thegreenwoodarcher · 3 days
My one and only prediction towards this season:
I don’t think Buddie will be canon this season (even though I wish it will). I think canonical Buddie will be in season 9.
If it does go canon in season 8, I think it’ll be like a set up or at the midseason finale. (Maybe even the season finale too). They’ll admit feelings for each other, but I don’t think there would be any like full-blown relationships happening in Season 8 between them like I’ve seen some people say.
ABC knows who their audience is—that’s why I think they’ll drag out the slow burn as much as they can. It gets them more ratings and more people to watch the show.
(Plus, if they keep building the BuckTommy relationship in season 8, then they get viewership from those people as well.)
The delusional part of me is hoping that it happens in season 9 (possibly 8); the denial part of me is saying that it’ll never happen. I’m not sure which one to trust.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 3 days
The idea that Eddie and Buck both feel unwanted, but in entirely different ways, is crucial to understanding their characters and what they need. It’s frustrating when people conflate their emotional struggles, because they’re rooted in very different experiences and responses to love and vulnerability.
Eddie feels unwanted not because he’s unloved, but because he actively prevents himself from feeling wanted. He’s built emotional walls so high and thick that he doesn’t let anyone get close enough to truly affect him. It’s like he’s convinced himself that being vulnerable is dangerous, so he keeps love at arm’s length. He doesn’t let himself accept the love that’s offered to him because he’s afraid of what it would mean to truly feel it. Eddie’s self-sabotage comes from a place of deep insecurity—he doesn’t believe he deserves to be loved, or that he’s worthy of it. So, he rejects what he most needs: connection and acceptance.
His sense of feeling unwanted is not entirely self-imposed. He’s not unwanted by others—far from it. He just can’t let himself acknowledge the love people give him. Instead of embracing that love, he distances himself from it, convincing himself that he’s better off not needing anyone. In Eddie’s case, it’s not that love isn’t available to him; it’s that he’s so used to denying himself the vulnerability of being loved that he can’t truly experience it.
Buck, on the other hand, experiences a different kind of emotional pain. He’s overflowing with love and a desire to care for others, but he feels unwanted when that love isn’t reciprocated in the way he needs. Buck’s yearning for connection comes from a place of absence—he didn’t receive the love and validation he needed growing up, so now he pours all of that unfulfilled love into those around him. He’s desperate to give love and to be loved in return. When his efforts to love and care for others aren’t fully acknowledged or accepted, it cuts him deeply, leaving him feeling rejected and unwanted.
For Buck, it’s not a matter of blocking out love like Eddie does—it’s the opposite. He craves it, he chases it, and when it’s not returned in the way he hopes, it confirms his fear that he’s not enough. Buck’s sense of being unwanted is external; it’s tied to how others respond to the love he offers. He’s constantly trying to fill a void that’s been there since childhood, hoping that one day he’ll find someone who will give him the unconditional love he’s always longed for.
The contrast between them is stark: Eddie feels unwanted because he won’t let himself be vulnerable enough to accept love, while Buck feels unwanted because he gives love so freely and feels crushed when it’s not reciprocated. Their emotional journeys are intertwined but deeply different, and that distinction matters in understanding their respective struggles with love and worthiness.
That’s why I believe Eddie and Buck complement each other so perfectly—because their emotional needs align in ways they themselves haven’t fully recognized. Eddie is someone who desperately needs to let go of the weight he’s been carrying. He’s always been in control, responsible, the one who takes care of others, but deep down, he craves the freedom to be vulnerable. He needs to allow himself to feel, to let his guard down, and to finally accept the love he’s always denied himself. Eddie’s heart is heavy with the belief that he’s not worthy of being truly loved, and yet, love is exactly what he needs most.
On the other side, Buck is overflowing with love that he’s been waiting to give. He’s always searching for someone who will accept that love without hesitation or rejection. For Buck, loving someone is how he affirms his own worth. He needs to feel that his love is enough—that he’s enough, and that he’s not just appreciated, but cherished. Buck’s greatest fear is that his love will go unreciprocated, that all the care and devotion he offers won’t be enough to hold someone close. He craves the reassurance that his love matters, that he matters, that his presence and efforts are worth something.
What makes their dynamic so powerful is that they unknowingly hold the key to each other’s healing. Eddie needs someone like Buck—someone who can pour love into him without hesitation, someone who can offer him the safety to let go and be vulnerable. He needs to experience what it feels like to be unconditionally loved, to have someone care for him as fiercely as Buck does.
