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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
when will s.ooga come back from the war in the new aoc dlc i know in my heart of hearts is coming
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
sooga vc: hylian (derogatory)
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
s.ooga used to tend to his blades in the privacy of his quarters, but upon as.tor’s inclusion in their ranks, he began to do it within any public space the prophet happened to also occupy. k.ohga, the resident dumbass, briefly mistakes it as a budding crush, never seeming to notice how s.ooga somehow manages to maintain unnerving eye contact with a.stor in spite of wearing a mask as he whets the blades.
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
shippers i keep seeing: a.stor and s.ooga... star crossed lovers... disrupted by a.stor’s ultimate loyalty to the calamity and the fact g.anon would kill them both if he betrays him for love... 😔
my s.ooga: (instantaneously hears kill bill sirens when seeing the filthy rat man, activating every murder instinct within him)
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
Lips press to a line, he dared not comment on the unwillingness of their leader to part ways with the seer. Words laced with many emotions, those meant to stay sealed and hidden away behind their masks. There was nothing he could do to spare Sooga the shame and the bile of these thoughts at war. A guillotine hung over them all ever since Astor had arrived and ignoring that wasn’t something they couldn’t afford anymore. Hairs on their neck stood up in anticipation of some end; whether it was by the Hylian forces, the prophet or maybe even Ganon himself, who’d know? The die on their fates would be cast soon.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale deeper. He left his leader the silence to wallow in; they both needed it. He had averted his eyes, directed them at the shadows dancing on the walls. A small flame, it’s much like their hopes this moment and those the right hand placed in his finding. Iza looked back at him. A nod, he stood up and produced a scroll with an elaborate map. “These are his movements.” He holds the paper in one hand, traces ancient runes with the other. Lines in red color begin filling the map and signifying the routes, but many of them don’t connect with another. “His ill-will is unbound by any and all restraints; perhaps a gift of the Calamity’s making. The portals he travels through are of a different making than our hallowed techniques. And the final time he was in the sight of the inverted eye was at the Breach of Demise. There is a pattern to his madness: look.” 
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Lines in a dimmer hue outlined the complete Triforce over the map of Hyrule. The visited points marked their hideout and the Korok Forest, as well as the interior parts. Only one outline missed, the one connecting courage to wisdom’s Triforce. “Markings of a ritual. Should our calculations stand correct, his next goal where the final lines meet is at the Hateno’s fortress. We could intercept him at Hyrule field.” Iza proposed in a quiet voice, but the reveal of his findings were at odds with the task of surveillance. If his hypothesis was correct, there wasn’t time left to idle before the cursed prophet would do something.
the map unfurled, and sooga leaned in, quick to begin studying the routes iza had gone through the efforts of tracking. his brow furrowed.
‘ such a specific pattern... ‘
was there reason to the routes astor followed? had he planned ahead of time to navigate such avenues, for there was some tying to the calamity that tracing such a pattern would fulfill, or was it another piece of strange destiny? either way, it mattered little. what was to be considered was the fact they could trace it.
but just as much was the consideration that it was a trap. an intentional ploy to lure in watching eyes to reveal themselves.
‘ ... we haven’t much other choice. ‘ a sigh was stifled by sooga’s mask, righting himself as he turned back away, pacing slow as he considered what was to come next. to act without master kohga’s direct permission would be considered treasonous, and he would have far more to worry than their mysteriously dwindling ranks, but, it was likewise in the best interest of the yiga. paranoid and worried as kohga was of slighting ganon in some manner and seeing it come to bite them, it was an inevitability.
there was no appeasing as starved of an evil as ganon that devoured all in its path.
‘ i... will speak with master kohga. ‘
on all other subjects was he listened to. the respect between them was deep, and sooga did not take lightly his role as kohga’s most trusted (and only) advisor, and he so hoped that their master would thusly not ever think he would lead them astray. to approach him on such a dire subject, one that would challenge their entire way of life, was not something he would do casually, nor without considerable thought---but would kohga have the ability to see beyond his mounting terror to understand they needed to seize their fate now, rather than falling to the hand of darkness?
sooga’s eyes fluttered shut, mentally fortifying himself for what was to come.
‘ either way, we will move at once to try and stop the cursed prophet before he may enact the next stage of his plan. thank you, iza, for these findings. you have done well. ‘
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
if u think r.hoam is bad, just wait for bad dad... 2!!
