thegleecritic · 3 years
S1 episode 1: Pilot
Overall rating: 3.5 / 5 slushies Best song of the episode: “Don’t stop believing”, honestly rehab was a better performance but this is just too iconic Worst song of the episode: “Sit down you’re rockin’ the boat”, but it was supposed to be bad so eh Funniest line: Finn: I’ve never seen that before mr schue i swear its not mine! I’LL PEE IN A CUP!..... *sadly* i’ll pee! Reasons why Mr Schuester would get fired / arrested this episode - spying on a literal child in the shower - planting drugs on said minor and blackmailing him into joining show choir comments: god I forgot how bizarre this show is, how this show survived for so long is beyond me, that being said I’ve seen it 5 times so i don’t really have a leg to stand on
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thegleecritic · 3 years
hi, i, like many of you, am a recovering glee fan. i will be reviewing every episode of Glee from beginning to end, because apparently I love torturing myself. stay if you like, i am doing this purely for my own enjoyment.
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