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3 posts
(just in case you didn't know that) These are stories that I have written. Maybe art. MAYBE!!
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thefirehololover-blog · 7 years ago
Dragon (Chapter 3)
Hi Guys! I don’t really have anything to say so HERE WE GO!!!
When I made my way home, I was so tired, it felt like weights were on my eyelids. But I still made my way to Scarlet.
When I got down there she was already asleep. "Goodnight Scar." I whispered to her. Then I made my way to my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
My forehead was drenched with sweat, the suit of armor a familiar sense of discomfort. I could feel the weight of the sword weighing down my hand and I could see I was swinging towards another somebody in a suit of armor.
We were outside my home and he swung too familiarly, he matched my every move. He had been studying my fight style. This was a planned attack.
He was taller, more built than me. If I didn't have the suit of armor then it would be in my favor because I would be faster and more agile. But in this case the suit was weighing me down and couldn't move as easily.
I was losing and I couldn't believe it, I have never lost to anyone, ever, other than when I was a little girl and was still training. He knew my too well, I had perfected my style after years of this. I needed to change how I flighted, I started to fight like my second in command at my last battle. He had a style that could come into use. He would always start with one type of swing then change it while he was still executing it to confuse you.
I grabbed my sword with both of my hands and started to swing my sword towards his left shoulder in an arc, when he was about to parry my swing I purposefully missed him, and twisted my swing around using only my left hand and hit his right leg which brought him down then I stepped forward and pointed my sword towards his chest.
"I win again." I said. What do I mean again?! I have no control over my dream self, I took of my helmet and strapped my sword to my waist. I reached my hand out to help him up. Why am I doing that?! This is your enemy, Fawn! He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up, he took off his helmet and I saw Michael staring right at me with a smile.  
I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing was heavy and I was as confused as ever. I almost never had dreams. The ones I did have always depicted important things in my life. Like a dream I had when I was three seven right before my dad started my training. Or a more recent one about a year ago, the night before the king assigned me to lead the battle that brought me here.
I didn't know what this dream meant but I did know that it had to do with Michael. I put on cotton trousers and a silk shirt. I ran through the house until I came upon my case where I have all my gear for battles, training, and so on. I dug through it until I found my bow and arrows. "Let's put you back to use my friend." I said. I grabbed an axe on my way outside.
I made my way outside and threw the quiver on my back, I broke out into a run into the forest in the back of my house. I hung my bow on a branch and made my way to a tree right on the edge of the forest.
I swung the axe into the tree twice, both diagonally so they made an X. I walked to the tree next to it and did the same, throwing all my confusion and anger into each swing. I did it the one more before I walked back to my bow and picked it up in my left hand.
I started to run across the front of all the trees, I grabbed three arrows from my quiver in my right hand. As was running, I shot them one by one, into each of the three trees. I was running from left to right, and I was a little slow in loading my first arrow so it hit a little to the right of the X on the first one. The other two I hit bullseye.
I guess I was sparring for fun?  I thought as I pulled the arrows out. But why would I do that? And he had his own suit of armor, where would he get that? If I could fight battles like this, I certainly would. But sadly, arrows don't do much against suits of armor.
By the time I had had enough fun shooting trees mercilessly, I was drenched in sweat and had my mind off my dream. I made my way back to the house, and then down to see Scarlet. She was still asleep when I arrived.  
"Scar." I whispered. I really think the name suits her, she has plenty of scars along her body. But scars just show that you've been through some shit, and you survived. "I'll be back." I whispered to her and kissed her head goodbye.  
I made my way back to the butcher's building to get another cow. "Another one?" Florence asked. "I know ye eat lots, but this is exaggerated." Him and Catherine looked at me with worried eyes. Michael was in the background, he nodded urging me to tell them. I still didn't him, but if dream me could trust him then so could I. For now.  
My attention was brought back to the problem at hand when Catherine asked me a question. "Dear, what are you doing with so much food? Are you alright?" I looked nervously over to Michael, and made my decision.
It was time to tell them, I shared everything with them, they were family. "Come with me." I said. I made my way outside and let out a shaky breath. I turned my head and saw that they were following me with confused looks. I straightened my back and pushed forward, the leader in me taking over. Deep breaths, in and out.
