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The runway fashion fans run away with a 3-0 Splatfest win! Congratulations to Team Modern and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
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Just tinkering with his redesign…
I feel so bad for neglecting Andante because he’s one of my earliest ocs maybe even before Zeph and he still is neglected so I really want to somehow change that…
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Hastily sketched Splatsona no one asked for. She is the founder of team D.A.B. Her hobbies consist of making her own gear which serves for looking good and ONLY looking good, being overly excited and loud, and being bad at the game. She is Cubbi.
(Which Y’all should join hmu for that sweet discord link)
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this new halloween-inspired band has come to take the stage with their experimental metal-rock beats, it’s the FISH HOOKS.
If you wanna find out more about their members, click the keep reading below!
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Update #8: Br8king News!
Greetings and good afternoon from the Bear Squid Division of the Squid Research Lab. Year of the Octoling indeed. This is our 8th update ever! What a coincidence! Things have been incredibly active in the quaint little bear village I’ve more or less called home over the months, though I fear my days of living among the bear squids are coming to an end. With all of the changes coming to Inkopolis soon, I imagine I’ll be called to return to the main branch of the Squid Research lab by summer. I’ll miss these guys so much. But for now, a recap of what’s gone on the last couple of weeks since my last post:
Tallies have shown that Chie has an astounding lead over Rhono as far as splatfests are concerned right now! She’s won the last FOUR splatfests back to back to back! To back. Rhono, hot headed as he usually is, seems to be more or less blowing off his 3-win total, likely due to being more interested in the new ranked mode, as well as having 49 more levels to climb before he’s maxed out again. Chie’s been diving head first into politics, as well as learning whatever ancient texts the elders guard, but she’s shown great interest in the announcement that Octolings would soon be fully integrated in the formerly squid kid centric society. She and the artisans of the village will be designing new gear and weapons, which were promised to be “a bit more on the modern side”! Chie has also announced that, with the elders’ permission, she and Rhono will start hosting their very own splatfests! And that she and some others have all ready begun designing new stages, with at least one of them already undergoing construction! She’s certainly adding a lot to her plate! Perhaps she’s invigorated now that winter has loosened its formidable grip on the land?
Oh, but before I forget, the theme of the first splatfest has already been announced! Though I am less than pleased with the theme, the entire young adult populate of the village has been torn over this, so it was only natural that this would be the first ever bear squid splatfest theme. As many of you know, Off the Hook released an incredible, urban-esque song earlier this month. As incredibly catchy as the tune is, there has been a bit of debate over the lyrics. Chie is absolutely certain that Marina is saying “Stay frosty” in the yet to be named single, but Rhono insists that the lyric is well…let’s just say it’s something a little less than tasteful. I personally think she’s either saying “Thirsty” or “Get off me” but it’s just one of those things I guess. The splatfest is scheduled to take place on the 10th, but as stated earlier, results won’t be revealed until the end of the month. I’ve also just received intel that only that while all participants will receive prizes, there will be an extra special prize for the top three players, and a different special prize for the top four teams. I may have quite a bit to report these final months, as things have gotten very interesting for the bear squids as of late!
Until next time, more details to come! -AH
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octo frosting!!
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me, realizing i have NO technical “villains”
“Don’t say yes or no it’s too late now”
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Ciel would probably be on the cover for a Rockenburg zine and Plasma would have kept it from Splat one like a nerd
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I will give people fanservice…
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(The hue of this is much too pink to be an accurate ref but idc it looked poppin)
Dustpan is an experienced Octarian technician who was left to kick back and work back at HQ after his main life as a field soldier wore away when he lost his arm (he also was never strong in the first place). He tends to work relentlessly to try and prove himself by building better and stronger tech and machines, many of which he can’t even lift without straining himself. Although he has personal interests and individual thoughts and dreams, he is willing to throw everything out the window for the Octarian army and only wishes he was a stronger and useful soldier. His stacking failures and noticeable weaknesses tend to work him up.
Other facts:
-Dustpan has two friends who go by Mop and Broom.
-Probably is a homestuck
-Musician, his genres are Industrial, Industrial vaporwave/synthwave etc.
-Internet savvy, loves reading webcomics
-Has a mechanical arm he uses for utility though he has another heavy duty one meant for cannons and guns to be attached to it. He uses this on the field (if anyone is willing to put him out)
-His tentacles curl when he’s flustered.
-Often looks at himself posing in front of a mirror with a weapon. He accidentally fired one time with a charger.
-Dustpan is just a dumb nickname called to him by only Mop and Broom. He is referenced as his number everywhere else.
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i’m rly gonna kill this man but here he is, part of the reason hoodie was forced out of her hometown and a sentient flan
vvvv bio under the cut vvvv Trigger Warning for drugs, alcohol, and abuse. Read at your own risk!
Keep reading
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Update #7: Splatfests
Greetings and good evening from the Bear Squid Division of the Squid Research Lab! I hope you all are having as exciting splatfest as the bear squids and I are! Things have gotten incredibly interesting this season, possibly the most exciting winter the bear squids have ever witnessed! Before I divulge in all of the goings on, I must admit it is impossibly cold in this fair village! I have no idea how these squids can go around BEARING midriffs and the like when the snow is over one’s ankles! But they gathered up some of the extra "fur" to make me a coat! It was such a heartwarming gesture, literally and figuratively!
But anyway, on to the good stuff. Despite the ice and snow covering everything, things have grown quite heated in this quaint little community. The younger squids are completely torn between their two young leaders, Rhono Tu Koa'e and Chie Ku Alioowa, the chieftain's daughter. The two, being the most fit for the task, travel to Inkopolis Square every splatfest to compete in the festivities, bringing back their winnings to support the people of their village, and pooling their snails between the two of them to make tweaks to their "Inkopolis civilian clothes" as they call them.
The pair always pick opposing teams, to maximize potential winnings. The pair are neck and neck, with three wins and three losses under their belts. Chie, having one the last two splat fests in a row, gets first pick and has chosen Action this time, leaving Rhono with Comedy. He has made it very clear that he doesn't want to be on Team Comedy. But I digress. What's interesting is this sudden intensity, not only between the two of them, but between everyone! I haven't been able to get a comprehensible answer from anyone, so I have nothing to go on but my hunch that the number 7 is significant in their culture, and this being the 7th splatfest...well perhaps the stakes are a lot higher than they appear?
Even the elders seem mildly interested in the goings on this run, so I absolutely must get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, I shall return to huddle hut. Which if you don't know, is possibly one of the most adorable things I've seen since I've been here. For such fearsome looking squids, these guys sure do like to cuddle! There are a few huddle huts scattered throughout the village. Quite simply, bear squids will gather in these huts and, in their fuzzy winter squid forms, just start piling up around one another! It's like a dog pile, but with warm, fuzzy squids. Can you imagine it? They also rotate who gets to be in the middle, for the most part, but I have been given a special pass as I'm furless when a squid. I've also found out that bear squids will sleep for long periods of time during the winter, up to a week at a time! I've had to be reassured many a time that the squid in question was still alive! Anyway, I don't have much to talk about so I'll wrap this up now. I shall send pictures and sketches as soon as I can!
Until next time, more details to come! -AH
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