Malice "The Sweet Nigthmare" byDSC!
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Deathscythecrow #Inktober event page´s; yeap, lets cross the fingers for this year success!!!!! #inktober2022
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theheroandthewitch · 7 months ago
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"I hope Boruto can handle himself" Madara opened his mouth, attempting to make a sarcastic comment about her lack of faith, when she saw that Alice's hand continued to move to say goodbye to her, even though the young man had disappeared from her sight; He closed her lips slowly thinking about what he was going to say and gave a sigh, while he held Alice's hand to stop her. "We trained that arrogant brat to the point where he picks fights with both of us, so I'd say he could handle it on his own; why do you worry so much about him, ridiculous child?" Alice did not look at him, but she perceived the Uchiha's intentions with her words and she responded to that gesture by squeezing her hand, to smile a little. "Who do you call ridiculous child? How rude you are." Madara smiled at Alice's response and with her free hand, he held the girl's waist and let him lean on hers, while they looked for a moment at the path where the young Uzumaki began his return to his house.
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theheroandthewitch · 9 months ago
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"Help you? Are you serious? Don't you see? We're on vacation, VA-CA-TION... You know what vacations are, right?"
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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It is so canon that Madara's hobby is falconry, so when the "eagle" theme came up, I already saw it related to that (Look at him, super happy; training eagles to destroy people!)
I know that I have pending drawings, but I already had a small solution for that and that is that they will be drawing elements for Halloween and inktober closure (Its like, completing the challenge; but at the same time, not...Well, it's my challenge; I will do what I want as always! XD) #YOLO
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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6.- Bouquet & 7.- Trip
I made a mistake in the firm of the seven days, but I'm too lazy today for fixing that. I hope this laziness is just temporary because a really want to finish this year's challenge.
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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5.- Flame
Madara is trying the drawing of today! :D
Alice: Yeah, I have to admit it, but his drawing is pretty... ancient! Madara: ...Are you calling me ancient? Alice: But, you are ancient Madara: Im old, no ancient! Alice: But You have like 100 years old at least Madara: And what about you! You are way older than me! Alice: *GASP*
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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4.- Scallop
Alice, Madara, Shelly, and Shally having fun on the beach!
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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3.- Bats Madara seems to be someone who likes to tame animals, so I can imagine that he has several bats at his disposal to send night messages on missions, although Alice is not very keen on it.
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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Looks like Alice has a new hobby! >D
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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#1.- Gargoyle
And looks like Madara and Alice had fun in their vacations :)
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theheroandthewitch · 2 years ago
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The list is out!! Madara and Alice waited a whole year to come back and now they will go with everything!! The good thing about mistakes is that they learn one of their mistakes and this year, I'm already getting everything ready so that it doesn't end up halfway like last year! (Even the little notebook to make the drawings is so small that I will take it to work!!) Well, let's hope everything goes well, and let's draw!!
Alice: She sounds very confident. Madara: Hmph! We'll see at the end of the month when she notices that she was overconfident and is finishing the drawings at the last minute… Alice: Oh! Madara! Even if it's true, don't say it!
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
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Just here, making plans for the Inktober 2022, trying new things, making designs and decided on a little makeover for Alice hair. It's been a while since I drew Madara and I loved every damn second.
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
I love this post, it contains very good information with all the context related to Madara !! Thanks for doing such good research !! :)
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Uchiha Madara's Name and Cultural Origins
In case you were curious, all in one package! Izuna's here too, why not? Madara fans should see!
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Depicted with wild long hair!
マダラ鬼神/Madarakishin=MadaraDemonGod is said to originate as the indian guardian deity of Mt. Fudaraku\Potalaka, the mythical resting place of Kannon\Avalokiteśvara, the buddhavista of mercy.
Madarakishin is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in April at Rakuhoji temple of the Shingon sect at mt. Amabiki at Sakuragawa City. The festival is a good time to see the cherry blossoms bloom.
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The temple a very beautiful place. If you ever come to Ibaraki, be sure to visit!
Festival Background:
Long ago, two warring factions burned the temple down, but miraculously, the main idol, a statue of Kannon was unharmed. An army of masked oni led by Madarakishin appeared and rebuilt the temple in 17 nights. And the festival was held to honor him.
(In the past oni\鬼 also described people who were anti establishment, because from the establishment perspective they are demons.)
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Left to right is Kannon, the main idol(also Kannon), and Fudoumyouou\Acalanātha, the “immovable guardian”.
Followed by a parade, Madarakishin rides up on a white horse. Him and five demons dance around a fire. At the end, they shoot arrows for people to catch for good luck and rice cakes are thrown. Afterwards, they let you take photos!
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The festival is one of the two major oni festivals of Japan, with ToyohashiOniMatsuri!
