theegoentropic · 2 months
Counsellor: "So why do you call this part of you Juno?"
Me, sweating: "...I like... Roman... mythology stuff."
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theegoentropic · 4 months
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theegoentropic · 5 months
Dumbsillyjoke aide Buffy works :3
Dreamt last night that partner and I adopted a cat and called it Weiner McBuffins.
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theegoentropic · 5 months
Omg is that what we're gonna call it??
Dreamt last night that partner and I adopted a cat and called it Weiner McBuffins.
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theegoentropic · 5 months
Dreamt last night that partner and I adopted a cat and called it Weiner McBuffins.
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theegoentropic · 5 months
In fact, here's a confession! Big story below.
At, 11, whoever the fuck we were back then- 'I' for the sake of story, was convinced into the ☆school goddamned talent show☆.
Anyway, you'd think because it says TALENT my dumb uncoordinated ass would've not agreed to dance on stage infront of my whole motherfucking school, but my best friend (at the time) wanted us to do it, but didn't want it alone.
This was all her plan and my ass went along with it. We got in THESE outfits:
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But I ordered them off of wish because I was 11 with money..
And then danced to Ievan polkka because we were idiot weebs and you fucking bet we loved Hatsune Miku. Except I'm awful at dancing because I have coordination issues and stuff, so I was intentionally bad next to my friend who was doing it well to try and present my lack of skill as comedy.
Anyway, what WASN'T part of the plan was that on the way walking of the steps to the stage, I tripped on the very last step, and faceplanted onto the stage.
I never lived it down and swapped schools to years later. :)
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theegoentropic · 5 months
I don't have the art juice in my brain I need to make art and this blong is empty as shit so uh.. It's general now. <> Expect screaming at the void, this is becoming a main ig
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theegoentropic · 6 months
Been told not to Google the thing they mentioned so I don't panic. ":>
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theegoentropic · 6 months
Update its not appendicitis!!
Except there's incidental findings on the ECG or whatever its called.
And now I have to do a third one and come back again 24 hours later
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theegoentropic · 6 months
Ty ":) it's looking like it might not be.
Guess who's going to the hospital in a 'I'm Kenough' hoodie.
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theegoentropic · 6 months
No clue- first got told probably appendicitis, and then the second guy said probably not appendicitis, so that's a mystery. Got a bunch of stickers and wires stuck on for a while. Some kinda tube thing in my arm 🤷‍♂️
Not feeling as awful as did at the start, so, yk. Trying to be positive where there's room to be.
Guess who's going to the hospital in a 'I'm Kenough' hoodie.
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theegoentropic · 6 months
I'm good-ish! Will survive, ofc
Guess who's going to the hospital in a 'I'm Kenough' hoodie.
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theegoentropic · 6 months
Scolded for saying 'shidded' like bro medical stuff is happening, be nice :(
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theegoentropic · 6 months
Guess who's going to the hospital in a 'I'm Kenough' hoodie.
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theegoentropic · 6 months
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Hugs from the emotional support chicken
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theegoentropic · 6 months
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One of us but late on the promo because girl why did you need your own blog. Rude smh /nsrs.
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theegoentropic · 6 months
The redditors are telling me to see a doctor... 😞
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