theinventor-beetee · 11 years
I notice some new followers! Hi, everyone! I’m over here if you want to play with Beetee. :) Come to me my prey
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
I'm baaaaaaack! :D But not here. Here. New blog, new FC, same muse and same RPer. I'm already getting to work following some of you. Second time's the charm, right?
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
So, you may have noticed that I've taken a small, unexpected hiatus...well, I'm sorry to say that that hiatus is almost definitely going to become permanent. :/ I gave indie-ing a try, and I just don't think it suits me; I'm more inclined to groups, to be honest. To those I've threaded with -- especially with those with incomplete threads -- I'm very sorry. If by any chance you'd like to contact me on Tumblr OOC, I'd be more than happy to give you that information. So...bye. :c
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
Beetee smiled and took the boy's hand, shaking it once. "Cyr," he said, as if tasting the name. "That's...unusual. Unusual is good, though, unusual is good. My name is Beetee. No need for the formality."
+ districtfourcyr
"Of course. My name is Cyr Nero. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr…?" He drew out his hand for a friendly greeting.
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
Just a little drabble I wrote out of boredom. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty proud of this; it's arguably one of the best things I've written thus far. Check it out, maybe? Or if you'd rather read it on FanFiction.Net, click here. :)
Beetee confronts someone about the parachutes that ended the war; someone he’s come to loathe.
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
"You find something to distract yourself," Beetee answered. "Something to occupy your mind that has nothing to do with the bad memory."
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
Beetee gently rested his hands on Annie’s shoulders as her expression contorted, not letting go until she suddenly shrieked at him. Their eyes locked, and her gaze was terrifyingly hazy; it was as if he could see the madness clouding her brilliant sea-green irises. No, not madness, he hastily corrected himself, because she was not mad. She was simply unstable, and in shock. Instability was curable. Shock was curable. Madness was permanent. The words Annie threw at him were like steel daggers; oh, he had to get it through her mind somehow, somehow, but how could he do it in a way that didn’t send her into catatonia?
Their eyes met once more, and Beetee winced at what he read in her glance; Annie stared at him as if he were some kind of monster, villainous, treacherous. He didn’t want to hurt her! He didn’t come to 4 to hurt her. He wanted to help her, with all of his heart and soul; he gave up everything just to help her, and he’d be damned before he admitted she was beyond help. She wasn’t. Uneasily, he watched as she snapped back into her normal, calm, delicate demeanor, and because he couldn’t bear to address that Finnick was dead, that he was never coming back, ever, he answered her other question. “I could make you something, if you’re hungry. Does anything sound particularly good?” 
Lacrimosa || Beetee & Annie
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
“I just...carry on, I suppose. Wiress and I, we help each other through it. We live for the little things. We try not to focus on the bad, only the good. Does that make sense?"
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
Instinctively, Beetee stiffened when Annie pressed her hand against him to balance herself, but after a moment or two he brushed the feeling aside and let her lean on him, resting one hand on her back and giving her a somewhat awkward pat to calm her. “That’s good,” he told her gently, releasing her as she edged away, toward the counter. Her smile hurt much more than it should; that shaky, nervous smile that tried to convince him that she was all right was Wiress’s smile for him. But she was not Wiress; she was Annie. Some days it hurt more to remind himself than others. This was one of those days.
Beetee came to her side again as laid her hand over her abdomen, her slightly crazed eyes darting to his. Annie was an interesting mix; at times, she seemed almost savage, the way she shrieked and kicked despite his efforts to calm her. Yet at other times – most of the time – she was quiet, lost, delicate. A flower caught in a frost. A newly hatched bird with broken wings. When she spoke, her voice echoed this fragility, and her words pained him more than any wound he’d ever sustained. Annie truly, honestly believed that Finnick was coming home...and he, Beetee, would have to be the one to crush her dream. He hated it. But he had to. He moved the hand on her shoulder to her back, rubbing soft circles between her shoulder blades the way Wiress always liked to keep her calm, and said gently, quietly, “Annie...Finnick isn’t coming home. He’s in heaven, remember? With everyone else the Capitol took away.” Beetee bit his lip. “I’m sorry.”
