thegrimlyreaper · 6 days
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thegrimlyreaper · 2 months
Working on getting my first book published 😌
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Original template cr: @mhuyo from Twitter
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thegrimlyreaper · 3 months
Yeah. My house is being haunted, but not by ghosts.
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thegrimlyreaper · 3 months
Me waking up: I want to write
Me eating breakfast: I want to write
Me getting ready for work: I want to write
Me at work: I want to write
Me eating lunch: I want to write
Me driving home: I want to write
Me at home, sitting in front of my laptop:
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thegrimlyreaper · 3 months
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thegrimlyreaper · 8 months
“Sometimes when I tell strangers I’m Cherokee they ask,”How much are you?” They’re not asking if I know myself as a Cherokee and if I am considered by other Cherokees as Cherokee. That would be a valid, though invasive, question. Instead, they’re asking, “What percentage of ‘Indian blood’ do you have?” This question implies that the degree to which one is Cherokee is defined by racial purity. By this logic, the higher percentage of “ Indian blood” you have, the more cherokee you would be. It’s a racist question because it implies that Cherokees are defined by race, not by culture. People tend to forget that “race” is a concept created by cultures. The concept of race continues to have power only because we continue to believe in it. Funny thing is, in all my life I’ve never been asked by another Cherokee, “How much are you?” Instead, the questions are: “Where do you come from?” “Who are your people ?” “Who’s your mother?” They are questions of beginnings and continuities, kin and relationships.”
— Christopher B. Teuton, from “Cherokee Stories of the Turtle Island Liars’ Club”
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thegrimlyreaper · 8 months
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thegrimlyreaper · 8 months
✨Having someone who is invested in your story and discusses it with you is like a solid half of the fun of writing. I'm not even kidding.✨
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thegrimlyreaper · 8 months
Okay. So. You know how some people want to finish exterminating all large predatory mammals so they have less competition for deer and so they don't occasionally lose livestock? And you know how native deer species in North America have been hit increasingly hard with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the past couple of decades due to overpopulation thanks to the eradication of large predatory mammals that normally keep them in check?
We already have evidence that reintroducing predatory mammals to their native ranges not only knocks deer populations back to a healthier level, and now we've discovered that apparently the digestive systems of cougars and bobcats are lethal to CWD prions. Prions are among the most difficult pathogens* to eliminate; you have to heat them up to about 1,800 degrees F in order to thoroughly destroy them. And prion diseases like CWD are almost universally fatal.
So to find that these wild cats can safely eat CWD-infected animals AND significantly reduce the chances that the prions will be spread to other deer is a pretty big deal, especially since some other animals like coyotes and crows do pass prions undamaged through their digestive systems. And it's just one more example of why an ecosystem needs all of the species that have evolved in it over thousands of years, not just those are convenient for humans to have around. The spread of CWD is directly related to the overpopulation of deer, and it's likely that continuing to reintroduce large predatory mammals to their native range will help quell this awful prion disease.
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thegrimlyreaper · 9 months
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thegrimlyreaper · 9 months
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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thegrimlyreaper · 9 months
unstoppable force (desire to write) vs immovable object (tired)
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thegrimlyreaper · 9 months
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Some poor suffering gobs!!
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thegrimlyreaper · 9 months
Me, shaking my brain and yelling at it so loudly that the windows rattle: PLEASE, LET ME WRITE, IT’S BEEN TWO WEEKS SINCE I WROTE SOMETHING LEGIBLE
My brain, enjoying a $10 iced coffee and painting its nails: Sorry 😔✨ I’m too tired 💅🥺😩
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thegrimlyreaper · 10 months
My cats have this meow that means "please come with me to fix this" after which they'll lead me to the problem in question, usually a empty (or 'empty') food bowl or a closed door they want open. They look at the 'problem', they look back at me, clear message.
What fascinates me is how this illustrates what they percieve as being in the realm of my 'power.' I control the food, I control the door, sure, but my cats love to sit on the balcony in the sun, and it has happened plenty of times that on a rainy day they come get me, go to the balcony and show me... the rain. "Please fix this" they say. "Please get rid of the wet"
"Silly kitty," I say, "I can't control the rain." I then walk into the shower and turn on the rain.
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thegrimlyreaper · 10 months
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thegrimlyreaper · 10 months
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it's a lot of stuff...
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