On the other hand, Buck needs someone like Eddie—someone who’s strong enough to handle all the love he has to give, someone who, once he lets down his walls, will value and return that love with equal intensity. Eddie, beneath all his layers of restraint and control, has a depth of feeling that mirrors Buck’s, but he just hasn’t allowed himself to access it yet. Buck needs to know his love, his efforts, his presence is appreciated and cherished, and Eddie needs to know he’s worthy of receiving it.
The beauty of their connection lies in the fact that they both have what the other needs, but they’re too afraid to fully reach for it. Eddie fears what it means to let himself be vulnerable, and Buck fears what it means to trust that his love won’t be rejected. But if they were brave enough to take that leap, to truly open up to each other, they’d find that they fit together in a way that neither of them expected. Their journey isn’t just about finding love; it’s about finding the courage to trust that love—both in giving it and receiving it.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 4 days
for some reason gerrard gets mad with buck and tells him to stay behind, wait in the engine while they’re out on call (maybe they disagreed on something idk!)
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cue the killer bees coming in and eddie starting to run for his life, and everyone else is just standing around probably a bit preoccupied with patients and staying safe themselves
BUT buck comes running out of the engine, absolutely going against gerrard’s orders to stay in the truck and is the one who pushes eddie into the pool, ultimately getting him to safety
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…. and maybe THAT’S why buck and gerrard really get into it, and eddie in the back telling buck to ‘cut it out’ with his hand motion
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but then gerrard says something that really tips him off (“maybe you should listen to your boyfriend, buckley”) and ends with buck finally having enough and punches him in the nose
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thegreenwoodarcher · 4 days
wait Oliver lowkey locked in at the end wth
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thegreenwoodarcher · 4 days
In S6E15 Buck and Eddie are talking and Buck says that he feels like Natalia is the only one who truly sees him. And Eddie (intentionally or unintentionally, idk) looks pretty offended by that.
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Fast forward to S7E4, Buck is literally begging Eddie to see him, and Eddie just won't. Buck is going crazy about it, looking like a kicked puppy, he's peacocking around, showing off his muscles and extraordinary basketball skills, and Eddie just won't look at him. If this show had consistent writing, I'd say Eddie was doing it on purpose, punishing him for that comment.
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I really hope that if when Buddie goes canon, I hope we see these moments revisited. Can't believe S8 is gonna be here in only one week!!
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thegreenwoodarcher · 7 days
Hey what are your thoughts on BT this season? I get the vibe that Lou will be in a few episodes for a min or two, but it’ll mostly be off screen since we haven’t heard anything from him, he hasn’t even posted the trailer or liked it which the Hot Priest actor has done. Personally, I think his character is short lived (thankfully) He was mentioned as a plot device early on and seeing these BT fans claiming true love from Mr. 10 minute man is truly hilarious thanks to his cameos, but anyway I’m curious on your thoughts. Fans of the show that have watched it from season 1 know the foundation and relationship that Buck and Eddie have built, don’t know if Buddie will ever happen but this whole “big thing” about Eddie will impact not only him but Buck too I believe. Also, it’s Tim’s own fault for making us believe cos who throws Eddie in a convo about BT’s relationship yah know?
love how we're all calling him the hot priest now lmao and "mr. 10 minute man" omg 😭
okay, so brace yourself because I have a lot to say:
first off, as much as I liked to joke about him not being on set and haha what if he got the natalia treatment, I knew that was extremely unlikely to happen. this is buck's first relationship with a man and they literally just did this with another love interest of his, so it would be too repetitive for it to happen again. so ever since season 7 ended I've been bracing myself for when he'd inevitably disgrace my screen again. but I created a whole thing around it because what I really wanna see is buck realizing things about him (and about them, or the lack of things about them, to be more specific), and dumping him.
those two are not lasting, no matter what BTs might fully believe or try to convince themselves of. they were never meant to last. the guy is so painfully and obviously a plot device and the only reason they don't think so is because of those shitty cameos. tim minear himself called it an "entry-level relationship", oliver referred to him as a "guru" of sorts and someone who'd help buck in a way before he got into a new relationship eventually. oliver also said buck would have to "work" for this relationship to happen, but this never happened on the show (they kissed once and then buck went after him, like he always does), which makes me believe he was actually talking about his next relationship. he hasn't been developed, hasn't been redeemed, their relationship never took off (where it comes to them connecting), he's a broken mirror of eddie, he keeps calling him evan as a way of showing us how distant they truly are and how he doesn't really know buck, he's constantly being compared to eddie regarding the way they treat buck...
