theechotrain · 2 months
I wander around the large room, half heartedly looking at each different pile of vinyls, CDs and DVDs, not really paying attention to any of them; Even when I take a few moments to flick through the occasional heap, there is nothing that I'd be willing to pick up a second time. To this day, I never really understand why you'd want to waste a perfectly good CD to put some music on it. That IS what vinyls are for, after all.
Normally, I wouldn't be in an old music selling shop like this. After all, I have nothing back at home that I could play any of these things on even if I did want to buy something. That has more to do with the fact that I can always go looking up what I want to listen to, instead of having a physical copy of my music that has to be kept in cases when not being listened to so that it is kept safe. The only reason I am here at all is for my best friend.
My cbildhood best friend, Rory Culkin, is currently in a completely different area of the shop and is still staring down into a box in front of him; Exactly how he was a few minutes ago when I left him looking through the same section of vinyls that has some of his favourite artists stashed in between the albums of people neither of us have heard of.
Seeing Rory looking like he is spacing out while he is reading the back of the vinyl cover in his hands is something that I don't think will ever get old for me. He seems so at peace when he is in a place like this. Over the course of our friendship have we come to some sort of compromise when it comes to places we want to go to with each other when we hang out. Old shops filled with music from from the 70s to the 90s is one of the places he brings me. As much as I don't really like the places themselves, they become more bearable to be in when I get to see him like this.
He finishes reading the back of the vinyl before a smile spreads itself over his face and he turns his head to look through the surrounding towers of different types of music for me. Our eyes meet and for a second, everything stops. Through this brief connection, I once again have a brief mental flash of there being more between us. A future, maybe. More, perhaps.
The image, like always, goes just as quick as it comes as he makes his way over, the vinyl he had read still in his hands. He closes the distance between us and is standing before me, almost grinning with that gentle smile of his.
"I've found it. I've found that vinyl I was telling you about the other week. This is what I am going to have playing when I propose to Samantha."
In this moment, my stomach almost folds in on itself. Samantha isn't typically easy to forget but until he said that, I forgot she existed for a short while. But being reminded of her isn't what felt so suddenly stomach churning. He wants to propose to her... He wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
A smile forces its way onto my face, despite its unwelcome appearance as I force myself to look down at the vinyl he is showing me, which is of smooth jazz from '75.
"Well, you should go get it then so you don't end up having to find it a second time."
He smiles down at me, not seeming to pick up on how I have shifted in moods. I look away from him as he makes his way over to the counter with it, choosing to look out of the window instead.
I can't believe it... he's going to propose to her. After them being in a relationship for the last 4 years, he's actually going to ask her to go all the way and marry him. Something inside me stings deep at the thought of it. Could I stand being able to be around him, simply as just his best friend anymore if she says yes? I'm struggling to do it now, with them simply dating.
I don't think I could stand being in Rory's life anymore if I haven't started moving on as soon as possible. I don't want to loose him as my best friend but I can't continue to love him romantically like this, especially when he could be someone else's fiancé at some point in the near future.
An idea comes to mind and I pull my phone out to text someone I met in college.
'Hey, want to go drinking this Saturday?'
I wait for a reply as Rory makes his way back over to me, the vinyl in a plastic bag and we make our way out the door. It's an hour or so later before I get a response.
'As in as a small group or just us going on some sort of date?'
'It's a date'
'Then yeah, I'll see you Saturday'
Saturday comes by and my friend and I are sat at the bar, both several drinks in and the conversation babbling on from one topic to the next. Any thoughts of Rory and what he has planned have completely slipped my mind. The empty glasses clutter our table, periodically being taken away by the occasional member of staff. I haven't been able to have a conversation where I've laughed like this for a few weeks now.
The sound of music coming from the already quite full dance floor draws our attention over to it and we exchange a glance between us, almost silently asking each other the same question. I roll my eyes ever so slightly, smirking a little before grabbing his hand and guiding him over to the group of dancers.