Lacrimosa || Beetee & Annie
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
He nodded, even though he generally disliked hearing such a thing. “It's all right,” he told her, but it wasn't. Not really.
+ theinventor-beetee
" I am.." She paused, " Sorry for your loss as well."
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
To the 15 people I just unfollowed –
Please note that I am very, very sorry. I simply couldn’t keep up! My dash was so clogged, and I didn’t interact with about half of you...I had to prioritize. To keep my dash clean,I unfollowed most of the OCs and those of you I haven’t interacted with. Again, I’m very sorry, and it’s nothing personal. I should also mention that, as of now, I’m no longer following any Katniss or Annie RPers back. But, if you’re a relatively good Annie, why don’t you give playing Wiress a try? I really, really would like to interact with a Wiress. Pleeeeease? It would make me so very, very happy... :’)
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
"I knew they would murder hundreds of people," he insisted. "Does it matter that I didn't know who? But...that being said...I wouldn't have built them if I knew how they'd be used, Katniss. If I knew where Coin would drop them. I didn't know. If you never believe anything else I say -- and I understand if you don't -- believe that I never, ever would have made those bombs if I knew they'd be used on Prim and the medics." He closed his eyes and sighed; at Katniss's next words, he laughed, low and bitter laughter that didn't really suit him. "Who did I save? Not the one person who counted. Not the one person I promised to protect." He shook his head. "The one person I cared about. I got her killed."
Katniss swallowed the lump of grief in her throat that he conjured with the mere mention of her sister. “You didn’t know." She muttered, teeth sinking into the inside of her bottom lip. “She was’t supposed to be there." God, who let such a little girl out into that mess? Who was so stupid. “You saved a lot more people than you hurt, Beetee, she’d be proud of that."
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
All these lovely new followers! :) I love it. For the few of you I haven’t followed back, however, please note that it’s absolutely nothing personal – it simply wouldn’t make sense for your character and Beetee to interact because of my verses (post-74th, pre-75th and post-MJ). Sorry! :/
I’m still looking for a Wiress to RP with, so if anyone is interested, please contact me! I need Beeress! It helps me breathe! It gives me inner strength!
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
Beetee nodded, still unsure about this plan. At her next words, he smiled wryly and shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Annie. I'm afraid not."
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
“All right...” said Beetee, very reluctantly. “If you say so. Whatever works for you, I suppose.”
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
At her response, Beetee turned and approached Annie – cautiously, though, always cautiously – as she leaned against the doorway of the kitchen. It was obviously she had either been about to have a nap or had just woken up; he gently laid a hand on her shoulder and said, “I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”
But was she? She was much too thin, making the small bulge of her child much more prominent than it should be at three months; her hair was tangled; her bright green eyes were ringed with violet shadows that told tales of nights spent screaming instead of sleeping. It pained Beetee to see her this way...but she was alive, he reminded himself. She’s getting better. The exhaustion is part of the pregnancy. The emotions are part of the pregnancy. She isn’t mad. She’s getting better, she’s getting better, she’s getting better.
He repeated this mantra to himself several times before he addressed her other comment: “No, I figured you needed the rest. It’s all right.” He sighed softly, mostly to himself, when she broke off, grasping her shoulder just a tad bit more firmly so as to keep her from slipping away. " Are you all right, Annie? You look like you could use a little more sleep." Or a meal. Or something, anything to take away the haze in her eyes. That was what scared him the most; but again, Annie was not mad. She couldn't be. She was getting better. She  had to be. He was a smart man; he learned from his mistakes. Which, in theory, meant he couldn't fail twice.
Lacrimosa || Beetee & Annie
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theinventor-beetee · 11 years
“Oh, Annie, I’m sure he won’t be mad. This is something you two need to talk about...if anything, he’ll be unhappy if you keep it from him,” Beetee advised. "I know you prefer him to be happy, but honesty is important."
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