TO NONE. 
According to the BYUH housing page “Any single women under the age of 24 is required to live on campus”.  Let me tell you, there’s no housing. 
The intake of new freshman is GREATER than the housing available on campus and that’s why everyone pretty much lives off campus. The way they choose to prioritize housing is to give it to the freshmen first and then to anyone else, which causes a huge pool of people like myself without housing. 
Now when you call housing for help they pretty much say: 
“Go to the FB page and find housing there” 
‘sorry we know we did you dirty but you can’t do nuttin about it PSYCH!’
Everyone and their mother (As in literally there a mothers that got to the BYUH off campus page to find housing for their kid) is looking and anything that is available those weeks after housing screws them over is snapped up. 
If there was even a warning that what I’ve said above happens it would be easier to try and find housing in the beginning of the semester versus the end of the semester that would be different. I currently don’t have housing, and I’m scared I’ve worked hard to be here and there isn’t a place for me to live even though I’ve tried everything I can think of. 
So moral of the story at BYUH, always expect to be screwed over by BYUH Housing. They don’t know what they’re doing and anytime you talk to a former employee of BYUH they will tell you Housing is a mess! 
Be careful guys, maybe the gospel is true but the church has its flaws such as BYUH Housing.
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thelifeatbyuh-blog · 5 years
#BYUH blog right here
shout out to my followers (who I don't follow) + anyone else
If you post a lot of one or more of these categories, like this post so I can check out your blog and possibly follow you.
Disney (movies, parks, merch, etc.)
Thanks :)
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thelifeatbyuh-blog · 5 years
BYUH Blog 2
So BYUH is located in Laie Hawaii, duh, what does that mean? IT’S A FORKING SMALL SCHOOL. There’s literally only 3000 students here at BYUH, and that also means little to no shopping areas to buy groceries and such, so Foodland will become your best friend. 
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thelifeatbyuh-blog · 5 years
BYUH Blog 1
Aloha, I thought I’d start a blog about my time at Brigham Young University Hawaii. I feel the need to spread the truth and to try and help as many students as possible as I myself go through school here. So buckle up, I’ve got beans to spill :). 
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