thegingerjulep · 4 years
chicken marsala
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You would think that I would make a post today about a holiday dish, but think again. Today I want to talk about comfort food. You’re familiar with comfort food. It’s the food that makes a bad day turn good. The food that reminds you of a good day. The food that reminds you of something or someone special. The food that just brings you in for a big warm hug.
I mean, who doesn’t love a good…
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thegingerjulep · 4 years
smoked sausage + potatoes
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Y’all, there’s a pandemic happening…as if no one already knew that. That means one thing: getting groceries is pretty much a fully body workout. What baffles me is how many people are bum-rushing the stores to stock up on essentials and groceries, but is anyone planning wholesome meals in the process?
I am all for stocking up and being prepared for anything that comes my way but I also a firm…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
ham + cheese crescent squares
ham + cheese crescent squares
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The new year is here and that only means one thing: it’s birthday party season!
We JUST made it through the holidays and now it’s time to start planning birthdays?!
Everyone in my house has a birthday at some point between January and June…except for me.
So, count with me: that’s one…two…three parties to plan between now and June!
Mama needs a nap…or wine.
Just kidding…maybe not about…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
garlic rosemary roast
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Anyone else a little shocked that Christmas is TOMORROW!
Show of hands if you’re completely ready and not stressing out about Christmas?
I don’t think anyone would’ve raised their hands to that question.
I swear Christmas snuck up on everyone this year.
The way time flew this year just adds to the insane amount of stress we all, especially moms, feel around the holidays.
My biggest holiday…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
gardy-lou's crinkle cookies
gardy-lou’s crinkle cookies
I think the main thing I love most about the holidays is baking sweets for everyone to enjoy.
The enjoyment for me comes from the “mmmms” of those that indulge in my sweets.
Tonight, it occurred to me that I have slowly warped into my grandmother.
Before anyone starts to think that’s a bad thing for this 34-year-old…it truly is one of the best things that could ever happen to me.
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
regal crown balls
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Are you in search of a gift for a hostess for a holiday party? Maybe a gift for a friend? Perhaps your boss?
Okay, maybe not give your boss an alcohol laden gift…unless they’re into that kind of thing.
Out of all of the holiday baking, I never really saw liquor as an ingredient.
I mean, sure, people indulge themselves at holiday parties or have a glass of wine while baking cookies (hello…mom of…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
creamy buttermilk pie
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You guys…Christmas is less than 5 days away.
Is everyone excited? Is everyone ready for baking cookies, drinking eggnog, watching Christmas movies, family dinners, fighting with the insane plastic securing devices in all the kids toys that annoy the crap out of every parent? You laughed at that last one and if you didn’t, you either don’t have kids or don’t buy toys at Christmas time.
Trust me,…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
mini meatball + gnocchi soup
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It’s that time of year when the chilly weather has everyone fleeing for bonfires and hot chocolate…or the soup aisle because some feel that soup is strictly a cold weather food.
I can eat soup year-round.
Soup is a super convenient food. You can prep it ahead of time, freeze it, then pop it in the crockpot in the morning for dinner that night.
I am a constant go-go-go machine of a woman that does…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
marzipan + chocolate loaf
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The holiday season is here!
People are adorning their homes in Christmas decorations, there’s a slew of Christmas movies to watch, people are shopping like crazy…
…and some of us are dreading the never ending barrage of holiday parties.
Oh yes, I’ve been where you are right now, my friend.
If it isn’t parties for work, then it’s a friend or family member hosting a gathering, or your kid’s…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
cranberry apple cider punch
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Thanksgiving is TOMORROW! That’s right, the day of over indulgence, thankfulness, and sweets is upon us!
For so many of us, we are either hosting Thanksgiving dinner or attending dinner at someone else’s home.
For me, I’m hosting dinner this year and it is also my first year cooking Thanksgiving dinner at home (we usually go eat with family).
It’s going to be an intimate gathering but, regardless…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
potato leek naan pizza
potato leek naan pizza
Does anyone else love food items that can serve multiple purposes?
If you were confused by that statement, please stop scratching your head and listen up. By saying multi-purpose, I meant a food item that could serve as both dinner or an appetizer.
I love when food can be convenient and I love it even more when it’s convenient, delicious, and beautiful.
Enter the delectable potato leek naan pizza.
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
goat cheese toast with blackberry sauce
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The holiday season is right around the corner, so you know what that means: numerous holiday parties, family dinner gatherings, and of course-Christmas morning breakfast.
If you’re a food lover like me, you know this is your time to really shine. It’s no secret that I love to cook and I love to eat even more.
However, if you are that person that dreads the holidays because the host of the holiday…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
veggie-loaded meatballs
As a mom of two incredibly picky eaters, finding something to eat that my kids will not fight me over is nearly impossible.
I’m dead serious. If I would let her, my daughter would live off of chips and danimal yogurts.
Sorry girl, that ain’t happening. Nope. Not on my watch.
If I can’t live off of Starbucks and wine, you can’t do chips and yogurt.
I still get my wine sometimes, so shhh!
So, as a…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
brioche bread pudding with rum sauce
brioche bread pudding with rum sauce
Show of hands: who’s ready for the holidays?
The food, the smells, the songs, the chilly weather (well, not so chilly here since it’s Florida)…but you know what I mean.
It’s a time of year that we all look forward to…until we remember the stress it involves.
That’s right, the holidays are fast-approaching and pretty soon everyone will be hosting parties, stressing themselves out with holiday…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
chicken noodle bowl
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Does anyone else have craving for Chinese food at all the wrong times?
It never fails that the one time I have a major craving for Chinese food, it is either when the restaurants are not open or I don’t feel like going anywhere.
Today, it was due to both. It doesn’t help that it is also a holiday and we are supposed to be enduring a subtropical storm.
Rather than getting down on myself and…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
garlic parmesan stuffed spaghetti squash
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It’s Monday night.
Show of hands if you had a good Monday?
Yep, I bet no one raised their hands.
I had the day from hell at work and was not in the positive mindset to prepare dinner tonight…
…but I didn’t want takeout either.
Enter the versatile spaghetti squash.
I am currently involved in a palatable love affair with this yummy gourd.
It is easy to prepare and cook, can be dressed up any way,…
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thegingerjulep · 6 years
tomato +avocado eggs benedict
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It is well-known that I spend my Sunday’s meal prepping and making big breakfasts for my family.
Well, the kids spent the night with their grandmother last night, so I woke up this morning and prepared my new favorite breakfast item and I indulged in TWO cups of coffee this morning…
…I feel like a whole new woman.
I needed some me time after surviving work and my first week of summer classes and…
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