thegreatcelestial · 4 days
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Half finished drawing of an OC 😋
Gonna post it when I'm finished
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thegreatcelestial · 1 month
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Fantasia:The Land of Dreams
Warnings:Fluff,Angst? Probable plot holes and maybe ooc characters,I tried my best:')
A/N: this is a fan nation-if you don't like, don't read.+ Lumine and Aether will switch out with each chapter
"Paimon doesn't understand,Nahida,what do you mean there's another nation?- and it has two gods?!"
The floating child basically exclaims in disbelief while looking down at the Dendro Archon,who in response,happily states something that did not answer Paimon's question,much to her dismay.
"Actually-it's two nations molded into one!"
"That didn't answer Paimon's question."
"Oh,about your question;there is indeed a few older legends about another nation,it's said to be called Fantastia."
Lumine,who was just subvocally listening until now,decides to finally speak up,crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at Kusanali with curiosity about this new,unheard of nation.
"Fantastia huh?sounds like a name from a children's storybook."
"I believe that's supposed to be the point as it is supposed to be the lands of dreams."
The blond somehow overthinks through this pretty simple sentence,twirling a long strand of hair around her rough and calloused hands as she scrunches up her golden eyes while being deep in thought on how to get to this supposed 'land of dreams'.
"So does that mean there's most likely also a land of nightmares?"
Lumine snaps out of her thoughts and slowly turns her head to Paimon while Nahida answers this question as she moves her hands off of her hips and down to her sides,seeming almost upset for some unknown reason.
"Maybe..but I don't exactly know."
"You don't know?!"
The snow haired girl sadly nods in agreement and looks down at the ground in disappointment at herself.
"Indeed,sadly there is nothing to suggest that a land of nightmares exists and if there is it's probably almost impossible to find."
As the Archon conversed with Paimon,Lumine looked around the marketplace and took particular interest to a eccentrically dressed man,who was holding a medium sized glass ball with pastel pink smoke moving around in it and is advertising the object as a,'magical orb that will bring you to another,more peaceful world'.the blond walks away from Nahida and her floating companion, moving to stand in front of him.
"Hello sir."
"Ah,hello young lady."
"May I see that orb you're holding?"
"Of course!"
She gently grabs the ball and gazes into the pink smoke,seeing a quick flash of a random row of buildings she can't identify nor remember ever seeing before,she glances up at the man,who wasn't looking at her but instead intensely glaring at the sphere before turn his attention to Lumine with a soft smile on his face as she tightens her gentle grip on the orb to makw sure it doesn't drop.
"May I buy this?"
"Of course! It's 200 mora!"
'How cheap' The Traveler thinks as she hands him over the money before thanking the man and walking back to Nahida and Paimon;both of who were looking at looking at the orb with confusion obviously etched onto their faces.
"What's that?"
"I don't know exactly but I saw a weird place in it."
Nahida looks at Lumine with bright emerald green eyes full of thought as she thinks while moving a tiny hand to her lips,recounting things the myths she's read had told her about She slowly makes up her mind after a few minutes.
"Let's move to a more deserted area,we can't risk civilians getting sucked into what I plan to try."
Traveler and Paimon look at the Archon in confusion as the god walks away,but they don't question her at all and instead just follow her.The trio find themselves in a grassy clearing,standing in the center as Nahida gives the orders.
"Ok now Traveler,give me the orb."
The blond listens to Kusanali and hands over the ball.Nahida slowly closes her eyes and gently holds out the supposed 'magical' sphere in the palm of her hand as the other two copy her and do the same.
After a half an hour,A pink glow illuminates the clearing.
"W-W-What's happening?!"
They start to feel dizzy as the light brightens and the trio start to feel like they're getting sucked into something,Lumine cracks her eyes open a bit,noticing Nahida's hand is still out but the orb isn't in the Archons palm but instead in the middle of them was a raging fuscia black hole.
They get sucked into the black hole and they lose conscience,Paimon's second horrified squeal being the last thing.
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The Traveler wakes up while falling through a lavender and magenta colored sky with both her companions already awake next to her;Nahida plummeting down on her right and Paimon floating down on her left,glancing at the ground she sets her golden eyes on a town that looks exactly like what the orb had shown her previously.
"Hey Nahida?"
"Does this place resemble what the legends said about Fanatasia?"
"It does indeed."
They get closer to the road.
"Uhm,how are we supposed to get to the ground with out hurting ourselves?"
"I don't know Paimon."
"Just brace yourselves."
Nahida closes her eyes and curls into a ball while Lumine just prepares herself for the fall,sadly Paimon,who was too busy panicking didn't have time to brace herself for the crash,which happens quicker then she expected,hitting the town square with a harsh thud.Subsequently a tan woman with pale blue hair hurries over and crouches down to help the blond up,grabbing Lumine's forearm and lifting her with a tight,almost painful grip before picking up Nahida,backing up after making sure they hadn't deeply injured themselves as Paimon had already recovered and was levitating again.
The unknown woman clasps her gloved hands together and puts them in front of her,a sweet smile plastered on her face.
"Welcome to Fantastia,My name is Astara."
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