and then we find ourselves at the eddie of it all: lfjr was the first one to mention how it was supposed to be eddie getting the storyline with tommy, and not buck, which makes perfect sense once you consider season 7 had only 10 episodes and a sexuality arc for eddie will inevitably be more complicated to elaborate than for buck, given his history with the church, with his parents, with responsibilities, with shannon, with chris etc. etc. etc. then you have ryan mentioning on a podcast they didn't know which character (eddie or buck) would "lead in" a sexuality arc. and later the confirmation that they tried to make it happen between seasons 4 and 5, which I won't even get into because it's too much. anyways, what I'm trying to say here is that for years I've been pretty down to earth about buddie happening, but after all of these signs and confirmations, this time I am certain this is it. we're almost there.
something that's really interesting to me about that article that was released is the "they’re still getting to know each other a little better” bit, because even if we now know not a lot time has passed since season 7 by the time season 8 begins, there's no reason for two guys who are supposedly going out a lot and enjoying each other's company to not know a lot about each other yet. them still getting to know each other makes a lot of sease when you get (if we're really getting it, since it wasn't a confirmation that came from tim, but most likely a speculation from the writer's part) buck going to him for comfort because of his bigoted boss, not knowing the guy he's dating took part in all the bigotry at the 118 back in the day. the other day I said something about how that first picture we got of buck, eddie and gerrard foreshadows both the break up and another comparison between eddie and tommy, it's because, as I've been speculating for months, gerrard will be the thing to really come between buck and tommy. I believe tommy will dismiss gerrard's actions (like he did on 7x10 and like he does with everything buck tells him) and I wouldn't put it past him to tell buck to suck it up or to just quit.
meanwhile, eddie is living this with buck at their workplace, eddie is being a target of gerrard himself, eddie is pretending to be okay with it and he keeps putting up with whatever gerrard wants him to do. if buck happens to be insubordinate (something I actually predicted eddie would do), there's no way in hell eddie won't stand by him. tommy not being supportive would be just another example of the many differences between eddie and tommy regarding buck, even with all of their "similarities". what I want and hope happens is for buck to realize these things about tommy and break it off with him. then, eventually, he finally understands everything that went down with his jealousy outburst and how he misplaced everything he was feeling for eddie on tommy. he finally feels certain of his own feelings, like maddie told him about. he finally reaches the right time, his own time, to tell eddie how he feels.
last, but definitely not least, tell me WHY on earth tim would bring up eddie diaz when asked about the evolving relationship between buck and tommy? why say eddie will feel left out, especially when we already know eddie is feeling lonely without chris? there was no need for him to specify that if something wasn't about to happen.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 8 days
die with a smile. (Mature, MCD, 2.7k - Buddie)
It's reposted, and I've tagged Major Character Death this time. Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback: I greatly appreciate it.
“Are you okay?” Buck asks, his heartbeat gaining some speed. It’s his turn to be worried now.
“I should be fine—shit!” Eddie cuts off his response as he grunts in pain. He starts to swipe his suit aggressively. “A bee got into my suit and stung—ow! Again!?” Eddie practically yelps, and Buck snorts—and as much as he hates it—he has to hold his laughter that suddenly starts to flow.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 8 days
Initial thoughts on that article - I’m excited! I mean the journalist needs to do a bit more homework (I’m looking at you sentence about Eddie kissing Kim!) and I’m always going to take anything Tim says in an article with a giant handful of salt, but by and large all he said is telling me that the arcs for all our characters seem to be interesting and varied.
This got so very long so it’s going below the cut - but if you only want to read the buddie stuff then start reading where I’ve changed the text colour (so you can find it easily - because I’m nice like that!) 🐝🐝🐝
I love that Tim described madney and henren as being a family unit outside of the firehouse and I’m really excited to see that built upon - I loved that we got more hen and Maddie interactions last season and I want more of it. So I’m looking forward to seeing that dynamic develop as part of the Mara arc.
Ortiz hs so much potential to be a truly great villain - with a more sustained arc - something the show hasn’t ever really done and I’d like them to. Ortiz v Hen as a half season or more plotline would be so good and exploring corruption in politics and how it corrupts other public systems and services would be such a great thing to explore (and Aisha would knock it out of the park)
I’m going to say here that season 8 is very much screaming season 3 redux at me - all of the things we know thus far all seem to parallel season 3 events, even down to the bee-nado - which is starting to sound more and more like a mirror of the tsunami - in that the tsunami wave itself was only a brief thing, but the aftermath was where the major incidents and action was for all the various characters and the set up of their arcs. And Tim saying the bees set up I’m super excited for that as a concept.
