a dis-door-tion
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theheebiejeebiess · 12 hours ago
wanna be a haunted painting when i grow up
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theheebiejeebiess · 1 day ago
diversity win! this office is all women because the male employees were all killed or got sent to the Sludge Dimension
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theheebiejeebiess · 2 days ago
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theheebiejeebiess · 3 days ago
Gem with an angler fish helmet!!!!!
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theheebiejeebiess · 4 days ago
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i spilled pasta in my backpack and got so mad that i made a traumacore edit about it
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theheebiejeebiess · 4 days ago
All hail
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Donald Trump’s Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is destroyed by man carrying a pickaxe in a guitar case.
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theheebiejeebiess · 5 days ago
Random ass au I thought of a few weeks ago
Not original at all I'm sure theres plenty of these out there. But. Tma Teacher au notes: I mention characters ive written nothing about in here. the formatting is ASS. I have never read a single Tma teachers au fic but I'm sure they exist. I will almost certainly do NOTHING with this au I just felt like sharing instead of letting it rot away in my notes. ONTO MY RAMBLING
Who: Jonathan sims
 English teacher (Lit and Lan )
How liked
Most people don't mind him, however he can be quite strict and  sort of rude to students who don't pay attention. Some of the students have been known to throw paper and purposefully act up in his class just to annoy him. Although those students quiet down a lot after the first half term thanks to Mr bouchard. He is also a bit of a suck up to said Bouchard.  
Students in his class say that he's actually a really good story teller and gets all the students, even the worst of them to go quiet while he speaks. Even those students who dislike him and the subject are enthralled in his storytelling.
He has stayed in the school overnight on several occasions because he forgot to plan the next days curriculum  or he was grading homework. 
True this has happened so often that he put a spare blanket in one of the unused supply closets in the teachers lounge so he can nap on the couch instead of at his desk.
Always has a newly brewed cup of tea per class period (thanks 2 Martin)
Who: Martin k blackwood 
School librarian
How liked
Most students feel relatively neutral towards him, only those who hang out in the library often really notice him enough to form an opinion. A few of the meaner students seem to kind of bully him due to rumours of him being gay and hence he spends a few too many afternoons picking up books off the floor.
He has a crush on the English teacher Mr Sims, and several students have bets in regards to whether or not they will get together. These bets actually led some students to finally hanging out in the library and just asking him questions to seek answers. Martin doesn't quite realise why this is but he doesn't mind the company. 
True Martin has a massive crush on Jon. The other teachers also know about this due to tim having found some of his bad poetry when Martin's bag tipped over that one time 
He gives tea to the regular visitors of the library and even sometimes buys specific brands if he knows the students' tastes.
True  he does, he also does this for the teachers because he's a sweetheart.
He  listens to some of Jon's classes  especially when he reads out poetry. He does this during classes when nobody is visiting the library because they are learning. He stands beside the door and just listens. He doesn't get caught often but when he is he just makes a hundred excuses. if it's staff they tease him quietly. If it's Elias, he pretends he doesn't realise why and asks if he needs anything from Mr Sims and watches him scramble to make another excuse. If it's Jon himself he just gets questioned and leaves.(Jon's supper Sus of this and think Martin's going for his job)
When Jon's out sick he definitely is the first substitute (even though he's not a teacher Elias lets him as he finds it amusing ) and although not nearly as well as Jon he can also get the students interested.
Elias Bouchard 
How liked
He is often considered quite scary. He looks very strict  and has a very stern face so most people avoid him or going to him. However those who have spent any time in his office say that although he is sort of scary he is also relatively lenient on many of the rules. However if he called your parents in your pretty much fucked as your getting a passive aggressive verbal beatdown.
He has a notebook for each pupil filled with every single fault that the student has ever done, even rumours. They say that he uses them for the trouble makers during parent teacher meetings to tear the child apart.
Truth, he also has some for the teachers.
He once did weed with a few students in a bathroom. Most people don't believe this one but it's still passed around a lot. The teachers seem to have convinced the students it's not true,which wasn't hard due to how serious the guy is as well as the lack of evidence. There were no students who saw it, not anyone else in town.  
True! The reason for the lack of evidence is that it happened in the second year of his job and all of the people involved moved away. He did it more that once in fact and still smokes on the most stressful days ( not useally in school and never during a school week) once during a very stressful day of ciriculam planning Mr Sims had to drag Mr bouchard home while he rambled about some of the shitty parents he had to deal with who had been harrasing him all summer
He also has cameras in the school hallways and he's rumoured to watch them all the time and that is how he gets all the dirt. Alongside gossiping
TRUE the teachers have even caught him doing it and he sometimes watched the teachers.
