thekostory · 5 years
2020. Can we really be here already?
I’ve been reflecting back on the past decade amd have been overwhelmed by the amount of stuffthat’s happened. Quick take: got married, moved back to Arkansas, bought a house, got divorced, moved to Germany, learned what love looked like, moved in with my parents in Texas, spent a year in a tailspin, moved back to Arkansas (3rd time) to live by myself for the…
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thekostory · 7 years
A Year Called Nora
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I’m sitting here, watching the clock creep closer and closer to midnight, and I have no idea where the year went. It flashed by in a few blinks and with some of the biggest changes in my life so far. Every year that I write down my reflections, or my summation of the year, the theme is always the same: growth and rollercoasters. But every year, it happens again: unbelievable highs and lows and…
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thekostory · 7 years
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Little one, We haven't met yet, but you are already so loved. There is so much to parenting that I'm apprehensive about, but so much to look forward to as well. I hope you learn persistence from me, and I hope you get your father's patience. We both want to do anything and everything in our power to make sure you never question how much you mean to us. You have already given me so much strength. I hope you never let the opinions of others define your belief system. Be strong, courageous, and above all, compassionate. Always remember we both love you dearly, and absolutely cannot wait to meet you. #newestfoster // @lindseytuscanyphoto continues to knock it out of the park (at Charleston, South Carolina)
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thekostory · 7 years
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This is how we spend Labor Day #beckhamthecat
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thekostory · 7 years
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Happy birthday to the sassiest of the Foster fam! I adore you to bits 😘 P.s. your brother can't handle that his baby sister is officially no longer a teenager. Welcome to your 20s!
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thekostory · 7 years
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I am so excited to take on this next stage of life with you. // Preview 📸 @lindseytuscanyphoto is a magician (at Charleston, South Carolina)
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thekostory · 7 years
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Whenever and wherever snuggles are possible #galaxyfoster
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thekostory · 7 years
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Hopefully this is the beginning of cooler days
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thekostory · 7 years
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These two have been in my life for fourteen years now, and I'm continually reminded that they are two of the most incredible women I've ever met. Thanks for the visit, the laughs, and the love. Until next time! (at Charleston City Market)
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thekostory · 7 years
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Winding down to the final few weeks, Josiah and I have spent a lot of time wondering about what this new addition will look like. If they'll have my eyes, his cheeks.. // Being adopted meant never being around someone who looked like me. In a letter from my birth mom when I turned 18, she said that I had her hands. After I found a few family members several years later, I noticed I shared the blue eyes of a brother, the same preteen lankiness of a son, and perhaps even the temperament and taste buds of a sister. Now, when I see photos of them, I find new little similarities that make me pause because I'm simply not used to the idea of sharing genes with someone. // However scary I still find impending motherhood to be, I'm looking forward to seeing how this little one will be a blend of both Josiah and myself. We're headed toward a whole set of unknown experiences, and I can't help but to think about how often I'll just sit back in wonder at a tiny little person who is so new but so familiar at the same time.
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thekostory · 7 years
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I often find it hard to be social. I'm one to communicate through written words, not through speaking. The past few weeks, it's been especially tough to climb out of my cozy safety net at home, so I've turned into the extreme version of a homebody. Sorry to those of you I've avoided or canceled plans with. I'll semi-return to the real world soon. ❤
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thekostory · 7 years
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Boxception #galaxyfoster
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thekostory · 7 years
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In case anyone has ever wondered how much of a derp this guy is...he's spent the last 10 minutes alternating between chasing his tail, attempting to run away from his tail, running headlong into the coffee table and various walls, and vaulting over Beckham. At least he's got his dashing good looks. #galaxyfoster
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thekostory · 7 years
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Belated birthday celebrations went on all day yesterday. Thanks for being my best friend
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thekostory · 7 years
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Because they're the cutest, I'm a crazy cat lady, and #internationalcatday is upon us. #kittiesfoster
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thekostory · 7 years
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If I thought 27 was the year of great changes, 28 will be even more so. // I like to consider my birthday as a start of something new. Something big. Along with that, I like to consider one thing to work on for the coming year. // This year, I want to build up my own confidence. Honestly, confidence has been an area I've struggled in for the majority of my life. Not being pretty, thin, smart, funny, or good enough rotates around in my head like a broken record. // I've been spending time reflecting on my impending motherhood, and one thing I want this child to know is that they have a mother who is strong and quietly confident in who she is. I want to be an example of facing things head-on and being self-assured enough in the fact that I'm loved. These are qualities I hope to see in my child, but I can't expect that child to possess confidence if I don't first learn to live that way. // 27 was change and learning when to slow down and ask for help. It was about living in a partnership, accepting the inability to change my brokenness, and trusting that I'm not too much of a burden to bear. 28 will be confidence, growth, and that quiet assurance that I can handle things and be a steady example for a child with endless possibilities. #28 #birthday
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thekostory · 7 years
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Early morning snuggles #kittiesfoster
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