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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
Final Reflection
Physical Fitness and Firefighters
           Initially, I had no motivation whatsoever to do an EDGE project.  The main reason for this was that I was going to school full time with around 17-19 credits as well as working over 35 hours per week.  I did not see how I could fit another assignment or project into my busy schedule.  Then the summer came around.  I moved back to my home town to work.  I ended up working two full time jobs.  I did not know how I was going to get this project done.  Luckily, one of my bosses was also the fire chief for the Castle Dale City Volunteer Fire Department.  Remembering this fact gave me the idea to work with the firefighters to improve their fitness.  The fitness part came to me because of my exercise science and nutrition majors.  I then took the steps necessary to submit my plan. Once it was approved, the plan was set in motion.
           The project required the knowledge I gained in school as well as the experience I would gain from participating in training and other fire department activities.  Most of the training was informative and exciting.  Some of the classroom stuff was a little boring, but it came to life when we got to practice the skills we learned.  My favorite activities with the fire department were the wild land fire training, firework training, and the live fire training. Experiencing these events as well as the few brush fires we put out were crucial steps of my project that gave me the knowledge necessary to develop training programs that would help improve the performance of the firefighters I would be working with.  From there, gaining knowledge about the firefighters through assessments on paper and physically filled in the rest of the information I needed. Designing fitness programs was rather simple because I had done it several times for course work at school.  Then came the challenging step, getting people to participate in the physical fitness training.  At first, only a couple people followed through with their commitment to participate.  The numbers eventually grew and the results started pouring in.  Once the results came, the members got more excited and other members began participating.  
           Overall, my goals were met.  The biggest goal was to get the members of the fire department to be more physically active. This was met for several of them. By being physically active, fitness levels and physical abilities would increase.  Beyond that, moods improved and happiness was see more often.  The outcomes were only slightly realized.  This is because with physical fitness, it takes a longer time to see significant results than just a couple months.  Also, real healthy results come from a lifetime of being physically active.  The main purpose of my project was to get the firefighters motivated to be physically active and to give them the tools necessary for them to incorporate it into their life without needing someone like myself to continually encourage them. I feel I was successful at providing these tools.  
           There were many skills used to complete this project.  The main skill I used was interpersonal skills.  I was able to freely talk to the firefighters and motivate them to participate. I was also able to show that I was trustworthy and honest so they could believe me when I told them that I would keep all their personal information confidential.  Beyond those skills, the physical fitness assessment and prescription experience was extremely useful.  I did gain some skills while working with the fire department.  The first skills I gained were within the wild land firefighting training.  Within three days I was able to learn and demonstrate all of the skills necessary to earn certification to fight wild fires.  This is a skill I hope to use in the near future.  Other major skills I gained were during the live fire and driving simulation training.  I feel confident that I would be a valuable asset to a fire department in the future when fighting a real structure fire.  
           I feel it was a good to gain more experience in an area that I had not been a part of before.  I believe that learning should continue over a lifetime. I see the EDGE program being more valuable to students that have not had any employment experience or other experience in an employment type environment.  It is nice to see that SUU is really trying to prepare those students to enter the real world.  
           EDGE, or Education Designed to Give Experience, may be that valuable tool to those without experience that will be leaving school and entering the working world.  Employers are always looking for individuals with experience. This project gives them at least some experience in thinking the way a good employee and citizen should think.  It also gives the student a glimpse of their abilities while teaching them how to step beyond their comfort zone and put themselves out there.  
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
·   A self-motivated and hard worker seeking a position where leadership and critical thinking skills will contribute to the efficiency of the company. The proven ability to solve problems and make sound decisions, to produce accurate work within tight deadlines and to successfully manage multiple assignments are some of the competencies I will bring to the job.
Bachelor of Science | April 28, 2017 | Southern Utah university
·   Major 1: Human Nutrition
·   Emphasis: Dietetics
·   Major 2: Physical Education and Human Performance
·   Emphasis: Exercise Science
 ·   Related coursework: EDGE (Education Designed to Give Experience) project.  This was a self-designed project that got me engaged in the community.  I assessed the physical demands of the Castle Dale fire department members through first-hand experience.  I then designed and implemented individualized physical fitness programs for them.  Exercise testing and prescription. Three separate courses where I performed physical fitness assessment and then designed physical fitness programs for healthy adults, adults with certain diseases, and adult athletes.
