My Hippie Dippie AgeRe and AgeDre stuff.
705 posts
My follows will come from my main AgeRe and AgeDre blog @smolhours93. This blog is for my more bohemian age regression and dreaming stuff. 10000% SFW as always.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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Moomin - Aurora
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
"Why are you to childish" is a question that can be so personal. Is it trauma? Permanent age regression? Autism? Me trying to have a childhood in my adulthood? I've got no idea
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
M feews ickys....buh m wiww b otays do. M nuuuuu wan bovew anywun.
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
Going Against the Current – Royals Lesson!
Originally posted to on August 29, 2018
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Ciao Royals! Today’s lesson is about something that can be difficult- going against the current. It can be hard to do something that doesn’t mesh with the mainstream trends or social norms. Today we’re going to talk about why it’s perfectly fine to go against the norms and how to feel more confident doing your own thing.
Recently I felt pressured to change myself and my blog to fit in with norms. I felt like I had to do things like dress “normal” and make my blog into a place for only serious topics. But I knew deep down that isn’t who I am. (Not that there’s anything wrong with those things. They just aren’t me). And though I felt pressured to change, I knew I just couldn’t change myself so much and be happy.
Truth is, real happiness can come from just being who you are inside. You will only feel miserable if you try to change yourself to meet other’s standards. Be true to yourself, because the real you is amazing and perfect and wonderful just how you are.
But it can be hard to reject these norms being forced on you, and it can be scary to be yourself. How can we build the confidence to be ourselves in a world that tries to break us down?
OFT has some resources on confidence, including:
-How to Have Confidence without Tearing Others Down
-Why You Should Stop Saying “Sorry” For Everything
-5 Ways to Love Yourself
And these may help you in your journey, but today we’re talking specifically about how to combat the pressures of society and your peers to conform.
Tip #1- Surround yourself with friends who love you for who you are.
It can be seriously awful when the criticism you face for being yourself is coming from those close to you, so make sure to surround yourself with people who love you for your true self. Throughout high school I had friends who didn’t really like me for who I was, they tried to change me and make me into what they wanted for me. Some of them liked who I was at first, but later when I grew as a person and learned new things about life, and wanted to change some of my behaviors, they didn’t like me anymore. But now I’ve surrounded myself with loving and supportive peers who support my dreams and platonically love me for who I am. 
Tip #2- Be kind, no matter what.
There will be people who will be judgmental of you even if you are kind, but kindness is truly the way to combat judgement. I admit I have difficulty with this sometimes, like if I’m dressed up in my usual somewhat eccentric fashion and somebody stares at me, I have a hard time making myself smile back instead of glare. It can be very, very hard to combat judgement with kindness. But if you can manage it, in the end you will be happier for it.
Tip #3- Have some music you can turn to.
Music is a powerful thing. And in times of darkness, confusion, sadness, or anything else, I like to turn to music. Some of my favorite songs for building confidence are:
-          Dancing’s Not a Crime by Panic! At The Disco
-          High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco
-          Thunder by Imagine Dragons
-          Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
-          SING by My Chemical Romance
-          Legend by The Score
-          Unstoppable by The Score
-          Higher by The Score
-          Centuries by Fall Out Boy
-          Burn by Ellie Goulding
Remember, inside of you is a brilliant light. Don’t let anyone dim it. Don’t let society’s norms dim your shining, brilliant light. (For more on the topic of a brilliant light inside you that you shouldn’t let dim, check out this article !)
Thank you so much for reading today, royals. I hope you can use this advice to find your way in the ocean of life and not get swept up in the undertow of societal opinion.
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
babies if they had tumblr
🍼 chewtoyboy Follow
grrrr my gums hurt so bad. cant wait for this stupid teething thing to be over so i'll never have to grow out teeth again
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🍉 cocomel0n Follow
do you think strawberry and that blueberry guy ever...nay i shant say
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🎈 anklebiter2023
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#hes so cute 😭😭 #elmo #ankle babbles
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🔧 block-stacker Follow
finally getting the hang of walking 😁 will post video showing my progress once my fine motor skills have fully developed
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🍭 i-classify-soft-foods reblogged
🌼 ga-ga Follow
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🍭 i-classify-soft-foods Follow
Heinz apricot and peach muesli
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🚜 jovial-crawler Follow
goo goo ga ga <- just a look into the machinations of my twisted mind
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
I see posts about being an autistic adult who still sleeps with plushies and those are lovely but I sometimes wish I'd see ones about wishing you could sleep with plushies or other comforters but it being a sensory nightmare for you? So here's to the people who love their plushies but can't sleep with them, for sensory or other reasons. Your plushies still love you all the same.
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
from Flyers For Falastin, made by Amal Jamaludin
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
To prove something to a friend, please
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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My piece of solidarity art for Palestine! Perhaps not the best-looking out there, but at least the message is clear
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
a│s : agere & gear
if you're unfamiliar with age regression, or have just gotten into the lifestyle, you may not be super familiar with the gear that comes along side it.
now, each person's regression is different.
some may use a lot of gear, some others may used one or two, and some others may use none. it just based on preference <3.
(these are not all- if you have things that aren't in this list, it doesn't make you any less invalid)
some of the types
✰ pacifiers (often referred to as paci's, binkies etc)
✰ stuffed animals (often referred to as plushies, teddies etc).
✰ food plates (kiddie plates)
✰ toys
✰ books (children's books)
✰ blankets
✰ sippy cups/bottles.
✰ activities. (crayons, building blocks etc)
✰ specific clothing.
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gif isn't mine
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
Important reminder!
Regression does not equal baby. Regressing is not always bottles and sippy cups and pacifiers.
I think it's easy to feel like you're doing it wrong sometimes, to feel frustrated, in a community where younger regressors are the norm.
You can regress to any age or age range. Baby, kid, teen, young adult, or even a mix of them. You're not doing it wrong. And you don't have to make yourself fit into other boxes that don't fit you.
Your experience is valid, regardless of what's common to see online.
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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No more. We cannot allow what is happening in Palestine to continue with the support of our governments, our money, our inattention. We cannot allow this to become normalized or acceptable. We need to keep speaking up until this ends. Ceasefire NOW! 🍉
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
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25 Days of AgeRe Moodboards
Dream playroom.
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thehippybaby1111 · 1 year ago
Things I want to get for my own place when I make it on my own regression style ! 🍼🫧
- Bed guard rails to Imamate a crib they have grey netting and can move up and down like a crib and still have an adult bed !
- many many baby toys ! I don’t have room for much toys while I do have a abundance of stuffies and dolls having my own toy room is a goal of mine
only using sippy cups bottles and kids dish wear will have normal dishes for guests .
I want a play pen in my living room with one recliner chair for a guest when they come over or for me to have my coffee on .
star projectors and neon signs I want neon sings in my house when I move out . My room doesn’t have space
all types of age re kid foods I can’t have in my own pantry!
kid like bathroom set up I wanna do my bathroom theme set up for a kids bathroom not adult one .
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