theeighthoftheeight · 3 years
must a woman be “beautiful”? is it not enough that she shake her fist at God and commit acts of heresy in the name of hedonism and lunar madness
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
I feel like, yea Lilith feels guilty for alot of things that have happened to her brothers because of her choices
The thing she is probably the most guilty about (and wrongfully i suppose) is how hard it shattered her family and how hard of a position it put Lucifer in and what he gave up to make sure she lived even if it was as a human. And just how Lucifer rven more started to push his emotions aside and such to keep what he had left of his family together in the end
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Waltzing onto this blog which I haven’t touched in forever to just say that if Lilith was conscious to say goodbye to Lucifer/when Lucifer said goodbye and that he’d always love her(because she’s his lil fucking sister) that Lilith probably would have been just as emotional
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
give little moments of tenderness. you forget how much they sustain you.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
I think i put my headcanon up here that Lilith was a dancer and I think I’ll even keep that for her human lifetime so just a thought i had in eddition to that because lilith absolutely does classical and contemporary Ballet
A) Lilith is probably incredibly flexible
B) Her knees absolutely hyper extend. Even when she’s just standing
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Right. Sure. Keep telling youself that.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Scared of what? That you won’t wake up?
Why don’t you ask your sister? She’s ghosting about the house isn’t she?
i can t
i m
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
“You keep going on like this, and you’ll black out for a few days.” Lilith mumbled. “I would know.”
Millennia of screaming, and only just being able to even vaguely interact with them gave her enough experience to know. Only just being able to hold a visible form, and choose If she appeared gave her the knowledge to know this was hard, even for him. Yet....
Lilith sighed. She doubted she would be much comfort right now.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
aren’t you tired of not being seen?
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
you were celestial, once. you still are, somewhere.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
-His spectral sister smiles, straighening up moving a bit from the desk-
What would you like to do, little bird? Maybe we could play hide and seek in the garden? Or would you like to make flower crowns with me instead?
-Lilith reached out her hand to her younger brother, it would be solid if he chose to hold her hand, and she chuckled-
Its up to you, Luci, we can do whatever you’d like.
-Lilith nodded sagely, although there was the briefest flicker of a frown at what was implied but not said.-
Of course, Luci. If you don’t take a break every once in awhile it may make things harder because you’ve over worked yourself. A small break is fine.
* Lucifer nods, his expression thoughtful as he internalizes her words. *
If you think it’s fine, then I guess it’s alright.
* Lucifer gets out of his seat and carefully arranges his papers into a neat little stack for later. He looks up at his spectral sister with expectant excitement. *
So… What should we do?
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
-Lilith nodded sagely, although there was the briefest flicker of a frown at what was implied but not said.-
Of course, Luci. If you don’t take a break every once in awhile it may make things harder because you’ve over worked yourself. A small break is fine.
{ Continued from Here @theeighthoftheeight }
* Lucifer kicks his feet idly at the table, beaming at the praise. *
Thank you, Lily. But, do you really think it’s okay for me to? I don’t want to slack off…
* The ‘And disappoint anyone’ goes unspoken, but not unheard. *
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
-Lilith glances over his work, a brow arching for a moment. - It looks good to me. Maybe you should take a break though? 
-she smiles, ruffling his hair ever so slightly-
You doing a good job, Lucifer.
-Her head tilted to the side, a small smile slipping over the spectral demon’s lips. It was peculiar sure, but Perhaps not the worst- Lucifer?(theeighthoftheeight)
* Lucifer blinks at the Ghost, looking up at her from his schoolwork. *
L… Lilith?
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
-Lilith offered her brother a gentle smile- Yes, sweetheart. -the Ghost crouches beside him to be eye level- What are you working on, hmmmm?
-Her head tilted to the side, a small smile slipping over the spectral demon’s lips. It was peculiar sure, but Perhaps not the worst- Lucifer?(theeighthoftheeight)
* Lucifer blinks at the Ghost, looking up at her from his schoolwork. *
L... Lilith?
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
I definitely feel like the theory we have that ghosts like pull energy fron around them to do things is true to Lilith too. Sure she’s older and better at it but you know doing alot will atill absolutely tire her out and she’ll disappear for a few days.
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
Get up.
You’re not dead yet
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theeighthoftheeight · 4 years
“No.” The spector mumbled, perfectly unseen by the eldest. “Obviously its not enough. You’re still too thick to realize its me.” Another sigh left her lips followed by a short laugh.
“And I’m tired of screaming.”
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