Emily saw us going out of the building and quickly caught up to me. "Where are you going?" She asked.
I looked down at her, "You should come too." I said to her. She seemed confused by my seriousness.
Michael put his hand on my shoulder, I looked at him, He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off with a shake of my head, and I could see his confusion and heartbrokenness on his face I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and continued leading the trek up to my house. I couldn't face that now.
When we arrived, I turned to the Family of four, "I need you to not freak out, this is totally safe." I said, that didn't really seem to make a difference in their worried faces. "I promise you, this will work out perfectly, Michael?" I asked, he looked up from an invisible spot on the floor. "Can you take the back." I more told him than asked him. He nodded and then went behind the rest of his family.
We made our way inside and down the steps towards Scarlet. When we were at the bottom of the steps I heard a low growl, no doubt it was Scarlet hearing us coming. "Girl, it's just me, Fawn." She huffed, "I know you know who I am! But I brought some friends, and they are nice. So, don't get upset." There was no answer so I knew that she wouldn't try to eat them, initially.
We kept walking towards the cell until we came up to the big wooden door, I pushed it open and we all slipped through. When Scarlet was in viewing distance, I turned back towards the family behind me, the fear was clear on their face and I knew how hard it is to believe this creature nice at first sight. "This is Scarlet." I walked up to her and put my hand on her head, "Hey girl, this is Florence and Catherine. And their daughter Emily." I gestured for them to come over, Florence slowly walked over and laid his hand on her head.
"Well, hello lass." He said, I couldn't help but smile at his accented way of saying hi. She was relaxing more as he kept petting her. Catherine started petting her neck, and Emily started petting her body. She rolled onto her back and the family laughed at her.
"The stories always say you guys are ferocious beasts but you really are just a lovable creature." Emily said. As she pet her stomach.
"Wow, she is really big." Said Florence, "That is why you have been getting so many cows." His face scrunched up like he was trying to figure something. "For her size, she should be eating more. We have the pastures up here, you can just grab one in the morning instead of walking all the way down to the town where we are." Scarlet nodded at the idea of more food enthusiastically.  
"Yes, thank you." I said. It would be a lot easier to get there.  And I could even take Scarlet with me some times. We stood there in silence for a bit before Michaels voice broke said silence.
"You all should get back to the town, I will go with Fawn to get food for Scarlet." He said, his voice ringing with authority. Catherine looked at him and nodded with understanding. I was about to object when she spoke.
"That would be a great idea, especially since she's never been there before. What do you say Fawn?" She asked, turning towards me. I don't think I can spend another second with Michael, I let him too far into my life already, yesterday we talked for hours and I told him more than anyone knows about me, I talked about my mom. About my life before I came here, the story of my dad teaching me to spar as a child. I had built a wall around my life after he passed away, no one had been able to crack it... until now.
"I think I can find my way." I said, looking pointedly at Michael.
"But what if you get lost?" Said Michael.
"I can find my way back."
"Then you'll never get to the pasture."
"It's not far, I'm bound to find it."
"It would be faster with me, if you are so sure your kind find it, I'll just be backup."
"I don't need backup." My voice was climbing closer and closer to screaming and with every line we have been walking closer, trying to size up to one another. In the background I could see his family walking towards the door and scarlet with a confused look on her face.
"You need someone to stand by you!"
"No, I don't!" I said turning away from him. His family had left at this point. "I'm fine."
"Don't do that," he said, his voice dropping again. "You lock everyone out when you have something on your mind, I saw it when you first came here and you were worried that they would come back, I saw it when your mom passed away, and today."  
"I just want to be alone."
"No, you don't, every time you are alone you look depressed, when you are with people you are happy." He said.
"I'm fine alone." I whispered. There was a moment of silence before I heard him make his way out, the door slamming shock the room.
I made my way outside as I thought about what he said.  I do not need someone to stand by me! What does he know? I have had plenty of times when I was happy and alone... right?  I thought of all the moments when I had sought to be alone or had just been alone by chance, then I thought about all the times that I was happy and enjoying life. Not one memory matched up.
