Aundi Leona Price
76 posts
Aura - the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, place, or thing. Aura Manipulation - The ability to manipulate the subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or object. I am the Golden Aura I see what can't be seen I feel what can't be felt And I can control what can't be controlled
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
August 20 - Milk Bar Midtown
The summer would soon be ending and school would start back up for Aundi in a couple of days. She had finished her summer classes back in July. Hopefully, the extra credits she had received will help her finish school quicker than anticipated. With everything that has been happening to Aundi lately, school just doesn’t seem like the main focus anymore. There seems like something bigger is coming and it just might have Aundi at the forefront of it.
With that aside, Aundi decided that today she would take it easy and treat herself to something sweet. She was currently at the Midtown Milk Bar sitting at a lovely table in the corner; munching on one of their signature compost cookies, which Aundi thought was delicious. With her sketchbook in hand, Aundi began sketching whatever came to mind as she relaxed and enjoyed herself.
Every now and again, Aundi would look up absentmindedly; thinking to herself as a way to get her ideas out. At some point though, a man had walked into the bakery and promptly stood online. Aundi could swear that every time she looked up she would notice him glance at her and then quickly look away. The man did that a couple of more times until Aundi caught him flat out staring at her intensely. It was at this moment that she decided to confront the man. Aundi then got up from her seat and approached the man. “Excuse me, sir, is everything alright?”
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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“Oh, my bad, I was lost in my head. Please don’t mind me go right ahead,” Aundi smiled, stepping aside to let the man through.
Aug 13 - Admiral’s Arms
“I’m sorry, are you going to stand there — admiring that fantastic door — or are you finally going to go through it?” Henry tilted his head, finally growing impatient with the other person. 
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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❝IT. WAS. AN. ACCIDENT.❞ He shouted, small objects pulling towards his with every word even as he leaned against a tree while a wave of dizziness interfered with his center of gravity.
❝They push us down and push us down. They want us to be monsters while continuing to treat us like cattle to be fenced for our entire lives until it’s time to be slaughtered. It was supposed to be small. Then this wave of anger and fear came over me. It wasn’t natural and… it wasn’t mind. I don’t know what happened.❞
“Yes, and we can’t rise up if we stoop to their level,” Aundi said in the midst of her emotions speaking for her. But before she realized what she had said it was already spoken.
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“I can’t rise up past this if you do exactly what they do,” she said trying to correct her little slip of the tongue. Aundi took a moment to calm herself. She’d been letting her emotions get the best of her and that was no good. After a second to think clearly Aundi spoke up again.
“So you think someone may have caused you to lose control of your ability?”
8.03; central park
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Summer fun in the sun with DeWayne Rogers behind the camera for Rolling Out!
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Dubs stopped mid-stride. He’d barely eaten in over two weeks. He hadn’t been sleeping. Every time he closed his eyes, he heard their screams in his ears. And yet, Sylar had convinced him that it was right. It was all right. ❝You think I’m happy about what happened? I’m not. It was never supposed to get that big. No one was ever supposed to get hurt.❞ Of course, he wouldn’t have minded if it had only been government lackey’s in the black hole. He wouldn’t have shed a single tear over that. ❝There were children. They hadn’t even chosen a side yet. You think I’m going to sleep like a baby with that on my conscience, you’re dead wrong.❞
Dubs threw up his hands. ❝I feel no guilt for my intentions… only the delivery.❞ He shook his head, tensing his jaw at her question. Raised in a family of protesters, his parents always taught him to fight for what’s right. Dr. King’s teachings had been burned into his brain from the moment he began to speak. ❝Even Dr. King wasn’t perfect.❞
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“He may have not been perfect but he would have never let something like this happen.” The nerve this man had to use that as an excuse for his actions. It was laughable, to say the least, but Aundi was still furious. She could see that there was hope for him, he recognized his wrongs but not for the right reasons.
“So what exactly was your intention? Because the only thing I saw was you showing off with a deadly ability,” Aundi said poignantly. 
8.03; central park
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
Mel thought it odd that the girl would give her an entire name when most would only give one. Though, they supposed, all pieces were a part of the Evo’s personality just as Mel, Mercy, Luna, and others were all a pieces of the same consciousness. Mel, perked their brow as the sound of a mother’s wailing interrupted the soundscape. With a tilt of their head, a wave of calmness moved to the woman and her cries continued in a much more subdued way. It would do no good to spark another riot. 
Mercy had been at the riot that day, enforcing the feelings of rage and fear, causing tensions to rise and Evos to lose control over abilities with which they’d never struggled before. ❝Interesting… A label we rarely receive. Many things are personal. A name may be personal for some whereas a history of pain may be for others. Unlike our other parts, we have no qualms in sharing that we’ve been through a great deal. We are level-headed so the other parts will feel safe and have some rare sense of stability in a mind that is otherwise fraught with despair.❞
We? Mel had once again referred to herself in the plural sense; why is that? What does she mean “our other parts”? Aundi thought to herself. Something was definitely different about Mel and Aundi was very interested in finding out what it was. “A great deal you say. Care to elaborate?”
Aundi looked over to the area where the damage was most prominent. All of this could have been prevented; none of this had to happen. Aundi greatly wished that she could help with all that was going on around her, she just didn’t know how. “So Mel, were you here when this all happened?”