I wrap my arms around him, my head on his chest as he curls his own arms around me, pulling me close as we start swaying to the slow, romantic music playing in the background. Several minutes go by before the song finishes and we pull apart again, making our way back to our table and our conversation.
Before we are able to fully go back to speaking like how we were before we danced together, the sight of a familiar face can be seen approaching the pair of us out of the corner of my eye. I turn to fully make sure that I am seeing who I think it is and it is. My friend follows my line of sight as Rory is approaching the pair of us, his face stained with tears. He pulls up a chair next to me, speaking just to me instead of the pair of us.
"I proposed to Samantha... She admitted to cheating on me... We've split up and she's moving out of my house."
I look back at the expressions on my best friend's face as he says this, every part of me wanting to dry his tears. Instead, I put my hand on his shoulder and rub my hand over it.
"There there Rory..."
My friend looks between us as the moment we were having just moments before has broken.
Sorry if this is a bit shit, haven't written anything in a while and didn't know what else to write
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theechotrain · 3 months
I want to start writing one shots about Rory Culkin, if anyone has any suggestions they want to read, feel free to ask
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theechotrain · 1 year
The apartment
After attending university for the last three years, it feels so strange to see my student accomadation go back to how it looked when I first arrived. It is strange how when you pack all your belongings away to move out, the places where everything was before looks so unnatural; It's almost as if someone has come along in the night and changed everything that feels right.
Holding onto my bags, I look around the room one last time. Only round about now does it really set in that I won't be here, in this room, where I have spent so much time in, anymore. I cannot stay here forever though; I have to move out and get myself into the world. And it is not as if I am going to be doing it alone. I glance out of the window and see the one person who has made the last few years more tolerable.
Moira Dean. Beautiful, intelligent, witty, stubborn on what she believes in, outspoken; A.K.A she is the type of person that writers would describe as a strong female lead character that some would try taking inspiration to be like, which is why I sometimes find it strange that she would take such a course as fashion designing. She'd be able to model the clothes she has made if she really wanted to.
But yet, as much as it would suprise me that she was there and not taking something like journalism, I still met her roughly around the time we both started out on the course. We started talking and eventually learned it all together.
Everything we were taught, we would do it until we both perfected it. Everything one of us knew, the other did as well.
For instance, we both started off learning how to sew and make easy things like pillows. When we could do that, it wasn't long before the both of us soon became tied at the top of our class, no matter what it was that we were being taught. Together, we went through each lesson better then we perhaps would have alone. That doesn't mean that it was all easy though. We still struggled doing other parts of the course work.
For Moira, the planning, the  thought behind what she was making, the effort put into it, actually making it and seeing the final product in the end, all of that and more is what made being a seamstress her passion. Even if I wasn't making the same thing as her, I would also be making some form of an accessory to go along with what she was making. She specialised in it, even though it was not the only thing we both learned to do when we were there.
For me, what ended up being my forte was knitting/crochet. It is such a peaceful thing for me, even if it took me days or weeks to complete something I was working on. Working on something on the side for me has always been something to help me consentraight and think about what is important for me in the moment and what will be in the long run.
She arrives outside my door before I know it. I must have spaced out for a few minutes after spotting her. I open the door to see her standing there, ready to go. I glance around the room one last time before we leave.
The pair of us heave all of my bags over to my car, which is sitting in the car park near by, something that I am thankful for since we don't have so far to walk. On our way there, I ask Moira about the landlord we contacted about the two apartments we were both hoping to get by the time we both finished and moved out after college.
"Good news pet, the others who were interested all seemed to have something critical wrong with their applications, which pretty much means that they're all ours. I've already moved all of my stuff into mine."
She pulls out two sets of keys as she talks, shaking them a little like two tambourines before chucking my own set over to me, pocketing her own and getting into the passenger side of the car. I climb myself into the drivers side and have her give me directions as to where our apartments are.
We soon arrive and start doing the long haul back up with all the bags to where our numbers are, which are both on the same floor, along with three other apartments. I wish that I could have helped with Moira moving in but when she wants to do something on her own, she will get it done. I find my door with my key, which has the matching number in.