My steps flattered until I came to a complete stop. He was right. I-I was happier with people! And the most times I laughed today was yesterday, with him. And now I pushed him away, I was never going to see him again. The tears started streaming down my face then, I was clouded by the shock of losing him I could hear his voice calling me echoing through my head. "Fawn! Watch out!" Was the last thing I heard before I was pushed into the ground and onto my back. I saw Michael above me, then I heard a tree fall behind him, right where I was standing.
I hope you liked this Chapter this one was a little late but I hope it was worth it.
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thefirehololover-blog · 7 years ago
Down to See the Dragon (Chapter 2)
Hi, here is the next chapter. From now on I will just put Dragon (Chapter _) As the title.
I woke up excited to go back down to see Scarlet when I realized that she probably needed food to break her fast. I got dressed and made my way down to Scarlet. When I got down there she was still asleep. I went inside of the cage and started rubbing her neck, "Scarlet. Wake up."
She rolled onto her back and murmured quietly. "I'll go get you some food, I'll be right back." She nodded slowly. "Great."  
I went outside and walked down the hill to the butcher's. "Good morning Florence." I said to the butcher across the counter.
"Good day, Lady-" I looked at him expectantly. "I mean Fawn." He smiled at me.
"That's perfect." I said back to him. "I need another one of your cows."
"Another one? What are you doing with so much food?" He asked while cutting a slab of meat.
"It's kind of hard to explain."  I know I should probably come up with some reason why, but I just can't lie to Florence, or his family. They were the only people nice to me when I first got here, the entire town thought that the government didn't care for them. And they helped me through my pain when my mother died. I was about to tell him that it would be easier to show him, than to explain. When somebody yelled my name.
"Fawn!" She said and then I felt a person hug me from behind. I turned and saw Michael's little sister, Emily smiling up at me. Even though their age difference is something on the order of ten years or so, Michael always took good care of her.
"Oh, Emily. It's so good to see you again." I said, we met a few months ago when I first moved here.  
"Today is my birthday! Sixteen years!" She said excitedly. I can't believe I forgot, when I first got here, she was so happy it was coming up the nest season.
"That's so great! What are you doing for your birthday?" I asked her. Maybe I can spend the day with her to make up for forgetting about her birthday.
"I'm not sure, I thought that maybe I could go and walk around the town, and maybe even roll down the hills." She told me.
"Well, would you like to hang out with me for the day, we can do whatever you want." I told her.
"Really? That would be great!" She said.
"Can you come to my house around midday?" I asked. I still had to feed Scarlet, speaking of, "Can you get that cow now?" I asked Florence.  He nodded and headed inside the back part of the building.
"Oh, Good morning Fawn. I feel like It's been forever since I've seen you." Michael's mom walked in from the back.
"Why, hello Catherine, how are you?" I asked her.
"Fine." She said. "And you?"  
"I'm alright, I just came to get a cow." I told her. "I really should get going. Can you ask Florence to get it to me as soon as possible?" I asked Catherine. She nodded and headed into the back. Her daughter trailed closely behind her. I decided to go wait outside, as they usually bring her around the side rather than through the building. Then I saw Michael walking towards me with a cow.
"Good morning Fawn." He said.  
"Good morning." I said back to him.
And so, we made our way back to my house atop the small hill in a comfortable silence. And then it started raining. "I quite like the rain, the clouds' tears were the only things that I had, to wash away the blood, sweat and grime from my day." I told Michael. "It reminded me that what happened will get washed away, and eventually forgotten." I looked at him and he seemed to understand what I was saying.
"At least these are tears of joy." He said. I looked at him, puzzled. Then he pointed to the sky above the mountain range, there was a rainbow of color just sitting there.
I gasped. "Oh my! I've never seen that before!" I said and I was laughing about how amazing it was. When we finally reached my house, we were pretty wet. But still laughing and happy. He was about to head back when a loud roar shook the very ground underneath us. "Scarlet." I whispered.  
"What was that?!" He asked.
"Come inside." I told him "Tie the cow around the post over there." I was frantically trying to figure out what to do, I couldn’t just leave him in the rain. He looked puzzled but did as I told him. I sat him down in the sitting room and threw him some towels. "Wait here." I told him.
"What is going on?" He asked.  
