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I'm the author of a book called 'The Freaks'. Link to my book is - If you've got any thoughts or suggestions contact me. 💊🌹💊
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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’ the dome is gone, but gone is back ‘
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
He thought her beautiful, believed her impeccably wise; dreamed of her, wrote poems to her, which, ignoring the subject, she corrected in red ink.
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway (via vintageanchorbooks)
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
(⚠ WARNING SPOILERS AHHH!!!!⚠) The Freaks If Nothing Had Happened:
Andreas: He would've kept being head over toes for Astrid, would've eventually gotten a very good score in school, best in P.E. Him and Astrid would've gone walking in the sunset with their backs to the sun. Walks on the beach. A good job.
Astrid: She would've gotten the title of 'The smartest and cutest' Would've never confessed her love to Bonnie. She would've gone off to uni with Andreas but had a fight with him, left him and focused on her career. Drinking wine laying on a white bed, alone. Her mind took over her and she lived a lonely life. She became a University teacher and inspired students to go out and write novels.
Vinn: He would've gotten a good job, after his rebellious teen years with Nora he showed her fame and glory. They had a huge house, two kids. A house in L.A. Nora and Vinn went skating at night with street lights and the moon light being the only source of light. After a while they would've lived a good enough light until their 40's when Vinn would've died in a motorcycle accident.
Nora: Lived a beautiful life with Vinn until he died and she was left with a mortgage, two kids and having to get money getting into gangs and selling drugs. She'd wear a black hoodie, messed up mascara as she lived in a small apartment she could barely afford with her kids. Cruz tried to help her out but she denied the offer. Nora cried endless nights.
Caspian: He would've gone to Asia to live in Tokyo, his home country. Caspian would've been rich, not suffered and a Buddhist. He got a happy wife and family, although he missed Ozzie. He'd Skype Ozzie every week but it would decrease to once a year eventually. They met in a pub and spoke about the 'good old days' in the end.
Ace: He would've live a very bad life after secondary school. Collages didn't accept him, he got an unfaithful wife despite his big heart, he was unfairly charged with a murder he didn't commit and spend most of his life in jail. After that he went back to a rough neighborhood and taught his kids never to underestimate school and became very wise.
Ozzie: He became a master mind, a genius discovering many things for science. Ozzie became the cover of multiple magazines. People started a trend about his curly, auburn hair and he had an amazing life, full of fame and love. (He learnt not to say, 'Well if you ask me.')
Bonnie: She went to places no one had ever gone to, deserts, festivals, midnight walks. She had met Mateo in a trip to Barcelona and had fallen in love with his accent. Bonnie developed her own accent, became obsessed with photography, went on midnight swims in the sea with Mateo, left him and went on to find someone better after he cheated on her. Bonnie found a girl who she fell in love with and lived a happy life full of smiled and social media.
Sana: She followed in her parents footsteps and became a Surgeon, helping save lives everyday. She spend hours with her lawyer boyfriend laughing about a dream of having supernatural healing powers and they made an inside joke - 'And BAM! - The injurys gone like dust. All you can see is clean skin.' (IF YOU DON'T GET THAT 0_0 AND BAM THE DIRT IS GONE. OMG DO YOU GET IT?)
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
The Freaks when there's homework:
Adreas: "Dude. What the hell, I didn't get the notification."
Astrid: "I did extra homework for anyone who needs it."
Bonnie: "OMG! There was homework?"
Vinn: "You idiots, of course there was homework. I literally texted you all yesterday."
Nora: "Can you all shut up about the homework?" *Rolls eyes*
Ace: "I don't care about the homework either. I've gotten used to after-schools."
Sana: "Haha! Little do you know my dad knows all about the medicine fact-file homework and I did it in literally 5 minutes."
Sh: *Crickets*
Ozzie: "Actually Sana, if you ask me-"
Ozzie: *Cough cough* "But if I may.. Just because your dad is a doctor doesn't mean you'll have an advantage."
The Mad Hatter: "I will eat your souls."
Kyle: "Shut up cray-cray...."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Taylor Aesthetics,
“If someone was not going to make it, it wouldn't be her. Little Lio had to survive.”
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Mauro Aesthetics, "Mauro beat the elder kid. Jaws fell open."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Hazel Aesthetics, "She shut her toxic mind out."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Kalli, "She held back a smile, but couldn't resist it."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Jaydn Aesthetics, "She laughed with Raven and Kalli."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Little Lio Aesthetics, "He didn't know why his feet were running and why he couldn't stop."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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(Couldn't find anyone with glasses.) Caspian Aesthetics, "What was she doing? Idiot!"
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Gry Aesthetics, "The boy with a purple afro scratched his hair, looking bored. Suddenly he came alive, viciously attacking the diseased woman and then went back to being bored."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Kyle Aesthetics, "She just wanted to be loved for who she was."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Raven Aesthetics, "She stood with her girls, laughing."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Orion Aesthetics, "He was the leader."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Cruz Aesthetics, "He knew they were destined to be friends."
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thefreaksblue-blog · 8 years ago
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Sh Aesthetics, "He went back to twirling his fingers but heard everything."
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