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Since we first saw them filming on a plane I’ve been wondering if we were going to be seen if another 70’s disaster movie homage and it seems I was right - my money is on Airport 77 being the movie in question
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And I’m really interested in who it’s going to showcase and what part of her history were exploring. I would really love to see them exploring the Jeffery arc and her trauma from that, but I’m not sure that’s what we’ll be getting (Jeffery being dead doesn’t negate this exploring that part of her story I just don’t think it’s where we’re going)
My feeling is it’s connected into Emmett in some way. It was ‘resolved’ in Athena begins and then never really spoken of again, so maybe we’ll be seeing Dennis Jenkins (the guy who shot Emmett) as one of the prisoners on the plane and Athena will have to confront her remaining trauma there and possibly the damage arresting DJ has had after all that time he passed.
On to Bobby - what can I say technical consultant bobby is going to be perfection. Bobby has had some heavy arcs over the past couple of seasons so it’s pretty obvious he’s got the comic relief arc for at least 8a. I’m really looking forward to seeing Bobby being done with Hollywood etc. And I’m really excited to see how they get him back to the 118 where he belongs.
Onto the bit I know most of you are reading this for!!
The Buck arc is screaming lawsuit redux at me and that ties in nicely to Bobbys arc. Instead of Buck being stopped from returning to the 118, this time it’s Bobby. Gerrard is the Chase Matthew’s of this situation and so I remain convinced of my assertion that buck (having learnt from the lawsuit arc) is going to initially fail against Gerrard before he figures out getting close to him and therefore being able to figure out his weaknesses is the best way to get rid of him and get Bobby back.
The Buck T*mmy section in the article of it all has me laughing so very hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Look, this ‘relationship’ is still fairly new and they are still in the ‘getting to know each other’ phase, so I wouldn’t be expecting Tim to start waxing lyrical about them as a couple, but saying this;
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To describe the first queer relationship of one of your mains, whose entire storyline last season was his bi awakening, when it’s at the point when everything should still be new and exciting isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of said relationship.
It’s entirely possible to gush about a relationship - especially one that is essentially groundbreaking on your show - without giving any plot away or making it seem like they’re endgame.
More comfortable together is the only thing you could come up with to describe them as a couple? - what does that really mean? Comfortable is how you describe a pair of slippers or an old hoodie that’s all worn in and soft. If you’re using more comfortable as one descriptor in a longer sentence with other descriptors that shows the development of said relationship then that’s totally acceptable. But to use it as the only one (aside from saying they’re a couple), well that screams of a relationship that is a plot device.
And you know what else backs that up as a concept - Tim proceeds to use the rest of his answer to the question about Buck and T*mmy’s relationship to talk about Eddie and Eddie and Buck and their relationship. So what I’m getting is that Eddie is still at the centre of things within that relationship - just as he has been throughout the entirety of s7 - where Buck and Tommy managed to have a grand total of 3 scenes out of nearly 20 together where Eddie wasn’t either present or spoken about at length (and one of those was literally just a scene of them kissing!)
Even using the word comfortable again to describe Buck, Tommy and Eddie hanging out together (anticipating some sort of scene that echoes the karaoke bar scene - where we get petty jealous Eddie and I can’t wait!). Which means comfortable is a very intentional word choice - not one that bodes well for the longevity of the reltionship.
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So what I’m getting from that. Is that ‘more comfortable together’ means boring and that Tim is using the relationship to create the same distance we saw between Buck and Eddie in season 3 during the lawsuit arc - the distance that ultimately brought them even closer together and led to Eddie changing his will.
Season 3 was when the show really established buddie as a thing - they lay the foundations in s2, but s3 was when they tested and then built the walls of that dynamic ready for the pieces to be put into place over seasons 4 & 5 so they could make buddie canon.
This BT relationship is literally being used to put Eddie in the same space he was in in s3 - isolated (thank you Ryan for that word choice!) because Buck is not available to him as much (or at all in the case of s3) so he spiralled out in his grief over Shannon’s death and joined a fight club.
All this to say that the chess pieces are being manoeuvred in a really positive direction on the buddie front and I expect to see 8a following a somewhat similar pattern as 3a did - big opening disaster which sets up the various arcs, which includes being shown buck and Eddie’s closeness initially, only to separate them off for a bit so Eddie can have his gay awakening (fight club minus the fight club) and Buck can do some more figuring out about what he actually wants of his own (lawsuit without the law suit) and then bring them back together in time for Christmas - which they will spend together with a newly returned Christopher (mirroring s3 Christmas perfectly) and the rest of the firefam.