Unlocking the door and swinging it open, I am glad that I chose this one. The window on the opposite wall stretches from floor to ceiling and has the view that some would go the extreme for. Moira heads in before me, carrying what she is holding into the big window room while I stay standing where I am, just now looking around the rest of what I can see from where I am standing, already planning what I am going to put where.
I am pulled out of my mental planning by the sound of a door opening behind me. I turn to see who it is to see the guy who now lives opposite me. If I was the right type of person, my jaw would have dropped to my chest. A long blonde hair, tall, sweet looking metal head, his jacket covered in those patches that have bands on them. My stomach does a flip as he looks up at me. A smile crosses his face as he gives off a little wave and lets out a verbal greeting, one which I return.
He locks his door behind him before turning, pulling his headphones over his ears and heads towards the stairs. It takes me a few seconds to realise that Moira is standing in the doorway, now empty handed and is watching him walk away too.
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theechotrain · 3 years
Thomas Hewitt Punish Fuck
The lack of any sound of a struggle is enough to convince me that this girl is most likely the last one alive. The bat held above my head, ready to be swung down upon her, falls to my side. What is it about her? What with this particular girl that makes me want her to just leave and never look back?
She whips around, spots me, and in a panic, lets out a shriek. My hand dives for her mouth and covers it. "What are you thinkin', numbnuts? Screaming like that, you're gonna get the wrong attention." She unfreezes from her spot and I drop my hand away. I crouch down and motion at her to do the same. We both make our way around the Hewitt building towards the front, where I know the teen's car was left.
But before we manage to get around to the front, I spot a familiar person. Turning back to my pursuer and holding up a hand to get her to stop going forwards, I stand and walk out into the opening and towards Hoyt, his shotgun in hand.
"No one's hiding out round the back and I'd think we'd know if someone was still in the house. I reckon we got them all." The bat swings slightly at my side. He nods his head slightly at me. "Sure fuckin' hope so. Wouldn't want a good piece of meat running out on us. I'm gonna go and make sure our Thomas isn't late for work."
He heads back inside and I wait for a few seconds to make sure he doesn't came instantly back out. A few seconds go by before I signal for the girl to come out of hiding. She crouch runs her way over to the car, climbs in and begins to start it. The key is turned and the sound of the ignition comes to life before it dies down again. It comes to life a second time before dying down a second time.
I give a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure we're still alone before placing my hands on the boot of the car and begin pushing. The teen hops out again and joins me in pushing. Together, we manage to get the car to roar back to life for a third and final time. But it is not the only sound that I hear. Standing behind us is Thomas, his chainsaw spinning dangerously and a mad glint in his eyes.
"Get in, get in!" I shout at the girl next to me. She obeys,  clambers her way back into the driver's seat and manages to get the car to move on its own.
I watch the car as it heads in the direction of the road. Thomas runs past, chasing after the car with his beloved chainsaw. He eventually stops running, most likely realising he's too late to catch her.
The chainsaw is turned off. Thomas continues to stare at the fleeing car before he starts heading bck towards home. His eyes don't reach mine when he arrives at my side but they don't need to for me to know that he is furious.
"T-Thomas, I-" But I don't get to finish my sentence before I'm flung over his shoulder. Thomas begins walking again, not towards the Hewitt home this time, but in the same direction the car went. He can't be taking me to that old slaughter house with him, can he?
Four months later
After all this time, Thomas has had me following him round everywhere. There's no place that he goes that he doesn't take me. On the rare occasion that Thomas can't keep his eye on me, it's someone else doing the watching. As if the disappoint from the rest of the family wasn't bad enough, the fact that my beloved Tommy doesn't trust me anymore is practically heart wrenching.
Once again, Thomas has me sitting by his desk while he's chopping meat. He's been here for so long now that it's gone dark outside, which means it's going to be nice and cold outside. Just like I like it.
My mind wanders back to this one time when Thomas once let me cockwarm him through the night. He wasn't sure if he would like it, but his mind had changed when I ended up begging to let me ride him. I think back to how he felt and that familiar feeling of longing comes over me. Thomas hasn't really been wanting me to give him any affection when we've been alone lately and I've missed being in his lap.