Madarakishin is the same as 摩多羅神\Matarajin, who is worshiped by esoteric Buddhism sects, especially the Tendai. Matarajin is mysterious and has a lot of associations, being conflated with many other gods.
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Matarajin is depicted as an old man with a drum in his hand under the big dipper next to two dancing children 丁禮多\Teireita and 爾子多\Nishita.
He is called the “Dream King” that appears in a buddavista’s dream in the Golden Light Sutra, as a priest who plays a golden drum.
“Dancing god”, “god of entertainment/performance arts”. Matarajin is said to be the same as Hatanokawakatsu, the founder of sarugaku and noh. Called “god of the back door”, because he would be enshrined in front of the back door of temples to protect the main idol. Rituals involving dancing, etc. were done there to ward off evil spirits and said to be the origin of public entertainment/performance arts of the middle ages in Japan.
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Matarajin has some fierce elements, being a “wild god”, “wrathful god”, or “hindrance god”. He causes hindrances to enemies if he is an ally, but is a hindrance if he is an enemy. It could also mean that he is a god of people who have hindrances, like blindness or disease.
Also considered to be a “god of outcasts/discriminated people”, or an “outskirts/inn God”. The sick, former criminals, traveling performers, beggars, wanderers, etc. were considered “dirty” or “nonHuman” and so would live on the outskirts, make their own inns/villages or stay near temples and rely on Matarajin to ward off evil spirits.
He’s a “star god”, associated with the big dipper. He is a god who can tell one’s fate and future, and in the Tendai Sect controlled life and death. A tendai monk later attempted reform in the sect and Matarajin worship was condemned as evil and it was banned, so the belief weakened.
Matarajin is conflated with Dakiniten, and so he is said to eat livers/heart/innards/guts of worshipers so that they can pass on to the next life. It can take a sad turn, as it is said discriminated people may pray to Matarajin as a "god of salvation", to eat their lives and end their suffereing.
Dakiniten was fabled to be a kishin who murdered as she needs human innards to live. Daikokuten made her unable to kill, but gave her the ability to see 6 months before a person died, allowing her to eat without killing and becomeing worshiped for it. Dakiniten is conflated with inari, and Izunagongen, and can be depicted on a fox, sometimes holding a sickle.
(飯縄/飯綱)権現/Izunagongen is a god from buddism-shinto merging, said to be an incarnation of Fudoumyouou(holding sword and rope, fire on back), in addition to be a combination of four other gods. Sometimes called Izunasaburo, “third son”, because it is said that he is third of the ten princes which came from India to live in the mountains of Japan.
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Izunagongen is depicted as a blue crow tengu standing on a fox, although normally daitengu have a long nose.
Izunagongen is a “God of Victory”, and is said to have created the Izuna Method which was used to control fox spirits, or Kudakitsune, which can fit into bamboo shoots and has magical powers such as divination, disaster causing. It was a sort of witchcraft used by ninjas during the warring states era. Izuna also became a synonym for the fox spirit.
There are the Three (Major) Daitengu Temples of Japan, which are Kyoto’s Kuramadera, which has Kurama Tengu said to have taught Ushiwakamaru kenjutsu, Tokyo’s Yakuouin, which is dedicated to Izunagongen, and Numata’s Ryuugein, which is famous for its daitengu masks, one of which fabled to have been left behind by a monk with magical powers.
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There is another manga series called Madara with the illustrator name is Shouu Tajima. The Story of the Manga is like Dodoro, where his father sacrificed Madara's 8 chakras/body parts to demons, which he defeats to take them back with a prosthetic body.
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Some fans said that the protag kind of looks like young Madara, but I think short spiky black hair is common in protagonists.
天狗\tengu\HeavenDog\ originated as the Chinese word for meteors which would fall near the earth, making the sound of a roaring dog, running across the heavens, and was seen as bad omen.
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If I saw this above the sky, I think that it would be a bad omen.
I've mainly told just the cultural things without much analysis, because I'm curious on your thoughts. And the post is rather long. Very long. Maybe some other post will have analysis.
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
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My lazy bump is finished!!! From the day 3 until this day 8, all the nonsense and hot guys for this month :D
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
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2.- Suits
Shounen Jump Bad boys are looking good in suits
*wink* *wink*
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
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1.- Crystal The guests are already here and even stealing the spotlight!! And with that, the Inktober month BEGINS!!!
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
A little notice from the autor of this blog...
Hello and happy Halloween Month!! I'm so happy its this time of the year, again :D Just a little notice that the draw of the Inktober of this day for this year is going to appear on the night of the first of October; yeah, sorry for the delay, but tomorrow we're are going shopping and for decorating the house!! Thanks for waiting and have a nice day!! :D
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theheroandthewitch · 3 years ago
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This October is for Shounen Jump Villans and Magical Girls, apparently... Check the link!! :)
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