Ahh aku pengin ke Jepang.
Ntn konser bts di Jepang.
Ingin bergaji dollar.
Aku harus apaaa???
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Aaakkkkkk tugasnya tiap minggu semua matkul adaaaaaa.
Kdg mikir, gw ngapain yah begini.
Nanti kepake ga sihh.
Nanti gmna.
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Heeey, kira kira aku bisa selesein S2 gak yaa, masku kynya keberatan.
Aku mesti gmna yak?
Udah lagi nyari part time sih, butuh info lagi tapi.
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“I am INTJ. I am independent and tough, but also loving and idealistic. I wish for you to surprise me, but expect you to disappoint me. I am grounded in facts and reality, yet live part-time in an imaginary world in my own mind. All of these are contradictory, but none of them are particularly unexpected or strange. Value your contradictions; they are what makes you the multifaceted person that you are.”
— Rain, admin of intj-irl
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Intj: Enfp, we were supposed to meet at four.
Enfp: It’s still two in the afternoon?
Intj: Considering the fact that you’re still liking posts in Instagram, you’re still in bed. There’s no way you’re making it here at four.
Intj: I’m just reprimanding you in advance.
Enfp: You’re creepy.
Enfp: I wonder why I love you.
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Francisco Fonseca  -  https://www.etsy.com/shop/FranciscoFonscaShop
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Video diatas adalah cuplikan dari serial film Ahmad bin Hanbal, salah satu imam madzhab; mengenai pendapat beliau terkait
Keadilan Islam terhadap Wanita
yang jika kita pahami, Islam telah memuliakan wanita dengan nilai-nilai keadilannya. Adil yang berarti setara dalam porsinya masing-masing, bukan menjatuhkan hak dan kewajiban wanita dan meninggikan pria, pun sebaliknya. Maka mengapa masih saja ada yg mencari keadilan tersebut diluar Islam?
Mungkin jika itu terjadi, tak akan jauh-jauh dari fenomena dibawah ini..
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Pola pikir irrelevan yang terus ditumbuh-suburkan oleh para tokoh feminis, yang tentunya juga jauh dari nilai masyarakat dan Islam, telah menciptakan sebuah sesat pikir.
Bagi yang memahami salah satu tujuan syariat (dalam hal ini : menjaga keturunan), pola-pola ideologi seperti ini sungguh perlu kita perbaiki cara berpikirnya. Prostitusi (yang disebutkan lebih berdaulat daripada menjadi istri sah) secara gamblang menyerukan wanita untuk (maaf) bebas berhubungan badan dengan siapapun sesuka hatinya. Zina yang dilakukan secara sembunyi-sembunyi adalah perbuatan buruk, tetapi penyeru perzinaan itu; membenarkan perbuatannya, bahkan mengajak banyak orang untuk melakukannya adalah hal yang jauh lebih buruk. Rasul SAW bersabda :
وَمَنْ سَنَّ فِى الإِسْلاَمِ سُنَّةً سَيِّئَةً كَانَ عَلَيْهِ وِزْرُهَا وَوِزْرُ مَنْ عَمِلَ بِهَا مِنْ بَعْدِهِ مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ يَنْقُصَ مِنْ أَوْزَارِهِمْ شَىْءٌ
“Barangsiapa yang memberi petunjuk pada keburukan, maka ia akan mendapatkan dosa dari perbuatan buruk tersebut dan juga dosa dari orang yang mengamalkannya setelah itu tanpa mengurangi dosa mereka sedikit pun juga” (HR. Muslim no. 1017).
Padahal kita juga mengetahui, sungguh Allah SWT telah menggariskan kaum hawa sebagai penentu peradaban. Peran-peran agung yang tersemat bagi seorang wanita, seperti الأم وربة البيت (ibu dan pengatur rumah tangga) dan أم أجيال (ibu generasi) yang dijalankannya dalam lingkup yang lebih strategis, berpadu dengan perannya sebagai da’iyah dan pengemban dakwah adalah hal-hal yang tak dapat diremehkan. Dengan kata lain, jika rusak para wanitanya, maka akan rusak pula peradaban suatu kaum tersebut. Pembiaran isme-isme yang berkedok “kebebasan” ini sungguh telah menggiring kaum wanita ke dalam lembah kehancuran.
Namun akhirnya, jika para penyeru “kebebasan” itu tak ingin beristirahat dari seruannya, maka tugas kita adalah menjaga keluarga dan masyarakat kita dari pemikiran-pemikiran yang jauh dari Islam tersebut. Menjaga ketahanan keluarga yang Islami; mengajarkan al-qur’an dan sunnah nabi dan mengamalkannya sebisa mungkin, dapat menjadi tameng terbaik agar kita dikaruniai pemikiran yang jernih dan sesuai dengan syariatNya. Maha suci Allah atas segala yang mengotorinya; dalam bentuk keyakinan, perkataan dan perbuatan.