He's homophobic. According to some students he "looks like a bigot"
False!!!! He has a husband! Also it's an assumption with only one small thing that could possibly be considered an indication. Aka once some students overheard him talking to Mr Blackwood about his insistence to do things for Mr Sims like bring him tea and listen to his teaching (Jon had asked him to soooo ) even the other teachers believe this falsehood. Well aside from Sasha, Gertrude,and Rosie (Rosie having seen Mr Lukas dragging a high Elias home over one summer. Gertrude had asked Rosie about his ring and got that confirmation. as well as noticing the matching ring on peters finger that one time they spoke. And finally sahsa because she snooped through his computer)
Habits: smoking weed, favoriting Jon, messing with the teachers and stealing their food.
Who: Timothy stoker
Role: History teacher
How liked
Almost everyone who takes his class states that he's their favourite, some students have even left confessions of love on his desk (all of which have been promptly rejected and transferred to a different class.) He's considered the fun teacher. He teaches in an almost play-like way, constantly getting students to participate in the activities by making a sort of game out of it. (He absolutely uses kahoot and other stuff like that)  some students are even so fond of him to come out to him! While Tim loves the fact that his students feel so safe with him he does try to discourage them from getting "too close" and he is just a teacher.
That he gossips with students about the other teachers and even gives kids warnings about upcoming pop quizzes and surprises from other teachers. 
True he does indeed! He even gossips among the other teachers and  Mr bouchard himself (idc they would be pretty buddy-buddy)
He slept with Mrs James and their dating
Semi true while yes they have slept together they are in fact just friends!
That he's bisexual 
True yeah- he's also probably flirted with some of the students single parents at the start of his career- both genders ofc. the men don't usually realise tho-( he stopped after he got reprimanded one to many times by Elias)
Gossiping with other students, teasing Martin, dragging sasha out for impromptu drinks on school days(to be usually rejected) Wearing Hawaiian shirts instead of something more professional. He has done this so much that the other teachers have given up trying to get him to act professional and even getting surprised if he didn't look like a flaming bisexual (also this is where the majority of the rumours come from)
Who: Sasha James
Science teacher
How liked
She is well liked however some students are slightly afraid of her as she can be very strict. Her students often say they like her teaching methods the most as she sometimes uses game-like ways to learn, despite the fact that she teaches high schoolers . While students may hate the subject they still engage regardless simply because they want to get on her goodside.
she has slept with Mr stoker and is daring him
Semi true
 whole yes they have slept together once it was only a one night stand and they are in fact only friends. Whenever it is brought up and she overhears she tells off whoever is talking about it and clearly states they are just friends ( her efforts have begun to work over the past 6 months) however it is still joked about
She steals food from the vending machine in the teachers room and gives it to students who struggle focusing
Almost true.  There is no vending machine in the teachers room, she just says that so her students don't feel bad over her buying the kids nice things when they feel bad. She also lets all her students eat in class if they aren't doing a practical and if they can clean up their mess.
That she plans her pop quizzes around when the other teachers plan theirs so her students are less stressed. 
True she only denies this due to the fact that it would be admitting to looking through the other teachers laptops.
 Sometimes she and Tim during their free periods will pop their heads into each other's classes simply to say hi which all the students laugh at. (Especially when they do it to the other teachers like Mr Sims who gets annoyed when interrupted)
When she sees a student of hers in public she tends to go say hi and is relatively casual with them unlike the other teachers who tend to freak out a little. 
Once one of her older students was in a bar and came across Mr James, Mr Stoker, Mr Blackwood and Mr Sims all of which were drunk (Jon to the point he passed out and Martin was packing up to take him home) which left the student shocked. Sasha was actually awkward about it for once and began talking about the biological side effects of drinking alcohol until they finished talking. (She was drunk and panicked)
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theheebiejeebiess · 5 days ago
Gen Z has changed the beloved children’s game Duck Duck Goose to Based Based Cringe
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theheebiejeebiess · 5 days ago
Let's be real he's kind of a failure, my nephew is a flop <3
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blue pensive shrimps
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theheebiejeebiess · 6 days ago
Bro your son is microwave steamed eggs
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blue pensive shrimps
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theheebiejeebiess · 8 days ago
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how do you explain autism and neurodivergency to a Viking from 1500 years ago?
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theheebiejeebiess · 10 days ago
My favorite dumbass trio
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theheebiejeebiess · 11 days ago
Okay so I decided to draw slaughter!gem and stranger!mumbo from my tma x life series au
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Do you guys want to see more from this au?
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theheebiejeebiess · 11 days ago
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POV your five foot tall scrawny student can lift you off your feet (you are eight feet tall)
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theheebiejeebiess · 11 days ago
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theheebiejeebiess · 11 days ago
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keep your dog on a leash
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theheebiejeebiess · 11 days ago
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Fuck a personality test. Which label sticker r u?
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