thefinitewitch · 4 years
🌹 No real dangers are supposed to roam Nommin Isle, as far as its premise goes. That’s one good thing about it. But the lack of shelter is a little bothersome. The vampire hasn’t gotten around yet to build a proper shelter for himself and frankly, he has no real idea how to do it in first place. He has seen others doing tents with big leafs and branches. Or cutting trees to build comfortable wooden huts. But latter isn’t really an option at all, as he has nothing to cut trees in first place.
Furthermore, so far he didn’t really walk into anyone willing to give him some blood. He demanded it, he tried to assume the role of a helpless child to beg for it… but nothing really worked out so far. Is he not cute and convincing enough in the end? He sighs and now tries to ignore his grumbling stomach as he’s searching for someone to feed him. Until someone, or something, emerges from the bushes and a little shriek escapes him. How utterly embarrassing. But he’s remaining a little frozen until her goat butler just… disappears? Thankfully so.
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“Lady Virgilia? I… didn’t expect to see you here.” Despite his initial surprise, she is the only person in Spirale so far who he actually addresses genuinely with respect. Even in a moment of shock. “Why yes, I wouldn’t mind a shady place to rest. I have been walking around here all day so far.”
Virgilia didn’t pay much time to Orlondi’s reaction. She assumed the way of witches may come as a surprise to someone who isn’t from her world. She was sure that some of the other witches would probably make a fuss and tease anyone who was lost in this world... The thought of it was enough to upset her.
She wasn’t a conniving witch- she was a teacher. For 1,000 years, she has been the perfect guide and teacher. The only thing that has changed is that her student is now gone. 
Ah, how sad. She shouldn’t think about those things. 
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“Oh-hoh-hoh! Witches certainly have a habit of appearing in unexpected places, you know? It is a stroke of luck that I’ve found someone, though.” She giggles to herself. “Yes, your poor legs must be crying out in agony. Shall I call another attendant to carry you?”
“And... Are you- hungry?”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
A tropical island hadn’t seemed so terrible in the beginning. That is, until she had to actually move forward.
Although Virgilia she was a witch capable of great power, she wasn’t immune to minor mistakes. Specifically, getting ones clothes caught in a bush or some other object coming out of the ground. Because her clothes were long, she often ended up getting her dress tattered and dirty as she was exploring.
So, it’s only natural that she’d have one of the goat attendants slash up anything in her way. The idea seemed fool-proof, until...
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“Stop it, stop it, stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiit----!!!!! Are you not looking where you’re going.....??!!!”
Out of nowhere, she grabbed the goats arm and started scolding it, causing the stupid creature to tilt it’s head in confusion.
“You really don’t know...?! You almost slashed this poor child in half! Have you no remorse?!”
As the goat was carving out a path for it’s master, the long blade protruding from it’s arm nearly hit another passer by. Realizing this, the goat knelt and bowed deeply in front of the stranger in apology.
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
“Ah... This is a peculiar situation, isn’t it? Come, sniff out any wanderers for me.”
She was in a strange, tropical island. One that she had no idea existed in this world until now- and with no way back home. The stars must have gotten bored again, she supposes. In the world of witches, game masters becoming bored and weaving a strange scenario wasn’t uncommon.
Even as the heat was becoming annoying, she didn’t mind much. Those children will have their fun, and everything will end soon.
“Hoh-? Orlondi?” 
Emerging from some bushes was Virgilia, riding on the shoulder of a brutish goat butler. As soon as she found company, she glided off of the goat and it promptly disappeared.
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“So you’re in this strange place as well. How regrettable, you must be getting too hot in those clothes too. Shall we go find some shade?”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
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An event starter call for a friendly witch. She’ll probably be at Nommin Isle, but if you have a preference let me know! Capping at 3!
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
🌹  A smart one? The compliment is quite a boost to his huge ego and his confidence, which he is more lacking that he wants to admit. Either way, he’s using that boost to proceed.
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“Is that so? I haven’t come across of this source yet, though. But I had no one to accompany me yet to this Dion…something place yet. So I want you to join me there.” What’s really coming across like an order is his way of asking her for company. It is boring alone without his clan and that he’s hungry just adds to it all. Besides, there’s some sort of kindness to her that he just fels oddly attached to. But he’d rather die than admit that just out loud. Izraf would likely beat him into a pulp if he ever heard that he’s actually yearning for a soft human feeling.
Hoh-hoh-hoh... This child is a commanding one, no doubt that he’s from royal descent. Ah, at least his confidence must be deserved. 
