theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish —Michelle Obama 
Happy International Women’s Day!
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theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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like or © lvlaland
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theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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meanwhile in the uk 
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theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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theflawlessfeminist · 7 years
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
🎆🌎🌟 This is a spell to make everything better in 2017. Like for good luck. Reblog to charge. 🎆🌎🌟
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
Denzel spitting facts about the media!
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
The Pope’s comments do not change church doctrine; they merely reinforce abortion stigma, sexism, and the myth of abortion regret under the guise of compassion. Let’s be clear: There’s nothing compassionate about singling out people who have abortions and branding them as murderers. Nor is there anything compassionate about requiring women to grovel at the feet of priests. But more to the point, abortion does not necessitate absolution. It is not wrong or inherently evil; it is health care, plain and simple.
Thanks, But No Thanks, Pope Francis: Abortions Don’t Need To Be Forgiven, by Maureen Shaw at Rewire (via wearerewire)
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
Me: I have so many things to do! 
Also me:
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
the bar is set so low for men…..and they still manage to slide right under it lmao
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie reads from one of her novels during the Washington Ideas Forum at the Harman Center for the Arts in Washington, DC
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
persistent bernie/stein supporters ignoring the concerns that we raise about a probable trump presidency if we don’t unite to vote for hillary i think is a symptom of the underlying motivation behind a lot of social justice and activist activity on the internet
it’s not about change, it’s not about improving the lives of other people, it’s about adopting the most visibly progressive platform to place yourself as morally and ethically superior to your peers
i saw a post that was like, people who are able to throw their vote away on a third party or write-in, or abstain from voting at all, have a specific privilege that allows them to be uninvested in the real dangers that a trump presidency imposes on people’s lives. so they get to make Symbolic votes because the outcome doesn’t truly effect them. 
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
Current mood: 🍂🍁🍂🍂🍁🍁🍁🍂🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🍂🍁🍂🍂🍁🍂🍂🍁🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🍁🎃🍁🍂🎃🎃🍂🍂🍁🍁🎃🍂🎃🍁🍂🎃🎃🍁🎃🍂🍂🎃🎃🎃🎃🍂🍁🍂🎃🎃🎃🍁🎃🎃🍂🍂🍁🍁🎃🎃🎃🍁🎃🍂🍂
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theflawlessfeminist · 8 years
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