theeblackthorne · 18 days
Azlee managed a faint smile; her eyes, though tired, shone with the deep affection and resolve that had always defined her. "Rest assured, my dear," she said softly, her voice gaining a bit of strength. "I'm not planning on going anywhere. And as for my siblings… well, you know how they can be. They might be out there but they’re always ready to rally for family." She reached out weakly, her hand finding Audrey's. "Just promise me one thing... when I get back on my feet, we'll face whatever comes next together. We’ve weathered storms before and we'll face this one too."
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"You better not," Audrey replied to her saying she wasn't going anywhere. "Or else I'll be really pissed." Audrey leaned forward. "I also don't think I'd want to witness any of your siblings if something ever happened to you. I'm pretty sure they're all still outside."
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theeblackthorne · 29 days
Azlee's eyes fluttered open, and she slowly turned her head towards her daughter, her voice weak but filled with the strength she always carried. "Audrey… I'm here, and I always will be. I'm not going anywhere," she paused, breathing deeply, her gaze softening. "You don't need to apologize. You are my light; always been, even when the darkness tried to swallow me whole. I'm so proud of you, and I need you too; more than you'll ever know."
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closed starter - audrey & azlee ( @theeblackthorne )
Audrey leaned her head on the side of the chair, "I'm sorry," she whispered, though she wasn't sure if Azlee could hear her right then. "I know technically you can't die from this, but I need to know you're alright. I need you still, and I'm sorry I never told you that. You're the only one who ever cared about me, at least in the way it mattered when I was a kid."
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theeblackthorne · 29 days
"Okay, you go find Cade," Azlee said, gently squeezing her daughter's hand. "And I—I know you want me to get to safety, but I can’t just leave these people behind. Some of them are defenseless, and I’ve lived too long to stand by and do nothing. You’ve always known me as a protector and that won’t change now. If I can help, I must. I need you to trust me, just like I trust you. We’ll get through this together but I have to stay and fight."
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"Mom, I can find him myself. I can't die twice," She said, slightly wincing at the reminder. "You on the other hand, can if they have what's needed, and considering that when I was doing research for work, they've had it before. I can't risk that."
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theeblackthorne · 1 month
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"She was powerful, not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear." — Atticus
Full Name: Azlee Feven Blackthorne
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Az
Date of Birth: October 31st, 741
Age: 1,282 (Appears 39)
Gender + Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Place of birth: 8th century England
Parents: Ivar (†) & Helga (†)
Siblings: Lucianus, Unnamed sibling, Elsie, Erik, Nova & Aida (Ghost, †)
Children: Audrey Gibson (Stepdaughter)
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): They were pretty estranged and distant for a while but has since developed a closer sibling bond; Very close with her daughter
Pets: An orange tabby named Dracula
Height: 5′ 8″ (173 cm)
Build: Slim and Graceful
Species: Original Vampire
Distinguishing Facial Features: Has a well-defined jawline that adds to her striking facial structure; her eyes are large and expressive; has naturally full lips
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style: Shoulder-length, embracing its natural texture with a slight wave or curl
Eye Color: Hazel
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks, scars): Fair, porcelain complexion with a smooth, radiant quality; cheeks have a natural blush
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Has a little bit of Survivor's Guilt
What do they consider their best feature?: Her eyes; They hold centuries of wisdom, power, and mystery, often described as being deep, intense, and capable of commanding attention with just a glance. They have a unique glow or flicker, especially in the dark, making them even more captivating and reflective of her inner strength
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Centuries ago when she was attacked by a hunter and called on her siblings for help; that's when they came together to create Northknot
Favorite outfit: A long, flowing black dress made of luxurious fabric like silk or velvet, with subtle red or white accents, has lace details at the cuffs and collar, giving it a gothic yet timeless vibe paired with knee-high black leather boots, a black velvet choker with a small ruby pendant, and her signature accessory; a black rose tucked into her hair or pinned to her dress
Glasses? Contacts?: No
Personal Hygiene: Meticulous, elegant, and understatedly refined
Tattoos? Piercings?: Has ear piercings, no tattoos
What does their voice sound like?: Soft but commanding, with a smooth, slightly husky tone that draws people in. When she wants to, she can make her voice almost hypnotic, with a melodic quality that can be soothing or intimidating depending on the situation
Accent?: None but can do many due to her travels
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: Azlee often touches or adjusts the black rose she carries, almost as if it’s a grounding object for her. When she’s deep in thought or listening intently, she steeples her fingers, a habit that highlights her contemplative nature. She tends to observe silently, with an intense gaze that can make others feel like she’s seeing through them. When she does speak, it’s after careful consideration. Azlee might give a slight, almost imperceptible smile when something amuses her, but it’s a rare and subtle expression that fades quickly
