thegodofhealth · 3 months
"You're an odd one, aren't you? Hello."
" I could say the same for you.. Hello. Is there something you needed from me..? "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
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( he is my comfort character now )
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" thank you.. "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" I, uh, yeah.. I guess you could say that. And you're a.. Fluffy, tlaking gun.. "
hi hallo!!
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" uhm.. Hi..? "
" why is a gun talking why is a gun talking HWY IS IT FLUFFY "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
hi hallo!!
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" uhm.. Hi..? "
" why is a gun talking why is a gun talking HWY IS IT FLUFFY "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
"'Kit- ...I mean, Divine Mercy... d'ya think ya could help me figure out anythin' 'bout this stranger who came up to me earlier? They said some things 'bout how my soul is fadin' and how my time's limited, and it ain't sittin' well with me..."
-- Drifter!Scythe (@drifterduet)
(OOC: since @souless-time-anon asked to be mentioned...)
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They took the giant cookie out their mouth, coughing for a moment before putting his hands behind his back and turning to drifter scythe, effectively attempting to hide the giant treat
" Really now..? I uh.. Think whoever you're talking about might've come to visit me earlier aswell. I'm not quite sure what they might mean, it's rather cryptic, surely nothing bad but.. If you'd like, I could try keeping an eye on you. "
" how'd you even manage to find me again anyway.. am i just that bad at keeping myself hidden? "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" I- Uff-! "
They nearly dropped the book.. Heavy.
" This is a.. Rather big book, eheh.. This'll take me a bit. "
Mercy starts to look through the pages of the book, careful not to tear anything or drop the entire thing, wins outstretching a bit subconsciously.. As if they knew how long they were going to have to work to help him fly up and get that book.
The flapping of wings followed by the sounds of landing and the click clacking of hooves against the temple's floor could be heard throughout the hallway, a winged demon with deer-like qualities making his way through. He appeared to be looking for someone, or more specifically Ghostwalker, trying to be careful to not bump into anything and make as little as noise as they can.
Divine Mercy / Deitykit [ @thegodofhealth ]
Ghostwalker looks over to winged demon, he was kneeling down, petting the ghost of a cat. Ghostwalker didn't expect visitors today, but oh well... he sat up after patting the little ghost on the head..
"Hello, may i help you?"
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
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" Thank you so much.! i haven't had chocolate in such a long time.. "
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Have two big cookies! You can give the second one to another deity!
( this is my fav ask blog, he's soo nice and I love it )
"Oh, how lovely! Thank you!"
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
It seems to me, your time is not ticking till it's end.
- @souless-time-anon
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" .. huh..? "
0 notes
thegodofhealth · 3 months
They chuckled a bit, staring around the room
" I can't exactly say much myself.. You should've seen how I was all about tech stuff before I was able to actually work with it, or the first couple of days I was. "
" .. This might take a while to find that book though, if it even exists. "
The flapping of wings followed by the sounds of landing and the click clacking of hooves against the temple's floor could be heard throughout the hallway, a winged demon with deer-like qualities making his way through. He appeared to be looking for someone, or more specifically Ghostwalker, trying to be careful to not bump into anything and make as little as noise as they can.
Divine Mercy / Deitykit [ @thegodofhealth ]
Ghostwalker looks over to winged demon, he was kneeling down, petting the ghost of a cat. Ghostwalker didn't expect visitors today, but oh well... he sat up after patting the little ghost on the head..
"Hello, may i help you?"
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" That may work.. Much appreciated, Ghostwalker. "
He paused for a couple moments.. At least they don't seem so startled anymore.
" .. Uh.. By the way, it's Divine mercy. Or any variation of that will do. Just.. Wanted to let you know. "
The flapping of wings followed by the sounds of landing and the click clacking of hooves against the temple's floor could be heard throughout the hallway, a winged demon with deer-like qualities making his way through. He appeared to be looking for someone, or more specifically Ghostwalker, trying to be careful to not bump into anything and make as little as noise as they can.
Divine Mercy / Deitykit [ @thegodofhealth ]
Ghostwalker looks over to winged demon, he was kneeling down, petting the ghost of a cat. Ghostwalker didn't expect visitors today, but oh well... he sat up after patting the little ghost on the head..
"Hello, may i help you?"
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" .. Ah. "
They furrowed their brow a bit.. Why would a version of them ever get into that cult mess?! Just seems unpractical if what they truly want is safety. Sure, those things made promises of that, but surely it wasn't.
