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I am proud to announce I am officially a student ambassador for Law & Criminology, and an ambassador for Swansea University. Although the interview itself was challenging, I was fairly confident (not cocky) that I would be in with a good chance.
Additionally, this weekend I went home for the first time since before my exams began. It’s been such a nice break from uni and the stress. Believe it or not, the hype of living in a flat of 20, in a building of 120 and surrounded by 4 buildings likewise is not as its made out to be. It’s loud, and despite popular believe, often IS NOT filled with like minded people.
During my time at home, I set myself a to-do list with everything from the past fortnight that I need to do, or need to look over. Currently finishing my seminar prep for Tort Law, on psychiatric damage which is fairly interesting. Next, I have to do seminar prep for European law, which is probably my least favourite subject, but nevertheless needs to be done.
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This is not only an update but an apology for lack of active posts and regular updates.
I have had a lot going on recently, after exams ended I just crashed physically and mentally. I was drained from exam stress and constant all-nighters in the library. All in all, it’s been hard but now lectures have started back again, I’ve now taken on a whole new level of stress. But it’s okay, I’ll be good soon.
In other news...
I’ve had 2/3 exams, and both of my coursework results back. I am happy to say I have passed everything so far (waiting on my Tort exams) but so far I am in the clear. Being a natural pessimist, and me being me I obviously wasn’t happy with them.
Tort exam- yet to be marked
Contract exam- 41 (not happy with this at all, but it is a pass)
EU exam- 55
EU coursework- 60
Public law coursework- 58,
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Decided it would make more sense to do the studyblr post beginning on the first of Feb. Which also gives me time to do some much needed sorting out in my uni room, not to mention the huge tick list I was suppose to have achieved a week ago.
On a positive note- I am officially a student ambassador for Swansea University and a student ambassador for the law and criminology department. Extremely unexpected, I didn’t apply for the role but got an email inviting me to an interview, which undertook several team activities where your aim, from what I understood was to stand out and present a confident leadership ability. I start my training on the first of feb, which is this Wednesday which should be interesting.
Positive note; numero dos, I actually got around to doing a months worth of laundry that has been staring at me since I moved back in after Christmas break. An entire day watching a bloody washing machine was on par with watching paint dry. Not to mention how it cost almost £15, for a very disappointing wash, and after a dry cycle pulling soggy clothes out of the dryer.
The diary of a law student.
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In case you needed a reminder; all of your hard work is paying off and all of your progress has been incredible. No matter how small of steps you’re taking or how much back pedaling you’ve had to do–progress is progress and you’re doing a great job.
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30 day study challenge-
Saw this being done a few times and managed to track the source, whom I’ve linked in the tags, and since this is a new blog (other blog being dancing-as-a-wallflower), I thought this may be something interesting to do. I’ll try and be as precise and keep with it.
Day 1: A photo of your supplies Day 2: A photo of your study space Day 3: Your favourite motivational quote Day 4: A photo of your most recent work Day 5: A photo of your favourite book Day 6: A photo showing how you relax Day 7: The best advice anyone’s ever given you Day 8: A photo of your to-do list Day 9: A photo of your desk in use Day 10: Who is your favourite teacher/professor and why? Day 11: A photoset detailing your routine for the day Day 12: A photo of your favourite study snack Day 13: A photo of your textbooks Day 14: Send your favourite studyblr(s) an uplifting message! Day 15: A photo of your handwriting Day 16: What music do you like to listen to whilst studying? If you don’t listen to music while you work, what do you do? Day 17: Find a new/different study spot to your usual one and snap a photo! Day 18: A photo of your favourite pen(s) to use Day 19: A photo of your study space featuring a glass of water. (It’s super important to stay hydrated while you study!) Day 20: Talk about your favourite fictional character Day 21: A photo of your diary/planner/journal Day 22: A photo of your dream school/university Day 23: A photo of your favourite character from TV (Because it’s important to relax sometimes too) Day 24: Write the sentence “I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it.” in all of the languages that you speak and take a photo. Tell yourself that every day! Day 25: A photo of the work/notes you’re most proud of Day 26: Try out mind-mapping and photograph the end result Day 27: Try out a printable and take a photo of it in use Day 28: Try going for a walk before you start studying today. Take a photo of something interesting you see while you’re out. Day 29: Describe your study technique. Is it different for different subjects? Day 30: You made it! Reward yourself by doing one of your favourite things to do and snap a photo!
