theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
1) Stinky what happened to your face?!! 2) Do you have any friends of family? 3) what was so interesting about your life? 4) Have you ever fought in a war?
1) Stinky what happened to your face?!!
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ā€œInsult me one more time and FIND OUT.ā€
2) Do you have any friends of family?
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ā€œThatā€™s a rather personal question. Back off or burn.ā€ Huh. Seems like Marcus will only answer this to someone he knows....
3) what was so interesting about your life?
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ā€œPerhaps that it was absurdly long, complicated, and full of shenanigans.ā€
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ā€œ...and murder. So, so much murder.ā€
4) Have you ever fought in a war?
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ā€œDoes being public enemy number one for years and years and years count? I couldnā€™t even take a nap without another six or so challengers trying to be theĀ ā€œones who took down Marcusā€!ā€ He laughed. Did he find that.. funny?.. no, he just seemed tired. Tired and sarcastic.
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ā€œ...oh, and letā€™s not forget the whole genocide of my species thing, so I genocide THEM, and now Iā€™M the BAD GUY? And letā€™s not mention thereā€™s a fuckton of crimes they canā€™t find the committer for so they just blame me...ā€
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ā€œLike, come on, you lazy catbags. I leave a calling card every time. Do you see my calling card there? No? Wasnā€™t me. Fucking cricket-brained felines,....ā€ Big yawn from local owl.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
What did the panthers ever do to you?
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ā€œHhhhh,....ā€ The owl exhales, scratchy, deep. Heā€™d been avoiding answering this one for a while.
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ā€œI killed THOUSANDS of big cats. Indiscriminately. Well, mostly targeting snow leopards, but thatā€™s not the point--ā€
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ā€œThat ROTTEN almost-cat-bastard with the four eyes and three tails and the PROBABLE PELT FULL OF TICKS AND SLUGS was the one who killed off all the panthers! I only killed a few fucking hundred! Not the whole damn species! Stop giving me ALL THE DAMN CREDIT.ā€
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ā€œI will, however, take credit for the snow leopards and cheetahs though. Fucking cats deserved it, too. Now, I tried very hard to get rid of the domestic felines too- but do you know how many of those fucking cats exist? Theyā€™re EVERYWHERE. I had to give that up. Eventually gave up the wholeĀ ā€˜wipe out the catsā€™ plan altogether. Still want to, but not worth my effort nor energy.ā€
...Marcus looks too smug to be admitting to targeted genocide. Maybe heā€™s... not as nice as he seems?
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
What kind of breed of dogs do you like?
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ā€œOh.. youā€™re a human, arenā€™t you?ā€ The barn owl yawned.Ā ā€œWe donā€™t exactly haveĀ ā€˜breedsā€™ where I come from. Thereā€™s very few purebred lines left- turns out, loving who you want to love is stronger then arranged marriages. Most are mutts now.ā€
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ā€œ...or chimeras. Feathers above, we have so many fucking chimeras....ā€
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
what kind of cheese do ya like the most?
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ā€œThe hellā€™s cheese?ā€
... well, that wasnā€™t an answer. Thanks, Marcus.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
bonus deals bc Iā€™m hungry for interaction??
send me an ask and Iā€™ll not only answer, but draw your muse too!!(if you have one, whoops)
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
The air violently cracks, wind shattering for a brief moment as reality itself bends to anotherā€™s will. A bright flash conceals a rip in sanity, the owl falling through the tear just as it seals itself up once more, disappearing just as fast as it arrives. Wings limp at his sides, the feathered creature seems... more bored, then anything. Right as the mist of the sea was about to hit him, the owl flailed his wings, rapidly slowing down and leading into a hover.
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ā€œGreat. Wonderful.ā€ The sarcasm practically radiated off of him.Ā ā€œNow I need to find a way back. Again. After I just got back. After two months. Greaaat...ā€
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
Waiting for eternity seemed so boring. There was the gradual hum of the Eclipse Plains thrummed and dulled with an everlasting, inconsistent beat, like a broken record stuck on repeat. No matter how many times the owl had tried to fix the issue, it just went eerily silent for months on end, before the song came on again. It was his own making, his own isolation; but damn does Marcus find it more boring then before.