Left handed or right?: Ambidextrous
Do they work out/exercise?: Not really
Known Languages: She can write, understand and speak most languages
Zodiac: Scorpio
Gifts/talents: Azlee possesses an extraordinary memory, able to recall events, conversations, and details with perfect clarity, no matter how much time has passed. she has an extensive knowledge of plants and their uses, especially those with medicinal or mystical properties. Azlee has a hidden talent for playing the piano, using music as a means to express emotions she otherwise keeps hidden. Azlee has a natural gift for persuasion, able to influence and guide others with her words, often leading them to make decisions they might not have considered otherwise
Religious stance: Believes in the Old Gods
Pet peeves: Azlee is irritated by loud or sudden noises that disrupt her peace and quiet. Excessive, forced cheerfulness or optimism annoys her, as she prefers more genuine, subdued interactions. She values history and tradition, so people who dismiss or disrespect the past irritate her. She dislikes clutter and disorganization, preferring her surroundings to be neat and orderly
Optimist or pessimist: A realist with a slightly pessimistic leaning
Extrovert or introvert: Introvert
Relationship status: Single
Sexual orientation: Pansexual, Demiromantic
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in a mate: Someone who can engage her in deep, thoughtful conversation and challenge her intellectually. She values loyalty above all else, needing a partner who she can trust completely. A person who understands her need for solitude and can patiently wait for her to open up emotionally. Azlee is drawn more to someone with a bit of mystery, someone who, like her, has layers that take time to uncover
Ever been in love?: She thought so
What’s their love language?: Acts of Service, Quality Time
Most important person in their life?: Her siblings and her daughter, Audrey
Level of education: She has a few degrees
Profession: Councilman
Past occupations: Healer, Seer, Alchemist, Court Advisor, Privateer, Librarian, Spy, Monastic Scribe, Architivist
Passions: Azlee is passionate about history, especially the history she’s witnessed firsthand. She collects ancient artifacts. She has a passion for music; plays the piano, finding solace in the melodies. She enjoys botany; has a secret garden behind her manor filled with rare and unusual plants
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Doing something she loves
Phobias: Azlee fears stagnation, the idea of becoming stuck in a place or mindset without growth or change, and being confined in a small space triggers anxiety for her, as she values her freedom and independence
Life goals: Azlee wants to ensure that her life’s work and experiences are remembered long after she’s gone, perhaps through writing, i.e. the book she's working on. After centuries of existence, she seeks true inner peace, something that has eluded her for most of her life. Despite her solitary nature, she deeply cares for a select few, and one of her goals is to protect them at all costs
Greatest fears: Azlee’s greatest fear is being forgotten, both by the people she cares about and by history itself. She might dread the idea of her existence being erased or meaningless in the grand scheme of things
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Azlee once accidentally revealed a vulnerability in front of someone she respects. During a particularly intense discussion about emotions, she became overwhelmed and let a tear slip, something she never allows herself to do in public. The moment was brief, but it was enough for her to excuse herself from the conversation and retreat to her sanctuary, mortified that she had let her guard down. This incident made her more cautious about showing any weakness, even to those she trusts
Something they’ve never told anyone: Azlee once fell deeply in love with a mortal centuries ago, but she left him without explanation when she realized he would age and die while she remained the same. She has never spoken of him since, but she still carries a locket with his picture hidden within her belongings
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Painting, Collecting
Favorite color: Black
Favorite smell: The rich, deep aroma of red wine, a scent she associates with quiet evenings and deep thoughts
Favorite food: Dark Chocolate or Steak cooked rare; hard toss-up
Favorite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Favorite movie: Interview with the Vampire
Favorite song: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
Coffee or tea?: Tea; a dark, rich blend
Favorite type of weather: A cloudy, misty evening
Most used word or phrase?: "Indeed" or "Time Reveals All"
MBTI: INTJ (The Architect) - INTJs are strategic, determined, and often seen as confident and somewhat intimidating. Azlee’s ability to orchestrate her family’s survival, navigate complex historical events, and her reserved, commanding presence align with this type. INTJs are also independent thinkers who rely on their intellect and intuition, which matches Azlee's resourceful and calculated nature
Alignment: True Neutral - True Neutral characters often do what they believe is best for themselves and those they care about without adhering strictly to good or evil. Azlee has done both good and questionable things, from helping shape history to dealing with her abusive father, suggesting she operates based on circumstance rather than a strict moral code