Even the Eddie question backs up this as a theory;
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I’m fully expecting to get Eddie having conversations with his parents - via call and FaceTime - but not with Chris because he still won’t talk to his dad. The choice to say everything has been stripped away from him except his job is also giving some echoes of s5 - juxtaposing when Eddie essentially had everything else except his job which lead to his breakdown. Tim is a master of deploying subterfuge whilst also using very intentional words - so this comment is making me excited. It’s (to me at least) saying that Eddie is secure in his job and there is not really going to be any drama on the job front. That in the past eddie connected his worth to whatever job he was doing (army, his three jobs in El Paso firefighter) so when the job was taken away he had no worth and that therefore meant he was a failure as a father and a husband - so he spiralled out. Now he has his job and he’s in a good place with that and knowing how his worth as a person isn’t tied into that job. Now instead he has nothing else - all the things he’d tied his worth onto away from his job are suddenly gone so he has to go back to the drawing board and this time look at himself and who he actually is and why he wants.
The choice of the word ‘hell’ is also a choice - ‘who the hell he is’ - season 7 laid the groundwork for edddies reckoning with the catholic faith (former nun Marisol, Eddie talking about being a lapsed catholic and catholic guilt and bobby giving Eddie the bible etc) and we know they’ve been filming in a church. Hell as a word choice is just backing that up and hinting at the idea that Eddie figuring out who he is and choosing living his life as his true self would damn him to hell in the eyes of his religion. So gay Eddie here we go!!
This was supposed to be a quick ‘ooh I’m excited everything is being perfectly set up’ post and then I did my usual thing and write a mammoth essay 🤣 so if you’ve read all of this - thank you and I love you and I hope you enjoyed it - can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
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thegreenwoodarcher · 8 days
I wanted to ask for some advice.
I have a fic written for 911 (It’s a Buddie fic). It’s a one shot, and one of the main characters dies at the end. (The fic is called “Die With A Smile,” inspired by the song of the same name by Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga.)
I tried posting it on ao3, but I didn’t tag it as “Major Character Death,” because it basically gives away the whole plot. I instead used the “Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings.” (I would like to note, that I did put trigger warnings at the end.)
After posting it for a maximum of five minutes, I received a comment bashing me for the way I tagged it.
So, I’ve taken it down for the time being. I want to post the fic, but I’m not sure if I should tag Major Character Death.
Should I?
(I’m asking because it made me sad knowing that I made someone upset.)
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thegreenwoodarcher · 15 days
Evan 'Buck' Buckley and Eddie Diaz: Their Story So Far
So, here’s the Buddie timeline that I promised!
Once again, this is a rough guide and I may be a month or so out in certain situations but I’m pretty happy with it overall!
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thegreenwoodarcher · 17 days
I finished my first fanfic!!
I can't believe it. I actually finished something that I started instead of ghosting it mid-way through. It might have been the most cliché thing ever, but hey, I tried.
“I was gonna ask… if you wanted to go to the conference,” Eddie says. Why is that even a question? Of course Buck would go. Christopher is basically his son, why wouldn’t he? As much as he doesn’t like to admit it, Buck loves both of the Diaz boys with his all of his heart. Maybe even a tad bit more. “Eddie, of course I’ll go, Chris is basically my-“ “-with me. As like… I don’t know, pretend to be my husband or-or partner or something.” Eddie cuts him off while struggling to get the words out of his mouth. or: 5 times Buck and Eddie pretended to be husbands + the 1 time where they didn’t have to pretend.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 22 days
Hi guys!
My name is Josh, and I like to write fanfics (sometimes). Mostly, I love to yap about shows.
On this blog, I will probably rant about anything related to 911 in general and be delusional about Buddie. If you like BuckTommy, you should probably find a different blog, as you probably won’t see much of that ship here. (For the record—I don’t hate Tommy, it’s just that I am more of a Buddie Shipper.)
btw, I am fully delusional like many people here. full clown costume and all
If you want to read my Buddie fics, (and future ones), find me on ao3 @TheGreenwoodArcher
I also take ideas and requests for fics, (just no smut!) If you have something, please let me know!
Come support me here:
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thegreenwoodarcher · 26 days
I'm taking Buddie fanfic requests or ideas if anyone has them!
I love Buddie with all of my heart, and I hope to continue to write them on ao3. If anyone has like a specific idea they want written, please feel free to let me know! I'm not the greatest writer, but I try my best.
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thegreenwoodarcher · 27 days
wait guys am i delusional
okay so hey guys, I started writing a fanfic for buddie and posted it onto ao3. This thing is, I never actually started watching the show until I finished the whole fanfic. But now, I’m currently bingeing it (i can’t get enough holy). I’m in s3 in the lawsuit arc and Eddie just yelled at Buck in a grocery store like a divorced husband 💀 You’re telling me people don’t see the chemistry or something? Or am I like completely delusional and I should probably move on with my life?
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