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❝No, I’m afraid not, he just left a moment ago to go back to the Institute.❞ He explained to the shadowhunter. If Alec had only decided to stay just a moment longer…
Magnus was rather taken aback by the clam she made towards him, accusing him of tricking them all and hurt his beloved– he’d never, hontestly Isabelle, you should know him well enough by now that his feelings towards you all are genuine. Much like herself, the warlock stood tall, even if he chose to play thing carefully he wouldn’t stand down or take any sort of accusations from her that weren’t true. Alex isn’t here to explain things to her, but he can take up his own defense. ❝So he did tell you what happened the other night then?❞ He hummed out, mostly to himself as he thought. He knows he’s going to have to explain this carefully, she’s angry and possibly set on what she was told– anger can have a strong hold on some people.
❝I can assure you that I never tricked your brother into being with me. I care about Alexander a lot, you know that, I would never hurt him. What happened the other night wasn’t my doing, when he first went to the Institute, he brought news of a wendigo in the city, correct?❞ He raised a brow and paused to give her a moment to think back to recall the memory. Since Alec wasn’t here to explain the situation to his sister then he has too, though, he’s not sure how likely it is that she’d believe him.
❝That wendigo he spoke of, his name is Valery and he’s been hunting me for some time now in order to consume me for his own power. They taught you about wendigos in that little shadowhunter school of yours, correct? You know how they work? What drives them? What makes them as powerful as they are?❞ He tilts his head, taking a step closer to her with his arms neatly folded behind his back.
❝Just before you’re brother left to warn the Clave and Institute of the wendigo we had made plans to meet at Taki’s for dinner the next night but when I arrived he wasn’t there– and you know your brother, he’s never late so that concerned me. But never the less I waited, I tried to call and text him but I got nothing, even more concerning. That was until Valery decided to show himself, boosting about what he had done to Alexander but he never gave me the details on what exactly he had done. All I knew at the time was that he had hurt him.❞
❝I worried for Alexander, searching for him and continuing to call. I hadn’t had sight or heard word from him until he came to me earlier, asking what he had done wrong, what he could do to fix it. I had no idea what he was talking about so he explained farther, perplexed that I didn’t remember a supposed night that we had together. He said that after he left the Institute he was on his way back to my loft but I have meet him half way and took him to a hotel. But how could I when I’ve been in my loft that whole night? It didn’t start to make sense until I had explained my experience with Valery and we had both realized that this monster had tricked him.❞ He can feel his blood boiling with anger, his magic sparking under his skin like a lightening storm. It’s one thing for Valery to go after the warlock himself, but going after his loved ones is a death sentence, Magnus won’t stand for it and he’d make sure that the wendigo would pay for what he’s done.
He took a moment to calm himself from his thoughts, taking in a deep breath and releasing before focusing on the younger Lightwood, saying and looking as sincere as he could. ❝I didn’t trick Alec nor any of you, and I never hurt your brother. That wasn’t me Isabelle, it was Valery who disguised himself to get to Alexander.❞ Please, you have to believe me.
“Ah--” Right. The wendigo. Alec had mentioned the wendigo to them, that there was one at large, and it was after Magnus. He had warned them that it was a threat, but... wasn’t he a threat to Magnus? Wasn’t he a threat to the one he wanted to eat, not them, not his friends, not her family? She had to believe that, because realizing Valery posed a very real threat to the ones she loved and cared about most was agonizing.
Even the shadowhunters, for all their demon killing power, had not discovered a good way to end a wendigo’s life. So thinking something like that was after them?
That was far too terrifying.
However, it helped that Magnus wasn’t backing down to her challenge, was standing tall to her accusations. Though she wanted to interrupt, to correct him, to challenge him more, she let him question her on them, annoyed by his seemingly condescending attitude about her knowledge on the creatures. “Of course I know all of that, I’ve always been studious despite the impression my outer appearance may give,” She shot back angrily, falling back on the emotion she needed to get through this, to push on against their supposed enemy.
Still, she let him continue to weave his tale, filling in the blanks Alec had failed to share with her, but she just... couldn’t completely accept this. No, she didn’t want to accept any of it. Valery was supposed to be going after Magnus, not his shadowhunter lover and friends.
