The King's Castle Church is a welcoming, international church in Newcastle upon Tyne, with dynamic teaching and vibrant worship.
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*2021 Cross over Service@KCC Newcastle*
Date:*Friday, 31st Dec. 2021*
Theme: *A NEW DAWN*
Venue: *The King's Castle Church*
Unit 2, 162 Brinkburn Street South, Byker NE6 2AR
Time: *Doors Open @5:00pm*
The church minibus will be available to pick people up for this event.If you require a lift kindly call 07973 984913
This service will also be streamed on our social media platforms.You can share the link below with family and friends.
*To watch on Facebook click this link*
*To watch on YouTube click this link*
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John 15:13 - Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. We do not take lightly the sacrifices made for freedom. Today we remember the soldiers and their families and pray for them. #remember #gratitude #thankful
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Today we celebrate all fathers, grandfathers, uncles and dads. We thank you for instilling discipline, prayers, direction and support in your children. Many of us would not be where we are today without your hard work and correction. May God continue to give you the grace to be good examples and leaders in society. #fathersday #fathers #prayforfathers #dads #grandads #grandfathers
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We are Back to the Church building
Wow, Praise God! We are back to Church this Sunday. Yes, we are back to the Church building in Byker, Newcastle. Are you excited? However, to join us, you need to follow the link below and get a ticket. This is in compliance with Covid-19 guidance provided by the government. Please get a ticket early as spaces are limited. See you on Sunday 🙂 Link for Eventbrite Registration:
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Today we celebrate Mothers. Thank you for your Godly support, prayers and patience. Thank you for believing in your Children. Thank you for instilling faith in society. We pray for God's blessings and strength for you. #thankyou #mothersday #celebratemothers #prayformothers
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Today we pray for mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties and nieces. You make the world a better place with your kindness, selflessness and support. Thank you for all you do. God bless you. #womensday #supportwomen #prayforwomen
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Join us this Sunday for a special service with Guest Minister, Dr. Hugh Osgood. Dr Hugh Osgood is a senior UK church leader, accomplished Bible teacher and preacher, and is known for his thoroughness combined with strategic insights. He holds a number of national and international positions, being the Free Churches Moderator and a President of Churches Together in England, and serves as the founding President of Churches in Communities International. #thissunday #unstoppable #DrOsgood
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Join us tomorrow morning at 10:30am for a special service tagged 'ONLY BELIEVE' with Senior Pastor Banjo. #onlybelieve #believe #belief
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Join us tonight at 10:30pm as we thank God and pray into 2021. #crossover #prayinto2021 #thanksgiving #crossoverservice
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Join us this Sunday at 10:30am for our online Christmas Carol Service tagged 'JOY TO THE WORLD'. It promises to be a refreshing time this season. #joytotheworld #christmascarol #onlinechurchservice
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Join us online for our Sunday Church service tomorrow at 10:30am... #thissunday #onlinechurch
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Join us at 10:30am this Sunday for our online Church service tagged 'The Love of God' with Pastor Goke Ministering... #theloveofGod #Godslove #onlinechurch #thissunday
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The business nature of the Gospel requires transactions by you & God. As we receive blessings from God always, let us endeavour to give back by furthering His mission. Stay blessed, Pastor Banjo #dailynuggets #thursdaymotivation #gospel #Godsbusiness #transactions #missions
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“Hope” in the Bible means “confident assurance or expectation” that God would do what He had promised. Though, it is in the future, wait for it, surely it will come to pass. Stay blessed, Pastor Banjo #dailynuggets #hope #hopeinGod #mondaymotivation #trustGod #expectation
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Jabez prayed while in trouble and God granted all his requests and blessed him. Be encouraged to bring your requests before God in prayer instead of enduring the pain in silence. Stay blessed, Pastor Banjo #dailynuggets #thursdaymotivation #prayer #prayerofjabez
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