“Ah, well I’ve never been to London, though all I’ve heard is that it’s cold and dry. You have a point though.”
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“That is w-where I grew up, and I liked it a lot.” Kathryn replied, nodding at the man. “I think that New York h-has one of the highest crime rates.”
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Connor laughed softly at that statement, “Well, at least I think if you were craving it it wouldn’t seem gross to you?” he said as he thought about the situation. “Maybe? I don’t know, common sense isn’t exactly my strong point sometimes.” he joked lightly.
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“I hope so. The last t-thing I want to do is force myself to eat all kinds of gross foods.” Kathryn replied, letting out a soft chuckle. She was a fairly picky eater as it was, so cravings could get complicated. “You’re just excited and stuff. So it makes sense that l-little things slip your mind.”
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“So the way I see it New York was already a fucking mess and everyone is just making a big deal because of a stupid fire in a tent.” Hiram sat on the chairs outside of Jumpstart cafe in Manhattan. “Ya’ll talk so much shit about New York until you’re away from it and instantly call it “the best city on Earth”.”
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“Well, ummm, I think people are j-just used to New York being kind of hectic. Although, n-nobody wants to deal with a fire.” Kathryn replied, shrugging at the man. “I’d argue that London is t-the best city, but perhaps I am biased.”
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Connor nodded, “Yeah, it’s not that weird or anything not like … pickles and brownies or something. I just can’t find it.” he said with a sigh before grinning at Kathryn, “You are a genius though! Because I haven’t yet and I feel like I might have a lot better luck there.”
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“Oh god, I hope if I ever g-get pregnant I don’t crave anything that is gross like that.” Kathryn replied, letting out a soft chuckle. Hormones seemed to do crazy things to woman’s bodies. “I am sure you w-would have thought of it eventually.”
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It honestly is. Time makes everything better, even if it seems like there’s no coming back from it.
I hope you’re right. I wish that I c-could be more positive around things. Sometimes l-life just sucks.
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Guess Who’s Back
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“Good, good, I’m really glad.” he told her sincerely before grinning, “They’re fine, actually they’re why I’m here. Apparently they really, really want blackberry ice cream?” he explained, “And I can’t seem to find anywhere that actually carries it. Do you have any ideas?”
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“That sounds like a fairly t-tame pregnancy craving.” Kathryn replied, letting out a soft chuckle. “I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen it before. Have you t-tried going to one of those specialty shops of something?”
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Connor frowned as he looked intently at the freezers in front of him. It was the first time that he had left the apartment since the carnival, but he had been sent on a Very Important Mission. He had to procure blackberry ice cream for his pregnant wife … which none of the stores he had checked so far seemed to carry. He looked up when he spotted a familiar face out of the corner of his eye, both glad to see her and hopeful for some potential help in his ice cream quest. “Kathryn!” he said happily, “Hey, how are you doing? You and Charles both really are alright after all that the other day, yeah?” he asked.
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Kathryn was out and about picking up a few things when she heard a familiar voice, and turned to see Connor. She sent the man a small smile, glad to see a familiar face. “Hey, I’m doing alright.” Kathryn replied, thankful that everything had worked out for her. “Yeah, Charles and I are b-both alright. I hope everything is alright with Harmony and t-the baby.”
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“Probably.” Aleksi agreed before the ride jerked suddenly and then swung back down and stopped at the loading platform. “Thank goodness!” he explained, letting out a sigh of relief, surprised at just how much tension he felt leave him once he saw there were actually seconds from being off to the ride.
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As they descended to the group, Kathryn couldn’t help but smile. She watched as people began to shuffle off of the ride, and when it was eventually her turn she let out a sigh of relief when her feet touched the ground. “Finally, we’re safe.”
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“I don’t know if it is -” Reina frowned, pushing herself up to try and get a better look, “The tent’s on fire!” She exclaimed, eyes widening now before attempting to push herself out from under the safety barrier.
“But everything is probably b-breaking down because of the fire.” Kathryn replied, shrugging at the woman. “The electrical wires probably caught fire. Which either started the fire or was just a r-result of it.”
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Aleksi let out a small sigh of relief when he saw them heading to where he assumed the ride controls would be. He needed to get out of here, and find his way back to Karolin. “I bet he is. I’m sure he’s alright though.” he told her. He refused to consider that anybody wasn’t, not after the month he’d had already.
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“Thank god.” Kathryn said, watching as the people began to start working on the ride. She just wanted to make sure Charles was alright and then get out of here as soon as possible. Kathryn was emotionally and physically exhausted, and just needed a long night of sleep. “He probably went to find Connor and Harmony or something.”
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Aleksi nodded, “Yeah, I definitely get that.” he said before looking back over the side of the ship, noticing that a few people were heading towards the ship, “Hey, look.” he said, pointing the people out to his friend, “I think they might be coming to help.”
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“I sure hope so. I’m tired of being up h-here.” Kathryn replied, letting out a soft sigh. She wanted to feel the solid ground beneath her feet, and to be able to go find Charles. “I wonder if Charles is w-worried.”
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Aleksi nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I think so.” he said, even as he knew that everyone was getting more and more nervous the longer they were there. “Nope. I refuse to accept that anything else major can go wrong for … at least the next month. At least. Everyone’s gonna be fine.”
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“I just want to be home and in m-my bed.” Kathryn replied, sending Alek a small smile. She wanted to believe that everything was going to be alright in the end but they’ve had the worst track record in the past. “I hope so. I really really do.”
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Aleksi nodded quickly, “Yeah, yeah. I just … I have to get out and get back to her. She’ll be, she’ll be scared if she finds out about this before I can come get her.” he said softly. He was all Karolin had left, she was all he had. Which meant that he had to keep himself safe in all this mess, for her. He couldn’t leave her alone. “Yeah, yeah. I’m sure Charles is fine though. I mean … this is crazy enough. How much bad luck can we have tonight?”
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“I am sure that we are g-going to be back in the ground soon.” Kathryn replied, smiling at Alek once more. She just had to try to be as positive as possible, because freaking out won’t do either or them any good. “I feel like that isn’t a question that we s-should ever ask ourselves.”
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Aleksi nodded carefully at Kathryn’s words. They had been through … honestly a ridiculous amount of crazy situations together. But they had always made it through. It was comforting to have her there. “Yeah. Yeah … we just need to wait it out. I am so glad that Karolyn wanted to stay with Sophia tonight.” he said carefully. 
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“Yeah, having her safe means there is one less thing to w-worry about.” Kathryn replied, sending the boy a nod. She was glad that the young girl was off safe somewhere else. “It’s just a matter of being patient, and hoping for the best. I know the minute I get down f-from here, I need to go find Charles.”
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Admittedly, when the ride came to a sudden halt, Reina was distracted. She was on her phone when it happened her body had been so relaxed that the jolt made her snap forward, even hitting her head in the process and dropping her phone on the floor of the ride, “Goddammit.” She muttered, bringing a hand up to her head before the waft of smoke filled her nostrils. She looked down, realising that the place was ablaze, “What the fuck is happening down there?”
Kathryn looked around and could feel a feeling of fear building in her stomach. She wasn’t a fan of rides, and she surely wasn’t a fan of being caught on one. She looked over at the nearby woman who was speaking and shrugged slightly. “Whatever it is, I b-bet it’s related to the ride stopping.”
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