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“Of course. I won’t refuse your command, it’s important to me that you live. Feel free to command me as your guide.” So long as he wasn’t rude to her, Virgilia’s pride wouldn’t be bruised by being treated as a meager tour guide. She knew that even someone with his personality needed company- leaving now wouldn’t do either of them any good. “Dionysus’ Chalice isn’t far from here. Come, child.” 
With that, she began leading him through the winding streets. 
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
🌹  He now realizes what a stupid question it was he just asked. But what baffles him more about this is his hesitation now. Part of him just wants to take her on her offer. But there’s this confused voice in him, scolding him that it wouldn’t be right and he tries to figure out why it wouldn’t be. This doesn’t seem like him, after all.
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“You’re saying they’re offering blood at this Dionysus’ Chalice? I mean, it’s not like I, Orlondi the Rose, don’t want your blood but but… I am really hungry now and I will be really hungry again. I’d much rather prefer a solution I can go to regulary in future, rather than constantly seeking you out whenever I’m hungry again. If this Chalice place is any good, I’m taking it.” This sounds rational enough as a reason to decline her offer in his ears. But he’s sure it’s not exactly that. Much more, she reminds him of Gelda and drinking her blood would be like drinking from her. And he doesn’t want that.
So, he rejected her offer. It came as a surprise- the transfer of blood was the transfer of energy, and transferring energy between two people with magic wouldn’t be a big deal. Ahh, it doesn’t matter. She wouldn’t pry into his reasoning- it must be very important.
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“Oh-hoh-hoh! You’re a smart one. Blood, like all things, is a finite resource. I won’t complain that I’m going to be keeping it.” To think that she was willing to sacrifice part of herself to a person she barely knows... It seemed that she couldn’t shake her nature as a teacher- that is the reason for her existence, after all. “As I said, you’re not the only vampire here. Every single person in Spirale is able to live a healthy life- I can only assume there’s something for you.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
🌹  Her question has his full attention now. Averting his gaze entirely from his surrounding, his red eyes are locked on her now. That feeling of setimentality, is it because she reminds him a little bit of Gelda? That he had to think of her tonight, out of all possible beings he knows is certainly because of the theatre, but spotting this woman intensified it. And now he’s not sure how to feel about this all. Frankly, if she wouldn’t have brought up the mention of blood, he would’ve opted to just walk away from these unsettling feelings.
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“The blood of… a witch?” He repeats, while trying now to focus his thoughts on just that now. But he can hear Izraf scolding him in between his thoughts. Vampires aren’t supposed to feel anything. “Huh… I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
Well, he didn’t seem to be starving. She supposed they could search for something to eat together before resorting to that measure. Although she was willing to give up part of herself (he was royalty after all) to this person, she’d like to avoid that if she could.
“I ask because... I am a witch.”
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“As a display of my respect to your royal family.... I, Publius Virgilia Maro, offer up my blood to you if you choose to take it.”
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“... Of course, I could also guide you through Dionysus’ Chalice. Just in case.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
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“Oh-hoh-hoh! Another newcomer, I see. Allow me, Virgilia, to be one of the first to welcome you to this world.” She lowered herself into an elegant bow, greeting this stranger with kindness and grace. “Hm... This world really is cruel against magic users. You may have to wait some time until you gain even a shred of your abilities back.”
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✧ “How’s an alchemist supposed to do alchemy without a cauldron? I can’t even find any that suit what I need! This place has so many things I’ve never seen before, but no cauldron market?” Stepping out of a department store Ryza didn’t really have anything to do but vent to herself, though she hadn’t considered someone might overhear her or even chime in.
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
The new Cotes Ward was a sudden but welcome change for Virgilia. Although she had some nice spots in Cotes that had disappeared, the new library more than made up for it in her eyes. All things are finite, after all. 
She supposed the library itself could be likened to a castle, but there was no royalty living inside. At least, as long as she was aware. She supposed she was usually lost in thought whenever she visited that place. 
As she arrived to the library as per routine, she saw a girl outside- seemingly in awe of the great structure. 
“Hello, princess.”
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“I’m certain that there’s a book similar to what you’re looking for. Ah... As long as you treat the books with care, the librarian will welcome your stay. So, don’t be shy.”
@thefinitewitch​  ♡ ‘d!
By the mother. A gasp of wonder escapes Celica’s lips as she approaches the Great Library of Xalphina. W-What? When was this built? She didn’t recognize the grand structure from the last time she was here. Actually, the entire Cotes Ward was different from when she was here last. Since when was there a forest here? And a hidden library within said forest?! What had happened? How much… ah, how long was she gone? 