Enneagram: Type 8 (The Challenger) - Type 8s are strong, assertive, and protective. They can be confrontational when necessary and have a fear of being controlled or harmed, which fits Azlee’s background with her abusive father and husband. They value independence and can become domineering, but they also have a deep desire to protect and care for others, like her family
Celtic Tree: Blackthorn - The Blackthorn is associated with protection, resilience, and strength during dark times, all of which resonate with Azlee's experiences and personality. The Blackthorn’s symbolism of facing challenges and emerging stronger aligns with Azlee’s life story
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric - The melancholic side of Azlee reflects her introspective, serious, and somewhat reserved nature, as well as her struggles with past trauma. The choleric side represents her assertiveness, determination, and the way she takes charge in difficult situations, like leading her siblings or leaving her abusive husband
Hogwarts House: Slytherin - Slytherins are ambitious, resourceful, and determined, often misunderstood due to their reputation. Azlee’s strategic mind, desire for self-preservation, and complex moral compass align with the traits of a Slytherin. Her ability to influence powerful people and navigate tricky situations also suggests Slytherin qualities
Element: Fire - Fire represents passion, energy, and transformation, all of which are central to Azlee’s character. Her life is marked by significant changes and the fiery determination to survive and thrive despite adversity. Fire also aligns with her occasional temper and the fierce protection she offers those she loves
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theeblackthorne · 1 month
Azlee was mid-laugh when the power suddenly went out. Instinctively, she dropped her glass and reached for her daughter. When the lights came back on, her suspicions were confirmed. They were under attack by the Faction, none-the-less. "No, I'm not leaving you," she said, shaking her head. She knew Audrey was thinking about Cade. "We will get to him and get him out together."
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"That's good," she replied with a nod. "He's got a hard exterior, but that's just who he is. He's really a cinnamon roll underneath it all. Don't tell him I said that though." Audrey let out a small laugh just as the chaos erupted. "What the hell?" she said, panicked, her head on a swivel to try and find Cade in this mess. "Mom, go, you need to get out of here."
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theeblackthorne · 1 month
Azlee nodded at Adelina's words as she sipped her drink. She had to agree. She thought Alex and Mariza were really good together; a fine example of true love. When Adelina started talking about her date, Azlee couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips when she finished. "Oh, right," she said. "She's a dealer down at the casino. I thought she looked familiar. You two looked pretty hot together out on the dance floor."
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"You're probably right. You can always tell when a couple truly loves each other," Adelina replied. She had been to many weddings in her lifetime including many arranged marriages where love did not blossom until afterward, "I did," she said with a smile, "Hecate. We work together, among other things." The smirk that the smile turned into gave away all that it needed to in what that comment suggested.
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theeblackthorne · 1 month
Azlee smiled as she looked over at her brother. She watched him as his eyes filled with adoration as he stared at the woman he loved. "Well that's just lovely," she said, nodding as she sipped her drink. When Erik said that she deserved someone who would make her happy, she wasn't sure how much she believed that. She wasn't a bad person but she has done some things in her long lifetime that she wouldn't consider good either. "You think so?" she questioned. "Sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm too flawed... too difficult to love, or maybe love simply isn't meant for me? My thought process is very maudlin, I know, but that's how I feel."
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"She's definitely in a better place," Erik said, smiling, "I'm not sure how I ever lived without her now," he admitted. Natalie had only been in his life for a fraction of his whole lifetime but that time had been much more meaningful than many of the other years he had lived, "Good for you, Azlee. You deserve someone who will make you happy."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
Azlee nodded as he spoke. She had heard a little about what was going on with Natalie and she was glad she seemed to be in a better place now. "She seems well," she said, sipping her drink as she looked out at Natalie on the dance floor. "I'm glad you two have each other and you're absolutely correct. We do need one in our long lives... I've actually been thinking about putting myself out there again. I've had my heart closed off for years since Ira... I think it's time."
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"Good. I'm letting her settle back in before I take any action. I know it's been a rough couple of months for her," Erik explained and smiled, nodding, "Soulmate. That is a good word for it. I suppose us immortals who feel so deeply need one in our long lives," he agreed, "That is exactly what it feels like."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"I think it's definitely the love in the air tonight that's making it wonderful," she said, sipping her drink as she looked around the room at everyone coupled up. Azlee had to admit, she was feeling a little jealous. She spent so much time focusing on herself lately that she thought it was time for her to put herself out there again. "Thank you," she smiled at the compliment. "I see you brought a date."
