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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Blog Topic 11
The project that I thought was very strong was Jean’s. I think this because of what she presented on the board and also what she had on her sweater. When she put the word on the board and we had to figure out what people call that word I think that made us really realize how how sometimes the way were are used or interpreted are really not nice and mean. It made me actually look at things different and also in the end when she gave us the crowns I think that was really good too because I think that some women are put down because of certain things and that just made me feel more reassuring. I think that what she presented made me really look at the way things were perceived now and days and take them in in new ways because the old ways were not nice or not good.
Additionally the project that I think persuaded me the most way Tahira's. I think this because when she was giving us scenarios and asking us different questions it started making my mind run and think into depth. Also, when she was doing the roll play it made me feel bad because it seems that transgender people are in some way always put down and that should not be the case. Just because they are transgender they should not be put down and made to feel a way they should be equal just as everyone else. This may not be the case because everyone is different but if we could find a way to make everyone feel comfortable no matter where they are or what they are doing that would be great. It would allow us to somewhat give awareness to others that transgender people are just like women and men they just feel comfortable being in either and man’s body if they were a woman and a woman's body if were a man. They should not be discriminated. Granted the fact that everyone will not be comfortable with transgender people, they should be given the benefit of the doubt and given a chance before they are judged. I think that what I am saying here is also what Tahera was expressing and I think that she made me feel the most persuaded in what she presented, the role play and also what she was telling us.   
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Blog Topic 10
As I look back from the beginning at my blogs I see that at time I started talking about a topic but I would towards the end go off topic. I think that is something that I still need to work on but I think I have learned to stay more on topic. I have learned how to write in more length meaning if the topic is really interesting I’m going to have a lot to say and a lot of different ways that I can connect it. Additionally, I have worked on transition words and trying to use more of them in my writing so my writing is able to flow and connect more. Some of my strengths may be that I know how to expand on things that I have written. For example if there is a quote and I need to elaborate more on what is said instead of just making it simple. I try to elaborate as much as possible and try to stay away from going off topic. Another thing that I am good at is putting examples in my writing that relates to the topic. I think that this is something good that I do because it helps me get my point across.
Somethings that I might continue to work on in my writing is making sure that I am meeting all the requirements and making sure that I go back and proofread my writing so that I am able to catch the mistakes that I have in my writing. Lastly, I think that blogging has helped me because it has showed me how to write better and also helped me to elaborate on my work expand on what I have to say. Also, writing blogs has helped to write basically short or mini papers depending on how much I write and what I am writing about. Another thing is that when I am writing the blogs, it has given the mindset of how much thought I have to put into my work so that when I am writing, I don’t just write anything but actually something that is meaningful and is worth what I am writing.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Blog Topic 8
Yu-Neek K. Johnson
Prof. Sullivan
CWP 101
In the article ‘Fatal Shootings by Police Officers on Track to Hit 1,000 for 3rd Year in a Row’ gives information about the number of killings that have been happening. We also see that it talks about how the police chiefs say that they are going to try to fix the many things that are going on but according to the article there is still no change. The article is arguing that in this past year there has been a number of shootings and when we look at past data we will see that the number of killings and the number of deaths are adding up to be the same for the past three years. It also gives us that police officers are killing more white men that are armed than black men. Something that was learned was how high the statistics were for how many people have been killed for the last couple of years. It was known that there was a high number but not that much.     
One of the biggest things that the author elaborated on the most was about how the police chief stated that police officers would change fix the different things that they do but that has not changed. Also, it seems that police are being militarized meaning that they different tactics that they take on or anticipate is ideas where they are going to be in a war instead of actually protecting the people. When they do things like this, it is affecting the community because now they feel as if the police are against them instead of actually being with them. So now this means that not only does the police need to work on the amount of shootings that are happening but they also need to work on the community aspects of things. The only way that they can work on the shootings is by making sure that the police fix their part of what is going on and that is working on the way that they will go about situations when they feel fear. Fear is one of the biggest thing that the police blame their actions on.
I think that the fact that police aren’t changing is going to cause us to still do the things that we do. For instance since we know this information, we know that just in case another african american male die who is unarmed, we will continue to protest, riot and give praise to what is going on because the police are not changing. Additionally, until the police start working more with the community people will continue to think that they are a threat to us and not trying to protect and help us.