" Suppose I'll look out for him then. "
Bass could hear the flapping of wings coming to a stop followed by something landing right above her, eyes staring at the demon from where they perched. Whoever it was stayed quiet, almost as if they were some large cat stalking their prey..
Divine Mercy ( @thegodofhealth )
{ Against all odds, she heard the sound of wings come to a slow and then shut down entirely. Turning down the volume of her boombox, the DJ's eyes glared up and around for what was watching her, dread filling over as Bass only thought of the worst to come. }
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" I.. Understand. Apparently there's multiple versions of myself, the anons told me. Surely that's confusing for most of us.. "
They appeared to think for a couple moments before speaking up again, a hint of curiosity in his eye.
" I have yet to meet one though, besides the one that was just tossed into that pocket dimension while I was still stuck in there.. What am I- Or- What is the version of me that you know like..? If you don't mind. "
Bass could hear the flapping of wings coming to a stop followed by something landing right above her, eyes staring at the demon from where they perched. Whoever it was stayed quiet, almost as if they were some large cat stalking their prey..
Divine Mercy ( @thegodofhealth )
{ Against all odds, she heard the sound of wings come to a slow and then shut down entirely. Turning down the volume of her boombox, the DJ's eyes glared up and around for what was watching her, dread filling over as Bass only thought of the worst to come. }
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" .. The winds have been stronger than usual for a while.. "
" Maybe.. I could try checking up on Windforce.. "
0 notes
thegodofhealth · 3 months
" I.. Probably would've remembered meeting you.. It hasn't been that long since I lef- Nevermind. It's a uh.. Pleasure to meet you still, Bass. " " It's uh.. clears throat Divine Mercy. Or.. Any variation of that.. "
Bass could hear the flapping of wings coming to a stop followed by something landing right above her, eyes staring at the demon from where they perched. Whoever it was stayed quiet, almost as if they were some large cat stalking their prey..
Divine Mercy ( @thegodofhealth )
{ Against all odds, she heard the sound of wings come to a slow and then shut down entirely. Turning down the volume of her boombox, the DJ's eyes glared up and around for what was watching her, dread filling over as Bass only thought of the worst to come. }
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
Bites you
- @akinamoth
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" ow...? Stop that. "
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
" .. Well, uh- "
Looking up at Ghostwalker, he couldn't help but to feel a tad bit small. He did take notice of the fast that the deity infront of him seemed to be.. Stuttering. Though they decided to just not mention it.
" Well.. Windforce did mention that deities usually come knowing what to do already but that seems to not be the case for me.. Which makes sense, I guess. Of course I already know what I want to do, just not what I have to. She mentioned you might be able to help be with that, not that you really have to, so.. "
The flapping of wings followed by the sounds of landing and the click clacking of hooves against the temple's floor could be heard throughout the hallway, a winged demon with deer-like qualities making his way through. He appeared to be looking for someone, or more specifically Ghostwalker, trying to be careful to not bump into anything and make as little as noise as they can.
Divine Mercy / Deitykit [ @thegodofhealth ]
Ghostwalker looks over to winged demon, he was kneeling down, petting the ghost of a cat. Ghostwalker didn't expect visitors today, but oh well... he sat up after patting the little ghost on the head..
"Hello, may i help you?"
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thegodofhealth · 3 months
They nearly jumped out of his fur at the sudden voice, looking over at Ghostwalker
" Ah- I- "
.. And up at him too. Apparently he was right about the whole other deities being taller than them because this guy was pretty big too.. Oh well.
" Right.. I was told by Windforce that I should probably talk to you. "
The smaller demon cleared his throat, placing a hand to his chest before starting to speak
" I'm. Divine Mercy.. Newly ascended deity, don't really now what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Windforce said that I could try talking to you about it though considering our powers kind of.. Conflict in a way, I suppose. "
The flapping of wings followed by the sounds of landing and the click clacking of hooves against the temple's floor could be heard throughout the hallway, a winged demon with deer-like qualities making his way through. He appeared to be looking for someone, or more specifically Ghostwalker, trying to be careful to not bump into anything and make as little as noise as they can.
Divine Mercy / Deitykit [ @thegodofhealth ]
Ghostwalker looks over to winged demon, he was kneeling down, petting the ghost of a cat. Ghostwalker didn't expect visitors today, but oh well... he sat up after patting the little ghost on the head..
"Hello, may i help you?"
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