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Doing much better today, no more rants. Feeling optimistic, got a to-do list to complete before term begins again. Feel as though I should be doing some kind of law prep for the term but online servers haven’t updated the module material, which is slightly irritating when I actually want to get ahead.
The next few weeks, I’ve decided I’ll post as and when I feel like I have something worth sharing instead of boring you about what meals I’ve eaten, etc. For now, I have an appointment tomorrow at university, where I’ll meet with a mental health team to explore what support is available, to aid me during my studies. Although nervous, It’s been a long time coming, to actually do well in my degree and to start enjoying life, it’s something I need to do.
Also, decided I’m finally going to get back into the gym, start getting my fitness back up to hopefully not only improve my fitness, but self esteem.
Time to sort myself out, once and for all.
The diary of a law student.
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In my last post, I mentioned I would try and be frequent if not post daily on this blog. This has not been possible due to personal reasons, but I will hopefully post more often when the term resumes, in early Feb.
All 3 exams are over, whether I have passed is another thing all together. I don’t feel that I deserve good grades, neither do I feel like this is entirely my fault. I was extremely irritated to discover that I could have been entitled to produce an alternative coursework, in replacement of my Contract Law exam, but when confronting my personal tutor, he made clear that there was very little extenuating circumstances available- this obviously untrue. I don’t feel as though I should have to put my mental health in a bad position, unnecessarily due to being misinformed by someone who is there to guide me. Granted, I may not have qualified for those circumstances, but I should have been told of those circumstances.
Safe to say, all second and third year students will tell you that all you need in first year is to pass, this being 40% in each module. Although true, no one quite tells you how much of a shock to the system that happens when you move away from home, have your first taste of independence- most of all how to pull yourself out of bed to lectures and seminars, where every teaching method you have become familiar with is completely changed to either reading from a power point, or in other cases a lecturer talking cases so boring, they’ll put you right to sleep.
Another thing I would mention, I like that there has been change towards mental health stigma, but I dare anyone to challenge me when I say, it still isn’t all too great. Yes, this rant may seem to be completely unrelated to law, but that’s okay, because as a student with mental health issues attempting to do a degree in law, to me it is important to address these issues. The university does have good facilities available- whether they’re advertised is another thing. Unless you know specifically how and where to look, all may seem pretty helpless as I found out myself. Having applied for support, and starting medication I found that the doctors are definitely in desperate need of retraining a new approach to diagnosis and support. If I have been diagnosed for almost 6 years, surely when asking for help I shouldn’t be sent away without answers with a simple quiz to determine whether I qualify for medication and support. (note, this is not a one time thing, i find difficulty with majority of doctors or mental health practitioners)
Am I enjoying law school? I don’t know. Will I stick at it? possibly. Right now all I know is things aren’t good, and I’m both physically and mentally exhausted.
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Exams - January, 2017
((Queue bad introduction))
I attempted to do a similar type blog whilst studying A-levels but never kept it going after exams ended and then I started University, decided it would be a kind of good idea to try again and keep it going!
I’m currently first year LLB Law student, and have currently sat 2/3 of my January exams, those being law of tort & contract law, with European Law left to do this Friday.
Agenda for next term; I feel like I should probably make more of an effort with my attendance (seminars in particular), I pretty much gave up in November, which during revision I realised probably wasn’t one of my finest decisions to date. Also might start adding some lecture revision, or seminar prep on here just so I can look back on, or aid my understanding, etc.
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