While my imagination has been acting up, Thomas must have finished for today because he stands before me, still not bothering to meet my eyes. He must forgive me at some point; It's not as if he can pout forever. We leave the slaughter house and begin going our usual way.
An idea that might get his attention hits me. I pick up his hand from his side. "Tommy, dear? He doesn't look at me. I place his hand on my neck, just bellow my cheek. "I need you badly." His head only turns slightly. "Please?"
His head turns enough for me to see the side of his face. I don't even know what I'm asking for. My hands move from his and it stays there. We've both stopped where we're standing but yet I'd rather be anywhere else than here right now. I continue walking and his hand falls from me, his head turning to watch me pass.
"Come back."
I continue walking.
"You get back here."
I break out into a run. The sound of his feet hitting the ground behind is enough to make me run into the cornfield. I manage to get far enough in so that all I can see is corn all around me before stopping for air.
An arm snakes its way around my torso and a handful of my hair is grabbed from behind. My head is pulled back and I realise who it is. Thomas has found me. "You need me? Right now?"
"Yes sir, please."
He removes the arm from around my torso and uses his free hand to take off his mask. It's not often that Thomas takes off his mask, even around me. After freeing his real face from his 'leather' one, he places his hand back on my cheek. "Oh darlin'"
His hand travels down; But not to the place that I was hoping it was going. Next thing I know, my ass is stinging slightly. I whine at him as he continues to make eye contact with me. Once again, a series of slaps are delivered, stinging my skin and most likely turning it red.
After a while, it stops. I feel Thomas' hand thread its way under my shorts and whine when his fingers press up against my damp underwear. "Oh sir..."
He begins running his fingers back and forth, massaging my opening. "Strip. Leave your panties on. I'll wait." His other hand leaves my hair.
The cold night's air hits my bare skin and I want nothing more than to have Thomas fuck me to warm me up. But the hand between my legs is now rubbing my clit and the other is holding me in place in his lap. My legs are being held up to my chest by Thomas's tie and he has fully stuffed himself into me. He keeps us in this position for a few seconds before beginning to slowly thrust.
He doesn't pick up the past in time, but keeps a slow pace in me, no matter how much I beg. "Please, sir, faster.. Oh god..." Even his continuing of rubbing my clit is slow.
One of my hands is on the back of his hand that's holding onto my hip, the other is rubbing at my thighs. I'm secretly loving being slowly fucked by my Tommy. If this is what happens when I get punished, I'll do it more often.
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theechotrain · 3 years
Jason Voorhees Fingers
The vibrator going off inside me is not as fulfilling as I had hoped it would be. Yeah, sure, it's powerful and doesn't make noise but it's just not the same as Jason.
Pulling it out and turning it off, I replace its spot with my fingers. Trying to reach at the spot he always manages to hit, I whine and hum when I can't even come close to grazing it.
It takes only a split second for me to look at the doorway to notice that Jason is standing in it. He turns around and walks back out and downstairs.
I leave the room and look down at him in the cabin's living room from the railing above. He's sitting in a chair, hands placed on his knees. "Please don't be mad, Jason. It's just that I--"
He looks up at me and begins signing. 'Come down. Bring that toy.'
I instantly go back into the room and retrieve the vibrator before making my way downstairs. Jason takes it out of my hand and guides me into his lap, my legs dangling over the chair's arm. A hand snakes its way down and brushes its fingers over my entrance.
I hum quietly as Jason begins rocking them back and forth over me. It's only when his other hand is gripping at my hips and holding me in place do I realised that he's put down the vibrator. But the absence isn't something that is missed for too long. Fingertips are pressed against me before beginning to be pushed in completely down to the knuckle, earning a long, drawn out moan.
This isn't the first time we've been in this position but it's been a long time. Jason knows how much I love being fingered in his lap and always teases me while he does it. That's why he keeps grazing past my good spot and not yet giving it attention. I keep letting out small groans, getting slightly irritated that he isn't touching where I want him. Multiple times I roll my hips down into his hand, but only get his fingers curling up a little.