July 16 - City Hall (Protest Aftermath)
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Under the cut you’ll find roughly 149 gifs of the talented Keke Palmer as Zayday Williams in Scream Queens season 1 episode 3. Palmer is an American actress, singer, songwriter, presenter and television personality. She’s most famous for a lot of roles but especially as Akeelah in Akeelah and the Bee, True Jackson in True Jackson V.P., and Zayday Williams in Scream Queens. Ethnically, she is of Black(African-American) descent, so please cast her accordingly. The gifs are all small/medium, textless, and mostly hq. Any repeats were completely unintentional. I made all of these gifs so credit to me and please if you decide to steal them or edit them in some way, although I’d like to say don’t do it (but some of y’all won’t listen) at least please give me some sort of credit. Please like or reblog if you plan on using. Thank you! 1/?
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Keke Palmer as Zayday Williams in Scream Queens season 1, episode 3
Gifs made by me. Please do not repost, remove credit, or add in gif hunts. Also, please don’t remove my text. Feel free to like or reblog! Thanks!
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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The one and only golden aura. Aundi Leona Price. (It's not perfect but I like it)
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Dubs perked a brow at the girl, irritated by her reaction. He sighed before standing up. ❝Right. I think we’re done here…❞ He’d finally managed to get past the guilt and see the bigger picture. Many may have suffered from his actions, but many more would suffer if they continued to let the government intimidate them. Part of him even wondered if it had even been an accident. He wasn’t sure anymore. ❝I came to the park for contemplation. Not judgement.❞
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Seeing the man in front of her, the Evo, that caused copious amounts of damage and killed innocent people just get up and start to walk away made Aundi furious. “No, we are not done here! You don’t get the luxury to just feel bad for a second and sulk and then get over it.  And you definitely don’t have the right to get upset when someone tells you how wrong your actions were,” Aundi said fiercely.
Aundi’s original intention wasn’t to attack the man she had just met but ever since the day of the protest she’d been thinking about it more and more. And to see the person responsible for the mess just be so flippant about it irked her. “I can see that you felt guilty about what happened, but if you take a second to think you would realize that you feel guilty because what you did was wrong. You wouldn’t have to contemplate much if you made a better choice,” Aundi said looking at the man before her harshly. 
“I understand that as an Evo you feel you were doing the right thing by making a statement, but answer this question for me. Who do your actions more closely associate with, Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X?
8.03; central park
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
August 8 - FIT (Outside)
Aundi was on her way to school early today as her class had been moved up to an earlier time. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem but it was really inconveniencing her today. Aundi would get over it eventually but for right now she wasn't happy about it.
FIT wasn’t far from where her apartment was but she still left an hour earlier than she had to just in case. She was never a fan of rushing anywhere and felt much better being early than just being on time. As Aundi was coming up on the front of the school, she had failed to notice a man walking towards her. It wasn’t until the two people both collided and Aundi dropping her purse on the ground, spilling a majority of its contents, did she notice the man.
“Damn,” Aundi sighed as she saw her purse and kneeled down to pick up her stuff.
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Dubs looked up to the voice, so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized she was a complete stranger. ❝Oh, sorry… I didn’t realize you… never mind.❞ He shook his head, looking down for only a moment before speaking again, unable to help himself. ❝I just mean… the black hole… they had to go somewhere didn’t they?❞ He really shouldn’t be talking to the girl. He didn’t know her, her affiliation, or if she was even there that day.
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Aundi looked at the man in front of her really closely. Something about him seemed familiar but she didn’t know what. That is until he said the words “black hole”. Then Aundi remembered exactly who he was. 
“You!” Aundi spat. “You were the dumb Evo that decided that it was a good idea to create a black hole in front of a crowd of people! What were you thinking?”  
8.03; central park
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Aundi had been taking a stroll in the park enjoying the warm rays of sun that had cascaded on her face.While she was walking through the more quiet area of the park, she had noticed a man sitting all alone. As she neared him she heard him speak softly aloud. Looking around she didn’t see anyone else around that he could be speaking to so she assumed he was talking to her.
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about?”
8.03; central park
◪ open starter
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He’d been sitting on the bench for the better part of an hour, keeping his eyes closed as the nightmare played again and again in his mind. Hearing the approaching footsteps, he made no move to leave, instead only speaking softly.
                     ❝Where do you think they went?❞
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
❝I have no points… only observations.❞ Mel paused, studying the feelings emitting from the woman, such curiosity could either be positive or could cause trouble. In the long run, Mel could not predict the effect that another’s curiosity might have on them or those around them despite the fact that curiosity and anger were likely the cause of the destruction before that was present where a building sat only a day before.
Mel pondered the woman’s question momentarily before responding. ❝Our name is Mel. Though, even that could be debatable if one were to think hard enough on the matter…❞ Mel’s brow furrowed only slightly, barely noticeable to those that did not tend to look close enough. It was only the smallest of cracks in their armor often worn as a blank facade. 
❝And yours?❞
“My name is Aundi Leona Price, but call me Aundi.” With a soft grin, Aundi decided to continued her conversation with this very interesting girl. She wasn’t like anyone she had come across before, her aura was very muted and subtle and she kept a very passive demeanor.  In some ways, that was how Aundi wished she could present herself but Aundi was still too personable underneath all her aloof surface.
“You’re very interesting, Mel. You’re so wise for someone so young. Mind telling just where that came from? Or is that too personal?” Aundi asks, trying not to overstep her boundaries with the girl. She was intrigued by Mel, especially on a philosophical viewpoint. It’s not too often she meets someone who is as logical as she is.
July 16 - City Hall (Protest Aftermath)
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thegoldenaura-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Omg. Don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t snap me, don’t DM me, don’t fax me, don’t telegraph me, don’t rap to me, sing to me, hang with me, laugh with me, if you know you on some bullshit. Thanks -Management
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