theeyesofasoldier · 15 days
🤣 this whole story is absolutely hilarious! Genius idea 😂😂
Eyes Wide Open
Read on Ao3 here!
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 2 | Prompt: Comfort Zone
Rated: G | Words: 2109
“Did you know,” Crosshair says, conversationally, “that Hunter sleeps with his eyes open?”
A prank does not go as planned.
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“Did you know,” Crosshair says, conversationally, “that Hunter sleeps with his eyes open?”
Echo huffs, “That’s impossible.”
“It’s part of his enhancement,” Crosshair says.
The sniper is lounging against the wall with the port Echo is scomped into, idly gnawing on a toothpick with his helmet tucked under his arm, rifle hanging uselessly in his other hand. Echo casts him a vexed glance. “Shouldn’t you be covering my six?
“I am.”
“With your helmet on? And your weapon ready?” 
“It’s an abandoned outpost,” Crosshair scoffs. “There’s nothing here.” 
“Well, then, can you at least stop distracting me? I’m trying to concentrate.” 
Crosshair snorts. “I’m giving you vital information about our squad’s dynamics.” 
“Sure you are,” Echo grumbles. 
“If you don’t believe me, ask Tech. He’ll tell you.” 
“Or maybe I’ll ask Wrecker.” 
Echo twists to look up at Crosshair. “You’re being serious? Hunter sleeps with his eyes open?” 
“It’s unsettling, but it’s true,” Crosshair says, shrugging. “But whatever you do, don’t tell Hunter you know. He’s very self conscious about it.” 
Echo narrows his eyes, watching for any twitch of a tell in Crosshair’s features. Crosshair stares back, unflinching, which means nothing. Of the Batch, he seems to be the most apt at lying. Turning back to his task, Echo says, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
“Fine by me,” Crosshair says with a shrug. 
“Echo told me something interesting,” Crosshair says, trailing after Hunter as they leave their meeting with command. 
Hunter isn’t paying attention, reading over their new mission parameters before Tech gets ahold of them. “Yeah?” he asks, absently. 
“He said he sleeps with his eyes open.” 
“Uh, huh.” 
“That’s it? Did you even hear what I said?” 
The ire in Crosshair’s tone makes Hunter look back at him. “What?”
Crosshair sighs. “I said, Echo told me something interesting.”
Hunter quirks an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“He said that he sleeps with his eyes open.” 
Hunter laughs. “What does that mean?” 
“It means he literally sleeps with his eyes open. Something to do with his cybernetics.” 
“He’s pulling your leg, Cross.” 
“I’ve seen it.” 
Now Hunter stops, turning to look at Crosshair dubiously. “You’ve seen Echo sleep with his eyes open.” 
“Several times.”  
Hunter considers this a moment, then regards Crosshair with a disconcerted expression. “You know, it’s kinda creepy that you watch Echo while he sleeps.” 
“I don’t watch him sleep,” Crosshair sputters. 
“That’s kind of what you just said.” 
Crosshair rolls his eyes and walks away, missing Hunter’s grin of triumph. It isn’t hard to annoy the sniper…but embarrassing him was a special kind of achievement. 
Echo almost asks Tech about Hunter, then he almost asks Wrecker. The issue is that if he caves to the surmounting curiosity, and it turns out this is some sort of prank…everyone will know he fell for it and he’ll look like a gullible dolt. Then again, Crosshair had seemed genuine. It would be a weird thing to lie about. What would he gain from it? (Besides the obvious prize of making Echo appear idiotic.) In the end, Echo decides that he’ll just have to verify the intel for himself, do some recon. How hard can it be to catch Hunter asleep and just…investigate.
Apparently, absolutely kriffing impossible. 
For whatever reason (further piquing Echo’s interest), Hunter always sleeps with his back to the room. To investigate would mean to lean precariously over the hyper sensitive clone. Like that’s gonna happen with Echo’s prosthetics and cybernetics whirring and screaming his location at all times. 
A standard week later, Echo still doesn’t know if Hunter sleeps with his eyes open, but he is almost positive the man has eyes in the back of his head. 
A rare stint on Kamino finds Echo sitting at the table, facing Hunter’s bunk, waiting and hoping that the clone tucked inside turns over in his sleep and finally puts this rumor to rest…so to speak. 
Abruptly, Hunter rolls over and pins Echo with a bleary glare. “What are you doing?” he growls, voice rough with sleep. 
Echo stammers, holding up a dark data pad as frail evidence. “Reading?” An internal smack to the forehead as he wonders why he posed his answer as a question.  
“You’ve been watching me sleep. Why?” 
“I’m not,” Echo protests. 
“You are,” Hunter insists. 
Echo squirms under the scrutiny, face aflame with embarrassment. “Just something Crosshair said…I was trying to figure out if it was true.” 
Hunter rolls his eyes. “Did he tell you I sleep with my eyes open?” 