He begins rubbing slowly at my clit with his free hand. I cover my face with my arms, wanting to hide my embarrassment and near squeal when he finally starts massaging my good spot.
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theechotrain · 3 years
Brahms Heelshires First Time
After pulling his trousers and boxers down to the middle of his thighs, Brahms sits in the chair, looking up at me from behind his mask. I climb into his lap, aiming him and positioning myself. He groans and shifts under me as I sink down onto him.
I sigh quietly, humming as he fills me up to the hilt. I place my hands on his chest and place a kiss on his masked face, enjoying feeling this full.
I grip slightly at Brahms' shoulders, keeping myself steady. His hips thrusts up into my own, earning a groan from both of us. I pull myself up before letting myself slip back down again, sighing slightly. Hands rub up against my hips before making their way up to my arms, keeping me in place.
I pull myself up and land back down again several times before I fully get into a good pace on him. Moans begin to make their way out of me as I continue and the occasional groan or huff comes from Brahms.
I lean my forehead onto his chest, closing my eyes as he hits up against my sweet spot. One of my hands wander down between us to between our legs, the tips of my fingers massaging away at my clit. But I'm not doing it for long as Brahms pulls me up off of him and shoves me back.
I fall into the side of the bed, surprised and panting slightly. Brahms holds onto his stomach and looks down where his hand is before looking up at me. "What was that weird feeling?"
"I-I think it was you beginning to want to come, Brahmsy." I sit on the bed and sigh quietly, wanting to make up for the sudden lack of friction. Laying on my back and rubbing over the inside of my thighs, I glance over at Brahms.
He's looking down at his dick, which is still standing tall. I wish he didn't pull out so soon, I was really enjoying taking him. Staring at the ceiling, I begin rubbing my hand over my lower abdomen, wanting to soothe the ache of losing contact so fast.
Something brushes up against my entrance. I inhale slightly, looking down to see what it is. Brahms' hand has snook its way between my legs and his knuckles are being brushed up against me. I pull my legs up to my chest to give him more access.
His other hand pulls his mask off of his face. I can now properly see his eyes from where I'm laying. They're locked between my legs, where his hand is.
"Brahms... I need you." His eyes flick up to meet mine before he stands up out of the chair and grabs at the two pillows at the end of the bed.
Stuffing them under my back so my hips are pushed up, he uses one hand to grab me under one of my knees and the other to position himself into the right place. I sigh softly as he thrusts himself back into me, his free hand grabbing at my other knee.
Brahms' attention is still between my legs as he keeps us in this position, his knees sinking into the bed slightly. I roll my hips around, trying to get some type of friction. His hands just climb up my thighs and hold them in place. I take the opportunity to wrap my legs around him, wanting to hold him as close as possible if he isn't going to start moving.
His fingers start tracing over my lower abdomen, just like I was doing, outlining the spot where he's resting within me. I close my eyes, enjoying having so much of his attention. But before long, I groan slightly and let out little whines as Brahms has started stroking my clit with his thumb.
Once again, he thrusts into me, hitting against a good spot with ease. "Oh, god... Again, again... Please..." He starts to slowly thrust into me more, still stroking my clit at the same speed.
I moan out as his hand grips at my hip, holding me in place.
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theechotrain · 3 years
Brahms Heelshire Little Lady
The perfect way to get Brahms' attention is to use the house phone and call him in his room. And I'd use it... But I'm not sure if he's up at this time of night.
Part of me wishes to call him anyway as I'm practically crying in frustration. I've been trying for the last half an hour to reach release but have not gotten even half way.
I hear slight shuffling from inside of the walls before the phone starts ringing. I huff slightly before picking it up.
"Come see me. I'll help." Brahms puts the phone down on his end.
Instantly getting up, I make my way over to the 'secret' door, not bothering to put something on. Walking through the inside of the walls, I occasionally look through the gaps in the walls to see how close I am to his room.
