Everything for the reptile enthusiast! Pictures, information, and more. I am open to any suggestions!
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Red iguana and Cuban rock iguana; both lizards I would love to own.
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Goodnight from my little lizard bro!
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Geckos are so pure.
I recently adopted a baby gargoyle gecko, and I have to tell you; he’s the cutest little guy I’ve ever held.
Like, the babies jump clumsily from high places, so you gotta make sure the ground is soft, and there’s not any spiky things that could stab them if they leap wrong. The babies are clumsy eaters, so most caretakers will say ‘no substrate in their tank until they’re x months old. They’ll accidentally eat dirt and it hurts them.’
Gargoyle geckos have no eyelids, so they gotta lick their eyes. And like… Crested geckos have true stickyfeet, so they can climb on glass. but gargoyle geckos don’t. Gargs just have raspy sandpaper grips so they can grab bark and smooth branches, but will slip on glass~
Most geckos, when they lose their tail, can grow one back! Crested geckos cannot. Once they’re stressed enough to lose their tail, it’s gone forever.
They’re nicknamed ‘frog butts’ Leopard geckos DO have eyelids, and cute chubby faces
Their tongues always go ‘bleb’ and it’s so cute~ THEY WANT TO BLEB ALL THE THINGS!
Anyway, geckos are the best.
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Emerald Tree Monitor; by far one of my favorite species of monitors due to their curious and social dispositions.
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Crested Gecko Care
Before I begin, I got all of my information from various animal care sites on the internet and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AS WELL!
You can house a single adult gecko and a 20 gallon long that has been turned upright, or I would say a tank no smaller than 18x18x24 inches.
Anyways, crested geckos are pretty easy keepers and temperature should he kept around 75 degrees. No hotter than 82 or it will stress the gecko and no lower than 65. Usually a normal overhead heat lamp does the trick, or you can opt for ceramic heat emitters or heating pads/tape. They are nocturnal and do not need UVB lighting.
Humidity should be kept between 50%-80%. Personally I keep the humidity for my geckos at 70%.
Their diet consists of a powdered crested gecko diet, the best brands are Repashy and Pangea. Both can be found online. As well as the powdered diet, every now and then crickets can be thrown in; they should be dusted with calcium supplement before feeding.
Lastly, crested geckos can easily adapt to handling but it’s known that hatchlings and juvenile geckos are quite flighty and some geckos tame down better than others. When handling, never restrict the gecko; always let it walk freely from hand to hand.
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One of my reptile children.
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First cricket!
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I’ve noticed lately that my crested gecko, smeagol, is developing some spots on his back. Hopefully I can tame him up soon.
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Chinese water dragon, red eyed crocodile skink, and scorpion tailed geckos are all species I wanna add to me collection.
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Gecko playtime!
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