Maybe beinā€™ trapped in a fuckinā€™ box wouldā€™a served me better. At least bastards wouldā€™a come to taunt me, like the old days. Hah! Old days... fuck Iā€™m old.
His talons made a plinking sound each time they connected to the reflective surface of the home, before violently cracking beneath him, gravity increasing several times over-
ā€œAh. Fuck. This again?ā€
Thereā€™s a bright flash of light somewhere else; a Hell not his own, of another universeā€™s. Speeding through the tear with a look of absoluteĀ ā€˜here we go again,ā€™ the owl flailed his wings out and gently came from breakneck speeds to a hover, narrowly crashing into the ground.
As the rip in reality sealed itself- as all good tears in sanity should- the owl beat his wings twice, landed, and managed an impressive yawn.
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ā€œWell. Might as well see what all the big news as about this fuckinā€™ weird place is, then.ā€ Is he talking to himself? He is, definitely. Boy was this place uncomfortably warm.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
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Thereā€™s a long, distinct pause from the barn owl, the light of a familiar eclipse looming overhead.
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ā€œHow the FUCK did you get into my fuckinā€™ dimension? Go home.ā€
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Kicks open everyone door.Ā ā€œWHO WANTS TO BE IN FUCKā€™N FASHION SHOW?ā€Ā 
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
tagdump bc I havenā€™t done this yet? whoops
tags! all mains and future cameos/secret mains mixed in the mix.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
apologies for the inactivity spike!! had to sort out formal story and emotes, but Iā€™m back!
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
ā€œhold this.ā€
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???: !!! Suddenly-appearing telekinesis stops the weapon from clattering on the flat, even floor of the universal void.
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???:Ā ā€œShhhhhh.ā€ They holds up a claw to their mouth. Theyā€™re still creeping up on Marcus, the weapon being... shoved? Into their tail? And vanishing?
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
sendĀ ā€œhold this.ā€ to toss my muse a weapon.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
Bich you thought
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Marcus:Ā ā€œIā€™m not a female dog, have some respect, and I think quite fine, thanks.ā€
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(Pardon the style change; ???ā€™s getting new icons soon!) ???:Ā ā€œ...ā€
[[A NEW CHARACTER APPEARS! THEY APPEAR TO HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH OUR OWL FRIEND, HERE...]] Certainly, they must be nicer then they seems, too..?
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
So...Are you alone here?
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
The bird narrows his gaze, neon eye glowing in the dark. He extends a wing and pats the possessed childā€™s head once; while his wings look soft, they feel stiff and carry the scent of ashes, even now. Not to mention that horrific scar on the inside...
ā€œListen, mate. I have one rule. Donā€™t fuck with the children. Theyā€™re the future; important to someone. Important to me. The loss of child isnā€™t something Iā€™d wish upon anyone.ā€
He paused, a frown wearing down his face. Teaching his kids how to fly; only for tragedy to strike, not weeks later. Heā€™s quick to focus on Sonic, eye ominously glowing.Ā ā€œSo tell me now. In what way does this benefit you? And do you want me to help?ā€
...oh, heā€™s just a lil pissed.
@theeyesoftheeclipse continued from here
"Contract?" Sonic looks down at the ground blankly. He looked like he just 'turned himself off.
I didn't sign a contract...
I wasn't asking you for permission.
W-Well you should've..!
Mhmm. Yeah, because things would have gone so much differently.
Let me go!! Give me back my body!!!
The kid blinks a bit, looking back up at Marcus. "W..What? I don't taste anything." He chuckles a little. "Experience? Thatā€™s kinda ominous." Sonic casually puts his hands behind his back. "I dunno what that whole...creeks your sound thing is about, but whatever you're thinkin' about...I'd think it'd be my business, yeah?" Sonic smiles slightly, his ears twitching a bit.
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
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>ā€œYou either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villainā€? >What kind of ignorant fool wrote that?
[ CHARACTER UNLOCKED: MARCUS RANDELL ] [ 1 / 7 UNLOCKED ] [ completely independant multimuse oc askblog/rp blog. ]
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theeyesoftheeclipse Ā· 4 years
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ā€œYou have the ability to ask me ANYTHING, and THIS is the only thing you can come up with? No wonder why your species fought itself to extinction, human.ā€
Unh oh. Heā€™s a little pissed off.
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