theirondensite · 5 years
time off hgh
looked around for info on this but could not locate any. ive been on gh for the past yr, 6 days on 1 off, dosing from 2-4 iu's day. was wondering if taking time off is beneficial and if so, how long? thanks!!
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theirondensite · 5 years
PR thread !!!Post em up :)
Post em up.Be it a weight pr or a rep pr! I'll start last week I hit 445 on my deadlift and 335 on my squat.Both pr's for me !
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theirondensite · 5 years
Female Mood in One Picture
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theirondensite · 5 years
Quick Leg Workout Today
Did a quick leg work out this morning. I designed it to not be a heavy leg day, as my Saturday's are currently that. But I threw some stuff together for quick one, supersetting much of the sets. Leg workout Reps for all movements were at about 12-15. Front squat in the Smith machine- 2/25# (propped heels up on a ledge) Superset with leg extensions (but they hurt my knee so stopped after 2 sets of them) SL deadlifts on this hurricane machine at the gym Superset with sissy squats w/25#... Quick Leg Workout Today
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theirondensite · 5 years
Titan Games Anyone?
So, not sure why i'm posting this in the female area because it applies to either males or females. Just trying to drive traffic into the female area....lol. I've watched several episodes. Very similar type of stuff like Ninja Warrior (just no water lol) and kind of like Broken Skull Ranch by Steve Austin (except not outside lol). Def more crossfit type of workouts/people, but why are all the attendees so beautiful! LOL. Shoot one girl that advanced was a swim teacher. Wonder what... Titan Games Anyone?
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theirondensite · 5 years
Favorite Coffee or Tea?
I know all of us probably drink coffee or tea... everyone has a favorite! Post it up! I really like the Rwanda coffee and Ethiopia coffee’s. Got a gift from coopers Cask Coffee.
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theirondensite · 5 years
Quality pharmaceutical products,Pills of all kinds,steroids ,weight lost Drugs ETC
We supply the best quality pharmaceutical products such as pain killers, sex pills, diet pills, sleep pills, anti-depressants, HGH, steroids, and many others. We ship world wide at a very moderate rates. we have the below list of some of our drugs, we sell our drugs without prescriptions. AA + Trending ,ADHD,Allergies ,Allergies ,Anti Anxiety ,Anti Biotics ,Anti Depressant ,Anti Depressant ,Anti Depressant ,Anti Fungal ,Anxiety ,Asthma ,Blood Pressure ,Cancer ,Cannabis oils ,Cholesterol... Quality pharmaceutical products,Pills of all kinds,steroids ,weight lost Drugs ETC
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theirondensite · 5 years
What does your pre-workout meal look like?
Works good.
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theirondensite · 5 years
Direct TV app question
Does anyone know a work around on the Roku or any other device for the direct tv app? I know they have the Direct tv now app, but I don’t want to pay for that streaming service. Or should I go and invest in Apple TV so I can project my iphone screen on the tv?
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theirondensite · 5 years
Social media tards
Anyone else here follow the social media fit industry rejects? Can't get enough of these fucks. The shit they do and say is hilarious. Jason Genova Savage Psycho Joe Marc Steubing
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theirondensite · 5 years
Arnold 2019?
Anyone here going to the Arnold this year? Either as a spectator or as a competitor? I went a few years in a row and haven't been in a couple of years.
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theirondensite · 5 years
Hello pals, This is my first weightlifting forum ever joined, so bear with my ignorance. Stats: 21 years old 6'3 185lbs Been lifting seriously little under two years now.
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theirondensite · 5 years
Dumbest Draft Move - NFL 2019
While I would like to pick on the NY Giants, I think the dumbest move so far was the #1 Pick with the Cardinals. Why would you take Murray before you dealt Rosen? They just watered down their own freaking trade, dummies!
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theirondensite · 5 years
S23 Sarm
Anybody have any experience with this?
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theirondensite · 5 years
Pizza Is A Healthier Breakfast Than Cereal, Nutritionists Say
Readjusting diet starting NOW! https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/pizza-healthier-breakfast-cereal-nutritionists-172200910.html Pizza for breakfast is an American classic. Whether it's cold and taken straight from the box or served after an early morning reheat, it's basically a delicacy all on its own. However, I've never characterized the tradition in any way, shape, or form as healthy. In... Pizza Is A Healthier Breakfast Than Cereal, Nutritionists Say
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theirondensite · 5 years
24 Week Show Prep WPD (MW 2018)
Hello all. Today, 10/19/17, begins my 24 week show prep for WPD Show on 3/30/18. This is the log for my prep for the show. Show is the NPC Midwest the weekend of 3/30/18. I want to participate in the women's physique division (masters obviously). This will be my first official show (yikes!). I only hope that I can achieve this goal. I have the drive to do this. My plan for this log is to start off with some stats of where I am at currently. Put my plans in this log. Check into the log... 24 Week Show Prep WPD (MW 2018)
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theirondensite · 5 years
just quick word from Wolfie
just a little thought seems ive been on the boards for ever ...over 20yrs lol after looking into some of my workout logs from past 12 and seeing the different cycles etc etc ive run and during different times ive been as high as 250lbs at 6ft and low as 190lbs besides Test/Tren i will say the best thing ever put into my body (shut up puffy) has been DNP why u ask??? had blood work done Wednesday of last week---a liver fuction test and of course a base line for my TRT and a little dip... just quick word from Wolfie
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