Though she had to admit it was smart for the creature to do that, to go after the powerful warlock’s friends.
“If he wants to eat you,” She finally said, speaking up, still standing, not willing to sit down and talk this out, “Why did he go after Alec? What would be the point in that? That would only make you mad, to go after one so supposedly dear to you, so what’s the point in attacking Alec in such a way?” Well, she supposed she could think of a reason, and she felt the glare on her face soften a little, and it almost angered her more she was falling for Magnus’s words.
“Alec... he would know if it was you. He’d have to know if it was you. I can’t imagine him having fallen for a false version of you, and, I mean... doing what he did, with that beast...” The word hypnosis ran through her mind, but she shook it away with a shake of her head, no. A part of her wanted to be angry with Magnus for this, because if he was at fault, he was, in all essence, an enemy they could defeat.
A wendigo though? They had no idea how to fight off something like that.
“You’ve helped us so much since we’ve met you, Magnus... you’ve helped my brother so much, but I still can’t help but feel like this was your fault. I saw the gashes, they looked so awful, and he said he’d just been with you...” Her voice faltered for a moment as it trailed off, and she was left standing there, in confusion.
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Isabelle Lightwood in every episode: 2x01 This Guilty Blood • Have you studied The Art of War? That was not on the reading list at art school. You should learn it. Sun Tzu gives excellent advice. Like what? “Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood”. “Attack like Fire.” But my favorite… “To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.”
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We are s o u l m a t e s for sure.
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But if he breaks your heart like lovers do Just know that I’ll be waiting here for you.
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alec & isabelle + being worried/protective over each other (requested by anonymous)
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Magnus didn’t waste much time after Alexander left through the portal to get to work, researching and going through all his spells to make stranger wards, finding his old notes on wendigos that he had written down. He was going through everything, gathering everything he would need to create these wards.
First and foremost he would need to work of wards for his own home, it would more than likely be one of the easiest places for Valery to hunt for him, and not to mention the others are usually over for a considerable amount of time. Second he could work on charms for the others to carry, something to warn them of Valery’s presence, something that could keep him from hurting them. He could even search for more information on wendigos that could help them in their fight, maybe something that could expose some kind of flaw or weakness in the creatures.
His dear Chairman decided to join him, hopping up on the table next to his works. The warlock smiled at his kitten, reaching over to pet the little cat who soon began to purr loudly, content with the attention he was getting from Magnus.
The loud banging at his door caught his attention and he looked back, raising a brow at the entryway of his home– Chairman even looked up, ears pricking forward towards the sound of a voice they both knew. Isabelle? What was she doing here? Alexander was supposed to be talking with her.
He pushed himself away from his desk and his work as he stood, taking a few slow steps over to the door before snapping his fingers and letting it open on its own. He soon came face to face with an enraged shadowhunter, looking just about ready to tear him apart.
It’s clear that she’s angry, angry with him, so he takes up a more cautious approach to not anger her any farther.
❝I’m sorry, Isabelle, but your brother isn’t with me, he just left back to go back to the Institute so he could talk to you about something.❞
When the door opened of its own accord, she stood as tall as she coud, rigid, as if ready to leap into action should she need to. She didn’t know what to expect from Magnus at this moment. After all, if he was willing to hurt Alec like that, then why should she be any different?
No, she had to be careful, very careful.
However, it seemed more so like he was being careful of her. Why should he need to do that? If he could handle Alec, he could certainly handle her. True, they both had their own strengths and weaknesses, but all around Alec was am much more skilled fighter.
Though... it hadn’t quite sounded like there had even been a fight at all, at least according ti what Alec had told her.
Oh, so now he’s suddenly willing to talk to me? She thought to herself, but no, that wasn’t really fair. She knew he was exhausted when she had cornered him at the institute earlier. But then... he’d also sneaked out while she was still asleep, having stayed with him at his own request! “He’s not here?” She asked in a moment of confusion, but then her anger was back and suddenly she was berating him with questions.