This article is going to be useful in my to my project because I am talking about the police need more training but also even though they need more of that they also need to be there for the community. Instead of being against the community, they need to actually be more involved with the community so that the community understands that they are there to protect them instead of being against them.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Blog Topic 8
Yu-Neek K. Johnson
CWP 101
Prof. Sullivan
Toni Morrison is a very inspirational novelist/ speaker. She has written eleven novels and played a role in one film. I heard about her though my college writing class professor and I got the chance to experience her work by learning about one of her most renowned novels Beloved and watching the movie that it was based on. After I learned about her novel and watched the film that it was based off of, I was able to got see her talk in person. Her work influenced a lot of people to write and understand her novels better and their writing.
In the film, the part of the movie that I didn’t understand was when Beloved had went into the shed where Paul D was at and she was throwing herself on him. The reason why I was confused was because once that part of the film was over, it seems that there was no explanation or reasoning for why she did that, just moved on to the next scene of the movie. The part that I understood was when Denver got a job and started to help provide for her mom and herself. This was something that I liked because it showed progress and gave the movie a more relax tone and a gave the movie a better ending. I say this because it seems that most of the movie’s tone was sadness and heart breaking.
I got the chance to be able to see Toni Morrison in person speak personally about her novels and why she wrote them. Morrison is a beautiful speaker and very proud of the work she created. I believe the reason why they put the person to sing in the beginning was because they wanted to set a calm but intrigued throughout the whole show. The song actually made the audience get more excited for Toni Morrison. She explained why she wrote her books because she wanted to make it known and clear that there was a real purpose why she wrote the words that she did. The Q&A part gave the audience a chance to be included and feel closer to Toni Morrison why getting to ask the questions they always wanted to.
Toni Morrison gave me a chance to understand a character and try to get why she did the things that she did. Beloved like her many books gave people the chance to imagine what slavery must’ve been like especially for a mother.  
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
I think that telling this story reminded me of where I come from. People always say bad things about Brooklyn and how its bad and things are always happening but I feel the same it’s not where you come from it’s about what you can do and what you will do with being from where you are from. We are both having similar goals for what we are going to do and what we want to do. I think when people say stuff because of where you are from don’t let that get to you because at the end of the day they don’t know what you are doing to better yourself and or push for what you want. So continue to push for your dreams and don’t let others get to you. 
Who Am I?
Being raised in the Bronx you learn many things. For example, how to have a tough skin or even something as simple as learning how to travel. Blindfold me and take me anywhere in the Bronx, I’ll be able to find my way home. Growing up in the Bronx wasn’t easy. When I was younger I lived uptown in the Bronx, and everything was so easy going. When I moved to the west side of the Bronx, it was a different atmosphere, less likable. Would I ever move out of the Bronx into another city? Possibly, but nothing is like home. The reason I chose to speak about where I’m from is because my borough is mostly looked down upon. Known for being “dirty”, but it’s not really about where you come from all the time. It’s about what you do  to get out of your neighborhood. It may sound cliche, but what I’m doing is getting an education so that I won’t be in the same environment I was in before. Things take time to happen, my goal is to potentially own a business when I get my degree. I want to be financially set and stable, never have to want for anything. Most importantly I want to make my family proud of me , despite the things that may go on back home. Anything I can do to better myself will be done, I refuse to be an unsuccessful person who relies on welfare, or the government’s money to get me through life. Anything I do will be done on my own, no help needed. As you get older you see things differently. For example, about two years ago I made a decision to not attend college. However, I started to pay more attention to my work, and got involved in school activities. This allowed me to do so much better academically. I’m not sure if it was confidence that was brought, but something triggered me to change my ways and do better for myself. If you don’t do it for yourself, you can’t expect anyone to do it for you. Especially if you are not a rich person. Throughout these next 4 years, I’m going to be focused on becoming an adult and doing things on my own. For 18 years I have been dependent and now, since I’m away it is time to grow and learn. To become a better me. Things in my life have brought me down, but in no way shape or form shall I allow it to determine my future and what I will do with it.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
I think that I actually never really knew the difference between alone and lonely and you made a good point when you brought that up. So, it made me have a different aspect of the two words. I also listened to the song and when I did I actually liked the song and I think that I will start listening to some of the songs that she puts out because that song was really dope. The ending when you are talking about one of the lyrics she said, I agree with you and I was also having the same idea about that lyrics.    