"I will explain everything later." I said. And ran down to see Scarlet. When I got off the stairs I fell down, and because I was all wet and slippery, I skidded across the ground and scraped my upper right arm and my left palm. I was also defiantly going to have a bruise on my right hip. "Damn shoes." I said under my breath and threw them off to the side.
When I got to scarlet's cage there were two knights. "Who are you? And what are you doing in my house." I questioned.
"We were sent by the king, your mother sent him a letter right before she passed away and he just now got to reading it. It told us of a creature that was caged underneath the building, she wanted to make sure you were still safe and hadn't been hurt by it." The one on the right said. He looked bigger, sturdier, but that meant he wasn't fast. The one on the left was thinner and had all his weight on his right foot, probably to lunge and strike left, to the side of his opponent's lead hand.
"Well, everything seems to be in order, so I would suggest you get out of my house as soon as possible." I told him, then I began to walk towards the door of the cage.
"We can't let you go in there, Miss Archer. This is a dangerous creature." The big one said and he stepped in front of me and putt his hands out to grab me.
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down forcefully. He banded at the waist and I lifted my knee and kneed him in the stomach. At least, I was aiming for his stomach, oops. "That's Lady Archer to you, I earned that name and it sure as hell isn't because I'm ladylike." I started walking towards the cage door again when the other one started walking towards me. I fixed him with a glare and he realized that he couldn't take me on and backed up in surrender.
I walked over to Scarlet and saw her glaring at the two knights that were just looking towards us in shock. She was standing up and turned her headed towards me with a final huff of breath towards the knights. "Hey girl everything's alright. You scared me with that roar, I thought you were in danger." She just rolled her eyes. "Are you hungry?" I asked her and she nodded. "Alright, I'm going to go get your food I'll be right back.
As I turned around Scarlet's ears perked up as if she was hearing something, she then looked down the passageway and glared. I finally started to hear footsteps echo down the corridor. "Fawn?" Michael called "Are you down here?" Scarlet growled in his direction.
"Sh, calm down, he is a friend. Stay here and stay quiet." I told her. She lifted an eyebrow and I looked at her like I expected her to follow my directions. She huffed out of her nose, as if to say fine.
I made my way back down the passageway and just as I went through the big wooden doors, I saw Michael walking towards me. "Fawn! There you are." He had a wooden torch that he must've grabbed from the wall. "I was making sure you were safe." He told me, I didn't know whether to be furious or thank him for looking out for me. He was always protective over the people that were close to him. I didn't do either because just then Scarlet decided to growl. "What was that?" Michael asked. He didn't exactly wait for an answer, he just went through the doors and towards Scarlet. Luckily, the knights had left. When he finally saw her, she was having a staring contest with a rat.
I started to walk towards her when Michael grabbed me, snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me behind him protectively. "Stay behind me." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"It's alright, I know her." I whispered in his ear. And then I walked over to her and broke her staring contest with the rat. I patted her head, and said "Scarlet, this is Michael." I said gesturing to him. She looked at him suspiciously. "He is the one who helps me bring you food." That caught her attention. I gestured him over. He slowly made his way over. I went behind him and put my hand over his and led it to her snout in between her eyes. She relaxed under his touch.
"When did you, um, get her." He asked. A little nervous.
"I found her yesterday, very early in the morning." I told him. He kept on petting her and she was almost purring. "Her name is Scarlet." I said. "I'll be right back." I whispered to him again. He nodded.
I made my way back up and to the front of the house. I grabbed the cow by the rope she was tied to and led her down to where Scarlet was. Michael stayed and helped me prepare the cow and feed it to Scarlet, this time we made her eat it much faster because I still needed to spend time with Emily that day.
I had a lot of fun with Michael that day, when Scarlet finally finished eating. I realized it was almost mid-day. I got dressed in clean clothes and waited in the sitting area for Emily to arrive. I decided to wear trousers today because I wanted to take Scarlet out when I was done with Emily. When she did arrive, it had stopped raining outside. I opened the door for her and saw her smiling up at me.
"Ready to have the best birthday ever?" I asked her.
"Sure am." she said.
We spent the entire day walking around the little town, when we had stopped at all the shops, we made our way up the hill. Next to my house.  