“You had us all fooled, didn’t you, Magnus Bane? Lured us in with your magic and your willingness to help us, even to go so far as to trick my brother into dating you, and for what? To hurt him? How could you, Magnus? How could you?” As she spoke, she entered his apartment, moving towards him gracefully, but still keeping enough distance between them as to be able to get away from him should she need.
The glare on her face was meant to kill, and he was lucky that wasn’t a shadowhunter power, or his four hundred plus year life would have met an abrupt end. “He told me what you did to him. He tried to get me to believe it was his fault, but how could it be? Even if he had angered you somehow, you can’t rip him open in retaliation! That’s not okay Magnus, and I hope to god above that my brother told you the same,” Though I’m sure he didn’t, she finished to herself, not letting him know that she had a feeling they had, in fact, somehow made up.
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Blinking, Isabelle slowly woke up, confusion hitting her at first of why she was asleep and just where she was sleeping. After a few muddled moments of thinking it over, it hit her and suddenly she sprang from the bed, from Alec’s bed, where he no longer could be found.
The few details she had gotten out of him before he’d gone to sleep cam back to her, and she realized exactly where he had gone, and why he hadn’t woken her up.
He’d gone to see Magnus. The idiot had really gone to see Magnus after what he had done to her brother.
Slamming the door as she left her brother’s room, she quickly made her way to the door of the institute, but not before Lydia found her, trying to stop her. “Alec went out again, where did he go? What’s going on, Isabelle, where are you going?”
“To bring back my brother,” Isabelle claimed, slipping past Lydia and casting a glamour on herself so the mundanes wouldn’t see her while she mad her way. The last thing she wanted to deal with was any mundanes, or really anyone bt her brother or Magnus Bane.
She’d been to Magnus’s apartment enough times now to know exactly where it was, and she stormed in that direction, her mission clear on her face. She was livid with her brother for going to see the boyfriend who had hurt him so badly, but her anger was only to cover up the fear and worry that Magnus would do worse to him when he got there, and she couldn’t allow for that.
She had no idea how long she had been sleeping, but she hoped she wasn’t too late.
Getting to Magnus’s, she pounded on the door, her voice a little shrill as she called in to him, “Magnus Bane, you get your sorry warlock ass out here, and you better bring my brother out with you.”
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“I’m not mad. I am not. Just because you said dragon demons were extinct– Mostly extinct is not extinct enough!!”
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Written by Thunder
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alec & isabelle + being worried/protective over each other (requested by anonymous)
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– [➴] The last thing he wants is for anyone to stay in his room and hover. If she was so insistent on it, then he would rather it be Izzy. At least then, she would leave Magnus alone until he had the chance to find out just what happened. She was asking him what she should do. “Stay with me?” That would bring him some small comfort, to know she was still here and not chasing Magnus down for answers that he should get on his own.
“Please?” He finally turns to her and grabs her arm lightly, tugging. “Leave Magnus alone, Izzy. Stay with me if you’re so worried.”
That was a good enough deal for both of them. He does feel bad that she worries so much, and it tears him apart to not know exactly what happened between him and Magnus, but he can rest easy with Izzy there. “I know it’s an inconvenience, and you’re probably busy… but I would feel better if you stayed with me.”
Her eyes softened as he asked her to stay with him. Alec didn’t ask for much from anyone. Isabelle couldn’t even remember the last time he’d made a request of her, how could sure turn him down?
There would be time to talk to Magnus. Hell, Alec had even said please. If he was only asking her to keep her from Magnus, well, she was falling for it hook line and sinker. But she couldn’t say no. “I’ll stay, Alec. But I will want to talk to Magnus eventually, you know that, right?” She inquires, but nonetheless she sits further on his bed, leaning against the headboard.
“Taking care of you is not an inconvenience, Alec. Aldertree will just have to deal, I’ll be sure no one bothers us while you sleep,” She assured him, giving his hand a tight squeeze but then letting it go, knowing he would rather rest in peace, not have her on top of him. “Get some rest, Alec. We’ll... figure it out somehow.”