Confidently Lost
Sabrina Claudio is a 21 year old American Singer. She first released her music on soundcloud in 2016. She originally from Miami, Flordia but moved to Los Angeles. The song I chose by her was “Confidently Lost.” I like this song because it describes her life in LA. She tells us how hard it was transitioning from Miami to LA. In an interview I watched she says that she felt lost but it was a good kind of lost to where she found herself. This song shows her vulnerable side because she wrote it in a vulnerable state. While listening to this song you should pay attention to what she’s actually saying because she sings, “I’m not alone but I’m not lonely, comfortably indulging and trying to get to know me.” There is a difference between being “alone” and “lonely”. Some people don’t realize but you can be alone and be perfectly happy but will be in a room full of people but still feel very lonely. The chorus I think is the most significant part of the song and is what makes up her whole message. “I am confidently lost, I don’t need you to find me, you don’t define me. I am confidently lost, I don’t need you to find me cause I’m not hiding anything.” This means exactly what she said, that not being afraid of being vulnerable and alone. Basically the whole song she’s trying to get out to everyone that it is okay to be by yourself. Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and be alone to figure yourself out. I think we should know this song because everyone goes through their own problems but some people don’t know how to deal with them. Maybe if we use Sabrina’s methods in this song and get in touch with our soft side it will open up to more. This just might help build up more confidence too because if your able to be alone and happy, then no one can stop you or change you. People can try to tell you things to change your paths but nothing will actually change you unless you change yourself. In the song she says Water my creations, baby it’s amazing, all the days I’m facing, nothin seems to faze me.“ That is what I just said, if you do all these little things and just keep working on yourself hopefully it will grow. Meaning you will grow into a better version of yourself.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
I’m really happy that you are able to come out and tell this story about your relationship. I think that when you go through issues with both friends and boyfriends/ girlfriends, you are always to learn from what happens. I think that being in each of the relationships that I have been in, it has helped me change or keep some of the things I have done or am doing. I think you are also able to grow, because not every boy is the same so you have to also learn who you are with. I’m not going to lie if I was in this situation I would have left him instead of knowing that he is leading both of us on. But, I think that we both handle things differently but are able to learn no matter what. 
My first real relationship
In the past, I’ve had relationships that lasted only about a month. I would be the one to break away from the relationship for either little petty reasons or no reason at all. However, I met my first love in my freshman year of High School and we have been together ever since. When I first met him, we started off on rocky terms because he was already dealing with another girl in my school. The girl and I would argue on social media every day and I would get upset with him because I felt like he was just trying to play the both of us. All of his friends wanted him to choose me because I honestly cared for him and wanted to make him a better person, while the other girl only wanted to be with because he made her “look good” around the school. He was on the Varsity Basketball team, so we weren’t the only girls interested in him but he was mainly into us. After about an entire year of going back and forth between her and I, he finally made the decision to be with me and leave her alone. I asked him what made him choose me and he said “I saw you giving up and I realized that I couldn’t see myself without you. I love you.”
I chose this story because it helped shaped the person I am today. This is my first real relationship and he helped me become more mature. Being with him helped me understand how much I can tolerate as partner and as a person. I grew up without my father, so it was really hard for me to trust any boy because I didn’t want to end up being heartbroken again. I realized that I was scared of commitment, however, I am no longer scared. As a person, I’ve learned that I hate being alone and I want to marry and grow old with someone. Now, I love opening up to people and getting to know them beyond the surface level. This story is very meaningful to me because I felt like a brand-new person after meeting him. I am more loveable and I know what it means to love yourself and others. Lastly, this story has taught me many life lessons, such as always fight for what you want and relationships will come with many obstacles but you always have to push through and never give up. Pushing people away can possibly hurt you because you never know if you might actually need that person one day.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
I think that you choose two amazing people who are really doing some important things to both help their community but also place that are struggling or that may have had a hurricane, wild fire, flood.. anything. One of my biggest things that I would want to add if you were ever thinking bout doing Lala is that there was this young man who was struggling from some type of disease and she was there through it also. She also brought with her Carmelo and her son. So i think that both of them go out their way to do some great things and it was a really good idea that you chose to use Carmelo Anthony. 