Cinta sejati hanya didapat dari cinta yang murni; sesuai fitrah cinta itu dicipta, bagaimana cinta itu diraih serta pada siapa cinta itu bermuara
–25 Ramadhan 1441 H
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The one thing I can appreciate about Tumblr is that I can just be. I don’t have to talk to anyone, I don’t care how many followers I have, I don’t care if anyone likes what I reblog. This entire space is dedicated to what I love; what inspires me; what brings me pleasure. 
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“A part of me is yearning to let go, but another part will never stop hoping that it’s you and I in the end. And I’m terrified that part will never leave me. I am terrified of the thought of it consuming me until I am made of nothing but false hope.”
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Setiap Nama ada Kisahnya
Mereka yang pernah masuk dalam hidupmu. Tidak semuanya meninggalkan kebaikan, juga tidak semuanya memberikanmu keburukan. Jika benar hatimu bisa terbuka seharusnya ada pelajaran-pelajaran yang bisa diambil, dan jika hatimu bisa merasakan maka harusnya ada nama-nama yang harusnya dikenang. Mereka yang pernah mengajarimu soal kehidupan, soal menerima, atau cara meninggalkan, bahkan mempertahankan keikhlasan.
Semakin berumur harusnya hati dan pikiranmu naik kelas, menyikapi semua kejadian dalam hidup dengan bijak. Menempatkan rasa pada tempatnya, menjadikan semua sesuai porsinya, karena rasa itu jika salah tempat akan menjadi jahat untuk dirimu sendiri. Seperti mereka yang menaruhkan hati pada orang yang belum sah menjadi bagian dari hidupnya, akibatnya bisa mudah merasa memiliki, mudah memberikan apa yang seharusnya tidak diberikan padanya.
Muara dari kehidupan ini adalah menjaga, menjaga apa yang sudah seharusnya dijaga. Karena sang pemberi pinjaman akan bertanya perihal barang yang dipinjamkannya padamu, termasuk hatimu.
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“how did you know that you loved her?”
when she made me love the colour yellow again. i know it sounds silly, but hear me out. you see, when i was younger, i loved yellow. i thought it was a bright and happy colour; it reminded me of summer and warm days by the beach. but then i grew up, and growing up meant facing the harsh realities of the world. i hated yellow then; it was too happy and bright and the world was far too bleak and was filled with blue tragedies.
then i saw her on the first day of spring wearing a yellow dress with sunflowers in one hand. her smile was warm and her laughter; god, i could listen to her laugh any day. she laughed and smiled like a child and she saw the beauty in the world despite it all. she made me love yellow again, and that made me love her. she changed my view of the world, and even though she’s long gone from my life, i still love her. so you see, sometimes people come into our lives and change it forever. they may leave, but their imprint on us is still there.
it’s been years and i cannot look at the colour yellow without thinking of her.
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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the Trump administration is open to direct talks with North Korea as long as the agenda is right — that is, denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
As he prepared to chair a U.N. Security Council meeting on the subject, Tillerson sat down with NPR’s Steve Inskeep to explain his approach. The secretary says North Korea has to come to the table willing to talk about giving up its nuclear weapons.
“You know if you listen to the North Korea, their reason for having nuclear weapons is they believe it is their only pathway to secure the ongoing existence of their regime,” Tillerson explained. “We hope to convince them is that: you do not need these weapons to secure the existence of your regime. … We do not seek a collapse of the regime. We do not seek an accelerated reunification of the peninsula. We seek a denuclearized Korean peninsula,” he stressed, adding he believes that China shares this goal and is beginning to question whether North Korea is a “liability.”
Trump Administration Wants North Korea At Negotiating Table On Nuclear Weapons
Photo: Ariel Zambelich/NPR
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(BAZZI) @bazzi - I.F.L.Y.
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perlu ditonton nihh
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The best promo- Partner Face Off ~~ Who is sexier Joan or John
Person of Interest & Elementary on WGN this Fall
edit, added slow-mo Reese reaction gif- request by theanishimori
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5 Things Every INFP Wishes They Could Express To Their Crush
You’ve done it! You’ve attracted the attention of the INFP.
And once an INFP develops feelings for you, it’s not exactly simple for them.
We’re one of the over-thinkers of the MBTI, but we’re always stuck somewhere in between optimism and pessimism. We value so many people, appreciating each and every kind of person like we appreciate art and stories. So when it comes to you, object of our infatuation and admiration, there’s something different.
1. We look at you and we see art.
The way you walk into the room is automatically what catches our attention because you’re something different, the kind of person that stands out in a way a different color does on a monochrome image. Every detail, from the way you shrug or tilt your head a bit when talking, is being sketched on a fabric in our memory. The sound of your voice, how you say our name, is playing on loops because nothing has ever reminded us of the excitement of hearing a song we’re just about to like.
2. Because of you we make art.
We’re in a mad dash to try to record everything you are making us feel. Capture the moment! I’ve found my muse! We’re writing poetry about how you remind us of a shooting star we weren’t expecting to see in the pitch black of night, when you suddenly smiled out of nowhere. We’re trying to see how well we could actually draw a cartoon version of you that doesn’t seem so obvious so we could post it on our art blogs.