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– [➴] Too many questions came at one time, making Alec regret that he ever even gave in. As soon as his shirt was pulled off and Izzy saw the gashes, he knew he wasn’t about to get any sleep anytime soon. “I told you..” he almost growled the words out, venom dripping from each in turn as they slid passed his lips. “It got out of hand… Had too much fun, alright?” Though Alec looks like he had hardly any at this point.
At least she has her clarification; she knows what is ailing him, and she knows that the healing rune won’t work. Perhaps that should tip him off that it may not have been Magnus who he spent the night with, but Alec was far too tired for logic at the moment. The sooner she let him sleep, the sooner he would start to feel better.
“Izzy, I know you want to help. I appreciate that, but you’re killing me over here.”
So again, he turns away from her. She can pester him all she wants, try to berate him with more questions, but this time? He’s letting himself drift off into some well-needed rest.
“No,” She said, her voice a little harsher than she meant, as she practically spat the word at him. “Alec, this is not things getting out of control. Gashes like this are not normal,” And I should know stayed inside her, but it was pretty clear where she was going with the idea. “This isn’t fun, Alec, this is a wound, a wound your rune won’t even heal. This is not normal.”
She lets out a sigh of frustration, her eyes closing for a moment as she takes a calming breath. This was insane. This wasn’t good, and if Magnus had done this?
She needed to talk to Magnus. She wasn’t getting anything out of Alec, and he really did seem to need sleep...
“I’m not the one who shred you like a piece of paper, Alec. But fine, sleep. I can just go get my answers out of Magnus,” She replied, moving to get up, but...
“Dammit, Alec. I don’t know what to do. I feel like someone needs to watch over you as you sleep, but I also want to go talk to Magnus,” She was stressing out loud. Gently, she placed her hand on his back, letting out a sigh. “What do I do, brother?”
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moodboard: isabelle lightwood I watch my brothers give their hearts away and I think, Don’t you know better? Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you’re never what you were before.
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– [➴] Maybe if he pretends like he is asleep, she’ll go away. He’s betting on that plan working, keeping his back turned on her so he can hopefully fall into some well deserved unconsciousness. But there it was, the tell-tale tug of the sheets over his head as Izzy tries and tries again to pull the information out of him.
His gut twists with nervousness. If Izzy knows what happened, she’s going to make a huge fuss, and he would rather keep some angry shadowhunters off the backs of his dear warlock– no matter how injured he is. There had to be some explanation to the encounter, something he’s missing. Until he knows for sure, he still wants to protect Magnus.
“Izzy…” he groans. “Leave it alone… okay? I’m not-” No, he can’t lie to her like that, she’s just worried.
He finally gives in, sitting up and letting what’s left of the sheets slide off of him. Alec tilts his head back with a sigh, letting his shoulders slump. “Okay.” The sooner he gives in, the sooner she may leave him alone. “But, Izzy– You have to promise me.. that you won’t freak out, okay?”
Isabelle was ready, she was ready to keep fighting with him, she was ready to wear him down. She could tell just how badly he didn’t want to tell her anything, and that only made her all the more certain that she had to know.
Good, at least he wasn’t going to try to lie to her. The day they started lying to each other would the day hell froze over, or at least that was what she hoped. She couldn’t imagine herself lying to him, and she hoped there wouldn’t be a day he would outright lie to her either.
And then... he gave in. A smile graced her features as relief swept through her. He was going to let her in, let her know what was going on. “Thank you, Alec.”
“Promise that I won’t freak out...?” She murmured as she once more went for the hem of his shirt, slowly lifting it up, gently... and then she saw them.
The angry gashes across his chest.
She let out a small gasp as she lifted the shirt over his head, still being incredibly gentle. Had he really used his healing rune? Why hadn’t it healed these if he had?
She was too afraid of hurting him to touch him, so she pulled her stele from her pocket, gently reigniting his healing rune to... see it do nothing?
“Alec... who did this to you? Magnus... Magnus? Did Magnus do this to you? No, Magnus wouldn’t hurt you like this... would he? Alec, what happened?” She finally asked, settling on one question, taking his hand in hers once more and holding it, stroking it gently with her other hand as she stared at the gashes marring her brother’s chest.
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(Via jadehassoune | Instagram)
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Christian Dior Fall 2017 Ready-to-Wear Collection
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