"What are we doing here?" She asked.  
"We are going to roll down the hill." I told her.
"That sounds dangerous." She said.
"I never thought about that before, maybe it is." I laid down at the top and motioned for her to too.  "Ready?" I asked, "One, two, three!" And then we both rolled down, down, down, the hill.
"When do we stop?" I heard Emily yell.
"When we get to the bottom, or hit into something." I yelled back.
"What?!" She yelled. "Are you saying I'm going to hit into something?!" She practically screeched.
"I said or. So, not necessarily." I said back. We finally reached the bottom. And we were both laughing so hard. We did it again and again, until the sun started to set.
Please let me know what you think! Bye!!
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thefirehololover-blog · 7 years ago
Down to See the Dragon (Chapter 1)
Hi! This is my first story so if I do terrible, let me know so I can improve my work. This is kind of a long story, and it has long chapters. Let me know if I should post shorter chapters or nah. See ya’ll at the end notes! 
"What is that sound?" I said to myself as I woke up and saw that is was still dark outside. And then I heard it again, it sounded like a breathy growl and honestly it was annoying. It sounded like it was coming from underneath me, I got out of bed and put my ear against the floor, it was definitely coming from there. I guess there was only one thing left to do.
I lit a candle and made my way to the stairway down. At the top of the stairs I stopped, this was the one place my mom told me never to go. She said it was too dangerous, she never told me why. But I had vowed to honor her last wish. All vows were made to by broken and I guess tonight is the night to break that one.
On my way down, I thought why I was doing this, I had always been a curious soul but I never thought that I'd defy my promise.  just felt a need to go down there. The sound got louder and I knew I had to keep going. I felt the cold from the stones on the bottom of my bare feet and my sheer nightgown wasn’t keeping the cold out. I didn’t much mind though. The light from my candle flickered and I knew that the breeze would wipe it out any second. I lifted it higher and closer to the sides and saw that there were unlit torches hanging on the wall. I grabbed one off the stand and lit it with my candle, then blew out my candle.
I kept walking down the hall that was at the bottom of the stairs and came upon a door, it must have been 4 measures tall and the wood was engraved in some very ancient language. I grabbed the handle and pulled as hard as I could, I budged just enough for me to get through I saw that the hallway continued before coming up to iron bars and a door, the keys were hanging on the wall and you could see it start rusting which meant that no one has been down here for a while. I unlocked the door and opened it slowly.
As soon as I stepped in two yellow eyes peered at me through the darkness. Now I know why my mother told me that it was too dangerous. I quickly turned to head out but the door slammed shut with the keys still in the door on the outside. Oh no. I turned back around to face the thing in front of me. The room started lightening slowly, I looked up and saw that the roof was made of glass and that you could see the beginnings of daylight start to pour through.
As the light made it easier to see I could see that I was face to face with a dragon, the ones of the tales told to me as a child. It was beautiful. About 10 measures long or so. You could see it hadn't been fed because of the ribs poking out and she had scars along her abdomen, like she had been whipped. Her wings were tucked close to her but it looked like if she stretched them out they would be about 7 measures long each. I needed to help her.
I reached out to pet her like you would pet a horse but she visibly flinched away from me. "I will not hurt you." I told her. "You can trust me." She looked scared but I kept my hand stretched out and didn’t move it. She didn’t move any closer, I had to earn her trust. I stepped back and sat down on the ground. "My name is Fawn. My mother knew about you she told me not to come down here. She never told my why. I guess she thought you were dangerous." She rolled her eyes right then. I laughed "I guess everyone thinks you are." I think she just frowned a little bit more. "I do not. I think you are perfectly fine the way you are. I should go get you some food I'll be right back." I made my way to the door to figure out how to get out.  
I reached my arm through the bars closest to the keyhole and still couldn't reach the keys I stretched as far as I could go and I reached them and, flung them across the floor on accident. "Well we're not going out that way. Is there any other way out of here?" I asked the dragon. She furrowed her forehead, I guess that is where her eyebrow would be. Her head popped up and she nodded towards a lever on the wall to my right. "What does that do?" She nodded up the tower towards the glass roof. "Any chance you can fly up there?" She crinkled her snout and shook her head. "Fine. Any exists for humans?" She rolled her eyes and looked towards a staircase that spiraled up the inside of the tower. "You want me to climb up all those stairs?" I asked her. She nodded. And then lifted her head to push me towards the staircase. "All right, I'm going."
