thegreyagent · 5 years
"Don't act like you don't like it," Max purred, "I know you get off to them."
He flipped Sharon over, kissing his neck and leaving marks that he knew would soon darken. "How else should I mark you, my little prince?"
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
"Brat," Max murmured, uncapping the lube and spreading it over his fingers before beginning to open Sharon up. He peppered kisses along Sharon's back, dragging his teeth against his boyfriend's skin. "You want me to mark you up tonight, baby? I know how much you like letting me top..."
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
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thegreyagent · 5 years
“Did it sound like a question?” Max replied, spanking him again, harder this time. “Fucking brat. You expect me to spoil you without you doing even a second of work for it?”
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
“Mmm, just like that,” Max purred, giving him a few light spanks just to tease him. “So pretty.” He opened their nightstand and tossed a bottle of lube on the bed. “C’mon, baby, you wanna bottom? Work for it. Earn it.” Max didn’t get to tap into his dominant side often, but god, he loved doing it. 
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
“You’re such a brat,” Max smiled back, giving him a quick peck. “I’m not gonna do all the work tonight. Come on, baby, bedroom."
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
“I thought you said you were too lazy,” he teased, standing up to pull Sharon close and squeeze his ass. “You sure you’re feeling okay? Not a clone?”
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
Sharon: “Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
Max looked up, intrigued, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“Oh, really?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
Sharon: “I like you this close to me… you’re warm.”
Max smiled, heart fluttering. “I like having you close to me too. Very much.”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
“Do you like it? I put it on just for you.”
Max swirled his scotch around in the glass, eyeing Violet’s “outfit”- if it could be called that. “You look gorgeous, doll,” he answered, enjoying the way she was showing off just for him. “Come here, baby.”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
NSFW Sentence Starters ( Smut )
( I’m late posting for sexual sunday… but enjoy! These are all for sexual/smut role plays, so if you’re uncomfortable with that, it might not be for you! )
“Hey… Can we try something new?”
“Ah- not there!”
“Is it going to hurt?”
“Wait! I… I’ve never done this before.”
“Just be still and relax…”
“Aw, you’re so cute when you blush like that.”
“Are you serious? Here? Now?”
“Try to keep quiet.. we wouldn’t want to get caught.”
“WOAH- is that going to fit?”
“Ouch- that hurts!”
“Do you like it? I put it on just for you.”
“The rose-petals are a little… much, don’t you think?”
“Are you sure you want to do it in the shower- we could slip!”
“Kiss me again… Please?”
“I like you this close to me… you’re warm.”
“Er, am I doing this right?”
“I’m not hurting you, am I?”
“You smell so nice…”
“You’re so intoxicating… I can’t help myself.”
“Fine, but… only if we go slow, okay?”
“Did you BITE me?!”
“I… don’t think that’s how it’s done.”
“How do we even use this thing?”
“This position is killing my back.”
“Meh… let’s just watch some Netflix instead.”
“… OH- Did I fall asleep? I’m SO sorry!”
“Forget the bed… let’s do it right here.”
“What if someone sees us?!”
“You… want to go all the way?”
“You make such adorable sounds.”
“Don’t cover your mouth… I like hearing you.”
“Does this feel good?”
“So… you into food-play?”
“Tell me if you want me to stop.”
“Wait, Wait- I’m not ready!”
“Please… don’t stop.”
“Your skin feels so soft.”
“I want my first time to be with you.”
“I don’t like the blindfold… I want to see you!”
“Untie me already- I want to touch you!”
“You taste so sweet…”
“We’ve only got three minutes… let’s do this fast.”
“W- …. Did you come already?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to finish so early!”
“Ah, I feel so embarrassed…”
“S-Stop staring at me like that!”
“So are we going to do this already or what?”
“Stop teasing!”
“Hey… do you think we could switch positions this time?”
“Please. I need you. Now.”
“Wow… you’re easy to rile up.”
“I got a WHOOOOLE collection of toys- let’s try em!”
“Eh, I’m too lazy tonight… let me bottom.”
“HAH- You’re kinda small… it’s cute.”
“You’re bigger than I expected.”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
🎆 – a kiss under fireworks
Max didn't know what possessed her to lean over and kiss Adore, she just... felt like she should. They were high and hazy as they watched the fireworks from the rooftop, passing the bong back and forth and exhaling clouds into the warm summer air as the sky lit up with color.
Maybe it was the way the fireworks reflected in Adore's eyes, maybe it was the weed, maybe it was something else entirely. Max wasn't entirely sure of her reasoning, all she knew was that one minute she was still, and the next, she was cupping Adore's cheek and bringing their lips together.
The fireworks in the sky weren't the only sparks flying tonight.
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thegreyagent · 5 years
Kiss Symbols
Send a symbol for my muse to kiss your muse in this way: Add “Reverse +” in front of the symbol, for your muse to kiss mine, instead.
😍 – a first kiss 😅 – an angry or hateful kiss 😇 – a surprise kiss 🤒 – a kiss where one (or both) partner is sick 🎃 – a kiss in costume on Halloween 💄 – a lipstick kiss 👅 – a kiss with tongue 👀 – a kiss that leads to sex 👃 – an Eskimo kiss 👂 – a kiss on the ear ✋ – a kiss on the hand 💍 – an engagement kiss 🦋 – a butterfly kiss 🎄 – a kiss under the mistletoe ☔ – a kiss in the rain ❄ – a kiss in the snow 🌹 – a kiss on the first date 🍓 – a kiss over shared food 🍦 – an ice cream kiss 🎂 – a birthday kiss 🥂 – a drunk kiss 🍾 – a spin-the-bottle kiss 🎬 – a movie theater kiss 🏆 – a congratulatory kiss 🎱 – a good luck kiss 🚑 – an injured kiss ✈ – a kiss while joining the Mile High Club ⛱ – a beach kiss 🌞 – a good morning kiss 🌙 – a goodnight kiss 🎆 – a kiss under fireworks 🎈 – a kiss for a child/baby 🎁 – a kiss as a reward 🤰 – a kiss on a pregnant belly ♟️ – a kiss for losing a bet 💌 – a wedding kiss 🚿 – a shower kiss 💊 – a kiss between exes ❤ – an apologetic kiss 💔 – a goodbye kiss 🏳️‍🌈 – an LGBT kiss ⚠ – a kiss before a battle
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thegreyagent · 5 years
Max shook her head. "No matter. He's gone. He's gone, and I... I'm free of his chains."
"I killed him."
“Your husband? What happened to the body?”
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thegreyagent · 5 years
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thegreyagent · 5 years
okay but imagine sitting by a bonfire on the shore of a lake listening to “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac while watching the sunset.
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thegreyagent · 5 years
Valentin Lucien Winter
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