Skills & Abilities
team player
·   Able to recognize my role when working with a team and act accordingly.  Contributes to brainstorming ideas.  Able to follow direction.  Can be relied on to get work done thoroughly and appropriately.  
critical thinking
·   Able to independently recognize, analyze, and resolve problems within assigned areas.  
·   Able to clearly describe ideas and opinions.  Values input from coworkers and others.  Able to address concerns of others in an empathic and objective manner.
·   Able to take the lead on complex tasks.  Able to give direction and motivate others to do their best.  
laborer | castle dale city | 5+ years
·   General maintenance at the city cemetery, parks, and baseball fields.  
·   Set up for and take down from events (parades, rodeos, city celebrations, fair grounds)
Cashier | Maverik | 1+ year
·   Thrill customers with friendly, prompt, and pertinent customer service.  
·   Handle money and maintain confidentiality of customers.  
·   Maintain a clean and organized store.
Volunteer Experience
Fire fighter | castle dale, ut fire department | june 2016 - current
·   Respond as needed to structure or brush fires.
·   Participate in community events (e.g. parades and fireworks)
·   Obtained Wildland Firefighter I certification
Other/Sport Experience
Team sports | 30+ years
·   Baseball, basketball, hockey, flag football, soccer.
individual sports | 5+ years
·   Triathlon (Sprint and Olympic distances)
·   Spartan Races
officiating sports | 20+ years
·   Baseball, basketball, soccer.
Physical fitness & exercise | 15+ years
·   Weight training
·   Endurance training (cycling, running, swimming).
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
Press Release
Physical Fitness and Firefighters
Castle Dale, Utah, September 1, 2016  --  When someone thinks about firefighters, their first thoughts may include images of shirtless men with very muscular and toned bodies.  This may be the case for some firefighters, but the majority of fire departments, especially in rural areas, are made up of individuals that are not very physically active and fit.  This reduced physical fitness may hinder their ability to properly perform their duties as a firefighter.  One southern Utah student is trying to change that.
Jeffrey Frisbie is a student at Southern Utah University (SUU).  One of the courses at SUU is the EDGE program.  EDGE is an acronym that stands for Education Designed to Give Experience.  This program requires students to design and perform a project where they can be engaged in the world around them.  As part of this program, Jeffrey chose to become a volunteer fire fighter for Castle Dale City in eastern Utah.
Jeffrey chose his project because he wanted his home town to have a more effective and safer fire department. His time with the fire department was spent learning about the demands firefighters face in the line of duty. This was done through first-hand experience.  He used this experience to develop individualized fitness programs for his fellow firefighters.  His service didn’t stop there.  He also took the time to organize and participate in physical activities for the fire department to perform as a group.
His efforts are already making a difference in the lives of many of the firefighters he has worked with. One of the firefighters said, “I feel I have more energy and can move better than I used to.”  Another firefighter said, “I didn’t really want to participate at first, but after hearing the other guys say they lost weight and feel better, I decided to participate.  I’m glad I did.”  
Even though it was a project for a course at school, Jeffrey said he plans to continue to help the firefighters in Castle Dale improve their physical fitness and make changes that improve their quality of life.  Jeffrey said that he “hopes that other organizations become aware of the benefits that a physically active lifestyle can bring to their employees as well as the people around them.
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
Questionnaire - PAR-Q         PAR-Q & YOU
Physical Activity Readiness
(revised 2002)
(A Questionnaire for People Aged 15 to 69)
Regular physical activity is fun and healthy, and increasingly more people are starting to become more active every day.  Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with their doctor before they start becoming much more physically active.
If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by answering the seven questions in the box below.  If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start.  If you are over 69 years of age, and you are not used to being very active, check with your doctor.
Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions.  Please read the questions carefully and answer each one honestly:  check YES or NO.