I started climbing up the staircase after I flipped the lever. When I reached the top, I realized I was on top of a tower. It looked a lot taller from the inside but that is probably because it started way underground. It must have been like 5 measures from the ground. I looked back towards the dragon under me. "How am I to get down?" I yelled at her. She just looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders that were almost 2 measures from her head. "Great." I whispered to myself. I looked down at the ground and saw that there was a small lake with crystal clear water near the bottom of the tower. "If I die, I blame you." She rolled her eyes at me and laid her head back down.
I jumped down and into diving position. I hit the water and froze from the cold because it was early in the morning. I swam to the edge of the lake and climbed out, shivering from head to toe, I saw the entrance to my house not too far away. By the time I got there I'm pretty sure that my strands of hair were also shivering. I changed into one of my simplest dress and made my way to the butcher's.  
"Good morning Florence." I told the butcher.
"Well good day Lady Archer. 'tis strange to see ye so early in the morning." He said.
"Please, call me Fawn, no need to be so formal." He al I woke up earlier than normal and could not get back to sleep." I told him "I need your best cow, I seemed to run out and had to come all this way. I don't want it to happen again." One cow should be enough to feed this dragon.
"Well alright, do you want me to get me son to walk this to yer house?" He asked.
"That would be great." I said. After we arrived at my house I turned to the butcher's son. "Here." I put the coins into his hand, he looked at it and his eyes widened.
"This is too much, I can't take this." He said.
"Nonsense, you and your family deserve it, you are very kind." I said. he still looked like he didn't want to take it. "Michael, this is yours, please take it." He nodded.
"I'll see you around Fawn." And then he walked away. I gave myself a moment to watch him walk away before turning to the cow that was walked up here. The butcher knew I liked to prepare my own meat.  
"You are about to be food for a good friend of mine, is that alright with you?" I was given an old cow, those were the only ones that were sold for food. The ones that were about to die from old age anyway. She looked at me and nodded. "Great. Any chance you can climb down stairs?" No response from that. "I guess we'll find out."  
I made my way inside and went to the kitchen to get a knife and a bucket before making my way down to the dragon. "We'll get there soon enough."
When we came to the door that enter the cage. The dragon looked up with wide, hungry eyes. "Not yet, if you eat too quickly it'll all come back up again. And I am not cleaning up what comes out of your mouth." She looked at me like she was begging for me to give her some food. "Be patient."  
I turned to the ow and sliced at the top of her spine to give a quick and painless death. I then took my time slicing and cutting away the meat from the bones and putting it into the bucket. When I was done I had one bucket and one pile of meat. I entered the cage with the bucket and made sure that I kept the door wide open. I fed her piece by piece until the bucket was empty. Then I sat down a little bit away from her.
"Feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded and then she looked at the pile of meat outside of the cage. "Good. But you aren't getting more until what you have in you has digested." She huffed and then put her head down. "We need to find you a name."  I looked at her deep red scales and her name came to me. "Scarlet. How does that sound?" She nodded and then looked back at the pile of meat. "Fine I'll give you a little bit more."
And we slowly worked our way down to no meat. I learned all of her facial expressions and we laughed together. I winded up sitting against her shoulder with her head on my lap, "My mother died about a month ago, it was the hardest thing I went through. It was right after I led the righteous army to fend off the attackers that came from overseas it was great. we had just recently settled here when she got sick. The east side of the country was a gift from the king, he said 'I present you with the full responsibilities of helping me rule the east side of the country.' I was elated. It turns out that the East side of the country, was actually this town and the land around it. All the way to the main city."
Suddenly she let out a yawn. "Oh god, you really do have dragon's breath." I said while fanning the air in front of my face. "I had better go to sleep too. Goodnight Scarlet." I kissed her forehead and then got up and made my way to my bedroom. As I went to sleep I couldn't help my mind from drifting to Florence and his family, specifically Michael.
So here is the first chapter! I will post again soon probably in a week or so.
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