Hispanic Heritage Month
As you all know it is Hispanic Heritage Month. If you’re anything like me, you had no idea when it was. The person I decided to choose is Carmelo Anthony. If you don’t know who Carmelo Anthony is he is a famous NBA player. I remember Carmelo when he had braids and he was playing for the Denver Nuggets. He played for them from years 2003-2011. Then he went to the New York Knicks and played for them from 2011-2017. He just now went to the Oklahoma City Thunder and is currently playing for them. Carmelo is my absolute favorite basketball player. He is married to another Hispanic woman named Alani “Lala” Anthony. She is also famous in the television industry. They have one son named Kiyan Carmelo Anthony. Carmelo Anthony’s mother is African American but his father is Puerto Rican. Carmelo’s father died when he was only two years old. He cherishes where his father is from deeply, even though he was born in the United States. Carmelo has a Puerto Rican flag on his right hand. Carmelo wants people to know that he his a Hispanic and he feels as though Puerto Rico is home. Carmelo Anthony has built lots of basketball courts in Puerto Rico to have children who live there look forward to something. He wants them to know that anything is possible. Carmelo is more than just a basketball player. He is an amazing dad and person. Hispanic Business magazine named Carmelo one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the United States in 2008. He wants to be number 1 on the list though and I’m pretty sure he will do whatever it takes. Everyone is always bashing him for not having a basketball ring. The one thing he is, is a team player. Most of Carmelo’s fans don’t recognize him as latino. They seem surprised or they just don’t know that side of him. But how can you watch someone play and judge him but not do research? Carmelo is a people person. He founded the Carmelo Anthony Youth Development Center and gave $1.5 million to the Classrooms Foundation. It helps kids & teens in Baltimore. No Carmelo Anthony does not speak Spanish but that doesn’t make him any less Puerto Rican. He was born in the United States, has no reason to. If you don’t know who Carmelo is, I believe you should take some time to look him up. You won’t regret it. I even have a couple pairs of his sneakers and shirts.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Hispanic Heritage Month
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Yu-Neek K. Johnson
Prof. Sullivan
CWP 101
                                                    Blog Topic 5
A very important person that I chose that could be looked at for Hispanic Heritage Month is Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. I chose her because she was a Women’s Rights Activist but also a Poet and a Writer. She was very significant because since she didn’t get formal education and basically had to teach herself she felt that it was best for her to join to become a nun. After moving to Mexico City, she was able to start teaching other females music and drama and school and later she started writing poem and one of her most famous poems was called “Hombres necios” which referred to foolish men. She made this poem because she was expressing that men were saying that women were lacking sense or behavior. I think that this is very significant because women were always put down. Men were always seemed to be better than women in ways. It seems that Cruz was fighting for women, through her poems but also the things that she was putting out. I think her fighting for women’s right and women being able to be educated was also very significant. If we were to look at other women that fought for women’s rights it seem that they were each talking about something similar to an experience they had or something that they saw that was wrong. I think for her it was for her education and since she was not taught that and had to mainly teach herself, seeing other women being able to get educated would be one of the best things for her and that is essentially one of the reasons she was a women’s rights activist. Her becoming a poet was another significant thing because that was a way for to express what she wanted to get out and expressed messages that she wanted to send out. Also, seeing that cruz was a very determined person could show a lot to other women because even though Cruz punished herself for certain things when she did get what she needed done, other females were able to look up to her and eventually could follow in her footsteps or see how significant Cruz really was. Seeing that Cruz was very determined on her education and making sure that women were able to get educated was one of biggest things that could be taken away and also one of the women who we could look at as being apart of Hispanic Heritage Month.         
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Blog Topic 4
Yu-Neek K. Johnson
Prof. Sullivan
CWP 101
The piece that was most interesting was the art exhibit that we first walked in to see by the artist Julia Bottoms- Douglas. It seemed that each picture that she drew out, had a meaning to eat but also each picture connected in a way. In the gallery we saw a total of eight people (4 women and 4 men), Each one of the picture seemed to be similar in a way. Weather it was the hair type or the things that they had on their hair. When looking at the pictures, you will see that on the background of each picture there is wording written on it and there is a pyramid also, except for one picture it will not show the pyramid.