Finding Brahms' room, I can just barely see the outline of Brahms hunched over a candle and trying to light it. I stay at the entrance, a little sheepish.
He manages to light the candle, turn slightly and spots me. Brahms' mask is off and I can see his fascinated reaction when his eyes run up and down. He already has a painful tent as he walks over, grabs me by the hand and guides me back over to his bed.
"You have some cute little moans. Can I help you make more?"
I hum in response. Brahms pulls my head in with his free hand for a kiss before pulling away to strip from the waist down. He springs up against his stomach as he sits on his bed.
"Can I ride you?"
Brahms looks up at me with a sly smirk on his face before pulling his cardigan off. "Put this on and blow out the candle first."
I pull it on me and blow out the light, confused why he lit it in the first place. Feeling for the edge of the bed, my fingers find Brahms' hip instead and he inhales slightly.
I instantly climb onto the bed and hover over his lap. A hand finds it's way under me and points him into the right position.
I groan slightly as I sink down on him. Brahms sighs quietly, whispering under his breath. "Oh god... Missed this."
Rocking back and forth slightly, I begin searching for his hands. Finding them, I guide them up to me. One gets pulled between us and the other is pulled up to my chest.
Brahms already begins to rub his hand over my chest but only keeps his other hand over my abdomen. I begin to rise up off of him before falling back down, sighing quietly.
"Again." Brahms growls at me. I raise up before letting myself fall back into position. His hands move on their own to my hips and begin guiding me into a rhythm.
I occasionally let out little moans and whines while he keeps brushing against this one spot that nearly sends me into a frenzy.
I roll my hips around, trying to get him to properly hit it. Brahms suddenly holds me in place, not even allowing me to squirm slightly. "N-No..."
"If you want me to start hitting your good spot, you'd better ask nicely."
I groan and try shifting slightly. "Please Brahms, pound into it... Please, please..." His hips snap into my own.
"Good girl."
He turns us over, allowing me to take the place where he was laying. I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips. Instead of just brushing against the spot, he rams himself into it a few times. I squeal and gasp slightly, burying my face into his chest. He chuckles at me.
"Is that the spot my little lady wanted hitting?"
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theechotrain · 3 years
Brahms Heelshire Take Me
"Brahms? Please?" I whine. Brahms has blindfolded me and tied my hands behind my back. I had entered the walls in nothing but mid thigh high socks, just wanting to have his attention for a while. It's a good thing I shaved earlier.
Now, all he's doing is rubbing his fingers over my entrance for a short while every few minutes. A pair of hands grip and massage my hips. I bite my lip, enjoying the little attention he is giving me.
A set of lips attach themselves to my neck. I turn my head to give him more room to kiss, panting slightly. I can feel his smile against my skin. My need to have him inside me makes me groan from lack of contact.
His hands shift down to my thighs, causing me to separate them for him. They begin massaging the inside of my thighs. He plays with the material of the socks, pulling them away from my skin and letting them snap back, earning small gasps from me.
Suddenly, fingers are pressed over my entrance. I let out little moans, just wanting to have them embedded inside. "Dirty, dirty girl. You're wet." I press my hips down, feeling the tips push into me slightly.
He pulls his hands away from me. "No, please... I need you so bad..." A hand slaps my entrance, sending waves of pleasure through me. I moan out, enjoying the temporary feeling.
Brahms pushes me backwards onto the bed. I whimper, closing my thighs and rubbing them together. I hear the sound of his zip being pulled down. "Fuck me.... Daddy..."
"Does calling me Daddy get you off?" I nod my head, biting my lip. "Then, keep saying it."
A few seconds go by before hands grab me under the knees and separate my thighs, getting a good view of my wet sex. "So needy for me to take you... Dirty little Daddy's girl."
I bite my lip, feeling pervy for getting off on the idea of him so easily. Something is pressed against my clit. "But it's okay. Daddy wants to take you just as bad." It is rolled around for a few seconds before being dragged down to my entrance.