3. Everything matters.
No matter how simple, the moments we’ve spent with you are all kept in a secret treasure chest in our minds and the feelings and nostalgia are in a swirling pool our hearts. It may be as simple as that time you ended up asking us what was happening because we were at the back of the room and you just got in late, or because you liked a post we shared on Facebook about that band we like.
4. Overthinking is happening like crazy!
We can’t like you. No way! Because maybe we’ve been hurt so many times before. Expectations don’t always end up a reality. Maybe we’re reminded of that person we once really liked and who only disappointed us and thought we were weird. What if that happens again? Besides, there’s no way you would like us the way we like you. We’re doomed…but wait, maybe there’s a chance. So many what ifs!
5. We wish we could get to know you more.
It’s actually that simple. We’re good at making friends in our introverted, awkward way, but since you’re a crush it’s harder for us to just go up and talk to you. You’re a mystery we want to decipher. You’re the reason we smile a lot these days and you don’t even know it. Nothing bothers an INFP more than things left unexpressed.
And so this is just another one of those ways to subtly hint to you how much you mean to us. (source)
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45 Signs That You Are Truly An INFP At Heart
1. You spend most of the time day dreaming rather than being in the reality.
2. You have a special artist that speaks your soul.
3. You have a weird taste in choosing a song that you really love.
4. You listen more than you speak.
5. You’re a hopeless romantic.
6. You are fond of literature.
7. You have a talent for storytelling.
8. Your new friends don’t expect that you can be the silliest and funniest person.
9. You’re kind to a fault.  Criticism hits you hard and makes your vulnerable heart feel betrayed.
10. If you’re an INFP guy, your feminine side is always in touch.
Keep reading
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7 Perks of Being an INFP That Are Worth Celebrating
Our unique personality also comes with some major perks — and we INFPs often give ourselves too little credit for them because we are often down-to-earth and too hard on ourselves. So, this article is a reminder to INFPs of the qualities we have that are worth celebrating. There are many perks that come with being an INFP (more than included here), but here are seven of them:
1. We are spiritual and deep. INFPs tend to focus on the deeper and more meaningful things in life. We usually don’t get caught up in the superficiality and materialism of our consumer society because we do not see value in it. In fact, we see “artificial” things — such as wealth and fame — as the source of many people’s unhappiness, because their need for them is insatiable. INFPs, on the other hand, tend to seek happiness from within and have an almost spiritual, otherworldly quality to them. We are on a quest to become our most whole and authentic selves, and we can often find contentment simply by living our values.
2. We are highly imaginative. We INFPs tend to have vivid imaginations due to our direct relationship with our inner world: We explore our feelings and inner rich caverns through our auxiliary function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne). Our tertiary function, Introverted Sensing, then consolidates our dream worlds, vividly recreating detailed experiences. For this reason, many fantasy writers are INFPs, including J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings, and A. A. Milne, who brought us the whimsical world of Winnie-the-Pooh.
3. We are extremely empathetic. INFPs are considered empaths: We are highly sensitive individuals who have an innate ability to feel and perceive other people’s energies and emotions intuitively. This allows us to look beneath people’s public façades and see the feelings they might be trying to hide from others. This ability comes from our Introverted Feeling (Fi) function, which enables us to look inward, giving us a core understanding of ourselves and a heightened awareness of our own emotions. We also use Fi (combined with Ne) to look inward and reflect on our relationships with others. It brings us great joy to help others unravel their inner core and learn more about who they truly are.
4. When we care about something, we become very passionate and determined. Beneath our outer layer of calm burns a passionate inner flame. We have incredible talents and strengths that are just waiting to be unleashed so that we can make a difference in the world. However, because of our outward gentleness, we often do not show just how determined we are to others. Our dominant Fi is like a strong gust of wind: invisible, powerful, and resolute. When Fi fuels us, we may find ourselves putting all distractions aside and going through extreme circumstances to make our vision a reality.
5. We are uniquely creative. INFPs are not cookie cutter personality types. We’re highly individualistic people who long to break free from the status quo. Many of us use art, writing, and music to explore ideas and learn more about ourselves. In fact, creative expression is said to be the lifeblood of an INFP. We need the arts to convey our innermost feelings and values — and to help keep us sane.
6. We are quite flexible and adaptable. We’re perceivers after all, which means we prefer to take a flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous approach to the world. Especially when it comes to making everyday decisions, we are easy-going and flexible. Thanks to our Ne, we can process lots of new information quickly and are easily thrilled by bursts of inspiration. This also enables us to be fast learners and extremely creative.
7. We have a strong moral compass. INFPs have clear beliefs about right and wrong, and our strong inner compass helps us navigate through life’s ups and downs. Because of our moral compass, we tend to be extremely loyal and honest, and we believe in virtue. Our inner light helps prevent us from being too cynical, and motivates us to keep going and to inspire compassion and imagination in everyone we meet. (source)
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