I think that each picture is representing something different but I think that the main message that each is putting out is something about people of color. There was one woman that looked different from the other women but I think she still tried to represent the same message. Even though she was different, we could just say that she is a different race because of how she looked but that could have not been the case. I think that it is expressing that people of color are always seemed to be the lowest of the low and I say that because of the the pyramid in the back of each picture. Another message that I think the pictures are giving off is that people of color should not be looked as different because of the way they may dress or how they may not look because people never how what people may know or how they may be. I say this people of how the artist was showing off the different hairstyles and everything for each person. I think that people of color always have stereotypes that people may have about them but until someone actually work or even talk to a person of color it would really change the whole mind aspect of how things would be. So, I think that each picture that the artist drew, is sending off a specific message that relates to these messages. I didn’t really figure out the full message but I think in a way it’s saying we should be looked at different and she probably put people of color because they are always looked down on the most.  
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
My Song
Song: Put a Praise on it- Tasha Cobbs 
Tasha Cobbs Leonard is american gospel singer. She was born July 7, 1981 in Jesup, Georgia. She always went to church due to the fact that her dad was the founder and Bishop of Jesup New Life Ministries. There was able to be active in the church and that is where her career started and she was able to obtain the position of worship leader while she was in the church. While doing that, she started going around to local places and showing off her talent where later she ended up joining another church. Eventually until now she was able to become the pastor of the dReam Center. At this moment, she is still producing new songs and sending very strong messages through each of her songs.
I think what makes the song Put a Praise on it really powerful is how each and every word she says it. Cobbs says in the song “There is a miracle in this room with my name on it”. It makes me think that if it relates to me it’s saying don’t stop keep pushing yourself, you can do it. Additionally, she is saying keep moving forward a blessing will come soon since she keeps repeating this line. Furthermore, when the choir comes in they sing “ there is a breakthrough in this room with my name on it, so I’m going to put a praise on it”. When hearing this, it makes me have this feeling that soon on later something that needed to happen will come through after all the hard work that was put in to make it happen. I think that these are not the only two parts of the song that is powerful, each part of the song is power. If you play the song about two or three times you will hear that Cobbs constantly tries to get her audience into the song.
Not everyone listens to gospel music. I think that it really depends on the gospel songs that you choose to listen to. Some are really slow but other songs make you have that feeling of being really excited and this is one of them. I think that each gospel song has their own message but I think each song that Cobbs makes has a really strong message and I think of it comes from what she has been through especially since her dad died. Since he was someone who meant a lot to her, him not being around made her feel sheltered in for a while and therefor she had to get out of that by starting to put out more songs that allowed her to express herself.   
If you want to watch the live video to actually see how powerful and how people feel about the song and how they get into the spirt, I will post the link.
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Hey It’s me :)
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thefashionshopper-blog1 · 7 years ago
Who Am I?
My name is Yu-Neek Johnson and I am from Brooklyn, NY but I live in Harlem right now. Coming to Buffalo State was one of the best choices that I have made. Coming here and applying here was one of the hardest things that I have experienced. 
On my way here from New York I was really sad. I was nervous because I was going to miss my family and friends but also I was going to miss being at home. My godmother and godfather brought me up here because my mom was unable too because she had to work. On our journey I was trying to stay up most of the time but that did not work. I feel asleep for most of the ride and it felt like the best sleep of my life. 
Now getting to the reason of this story it was that when we were going to make our first stop in Syracuse to stay the night with my godmother’s mom we got caught in a tornado. Let me tell you, I was scared for my life and I was just thinking about what would happen if something happened. I was scared because hurricanes and tornados happen everyday to people and most of the time people get hurt and sometimes die. We drove through the tornados for about 20 mins and nothing really happened to us. I prayed and was really happy that we was able to make it through the tornado. 
Furthermore, I wanted to take the time out to tell this story because people can’t keep taking everything for granted because you never know when your life can be at risk. This moment made me change the way I look at things and how i view life.  
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