theglow-getter · 8 months
No life outside of work and socmed
I've been in a depressed mood since a few days ago and after thinking for a bit, I decided to uninstall Facebook and Messenger. Well, the main reason was I got tired of waiting for people to reply to me. So, off you go Meta. 24 hours later, I still find myself opening the apps unconsciously. It's scary thinking how much of these apps have occupied my life. Uninstalling was a real eye opener
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theglow-getter · 8 months
I miss color grading
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I used to really like going on photo walks when I was in college. Walking around the campus while trying to find subjects, going over the photos after, and compiling the best ones. Then, I learned how to use lightroom and do color grading. It was the best creative outlet ever! But now my camera is broken and phone cameras are shit, even the most expensive ones. I'd really love to have a camera again.
Some samples of color grading I did a few years back:
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theglow-getter · 9 months
Yani first came home last August 2023. She's a half breed persian cat rescued from a neglectful household. The first few months were scary and tiring. Having to monitor her health, giving her medicine, making sure she's eating well, and giving her lots of love and attention. Thankfully, our efforts paid off and she welcomed the new year healthier and clingier than ever before.
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theglow-getter · 9 months
Can't women worry about clothes?
My sister was hired as a hospitality buddy for an esports tournament. The organizers did not give out shirt uniforms but instead gave out a list of prohibited clothing - no crocs, no plunging neckline, no baggy pants, no colored or printed tops, and no ripped jeans. We had no qualms on these instructions, except for the required close neck tops. Most of our clothes are comfortable tops (not plunging) but definitely on the revealing side - think square necklines and sleeveless tops.
We hate this rule. Not only because we refuse to be basic bitches, but also because we had to buy new tops just for this event. The worst thing is that people keep telling us not to worry about it and to just follow the rules. Can't a woman worry about how she looks without being branded as shallow and petty.
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theglow-getter · 9 months
It's that time of the year again. You see lots of people thinking and planning their new year resolutions - from bold declarations of drastic lifestyle shifts to more subtle mindset changes.
As for me, the past new years gave me enough lessons about the futility of said resolutions uttered and thought of only during the first few fleeting days of January. So, enough about trying to change. What I want to do this year is to consistently think about myself and my daily life through writing.
Instead of changing myself, I want to learn about my individuality - what makes me tick, what makes me laugh, what makes me different. Before I turn 30 in a few years, these are some of the most important stuff I'll need to realize. I'd like to believe that maybe by rediscovering myself, navigating life will become easier for me.
Here's to our wiser selves this 2024 🥂
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theglow-getter · 10 years
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Josh Thomas talks about male suicide
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theglow-getter · 10 years
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theglow-getter · 10 years
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" I love you even if you won't hug me back."
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theglow-getter · 10 years
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Saw this posted at Kainan St. at Area 2. Definitely struck a chord in me. :) Somehow it made me think things over. Have you been buying your time doing things that need doing? If you won't do it now, then when?
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theglow-getter · 10 years
“Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made.”
Tyler Kent White  (via i-hope-hell-has-wifi)
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theglow-getter · 10 years
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A little something for ace awareness week 2014! (Oct 26th- Nov 1st)
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theglow-getter · 10 years
Whenever I'm alone, most people think I'm lonely. I'm not. I just appreciate silence.. In a world that never stops talking. :)
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