theillusivedick · 8 years
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i think the moment that best describes this shoot is when i said “ok, let’s be serious for a moment” and then immediately burst out laughing. our photos are a trainwreck of derp but the con was fun.
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theillusivedick · 8 years
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Soooo, desucon frostbite'16 is over and I have to say that it's been a while since the last time I had such a good time hanging out with peeps and at convention overall. Our hunter x hunter-group rocked the place on Friday night and we caused bystanders to go blind with our Vento Aureo gang on Saturday, absolutely awesome, thanksyou guys so much for the great weekend !
As for my personal highlight of the con, I got asked to participate in Hall Cosplay which happened to be my first time competing on stage and it was nowhere as horrible as I feared it would be and I'd gladly do it again.
photos: Jenni Suomela
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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A friendly reminder that this did happen last year and it's gonna happen again this month, I'm getting in the mood for frostbite'16 !
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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These are pretty much the only presentable pictures I've gotten my hands on of this costume so here you go.
Most of all, I really wanted to show off the prop I managed to finish in time for the con and yes I'm aware of the other ends missing bone-ball but a) it fell off right away and b) it was super unpractical.
Photos - AIP
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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I’m so happy we had our DA2 group because goddamn we looked bamf haha
Hawke // Isabela // Varric // Anders // Fenris // Photographer
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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I finished my Aveline cosplay in time for the first day of desucon and got my friend to take some pictures, thanks again mate !
Few things fell apart during the day but nothing I can't fix. I swore that this one won't see daylight ever again but who knows, I'll still probably put it on someday.
Aveline Vallen / Dragon Age 2 - me Photographs - hirin
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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Cosplay halfway done, I'm getting there.
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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Little something I had to make for the upcoming entrance exams jes us fuck wish me luck guys 
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theillusivedick · 9 years
Oh my goodness I just found all of the armor posts I am so sorry for not looking through the blog before I asked.
No worries they're easy to miss and good if you found the answer :---V
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theillusivedick · 9 years
Your Fenris armor is AMAZING! Can I ask what you used?
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theillusivedick · 9 years
Your fenris cosplay wip pictures are saving me. thank you ;w;
Ooh happy to help ! o/
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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Some A++quality wip's of the city guard armor and I'm so done already, I'll take a break and pray that I'll have the energy/skills/luck to finish this in 14 days .............
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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So ropecon'15 is over and these were damn great 3 days, I met new people and got to experience Dipoli for the first time. I also wore my Fenris cosplay for the first time on Friday but sadly I can't give you any pictures of the costume since we didn't take any but with luck there will be some of those after desucon'15 !
Others of our small group didn't manage to finish their full costumes in time so we pulled off a casual!party with hoodies and t's on Saturday and it was an awesome way to spend a day
But what I can tell is that nothing broke, every part of the costume worked even better than expected and after everything I'm super happy that I finished it and I can't wait to be able to wear it with my prop and the rest of our group.
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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yesss the wig arrived and I'm positively surprised. After ordering it I thought it might have been too dark or too brownish but it's pretty accurate ? Of course it needs cutting etc.
it felt quite naked without the hairband tho .__.
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theillusivedick · 9 years
You are gorgeous Fenris!!
Thankyou .__.
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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I'm still at loss for not having my tablet so here, have a crappy shot of my 4 babies out of 8, rest of the party will soon follow ps can you guess my fav class hahahahaha haha ha
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theillusivedick · 9 years
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Here's what I've gotten done lately, the long-awaited feathers arrived and I managed to finish the bracers ! I need to figure out what to do with the bicep-strap/whatever since it looks pretty ridiculous when it's floating like that. The breastplate fits surprisingly fine but I'll add few magnets you know, just in case.
The pants are also done and it seems that my plan worked ~ I've also finished the belt and it's peculiar buckle and also the four pouches, they just need their white stitching and something to keep them closed since I'll actually be using them to store stuff for example my phone and insulines HAH
More to come, stay tuned ! Also, here's the next even bigger project I've started working on, ten points to those who can identify the parts :----I
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