Echo gapes. This can go one of two very different ways. Either Hunter admits that it’s true, or he tells Echo that he’s an idiot for believing a syllable out of the sniper’s mouth. Echo is not mentally prepared for either scenario. 
“Well, it’s not true,” Hunter deadpans. “Although, Cross told me that you told him that you sleep with your eyes open because of something to do with your cybernetics.”
Echo frowns. “Did you believe him?”
Hunter grins, flopping over onto his back and covering his eyes with the crook of one arm. “No, because I’m not an idiot.” 
“He said it had to do with your enhancement,” Echo defends himself, but that just makes Hunter laugh.  
“And you just believed him?” Hunter asks, still chuckling. 
Echo doesn’t want to dignify the obviously rhetorical question with a response, so he awakens his data pad with an irritable tap, and begins to sort through meaningless tabs hoping that Hunter will just drop it, and that he won’t tell Crosshair about any of it. 
“Ah, don’t feel bad, Echo,” Hunter says, still hiding half his face under his arm. “Cross messing with you means he likes you. You’re officially part of the squad. Getting harrassed by Crosshair is practically a right of passage.”
“Does it ever stop?” Echo mutters. 
Of course Hunter hears him. “No, but you get used to it.” 
Echo swears under his breath. “Goody.” 
A few minutes pass and Echo thinks that Hunter has fallen back asleep; however, the sergeant lifts his arm. “I have an idea to get him back…if you’re interested.”
Oh, Echo is very interested.
“You were right about Echo,” Hunter says, walking alongside Crosshair. 
Crosshair is pushing a cart of supplies from the armory. This is usually a task completed by Wrecker and Crosshair; however, Hunter had volunteered to go when Wrecker was occupied helping Tech with inventory counts…a task Hunter usually did with Tech. 
“What are you talking about?” Crosshair asks. 
Hunter glances around and lowers his voice. “About him sleeping with his eyes open.” 
Crosshair carefully keeps his expression from twitching into a look of surprise. “Of course I was right. Why would I lie about something like that?” 
“To make me a kriffing creeper like you,” Hunter says, bumping his shoulder into Crosshair. 
Crosshair rolls his eyes, remembering how this conversation went a few weeks ago. “I don’t watch him sleep!” 
“Fine, you don’t…but you were right! I couldn’t believe it. I asked Tech about it, and he said it is one of the side effects of his internal cybernetics. Sometimes Echo forgets to close his eyes if he falls asleep too fast.” 
That actually kind of made sense. Crosshair smirks. “You’re telling me this like I didn’t already know.” 
“I’m just saying, I’m sorry for doubting you,” Hunter says humbly. “It’s actually a good thing you told me. When I talked to Tech, he said that it is important that we close Echo’s eyes for him if he falls asleep with them open. They dry out and are painful once he wakes up.” 
Crosshair hums. He isn’t sure what he thinks of that. Maybe Echo should learn to fall asleep slower if drying his eyes out is that huge of a problem. 
Hunter claps Crosshair’s shoulder soundly. “Thank you for looking out for our squadmate. I know it’s been an adjustment incorporating Echo into the squad, but when we all put in the effort, it will be an even more seamless transition.” 
“Sure,” Crosshair mutters, feeling uncomfortable under the glowing praise. Hunter isn’t usually so flowery, and Echo’s adapting to the dynamics of Clone Force 99 hasn’t been that difficult. A few missteps here and there, but overall, the reg seemed able to keep up. 
Crosshair shrugs off the awkwardness of the situation and hopes he is never the one who sees that Echo has fallen asleep with his eyes open.
He isn’t so lucky. 
A standard week later, a mission forces them to travel twelve hours in hyperspace. Once the mission parameters have been established, the Batch disperse to do their own tasks. Echo announces that he is exhausted and is going to take a nap. He tells his new brothers that he does not want to be disturbed unless it is a matter of life or death. Then, he stretches out on the lower bunk, turns his back to the room, and is softly snoring a few minutes later. 
Crosshair is doing what he usually does on a long space journey: taking apart his entire rifle and putting it back together after polishing each individual piece. He is nearly done putting the rifle back together when Echo rolls over with a loud sigh. Crosshair glances up and freezes mid attaching one rifle piece to another. 
Echo is staring at him, unblinking. Well. Not at him, more like, through him. It’s terrifying. 
Crosshair glances at the cockpit where Tech, Hunter and Wrecker are. If he could get one of them to come back here, maybe they’d see Echo’s predicament and handle it themselves, Crosshair could claim not to have noticed. 
Another option is to wake Echo up. Crosshair isn’t scared of Echo, not even intimidated; however, putting an ARC on the warpath for disturbing his sleep seems like an unwise decision if Crosshair doesn’t want to face retaliation. 