YES                NO
Has your doctor ever said that you  have a heart condition and that you  should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
Do you feel pain in your chest when  you do physical activity?
In the past month, have you had  chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
Do you lose your balance because of  dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back,  knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
Is your doctor currently prescribing  drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?
Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
YES  to one or more questions
Talk  with your doctor by phone or in person BEFORE you start becoming much more  physically active or BEFORE you have a fitness appraisal.  Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which  questions you answered YES.
���    You      may           be              able           to               do              any            activity     you            want         —               as               long              as               you            start          slowly       and            build         up              gradually.                   Or,             you            may              need         to               restrict     your          activities  to               those  which are safe for you. Talk with your doctor about the kinds of activities  you wish to participate in and follow his/her advice.
•    Find     out            which       community                programs are             safe           and            helpful     for              you.
you answered
NO to all questions
If you answered NO honestly to all PAR-Q questions, you can be reasonably  sure that you can:
•   start     becoming                   much        more         physically active       –              begin        slowly       and            build         up              gradually.               This           is                the             safest and easiest way to go.
•    take      part           in               a                 fitness      appraisal –                 this              is                an              excellent way           to               determine              your          basic         fitness      so               that  you can plan the best way for you to live actively. It is also highly  recommended that you have your blood pressure evaluated.  If your reading is over 144/94, talk with  your doctor before you start becoming much more physically active.
•    if            you            are             not            feeling      well              because   of               a                 temporary              illness       such          as               a cold or a fever – wait until  you feel better; or
•    if            you            are             or               may           be              pregnant –                 talk            to               your              doctor      before      you            start becoming more active.
PLEASE NOTE:  If your health changes so that you then  answer YES to any of the above questions, tell your fitness or health  professional.  
Ask whether you should change your  physical activity plan.
Informed Use of the PAR-Q:  The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Health Canada, and their agents assume no liability for persons who undertake physical activity, and if in doubt after completing this questionnaire, consult your doctor prior to physical activity.
No changes permitted. You are encouraged to photocopy the PAR-Q but only if you use the entire form.
NOTE:  If the PAR-Q is being given to a person before he or she participates in a physical activity program or a fitness appraisal, this section may be used for legal or administrative purposes.
"I have read, understood and completed this questionnaire.  Any questions I had were answered to my full satisfaction."
NAME ________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________________                                       DATE ______________________________________________________
SIGNATURE OF PARENT _______________________________________________________________________                                        WITNESS ___________________________________________________
or GUARDIAN (for participants under the age of majority)
Note:  This physical activity clearance is valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date it is completed and  becomes invalid if your condition changes so that you would answer YES to any of the seven questions.
© Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
May 1-3, #c4TC��
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
Med History Questionnaire
Medical/Health Questionnaire
Personal Information
Today's Date Please print your name----------------
How old are you?       Sex O Male; 0 Female
Please circle the highest grade in school you have completed:
Elementary school            1        2         3        4         5        6         7   8
High school                        9       10      11     12
College/Postgrad            13      14      15      16      17     18      19                                           20+
What is your marital status? 0 Single; 0 Married; 0 Widowed; 0 Divorced/Separated
Race or  ethnic background:
  0 White, not of Hispanic origin
0 Black, not of Hispanic  origin
0 American Indian/A laskan native
0 Pacific Islander
0 Hispanic
What is your job or occupation? Check the one that applies to the greatest percentage of your time.
0 Health professional
O Disabled, unable to work  
O Service
0 Manager, educator, professional
0 Skilled  crafts
0 Operator, fabricator, laborer
0 Unemployed  
0 Student
0 Technical,  sales, support
0 Retired
Symptoms or Signs Suggestive of Disease
Place a check in the box if your answer is "yes."
0 1. Have you experienced unusual pain or discomfort in your chest neck, jaw, arms, or other areas that may be due to heart problems?
0 2. Have you experienced unusual fatigue or shortness of breath at rest, during usual activities, or during
mild-to-moderate exercise (e.g., climbing stairs carrying groceries, brisk walking, cycling)?