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
@shadowborders sent / for a potential character meme ;
👑 + have you ever considered a king of hyrule oc
im conserving Creative Juices(TM) for my drafts rn so im not going to write a sample thing for this, but i DO want to answer this question bcuz i HAVE... and i think a king of hyrule oc would be interesting!
i would specifically write for the king of hyrule in the era of ocarina of time. just absolute irredeemable bastard man. married into the family and the leader of hyrule as a result of zelda’s mother, the queen, having passed in her infancy, he didn’t begin as a bastard man, but hyrule’s holier-than-thou attitude regarding their royal family definitely gets into his head, plus the talk of how hylians were hand-crafted by the goddesses themselves to listen to them and be the ones to enact their will... he’s be overly confident, a bit arrogant, but with a golden tongue and the capability of decent relations with their allied races, being the gorons and the zoras. however, as we Very Briefly learn, he isn’t afraid of doing what he needs to by force. i would probably put that the civil war occurred just after the queen died and zelda was in her infancy (as link was the same age, his mother fleeing to the kokiri forest to ensure he may survive) and the king decided fuck it, sick of playing nice, time to ruin some lives so i can have total dominion.
his hubris is his downfall and his arrogance that no one would dare try anything with him due to his powerful established image leads him to not bother believing zelda’s warnings, and to eventually be murdered by g.anondorf. in the timeline where g.anondorf is thwarted, he becomes wracked by paranoia with the realization of oh shit well maybe people WILL come after me and strains relations with the gorons and zora, and commits outright g.enocide against the g.erudo in his terror that 1. they might rise up against him, unified behind their traitorous king 2. he hears from a court prophet that g.anondorf has the ability to reincarnate / hears about the man who comes every hundred years, and is like Fuck No we’re not risking that being allowed 3. racism
an all around garbage human being who acts in his own self-interest and has convinced himself he is hot shit being the king of a kingdom blessed by the goddesses themselves, thus giving him the divine right to do Fucking Whatever He Feels.
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
@timefated sent / memes? never heard of her ;
“ sadness was the price to see it end. ” (for the mask salesman)
‘ you and i know all endings have beginnings. ‘
from the instant he had seen the hylian child in hot pursuit of the skull kid, he had sensed it. the aura of one touched by the goddesses themselves. a sense of magic hung around a boy no older than twelve, and no younger than ten, clinging to the fabric of his kokiri clothes as he dashed with courage in heart to rescue his stolen steed. in his traveling, he had heard of such a boy.
a mere child with the foresight to recognize the evil in a gerudo dignitary who had been in the midst of plotting the demise of hyrule’s king and the coup of its throne, wisdom unbefitting of someone so young glimmering in blue eyes.
in the belly of the clock tower, he had seen it, too. the wisdom of years he had yet to experience, but not only that--a sadness. his soul was lost, in pursuit of something he did not truly know. even when the deku’s curse was removed, another mask remained stalwart, concealing the truth of the boy’s heart. not even a magicked song could heal what ailed him. unlike those he had helped in his journey, his suffering was far deeper, tangled to the very fabric of his being.
the salesman smiled, eyes crinkling with a warmth as his head tilted.
‘ sadness is temporary, ‘ he began, studying the stoic face of the boy he had come to know as link. without the spunky fairy companion of the skull kid, he seemed... quieter. as though she had granted him reason to feel a spark light once more in his heart. ‘ to feel the sorrow of life is to give happiness and hope a meaning we may not otherwise understand. the joy of mortal existence is the ebb and flow of emotional tides, feeling alive with every crashing wave against the coast of our lives. ‘
a beat of silence came to follow, studying link that much closer. the baby fat on his face still had yet to melt away into the definition of a young man’s jaw and cheekbones, yet, his eyes did not suit his features. they were not that of a grieving child, but a broken man. haunted.
‘ your heart will open again. ‘
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
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a disgrace
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
anonymous sent ;
How is Sooga’s love life?
absolutely dismal and intentionally so.
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
@bransles sent / meme i forgot good luck finding it ;
“ dilly dally shilly shally. ”  give me ninja man
‘ run out of pretty words, songbird? ‘
not often in the ruins of hyrule could one find a bard so openly roaming. artisans such as he often remained in the comfortable safety of the few villages free from the haunting of monsters and dark-hearted men who would think to terrorize them, practicing their trade under the luxury of false peace. such was sooga’s surprise when coming across one of such rare sights--no sword in hand, but a golden lute. the sharpest thing on the man’s person seemed to be words alone, though they fell against his skin like a sword to a rock talus.
perhaps if his master had been present, he would have immediately been pushed into an utter tizzy. ego so terribly fragile it didn’t take much to lay blows to it, it made sense as to why he remained in their hideout, and sent out his footsoldiers to his bidding. head tilting, sooga surveyed the other, weighing the pros and cons of robbing him for what he had. bards did not make nearly as pretty of a penny as they had in hyrule’s heyday, almost all travelers in hyrule’s wilds strapped for money and typically on the move to try and strike riches to turn about their financial misfortune. the only thing that seemed of worth was the lute clasped close, yet, to whom would he sell it?
master kohga never was the musical sort. it would make a poor offering.
‘ i had been hoping for something i haven’t heard before... ‘
sooga pulled his blades. may as well as reward him for his quips, and see what he had to offer as sacrifice to the yiga.