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"I have yet to attend a wedding that isn't wonderful in some way," Adelina replied with a nod of agreement, "Sometimes it's the love in the air, sometimes it's the decoration and other times it's the food," she explained, "Well thank you. You look pretty magnificent yourself."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"Toddlers will surprise you with how much energy they have," she said, shaking her head. Azlee looked out at the dance floor where all the little ones were dancing. She never had the experience to have little ones of her own but she felt like she had a wonderful experience with Audrey although she met her as a teen. What they have is enough for her. "Do you guys have any honeymoon plans?"
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"They're good, they're having a lot of fun, we got them these light up things to swing around on the dance floor to. I'm still surprised that they still have something in them and they're not tuckered out yet," he replied.
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"I promise not to scare him too much," she winked, sipping her drink as she looked from Cade back to her daughter. "I'm sure he is... He makes you smile so he's good in my book."
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Audrey blushed at Azlee's comments, "Yeah, that's him," she replied. "Please don't scare him too much. He really is a good guy, he takes some time to get warmed up to."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"My lips are sealed," she said, pretending to zip her lips with her hand. Azlee couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face as her brother admitted he'd been thinking about marriage. The way he spoke about Natalie tugged at her heart. Though she doesn't care to admit it, Azlee yearns for someone to spend all of eternity with. She's had many romances and has been in love a few times. It's just when she finally settled down with one person, she ended up hurt and is now afraid to take that chance again. "That's beautiful, Erik... and very valiant," she nodded, sipping her drink. "It's no surprise you feel that way though... Finding your soulmate is like discovering that final missing puzzle piece. It's poetic."
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Erik laughed, "I am, for a while now," he admitted, "Keep it to yourself though, don't go ruining the surprise," he paused, "I just... I think I've spent our many centuries of living, if you can call it that, looking for something. You know I have been restless. I think what I've been looking for is her. It took me a few decades to figure it out but it's her. I don't want to be without her anymore."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"I can imagine," she mused as she thought about her own wedding day. Azlee, too, thought it was one of the best days of her life. If only she'd picked up on the red flags then. How Ira wanted their ceremony private with no friends or family in attendance... But she wouldn't dwell on that now. "How are the little ones?"
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Alex smiled at her words, "Thanks, I am, I think this is one of the best days of my life, obviously aside from when the twins were born," he replied.
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"They would no longer be a little birdie if I told you now, would they?" she smirked, sipping her drink as she eyed her brother. When Erik said he was just having fun, Azlee shrugged, accepting his answer. She followed where he was looking and her eyes settled on Natalie. She smiled to herself as Erik spoke then looked over at him, nudging him in his side. "Erik!" she exclaimed happily. "Are you getting at what I think you're getting at? That would be... delightful."
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"Which birdie told you that?" Erik asked, "I am having fun, just thinking. It's all good things," he explained. He glanced over at his sister but he had his eyes on Natalie, "About Natalie. How she's back and feeling more like herself and... I've been thinking about my future with her," he explained, "Since we're at an event like this and all. Gets one thinking, you know?"
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
Azlee sipped on her drink as she made her way through the crowd. She could hear her brother's heartbeat nearby and was slowly making her way to him. She smiled when he came into her sight and made her way up to his side. "A little birdie told me that you're not enjoying yourself as much as you could be," she said, softly. "Want to tell me what's on your mind?" @immcrtalsx
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"I'm totally on your side," she said as she finished her drink and ordered another. Azlee had been teetering the line between sober and drunk for a while now. Although she wanted to remain vigilant in case something happened, she really wanted to let loose and enjoy herself. "Do you want something to drink? My treat."
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closed starter - nova & azlee ( @theeblackthorne )
"Our brother is getting worried," Nova said. "Please tell me that you're on my side in reassuring him and making sure he enjoys himself."
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theeblackthorne · 2 months
"Beautiful," she nodded, agreeing with her daughter as she took a sip of her drink. "I saw you brought a date to the wedding... Is he the mysterious Cade Williams that I have yet to meet?"
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closed starter - audrey & azlee ( @theeblackthorne )
"Lovely wedding, huh?" Audrey said, coming up beside her mother. "The little flower girl and ring bearer were so adorable."
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