0           3. Have you had any problems with dizziness or fainting?
0           4. When you stand up, or sometimes during the night while you are sleeping, do you have difficulty breathing?
Chronic Disease Risk Factors
Place a check in the box if your answer is "yes."
0 9. Are you a male over age 45 years, or a female over age 55 years, or a female who has experienced premature menopause and is not on estrogen replacement therapy?
0 10. Has your father or brother had a heart attack or died suddenly of heart disease before age 55 years; has your mother or sister experienced these heart problems before age 65 years?
0 11. Are you a current cigarette smoker?
0 12. Has a doctor told you that you have high blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm Hg), or are you on medication to control your blood pressure?
0 13. Is your total serum cholesterol greater than 240 mg/ dl, or has a doctor told you that your cholesterol is at a high-risk level?
0 14. Do you have diabetes mellitus?
0           5. Do you suffer from swelling of the ankles (ankle edema)?
0           6. Have you experienced an unusual and rapid throbbing or fluttering of the heart?
0           7. Have you experienced severe pain in your leg muscles during walking?
0           8. Has a doctor told you that you have a heart murmur?
0 15. Are you physically inactive and sedentary (little physical activity on the job or during leisure time)?
0 16. During the past year, would you say that you experienced enough stress, strain, and pressure to have a significant effect on your health?
0 17. Do you eat foods nearly every day that are high in fat and cholesterol such as fatty meats, cheese, fried foods, butter, whole milk, or eggs?
0 18. Do you tend to avoid foods that are high in fiber such as whole-grain breads and cereals, fresh fruits, or vegetables?
0 19. Do you weigh 30 or more pounds more than you should?
0 20. Do you average more than two alcoholic drinks each day?
Medical History
21. Please check which of the following conditions you have had or now have. Also check medical conditions in your family (father, mother, brother(s), or sister(s)). Check as many as apply.
Medical Condition
Coronary  heart disease, heart attack, coronary artery surgery
High blood pressure
Peripheral vascular  disease
Phlebitis or emboli
0                       D                    Other heart problems (specify:
0                       D                     Lung cancer
0                       D                    Breast cancer
0                       D                    Prostate cancer
0                       D                    Colorectal cancer (bowel cancer)
0                       D                     Skin cancer
0                       D                   Other cancer (specify:
Chronic  obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema)
Diabetes mellitus
Thyroid problems
Kidney disease
Liver disease (cirrhosis  of the liver)
Gallstones I gallbladder  disease
Anemia (low iron)
Bone fracture
Major injury to foot, leg,  knee, hip, or shoulder
Major injury to back or  neck
Stomach/ duodenal ulcer
Rectal growth or bleeding
Hearing loss
High  anxiety, phobias
Substance abuse problems  (alcohol, other drugs, etc.)
Eating  disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
Problems  with menstruation
0                          0                   Hysterectomy
0                          0                   Sleeping problems
0                          0                   Allergies
0                          0 Any other health problems (please specify, and include
information on any recent illnesses, hospitalizations, or surgical procedures):
22. Please check any of the following medications you currently take regularly. Also give the name of the medication.
          Medication                                       Name of Medication
0          Heart medicine
0         Blood pressure medicine
0         Blood cholesterol medicine
0          Hormones
0          Birth control pills
0         Medicine for breathing/lungs
0          Insulin
0         Other medicine for diabetes
0         Arthritis medicine
0         Medicine for depression
0         Medicine for anxiety
0          Thyroid medicine
0         Medicine for ulcers
0         Painkiller medicine
0         Allergy medicine
0         Other (please specify)
Physical Fitness, Physical Activity/Exercise 23. In general, compared to other persons your age, rate how physically fit you are:
          10          20         30          40          50           60          70         80              90         100
     Not at all                                          Somewhat            Extremely
     physically fit                                    physically fit     physically fit
24. Outside of your normal work or daily responsibilities, how often do you engage in exercise that at least moderately increases your breathing and heart rate and makes you sweat, for at least 20 minutes (such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, aerobic dance, stair climbing, rowing, basketball, racquetball, vigorous yard work).