The princess craned her neck to look upwards. The structure, no, a castle, was huge. The castle itself kind reminded her of Zofia Castle in a way - built to look nice, no doubt. Or… perhaps with all it’s might, it may be a closer resemblance to Rigel Castle in the empire. Either way, Celica could undoubtedly say it was a cool castle. She KNEW castles, she spent a portion of her childhood in one after all.
To be honest, she was a little intimidated. She didn’t enter, not just yet. She wasn’t even sure if she was allowed inside. Her curiosity was piqued. Lingering outside may seem a bit suspicious to the passers-by, but Celica swore to everything good that she had no ill intention.
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❝Goodness gracious, what a castle! If this castle truly holds many books inside like it’s claimed, I wonder if there’s a book on how to conduct oneself with political matters as a heir apparent of a country? …Am I even allowed inside?❞
That was… an extremely niche topic she was looking for.
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
🌹  Where’s the point of going alone though? These were more fun with Gelda. We would always make fun of the people’s acting. The vampire sighs over his own thoughts, wondering where that sentimentality is coming from.
“Maybe I would, if she was here too.” he then murmurs, but more to himself.
He’s cocking his head to the side for a moment as she’s trying to motivate him into any other nightly activities. Someone suggested the Star Trail to him already before. And as he went there to look for anything made with blood back then, he caused more of a ruckus than he wanted to. 
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“You’re not wrong, I’m hungry. But the Star Trail isn’t much of use to a Vampire Royalty. I can’t eat normal food anymore.”
Ah, this child must be missing someone... 
She recognizes that kind of expression right away, but doesn’t comment on it. It would be rude of a complete stranger to ask about such personal details of his life. 
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“Hoh...? Vampire royalty?” Ah, it had been some time since she had spoken to a vampire. “I imagine getting the kind of food you need here would be very difficult, but I’m certain you’re not the first vampire to live in this place. Hm... What to do...”
She tapped her finger against her chin in deep thought- she supposed offering up her own blood would be a fine solution, so long as it didn’t become a routine thing. It’s not like it would affect her much in the long run. 
“... Have you ever tasted the blood of a witch?”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
It was very normal for Virgilia to visit the theater at least once a week- and it became her primary source for entertainment. She even got a couple of autographs, which sat framed proudly in her bedroom that made her look like a high school theater kid rather than a witch of 1,000 years. 
As she’s leaving the theater, she notices a young man- seemingly upset that he missed the show. Feeling bad for him, she walks over with a kind smile.
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“Yes, unfortunately the show has ended. Luckily this play is quite popular- it’ll probably be running for a long time. Try again tomorrow.” She says with a small laugh. “But the night is still young, isn’t it? There are a lot of places to explore. The Star Trail always has nice treats from all kinds of different worlds. Certainly, you’ll find something from your own home there.”
@thefinitewitch  liked for a starter 
🌹 Orlondi feels like something’s missing since a while now, but he’s not sure what it is. Aside from the lack of powers and the missing respect he’s being met with here, of course. No, there’s actually something else that has him wander around Archimedes aimlessly tonight. He intended to visit Dionysus Chalise, to see if they’d offer any fresh blood at least. They’re said to have all kind of drinks, after all. But somehow he wound up in front of the theatre instead. People are just leaving it and he frowns lightly.
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“Aaaaw sheesh, I’ve missed the performance? I thought I could kill some boredom here at least. What else could I do tonight?”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
It was very rare for Virgilia to cry during such shows- since she had seen so many that she knew most of them like the back of her hand... 1,000 years of life takes a lot of fun out of theater. Especially since she had seen Zepar and Furfur crudely reenact a lot of famous operas. 
But, of course, Virgilia was still a whimsical person. Even she could be reduced to tears with a simple romance story- it didn’t help that the scene was accompanied with flawless vocals. Without any elegance, she wiped her tears with her sleeve... Until she realized someone had been watching.
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“Oh-hoh-hoh... I’ve been behaving in a way unbefitting of a woman who visits this theater regularly. Forgive me, even someone of my experience is able to succumb to intense emotions.”
Now that she was back in her regular mind, she dug a handkerchief out from her sleeve- a simple sleight of hand that any human could accomplish. She had enjoyed these kinds of magic tricks since coming here. Without any hesitation, she lended it to this stranger.
“I agree... It’s a reminder of how easy it is to love and to lose. Unfortunately, such a thing seems common in the mortal world. Young people really have it hard. Two who are in love shouldn’t have to endure the pain of separation.”
Opera wasn’t his favorite genre, but he could feel any kind of music in his soul, if he was to be frank. If asked, of course he was a rocker. Not currently, naturally, but for the moment he was sitting in the theatre, drawn in by the familiar sound of an unfamiliar act. An unfamiliar opera. And so he had sat, letting himself be enveloped by the sound.
