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Interview with the Vampire Season 1 | Episode 7 "The Thing Lay Still"
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hi any life advice for 21yo
Don’t date thirty-year-olds until you are at least 25.
Having a glass of water for every glass of alcohol will give you a 50% reduction in hangover viciousness.
Bad people will use your willingness to be quiet as a weapon against you. If someone’s being awful to you and trusting you’ll be quiet to keep from making waves, surprise them.
There is no physical object in the world that is worth as much as your honor.
Honor is not the same as dignity. Retaining one sometimes means leaving the other aside.
Don’t have any sex you don’t want to have; have as much as you want of the sex that you do, whether that’s a lot, a little, or none at all. Nothing you can do to your own body is immoral, unless you’re doing it as an act of self-punishment.
Food is morally neutral. You do not have to earn the right to eat calories. Fat and sugar keep your brain from eating itself.
Learning to sit still and breathe–in, in, in, hold, hold, hold, out, out, out, out, out, out–can give you five feet of clear space around yourself in a maelstrom.
Find out how to make three good meals: A comfort meal you can make for just yourself relatively easily, a fancy meal you can use to wow a date, and a meal you can feed a bunch of people. All the other cooking can come later, but you can build a community on those three meals.
If you ever get to the point that things are so bleak you can see no other way forward but to die, make any other choice. If that means leaving everything you own and being a beach bum, or quitting your career, or taking up or leaving a religion, or deciding to bicycle across the country, so be it; living means more chances, dying means everything stops and you don’t get to see any more interesting things. As you have not yet seen all the things that can interest you, it is better to live.
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my blog is a gateway drug to cooler and better blogs (my mutuals)
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The difference between 2014 and 2019 is insane in my mind and the jump from 2019 to 2024 both feels like it was yesterday and also like it was a different universe
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Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol.
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Pedro Pascal | Corona Extra (2024)
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✧・゚*:・ Catfish’s reconnaissance mission look✧・゚*:・
+bonus: The Stance™
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no one ever talks about the amount of money being a hater saves you
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Otto Kuenzli, Ring für zwei Personen 1980  Hannibal, Tome-Wan 2013
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Reddit sucks bc on there you make a comment like this and people downvote it but on here it would have 10 thousand notes
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he has a special smile reserved for when his kids are being sassy <3
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The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download
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