‘ empty your pockets, and maybe i will leave your tongue in-tact to sing another day. ‘
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
@gerudosage sent / meme i forgot good luck finding it ;
“ tough luck, friend. sounds like you don’t have a place here. ”
each and every day sooga was damned to enter the castle walls as a guest, not an intruder, his skin crawled. like a lion with its claws and fangs ripped out, the hints of lingering fear in the eyes of servants and noble people whose paths he crossed often alleviated at the visible reminder that the yiga came no longer as foes, but... friends. kohga’s bumbling persona only aided in such endeavors. sooga often could not tell if he intentionally was exaggerating his natural personality, or simply felt so at ease in the castle, but nevertheless did it garner nothing but laughter and merry spirits from their surrounding company.
even guards he recognized once on the battlefield, now retired from war to walk the castle’s halls, had been seen laughing with his master. a hylian captain suggested they grab a drink together when the opportunity arose.
his mask concealed every slight twinge of disdain, every hint of frustration, but his stiff shoulders and stubborn refusal to relinquish the few old ways of the yiga that all of the others had readily given away were enough of a tell of his true feelings on the matter. yet, kohga didn’t notice, blissfully ignorant.
no, instead, it was those he wished to not pay mind, drinking in his frustrated state like fresh spring water after weeks of parched desert travel.
sooga’s brow wrinkled, focusing on kohga in the distance slapping the back of one of royal’s court as they laughed over drinks.
‘ how long have you been practicing that little quip? ‘
in the shadow of the dining hall, sooga found it far more comfortable to observe and keep eye on his master’s merriment from afar than up close, much to kohga’s chagrin. he had invited him time and time again to partake in the generosity princess zelda had seen to their feasting, but the only time it had been humored had been to ensure the food and drink hadn’t been poisoned. any much more involvement than truly necessary, and he may very well be sick from something other than poison.
‘ wherever master kohga is capable of finding himself a place, ‘ sooga began, finally regarding nabooru with a tilt of his head. damn her smarmy smile, the cocky glint to her eyes. ‘ then mine is beside him, ensuring his safety. ‘
a brief thought came to correct her on her usage of the word friend, but, knowing it would only egg her on into heckling him further, he merely resigned himself to looking back.
‘ so bored of playing dignitary you have to seek me out to entertain you? such lows to stoop to. ‘
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
his wiggle... why does he Wiggle
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
    do   you   want   a   certain   kind   of   ship   with   my   muse  ?   check   out   the   key   below   &   send   me   a   symbol   to   tell   me   what   kind   of   ship   you   want   !     note  :    my   muse   =   blog   owner’s   muse     /     your   muse   =   sender’s   muses
romantic relationships !
💘  friends to lovers ❣️  enemies to lovers 💜  love at first sight 💙  slow burn 💚  skinny love 💔  exes to lovers again 🖤  on again , off again
familial relationships !
🌼  older sibling 🌺  younger sibling 👭  twins 🌻  friends like siblings 🍃  cousins 🌵  parental
friend relationships !
☀️   best friends 🌦   enemies to friends 🌈   friends since childhood  ⛅️  friends of circumstance  ☁️  school friends  🌩  friends from traumatic experiences
enemy relationships !
🔪   friends to enemies 💣   stole something from my muse 🔦   stole something from your muse 🗡   bullied my muse 🔫   bullied your muse ⚔️   family feud 🛠   fueds between mutual friends ❌   guilty by association
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
sooga, watching link devour a plate of rocks with gusto: my lady, is he truly the one chosen to defeat calamity ganon...?
impa, trying not to look disgusted: do not be disrespectful of link, sooga. (at least not within earshot of the princess.)
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
(dabs) the work day has begun but p much if u want sheikah sooga ur welcome to hmu to plot or specify whenever I do starter calls / post memes.
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thelaundrypool-a · 4 years ago
his primary weapon of choice is the edge of duality, but he is well-practiced with the other traditional sheikah weapons. his second weapon of choice is the eightfold longblade, preferring two-handed weaponry over single-handed. he does not utilize a shield, relying on his speed and the ability to think ahead of his opponents.
he is fully masked like he is as a yiga, instead always having his nose and everything below it covered by a traditional cloth mask. typically is dressed in the traditional clothes of a sheikah warrior, but for certain circumstances he will dress down to more casual attire.
never ends up dying his hair like he does in the yiga. his hair remains its natural silver hue, though is kept just as long. it is always bundled up into a high topknot, sometimes with loose strands framing his eyes.
a bit quieter than yiga verse, who is already quiet as hell. he isn’t known for having that many friends in the village, which is explained away as being a result of him being so serious about his duty to lady impa’s household. in contrast, his father, haku, is incredibly loud and boisterous, and it is believed as well that sooga is simply trying not to be as noisy.
praised as one of the finest warriors of the village, next to impa. her ladyship likewise had a profound aptitude for the blade, whereas her sister was drawn to the royal family’s research institutes. sooga’s duties switched in between taking purah to the laboratories, and sparring with impa in between his shifts.
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