I realise it's the tip of his dick as he slowly begins pushing into me. I sigh and moan quietly, feeling him filling me with ease. Hands grip and squeeze my hips as Brahms groans. He fully pushes himself inside but doesn't begin fucking me into next week. "Mmh... Daddy... Nice and full..."
His hands start running over me, palming at my thighs, hips and chest. "I know, baby, I know... You keep squeezing... Good girl..."
Brahms' hips start bucking, earning several moans. He holds me in place by my hips and starts ramming into me. I can feel his eyes wandering all over my body, from my chest bobbing slightly, all perky for his attention, to between my legs, where he keeps changing speed, clearly enjoying rubbing up against my good spots.
He slows down so much while rubbing against a certain spot that he nearly stops all together. "D-Daddy... Rub my clit... Please Daddy... Kiss me..."
He pulls me up by my shoulders into a sitting position within his lap. Even in this position, he thrusts up into me. A hand is pressed against my lower back, keeping me from sliding out of place, the other between us, his thumb pressing on my clit, massaging it.
Kisses are left on my neck and collarbones. "There... Daddy, right there..." He continues kissing the same spot on my neck, gently sucking at it every now and again.
The feeling of wanting release starts building up again. "Mm... I-I... I wanna... Come... Daddy, let me... Come"
"Don't you dare, you dirty little thing." He stops thrusting. I whimper, legs trembling slightly, the urge to come escaping my reach. "I-I'm sorry, Daddy..."
He caresses my clit gently, huffing slightly. I bite my lip softly. "Can we continue?"
Brahms thrusts up two or three times before getting back into the rhythm. Moans start escaping me and I feel his attention wandering down my body again.
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theechotrain · 4 years
Brahms Heelshire Cockwarming
The old lamp on the bedside table is the only source of light within the room. If it was turned off, both Brahms and I would be tucked into darkness.
He has propped himself upon several pillows, allowing the light to fall onto the pages of the book in his hands, his attention not moving from the lines. I struggle to think of a moment where I've wanted both his attention and hands not on something else, but on me.
I'm currently in his lap, nearly filled to the hilt and naked. Several little moans have nearly made themselves out already and I don't think we've been here more than five minutes. But I'd love to ride him until I loose myself and he knows it.
I try distracting myself from the feeling of the occasional throb inside of me, but each one breaks my small amount of concentration. The need to rub my hands over myself is nearly over-bearable but I know that if I use my hands at all, on either on us, we'll just be here longer.
One of Brahms' hands brings itself from the book and lands on my thigh, the thumb rubbing itself in circles on the inside. A sigh brings itself out of me before I get to stop it. "Brahms, please."
Green eyes glance up at me from behind that porcelain mask. The book is marked, put aside and Brahms' attention is now on me. "Now, what did I say?"
Goosebumps start breaking out over my skin. "No noises or touches or we'll be here longer, sir."
"That's right. You know what I need to do, now." His hands grip themselves onto my hips and ram them once, twice, three then four times down onto his own, gasps and moans escaping me. His movements stop, the pleasure still fluttering from the centre of my body, and he picks up the book again before I get to plead with him to just take me.
Where he rests now inside of me, he's pressed up against a good spot. I can almost feel the shit eating grin behind his mask; He knows that this will make it harder to not make any noise.
About twenty five to thirty minutes of him twitching and me clenching back, he places the book down again and looks up at me. My cheeks are stinging from the tears that have made their way down them after the lack of attention. But instead of giving me the jack hammering I've been craving this whole time, he turns the light off.
As predicted, no lights seep in through any cracks in the walls and I can't see what he will do to me next. I feel his set of hands make contact with my hips again and begin to massage them. Little hums begin to escape me.
"Ride me like we both know you so desperately want to do."
I whimper quietly and begin rolling my hips around, letting him rub up against my good spots. "I said ride me, not roll your hips around." Brahms suddenly thrusts his hips up into me, causing me to gasp in surprise. "Yes, sir."
I begin to thrust my hips on him, not wanting him to pull out and leave me here without letting me finish. My hands find their way to my neck and I begin to rub at it, just wanting to feel him kissing me there.
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