The third option, the option Crosshair is loath to even consider, is to get up and close Echo’s eyes himself. Knowing there is no one around to hear him, Crosshair breathes out a whine, dropping his head back against the wall and sagging his shoulders. He really, really does not want to do this. 
Echo continues to stare. 
Unseeing. Unblinking. 
Just staring, staring right through Crosshair. 
With another hissed sound of disdain, Crosshair puts aside his rifle pieces and stands up. How does one even close someone’s eyes? You just prise their eyelids down? Won’t that wake them up? These questions plague Crosshair’s mind as he creeps forward, trying not to make eye contact with the sleeping ARC. It’s just so weird…
He stands in front of the bunk, sighs again, and kneels down, crouched on his heels. He reaches up slowly, hating every painful second of this. 
A hand catches his wrist and a voice says, low and cryptic, “Gotcha.” 
Crosshair does not scream. He will die on that hill. But the way his heart leaps into his throat and lodges there makes him fall backwards, landing hard on his tailbone. 
Echo is laughing hysterically, dropping Crosshair’s wrist as he sits up. A combination of the laughter and whatever thing made the unholy, panicked squawk draw the attention of the three persons in the cockpit. 
Hunter is grinning wide enough that Crosshair knows for an absolute fact that the idiot was in on the whole thing. 
“What were you doing, Cross?” Echo asks between gasps of laughter. 
Crosshair pushes himself to his feet and stands stiffly, arms crossed, wishing he had a toothpick to break between his teeth. “You know exactly what I was doing. It was a set up.” 
“What happened?” Wrecker asks, looking wounded at being left out of whatever Echo and Hunter found hilarious. 
“Echo fell asleep with his eyes open,” Hunter says, chuckling. 
Tech adjusts his goggles. “That is a condition known as nocturnal lagophthalmos. I was not aware Echo had it. Fascinating.” 
“He doesn’t have it,” Crosshair grouses. “Hunter lied to me.” 
Hunter looks shocked. “You’re the one who told me Echo had that.” 
“And you’re the one who told me that Hunter did,” Echo puts in, wiping tears from his eyes. 
Wrecker frowns. “Wait? So Hunter sleeps with his eyes open too?” 
“Neither of them do,” Crosshair growls. 
“Crosshair tried to trick Echo and I, so we got him back,” Hunter says, looking far too proud of himself. 
“So it was you that screamed like a prepubescent cadet?” Tech asks Crosshair with a grin. 
“I did not scream,” Crosshair says firmly. 
“Well, it wasn’t me,” Echo says. 
Wrecker is laughing now. “Wait, wait, tell me the whole story.”
Echo happily starts from the beginning. 
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theeyesofasoldier · 2 months
mercy! I can’t breath! 😭😭
I didn't have the james norrington-ification of admiral rampart on my bingo card but here we are
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the pattern still holds that you only get 10x hotter once your life falls apart
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theeyesofasoldier · 9 months
Ah! Ok, thank you again! ❤️
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AAAHHHH they finally came!!! 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
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theeyesofasoldier · 9 months
😱 I’m getting them all! I have to!! Which trilogy do I start with first??
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AAAHHHH they finally came!!! 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
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theeyesofasoldier · 9 months
You wonderful person! Thank you ❤️
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AAAHHHH they finally came!!! 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
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theeyesofasoldier · 9 months
Man I want these books so badly- 😭
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AAAHHHH they finally came!!! 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
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theeyesofasoldier · 9 months
Every song by this band just hits differently. I will forever love imagine dragons and they will always be my go-to band in life! ❤️
P.s. I don’t know why this song is stuck in my head, I just woke up earlier singing it. 🤣
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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theeyesofasoldier · 10 months
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Nah @mandos-mind-trick, might as well put the entire battalions in. 😭
Reblog with a clone you need biblically, a clone you need in a way that’s concerning to feminism
I’ll go first
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The one and only Marshal Commander Cody 😌
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theeyesofasoldier · 10 months
You know it! 🤣
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548 notes · View notes
theeyesofasoldier · 10 months
I’m done! 😭
her cheetos! 🤣
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
Bless his lil heart ❤️
Everyone shush
He’s having his introverted quiet time
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514 notes · View notes
theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
If I had a dollar for every idea, piece of dialogue, or ideas for musical tunes I’ve forgotten cause I didn’t write them all down, I’d be rich enough to buy myself all the equipment I could ever need in life. 😭
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don't leave me!
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
Happy 4th of July guys!!! Hope y’all had a wonderful time! 🎆🎇
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
As the world caves in- by matt maltese
If I ask nicely who will rb this telling me what is the last song u listened to 🥺
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
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I CANT BREATHE!! Someone HELP!!! 😭
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
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theeyesofasoldier · 1 year
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It’s was actually really nice out today. Usually it’s been nothing but rain and cloudy skies (which sucks 🙄) but it was actually really pretty today!
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