Bad Vibe Dump
2 posts
This is where I rant and dump the bad vibes. Enjoy reading. Also for the snowflakes : The following opinions are entirely my own and have no affiliation to my current employment.
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thelifeandtimesofsuzii · 5 years ago
Word to the wise.
I was warned. I thought I knew better, I thought I had a life long friend. But I was wrong. I missed too many mega red flags. The first one being "when was the last time we spoke before I found out I was pregnant?" The answer? Not often. Only when she needed something. That's fine. We can move on past as I was the one who sent her the positive piss stick. She hit the shingle, she was so excited. Booked flights over to see us asap.
The first year of his life she basically wanted it documented. She flew out a bunch of times. But I did notice the bigger he gets the less she asks about him. On video call and she no longer asks where he is or if she can see him. So now weve hit a full row. To the point I'm actually fucking done.
My son is doing fucking great. Thanks for not asking about him. Your ex mate who also made the same mistake I did was totally nail on the head with you. Onto the next new baby.
Good luck with your unexpected but totally planned fucking pregnancy. It's nothing like a fucking tv show. You ain't a teen so you wont be a teen mom. Stop romantizing something that is entirely life changing. Your acting like a spoilt little bitch.
Your man cant even wipe his own fucking arse. Side note!! I FUCKING HATE YOUR FELLA. Like loathe entirely. Pure cunt. Hence the reason I never ever ever wanted to come stay when you decided to shack up with him permanently and you've not even been together that long BAHAHAHAHAHA DICKHEAD.
Let's move in with my latest tinder find.
Fucking mong love. Your a total div.
But at least I kept my fucking mouth shut eh? At least I tried to be civil to it. You didnt even try. Pure disrespect towards the father of my child. And you've no fuxking clue what it takes to keep a family together but i cant wait for you to crash and fucking burn. Yall cant even cope with fucking cats.
Lol 3 cats in one home. Cats are solitary animals so it's a form of neglect just having them overcrowded like that. No territory hence no natural instincts or stimulation. Whatever tho, I forgot your qualified.
Aye I've tackled worse and I've recovered from bigger losses. There I was worrying and planning your shitty birthday stuff. "Oh I'll just get her a card from the wee man. Maybe a wee palate from that new shop". And yanno it struck me that she never sent me one. X gets his Christmas cards for her. But that's it. It's been radio silent over a year now. So no i wont be buying fuck all for anyone. She never fuxking returns the sentiment. She can bake 2 cakes but cant fold a bit of paper in two and write happy birthday on it for her "best friend." Baring in mind I'm the only best friend who doesnt get 3 highlight reels on her insta. Everyone else has one. And then today she removes our photos. So I've removed her from my fucking life.
I dont need part time mates. I dont want a half assed godmother for my kid. Her other mate is pregnant so that means my kid is ditched like a hot sack of shit. Theres a new "baby bear" on route. And you know what? I ain't even fucking mad. No I hope that when you have your kid - someone does what you did to my boy, to you and your kid. You'll sob wondering what the fuck. Why is my kid being treated like this?! And then you'll remember you fucking deserve it. Your using tendencies will eventually suffocate you.
Peace. I'm fucking out.
Your name will never be mentioned in my home again. Bye bitch.
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thelifeandtimesofsuzii · 6 years ago
A New Leaf?
No probably not. This will be my venting space, and believe me when I say I have a few things to get off my chest.
To the little oxygen wasting bitch that caused more drama in 6 short months than anyone else I've ever met : You did nothing but use me. You deserve everything that happened to you. You got sacked for smoking gear WHILE on the clock. But I was there for you while you cried about how unfair life is. I remained friends after you tried to say that I guilted you into buying my son stuff, when in reality my son has never wanted for anything you spineless little rat. And this time you pushed me too far. You blocked my mother. You fucking what? My mum who was never anything but nice to you? Hospitable? Generous? Away and fucking shite.
Just some sidenote from myself and other people. Stop crying about 12 hour shifts when EVERYONE is laughing at you. Your never on the stall. Everyone has multiple photos of this. You wouldnt know a full day of work if it jumped up and kicked your shitty teeth into your throat.
Secondly. Stop posting car photos with "waaaabaaaap" as a fucking caption. You dont drive. You dont have a car you fucking space cadet. Your shitty hermit boyfriend drives a shitheap van. The only waaaabaaap you two fucking hear is the sound of shit hairdryer cars flying through your housing estate. Do everyone a favour and wake the fuck up. Get off your pedestal and eat some shit. You are a twofaced spineless little tart. You and your recluse boyfriend deserve each other. Oh and I was shown old Facebook's of him posing in all his girlfriends selfies. Smiling! He never smiles when with you but then again NO ONE SMILES NEAR YOU. You are a grim cunt who gurns over everything. You constantly assume your pregnant because your so fucking skinny your period doesn't have a proper routine. It's so fucking boring.
Next time you think I'm saying something to hurt you? Reread this. You'll soon fucking realise that if I WANT to hurt you - I'll destroy you. So get the fuck over yourself.
Peace fucking out.
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