Today's aesthetic is theatre academia
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Huh. On second thought.... I'll go get the key!
[It skittered away, most likely to its home. But, alas, as the many strange things this rat does, it barely takes a moment to return with the key in its little hands.]
Got it :D - RAT
Ahh, wonderful.
[he crouches down and eyes the key.] Would you have me hide it? I can promise to put it somewhere very secretive and locked up tight.
If you can trust anyone, you can trust me with such an important task.
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Thank you, butterflyyyy!
I'm very pleased that you like it as much as I do. You wear short hair so well, I figure I can pull it off.
Now we're matching, my darling.
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Why did you grow it out long then? Was it to try something new, or did you not have anything to cut it with in the boiling isles???
Well, long hair was quite popular back then. At the time I did have it in a ponytail and when I got here I saw no reason to cut it. People seemed to like my longer hair.
Some might be conflicted on me cutting it, but it is a symbol of.. changes I like to think.
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[runs up to you, ruffles your hair into a mess, runs off]
[He lets out a disgruntled noise, scrunching his nose.]
YOU- Agh. [He readjusts his hair, shaking his fist.] Brother...
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you look darling with short hair!!!
Aww! Why thank you, mayfly.
I am glad you think so!
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so do you like it more than the long hair? or is the short hair more you thing now?
I think I am fond of the short hair, it hasn't been this short since I was a child. Though I didn't have the wonderful style I have at the moment.
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welp I see you’re doing the short hair look, huh not bad.
A compliment? Why thank you, friend.
I am quite enjoying the change myself.
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Uh, I dunno…
They were really frantic and told me to hide it and not tell anyone or show anyone.
And, no offense Mr. But, you're kinda… evil lookin’ 
[The rat squeaked as it clasped its little hands together, thinking if it should give him the key or not.]
- Rat
I'm terribly hurt that you think that of me.. [He stands and pulls his hands up defensively.] But I will not force you to do anything.
Though you have hurt me, I will most certainly not hurt you, my friend. [He looks off a bit wistfully before sighing.]
Whatever you do, I hope you find quite the safe place for it. Who knows what might happen to that key lest you put it somewhere dangerous. All manner of beast or thief might destroy or it. I can't imagine your friend would be very happy if it were to be damaged or taken by some common thief.
But, I'm sure you can handle all that responsibility on your own, I mean if they trusted you with something so important surely you have a perfect place to hide it already thought up in your mind!
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Okie dokie… to begin, I was stuck in another can of beans but I was freed by this teenager! They were really nice, their name was…. Uh- I forgot but they gave me this sick key with an eye on it and told me to hide it, so I did, or I was going too!
When I was going to my little fort it began raining and I had to run, but my legs are too short and when some of it got on me I fell and cracked it.
It got this blue stuff everywhere and then I fell through a puddle and ended up back home! [It ran in circles while speaking, being quite energetic as it scurried around.]
I ran to my old home and made sure to fix it using glue, anndddd right now it's safe in my fort!
That's what happened :> [It finally stopped once done speaking.]
- Rat
Oh my, you've been on quite the adventure indeed.
[He crouches to its height, patting its head and looking at the blue substance on his gauntlet. His eyes flash with something bright before he gives it a gentle smile.]
If you'd like, I could most certainly hide that key for you. There are plenty of secure places in the castle. It would be my pleasure to help such a brave little thing like yourself.
After all that, you needn't the stress of watching over he key as well.
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It's been a while since I first came here but I was stuck in another can of beans :<
Other than that, I found this very cool puddle thing which lets me go home!
I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie for the holidays cuz I found three dollars.
[the rat proceeds to hold up three 1000 dollar bills. Lacking the knowledge on how to count properly due to being.. a rat.]
I also befriended this really nice person while there, too! - Rat
Oh how troublesome, I'm glad you've escaped it.
...I'm sorry you found a portal that takes you home? I- [He looks at the dollar bills and takes them in hand.]
I am.. quite interested in these stories. Do tell, my friend.
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smh everyone is special, you’re a special lil summer fetus.
A lil old funny man who’s outlived their entire time period and the queen of England all in one go.
I suppose I'm timeless.. A legend that never truly dies.
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summer fetus 🫵
no wonder ur hot
*immediately bolts into the forest*
Ha! It's far more than my birthday that makes me quite the specimen.
However I do appreciate the compliment, honey bee.
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I guess you can call it your “eviction anniversary.”
Actually, no. I don't want clarification.
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They were taken aback by the hug, yet as soon as they felt Soleb try to back away a bit, they took a tight hold onto him.
They think over and over what he said, of how there will be a cure to this. It was... quite a moral dilemma. They weren't exactly sure what it was that helped them, but they knew it wasn't ethical.
They keep their thoughts to themselves however, as they simply hold onto his brother as if he'd disappear if they let go.
There was going to be a lot of thinking to do, as well as trial and error.
But at least for now they'd finally be back home with their mind whole.
He held onto his brother, not ready to let go now that he had permission to hug him. There was a smile on his face, a genuine one as thoughts passed through his mind.
He could fix this.. and if he did?
They could go home.
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What's your art tag??
[I usually tag the art on here with #art but if you're looking for my art blog its @wackulart!]
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soooooooo… you’re a summer fetus?
Absolutely haunting way to phrase that, but yes. I suppose I am.
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