It elicited…Something in him. Evoking some long-buried emotion in him that hadn’t been quite drawn out by anyone he had spoken to. By the end, he and many others had been wiping away a few stray tears before standing and clapping.
It was astounding, truly.
A woman next to him seemed similarly moved, and he laughed with a sniffle. “Forgive me, Frau, but I have nothing to wipe my tears or yours.”
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“I had not thought to hear something that would move me to tears. When the protagonist lost her great love to a castle across the poisoned sea…The crescendo of emotion was almost too much to bear.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
Virgilia made it a point to visit the great library as much as she could the moment it was opened. She was always familiar with classical human texts- but it had been a long time since she read from other magic users. Although she was knowledgable in the realm of magic, she knew that the magic of this world was far different from hers. 
So, she tried to learn as much as she could about the magic of this world. Her studies would take quite some time to master, so she found herself wandering the library a lot. 
With an inelegant yelp, she backed away from a book falling right in front of her.
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“O-oh hoh... Don’t worry, I wasn’t harmed. For a moment, I thought fate itself was bringing this book to me.”
She lifted the book up and dusted it off before handing it back to the girl.
“My... You seem like quite the reader, but you don’t seem like the scholarly type. I hope you’re studying responsibly... Oh-hoh-hoh!”
closed to @thefinitewitch​
Unlike the majority of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, this particular Warrior of Light wasn’t much of a scholar. Book learning and it’s ilk had never came very naturally, much more versed and comfortable in practical learning methods– but when such a ready source of information presented itself in a situation scant on many details, what fool wouldn’t attempt to take advantage?
Still, The Great Library was far from Faris’ comfort zone… she barely had an idea of where to start, honestly. Thus, she’d set herself to simply grabbing as many books as she could carry and absorbing as much as possible. It was in this frame of mind she found herself atop a step ladder, a pile of books teetering ominously atop the last step as she reached for what she decided would be the last–
“Oh, shite– sorry!”
The miqo'te looked down from her perch, the book she’d just dropped landing before another woman with a decisive thud! Forgetting all else, the mage quickly skidded down the steps and landed before the other– ears flat and looking thoroughly chastised before any words could pass their lips as she bent and picked up the wayward tome.
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“It didn’t hit you, did it?”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
Dante perked up at the praise. They were happy to hear it from the other. At the question, though, they paused. Could they? Most likely, they were the Void, after all.
‘Yes, please,’ They wrote. That was the right thing to say, right?
“Of course... My goat attendant, hurry please!”
With a flick of her wrist, a burly ghost butler appears and frantically prepares them tea. As soon as it’s job was finished, it vanished back into the air it came from.
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“I have regained some of my staff since we last spoke... But they don’t stick around for very long.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
“Melons are the fruit of the summer, after all...” Virgilia hums to herself, her elegant posture throne off by the two cantaloupe she’s carrying under her arm. She seems to be excited about the market. 
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“A melon like this would do well boiling with mackerel, wouldn’t it? Or maybe I’ll serve mackerel along with a cup of melon juice... Oh-hoh-hoh!”
✦ “Isn’t this too much melon?” It was an idle observation made aloud at the Refreshing Fruits event in Golden Ward during SpiraleFES. It was advertised as being ‘something for everyone’ but it was just melon as far as the eye could see. Watermelon, cantaloupe, canary melon…
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“Am I missing the section with other fruit? I really wanted to have fresh strawberries.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
Dante leaned into her touch, their horns brushing against her in the process. The affection was very much so missed. At the question, they made a so-so gesture with one of their hands.
‘Practiced. Watched others,’ Was their very simplistic answer. ‘Still learning.’
Dante’s happiness at their reunion made Virgilia happy. They had been well since she was gone- nothing else could make her feel more relieved. 
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“I see... Very impressive. You’ve learned so much in such a small amount of time.” Her voice is genuine. “Can you eat and drink, child? I can make you a cup of tea.”
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thefinitewitch · 4 years
Virgilia had wondered about Dante since the two of them last spoke- but she had confidence that they were doing well on their own. When she felt that child brush against her, she stoked her hand against their helmet gently.
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“Dante... It’s been quite some time since we last spoke. Your writing certainly has improved- did you find a teacher?”
@thefinitewitch liked for a starter!
It was some time since they had seen the one who had given them their name, but to see Virgilia again perked them up. They brushed against her, before getting their notepad out.
‘Hello! Hello!’ Was all they wrote, but their handwriting was… a bit neater than when she last saw them.
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