0 5 or more times per week       O 3-4 times per week         O 1-2 times per week 0 Less than 1 time per week         O Seldom or never 25. How much hard physical work is required on your job?
     0 A great deal          O A moderate amount          O A little      O None
26. How long have you exercised or played sports regularly?
    0 I do not exercise regularly         O Less than 1 year         O 1-2 years
     0 2-5 years                                        O 5-10 years O More than 10 years
27.  On average, how many servings of fruit do you eat per day? (One serving = 1 medium apple, banana, orange, etc.;  cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit; Y. cup of fruit juice).
     ONone             01                 02                03                 04or more
28.  On average, how many servings of vegetables do you eat per day? (One serving =  cup cooked or chopped raw, 1 cup raw leafy, Y. cup of vegetable juice).
     0None            O 1 -2          0 3                0 4               05 or more
29.  On average, how many servings of bread, cereal, rice, or pasta do you eat per day? (One serving = 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready to -eat cereal,  cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta).
     0N one           O 1 -3           04 -6            07 -9            010 or more
30.  When you use grain and cereal products, do you emphasize:
0W hole grain, high fiber O Mixture of whole grain and refined O Refined, low fiber
31.  On average, how many servings of red meat (not lean) do you eat per day (One serving= 2-3 ounces of steak, roast beef, lamb, pork chops, ham, burgers, etc.).
0   None            O 1          0 2           0 3           0 4o r more
32.  On average, how many servings of fish, poultry, lean meat, cooked dry beans, peanut butter, or nuts do you eat per day? (One serving = 2-3 ounces of meat,  cup of cooked dry beans two tablespoons of peanut butter, or X cup of nuts).
     ONone            01                02                03                 04or more
33.  On average, how many servings of dairy products do you eat per day? (One serving = 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1.5o unces of natural cheese, 2 ounces of processed cheese).
     0N one           O 1                0 2               0 3               04  or more
34.  When you use dairy products, do you emphasize
0   Regular        O Low fat               O Nonfat
35.  How would you characterize your intake of fats and oils (e.g., regular salad dressings, butter or margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable oils).
     0H igh            O Moderate                     O Low
Body Weight
36. How tall are you (without shoes)? ___ feet ___ inches
37. How much do you weigh (minimal clothing and without shoes)? ___ pounds
38. What is the most you have ever weighed? ___ pounds
39. Are you now trying to
     0L ose weight               O Gain weight     O Stay about the same  0N ot trying to do anything
Psychological Health
40.  How have you been feeling in general during the past month?
0   In excellent spirits     O In very good spirits
    0 In good spirits mostly     O I've been up and down in spirits a lot
     0 In low spirits mostly                    O In very low spirits
41.  During the past month, would you say that you experienced __ stress?
    0A  lot of                     O Moderate               O Relatively little    O Almost none
42.  In the past year, how much effect has stress had on your health?
0   A lot             O Some  O Hardly any or none
43.  On average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hour period?
    0L ess than 5             05 -6. 9                        07 -9   0M ore than 9
Substance Use
44.  Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?
      OYes                 ONo
45.  How would you describe your cigarette smoking habits? 0 Never smoked
0   Used to smoke
How many years has it been since you smoked? __ years
0 Still smoke
How many cigarettes a day do you smoke on average? __ cigarettes/day
46.  How many alcoholic drinks do you consume? (A " drink" is a glass of wine, a wine cooler, a bottle/ can of beer, a shot
glass of liquor, or a mixed drink).
0   Never use alcohol       O Less than 1 per week
      0 1 per day                            O 2-3 per day
Occupational Health
Please describe your main job duties.
48.  After a day's work, do you often have pain or stiffness that lasts for more than 3 hours?
49.  How often does your work entail repetitive pushing and pulling movements or lifting while bending or twisting, leading to back pain?
O 1-6 per week
O More than 3 per day
All of Most of the time the time
0                        0
0                        0
Some of  Rarely the time     or never
0                        0
0                        0
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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thefatfirefighter-blog · 8 years ago
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